Aces! 46 members · 85 stories
Comments ( 1 )
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Ice Star
Group Admin

1) Don't be a dick. This is the asexual/aromantic group, after all.
2) Put all stories you want submitted into the ace/aro themes group into the submissions folder.
3) All site rules apply here.
4) Rule four has already been broken.
5) All threads and content of the server should be SFW. Stories with a mature rating are accepted on a case-by-case basis and only accepted if they meet the criteria of being described as "stories featuring ace characters" instead of porn for obvious reasons.
6) Dump your ace and aro problems in the forums here or on there server.
7) Introducing yourselves is nice! There's a thread for that here!
8) PM an admin if you're having problems.
9) Everyone on the ace and aro spectrum is welcome! Whether you're aromantic, asexual, demi(sexual/romantic), gray-ace, grayromantic, questioning, or whatever!
10) That's about it for now. Anything else can be added later.
11) And added they will be: stories can be added to multiple folders if they fit in them.
12) Putting the wrong kind of stories in here still gets you banned.
13) The 'other stories' promotion folder for members still requires stories added to that to that folder follow the group rules.

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