Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,151 members · 294 stories
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Here is another really good RGRE I came across. It has two distinct versions both with the same plot, although the one I will consider Version 2, skims the events of version 1 and continues events from there.

Anon Y Mous, Hierarch of Halogaland by By Ar-Adunakhor Ver 1
A bond through the ages By Ar-Adunakhor Ver 2

Synopsis: A relic of the Lunar rebellion wakes up in a museum. Can an ancient knight who knew only battle change his ways and can Celestia forgive an ancient enemy soldier? And what of the modern gender issues of the modern RGRE era.

EDIT: It can be found here
And Here


If anyone knows of other stories with the same character, please let me know. Its a dam good story and I would love to find any sequels.

On ponepaste, is the entire story in 1 long page or can you ”turn” to a new page somehow?

Checked the greentext archive I downloaded, only those two stories by that author.

No, they are one page only. Some Authors publish different chapters as different posts. If you find a story you like, always follow the Authors link to see if there are any other parts or chapters. Pastebin is the same way.

The reason that I asked my question is because some Authors post things all over the net. Pastebin, ponypost, fanfiction, fimfiction, etc. Sometimes people here will know of other places certain Authors frequent.

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