The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,314 stories
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Group Admin


Okay guys, now that you're good and spooked, here we go...

This was a tough contest. The scores were tight, and high. I don’t think I gave anyone below a 2/5 in any category. There were 55 entries, and I can honestly say none of them was completely horrible. There were creative ideas, spooky concepts, and some really chilling writing. It was so tight that I asked other Barcasters to vote with me on who should win. For some stories, placing and not placing was a matter of less than 0.01 average score (YES REALLY.) So if you didn’t place, rest assured that you still did well, and I really enjoyed reading your story.

Without further ado, here are your winners!

HONORABLE MENTION: Freeze by BronyWriter

This story landed so close to the top, due to a chilling (excuse the pun) groundhog-day like feature… with a gruesome twist. There’s a real sense of dread here, and even if you do figure out where the story is going, that feeling doesn’t go away. Seeing it coming honestly makes it worse. The ending will leave you shivering, for sure. (not sorry that time.)

THIRD PLACE: Winter Heat by Trick Question

Vaginas are scary, you guys… but seriously, this story is bound to make you feel more than a little bit uncomfortable. With vague Stepford Wives feelings and a climax that is as skin-crawling as it is compelling, it knows where you bite you to make it hurt. There’s more to the world described here that we don’t see. How did this community start? Why did it become like this? Has anyone ever… well… succeeded in escaping it? Sometimes not getting all the answers just leads to the discomfort factor, and even then, the answers we do get here are deeply unsettling.

SECOND PLACE: Anthropomorphic by PaulAsaran

This story is going to stick with you. Not only does it subvert that trope of “lol Lyra wants to be human!” but it also presents imagery and a feeling of hopelessness that grows as the story progresses. As one of the tiebreakers put it, this is a story that is uniquely pony. While many other entires could be changed and edited to be outside the fandom, this works with it and uses aspects of it as an advantage. For any shortcomings it has, the story leads to a finale that starts with a very specific sound that really hammered the chills home. I’ll be honest, it was what I thought about first thing the morning after reading it.

FIRST PLACE: There’s a Monster Under The Stairs by Grimm

I confirmed this story with another Barcaster, just to make sure I wasn’t totally crazy in how high I rated this. But they agreed that this was a clear winner. If you want to effectively know how to use character voice and a limited perspective, then take notes. This is how it’s done. The horror in this stems in a big way from the reader understanding far more than the protagonist. So as we watch things happen, we see the peril far more plainly than she does and are helpless as she slowly unravels it for herself. There’s also a deep theme of betrayal of trust here that I know a lot of people can relate to. The idea of a monster under the stairs or bed is so simple, especially through child-like eyes. But the story quickly reveals that in life nothing is as simple as it seems, with terrifying results. It’s all so deliberate and carefully plotted out, and I can’t help but just applaud this work and the author.


Congratulations to all the winners, and to all who entered! If I had given ties, there would be a LOT more names on this winners list (think seven or eight)! If you are a winner, PLEASE contact me so we can work out how to send you prizes! The prints may have to wait until going out and about is more safe. I can’t speak highly enough of all of you for making April a seriously scary month on Fimfic, and I hope you enjoyed it as well. I encourage you to read all the other entries. I’m certain you can get a lil’ something fun from each and every one of them.

If you disagree with the results or are angry with me… please take a moment to take a deep breath, and think twice before writing a nasty PM or comment at me. Assess if that’s really worth your time here. This was a tough decision, and I stand by it, and no amount of complaining will change it. Be proud of your own work instead. Believe me, you’ve earned it!

Take a moment to give some love to the other story entries if you have the time. They’ve definitely earned it too:

Unblinking -
Hunted -
Fangs In The Garden -
Hungry -
Forbidden Tombs -
The Storyteller -
The Terror of Starvation: The First Feast -
Thalassophobia -
Anxiety -
Unnatural Sun -
Expelled -
The Marrionettist -
Presto and Me -
Meatlocker. -
The Fears Inside Us -
Discursive Formations: Headfirst for Halos -
Discursive Formations: phantoms forever -
Trapped - (I enjoyed this a lot, nice work.)
A Simple Question, A Terrible Truth -
Friendship is Magic -
Surface -
Fake Skins -
Ghosts in The Graveyard -
Cold as Iron -
Masked -
Life, Death and Afterlife: The Tale of a Vampire -
The Canopy - (really nice job)
Threads In The Dark -
The Otherplace -
Overcast -
A Night To REMember -
Panatrophia -
A Red Miasma Hangs Over Main Street -
Vertical Vertigo -
Coccinellidaephobia -
The Hide You Stole -
Breathtaking Banality -
An Icy Tek -
The Incredible Saddle Rager -
The Claw -
Family Ties -
One -
A Steep Learning Curve - (Good creepy stuff here.)
Full Moon -
Seraphim - (clever idea, nice work)
One Night -
The House In The Hole -
Spilled Milk -
Cold -
The last artifact of the first Alicorns -
Primal Instinct -

Thanks for entering and reading. I’ll see you next podcast or contest! Stay safe, stay sane, and just do your best. It's all anyone can ask of you

-pencil :heart:

Absolutely agree with your choices anonpencil. I read Grimm's story and it was truly horrifying. Congratulations to Grimm!


Congratulations to all the winners, I've not had chance to read the other entries yet but I can't wait to dive in!
And thank you for hosting the contest! Horror can be an overlooked genre at time, so for those of us who love writing and reading it it's great to see contests encouraging people to embrace their spooky side! :twilightsmile:

Congrats to all the winners!

So close... Sooooo close. Obviously disappointed a bit, but having read the winner, I can certainly verify that it was deserving. Great job everyone!

Group Admin

Was good story my fine dude. You should be proud. (literally off by decimals, it was insanely close.)

I really enjoyed this contest. I got to write something out of my comfort zone for a change, and really, it was a fun experience just getting to participate. Congratulations to the contest winners!

If I'm being honest, I'm not sure it's that helps or hurts... :fluttershyouch:

Group Admin


Congrats to all the winners! It was a lot of fun to write for this contest (even if I cut it veeeery close to the deadline), and I hope this encourages more horror stories around here for the future! Good job everyone!

Just as a thought mate, given that the stories apparently were given numerical scores, would you be okay with people PMing to enquire about the score their own piece was given?
This is just for personal interest of course :)

Congrats to all the superior writers (Winners) in this contest. Though I am gonna have salty tears for awhile due to the hype and hopes of reaching an honorable mention, I have realized that my weird tales need more time to be worked on and that my stories isn't for a broad audience. Mr/Mrs Grimm, PaulAsaran, and the many other superior writers to my own amateurish writing. I tearfully shake your hands digitally. I will continue making the stories that nobody wants to hear because I know in my heart that I will find my own following and that these abstract words of madness I wield... Will be the next featured on the site.

One day
One day...

Congrats again on winning and being awesome.

Group Admin

I said as much in the main post that I will give LIMITED comments and notes privately if requested (it's a lot of stories.) But I'll need a few days, tbh, and folks should really wait before tapping me to do this. I'm very tired. This week has been very busy and is not over yet.

No worries mate that's understandable haha

Congrats to the winners!

Truth be told, I've been planning to "retire" from writing fics in the Horror genre for a while now, and this contest was always going to be my proverbial last hurrah. I'm tremendously proud of 'Thalassophobia' and 'Ghosts in the Graveyard,' and I'm more than comfortable with them being my last examples of horrifying horse words.

Thanks for holding the contest, and letting me go out with a scream.

Oh wow, this is awesome! Thank you! This contest was super fun and it was great to see everyone embracing the spooks.

And well done to all the other entrants! I read quite a few and all of them were really good.

Congrats to the winners.

Congratulations to all the winners! I haven't been able to check out many of the stories, so I have some reading to do now hehe. That said, I'm so happy you enjoyed my piece! Thank you so much for the kind words! And thank you for the contest! :pinkiehappy:

Congrats to the winners!

This contest helped fuel my passion for ponyfic again. It was fun! Congratulations to all the winners!

Site Blogger

But seriously, this is awesome. Many thanks for the contest, pencil, and to everyone else for competing. 7206940, I shake your hand for a contest well won. I can assure you I'll be reviewing your entry in time. I'd review everyone, but I'm afraid I'm overbooked as it is. Congratulations also to 7206865 and Trick Question for making the rankings. I'll probably review y'all's entries, too.

Aw :(
Ah well. Still was nice to experiment and have an excuse for sparrow, aka brony of horrors, to help me on something ❤️

Congratulations to all the well-deserved winners! Also, cheers to all my fellow authors who entered! You guys wrote so many good horror stories for this contest I'm surprised 7206850 could even pick a winner out of this batch! Which reminds me, thanks a ton to anonpencil and everyone at the Barcast for hosting this contest in the first place!

Glad to have been a part of this with you guys. Here's hoping we get more horror stories down the pipe very soon!

Congrats winners! Way to go!

Congratulations to the winners, and to every author that entered a story. I plan to read and comment on each of them eventually, but have just been way too wrapped up in rushing to finish something else. And as I said when entries closed: if you had an idea, but didn't finish it, please take the time to. More horror is always great to see.

Oh, and Happy Halfoween!

Congrats to the winners! This was the first contest I ever entered on the site, and it was a ton of fun reading everyone’s entries and writing my own. I’ll be back!

I shake your hand as well, and look forward to the review.


Unless it's something like "wow, this is one of the worst stories I've ever read. The author should be ashamed of himself! No wonder I beat the everloving crap out of it! How that dumpster fire of a story made honorable mention, I'll never know."

Oh hey, I got to be at the top of the "everyone else" list. I can't imagine that means literally anything, but it feels special!

Really fun contest, it was nice to have an excuse to try writing horror again. I'm gonna have to go read a bunch of these other stories, they sound really good.

I'm glad you "liked" it. :pinkiecrazy:

I relinquish any prize-related stuff to the honorable mention, as long as I can continue to claim the bragging rights for third.

Also when I obsessively edit it now it might go slightly above the 5k mark just sayin'.

Group Admin

Well, thank you and I'll let bronywriter know about the prize! I'm happy you're happy, and yes you may still brag. :)

Lol, Classy yet sassy.

I'd be interested in hearing about how my entry did. :)

Congrats to everyone who placed! Well done!

Congrats to the winners!
I have never done horror in my life so this was different.
Way out of my comfort zone, but at least I tried. ^_^

Group Admin

Please do contact me in a few days, and I'll discuss it with you! :)

Awesome! Thank you!

Congrats to all the winners and to the Barcast for putting on this contest!

Congrats to all the winners! I haven't gotten through too many of your stories yet, but the ones I have read are AMAZING and wow I don't know how anonpencil was able to pick from them all!
I'll also be sending a message to you anonpencil in a few days, as I'd like to know your thoughts on my story as well. It was my first foray into horror and an idea I have had and been thinking about for some time, so I'm glad I finally got some incentive to get it written! :D

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