Pinkie Pie 495 members · 1,045 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Hello fellow Pinkienators! That's what I'm gonna start calling y'all! Hope you like that.

ANYWAY, I think it's about time this group became active again! And you know how I will achieve this? By hosting a contest, of course!

So attention. I am proud to welcome all of you to...

The Party Planner Contest!

Oh yeah!

Now, some of you may be interested, and maybe you aren't. Point is, you should at least participate.


•Now, all entries will have to be in by June 21st, 11:59 P.M. EASTERN TIME. This means that it'll be at that time in that time zone.

•The stories have to have a prompt involving Pinkie Pie at her best, whether it be her planning the best party ever or her being silly and sweet.

•All stories have to be marked complete by the due date above.

•The word limit is 7k words estimated.


The judges will be the admins of this group, unless they otherwise tell me they do not want to.


Okay, now the pain in the flank!

For first place, a full colored art commission done by me of ONE PONY.

For second, a line art by me of one pony.

For third, a review of anyone of your stories by me.

And that's all, folks! For any questions or concerns about this, please contact to via PM. Or just comment down below, but PLEASE TAG MY POST SO I GET YOUR COMMENT.

What ratings are allowed?

Group Admin

Teen and everyone. In other words, 18 and under stories.


Cool. I might play if I can think of anything.

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor

Coolness. I'm actually tempted to join this, but judging is fun too! >.<

Group Admin

You can join it if you want, we always have the other judges too!

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor

Sooo tempting. I'll prob let you know by the end of the week or something, if not, I'll judge!

Group Admin

Okie dokie lokie!

So How Do You Pick The Winners? Coolest,Funniest,Most Wonderfulest?,Words That I Cant Coprehend?!?! Or Just Great Stories? In General With
Cool Story Lines? :pinkiehappy:

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor

Yikes, I forgot to let you know! >.< Yeah, I have something in mind, I'll probably have mine up soon-ish. One question though, is EQG allowed?
Meguess that PixelMoon and the other judges shall know, but I'm sure they'll like what you have in mind! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

Yes, it is allowed!

Summer Dancer
Group Contributor
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