Soft Hands 55 members · 125 stories
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Author Interviewer
Group Admin

Welcome to Soft Hands, a group devoted to all things soft and hands! To mark the occasion of Soft Hands' entry into the Fimfiction scene, we are hosting a small writing contest.

What is "Soft Hands"?

"Soft hands is one of those inside jokes you come up with at 1 in the morning because everything's funny. I don't remember what started it, but Syeekoh and I probably share the blame." -Present Perfect

This contest is open to anyone on this site, so long as you and your hands follow these simple rules!

1) The writing prompt is "soft hands". Interpret it how you will. Creative use of the prompt will carry you far. If you just now had two ideas for how to use the prompt, go with the second, chances are no one else will.

2) Stories must be submitted by 11:59 PM PST July 31st, 2016 (2:59 AM EST/7:59 AM GMT August 1st, 2016). "Submission" is defined as posting the story in the Mature or Non-Mature Contest Entry subfolders here, or PMing a link to Present Perfect or Majin Syeekoh.

3) Stories must be published on Fimfiction. Entries written on other sites will not be accepted. If you're coming in at the deadline and waiting for your submission to go through, PM the story link to Present or Syeekoh instead of submitting it to the group. (But try not to, waiting till the last minute is never a good idea.)

4) Stories must be completed by the deadline. Stories in the Contest Entry folders marked incomplete will be disqualified.

5) Because of the publication requirement, stories have a minimum word limit of 1,000. There is no maximum word limit, but consider how many words your hands can type in a week and a half!

6) Stories must be new. Submissions dated prior to July 21st, 2016 will not be considered.

7) Each contestant may submit up to two stories: one Mature and one Non-Mature. Please do not place contest entries in any other folders; we will sort them after the contest is over.

8) Entries will be judged starting August 1, 2016 by Present Perfect, Majin Syeekoh and Aragon. Must love soft hands. Judging will be based on story quality as well as use of the prompt.

9) Winners will be chosen in both Mature and Non-Mature categories.

The rules are subject to change; this thread will be bumped if they are.

"But what do we win?" you are perhaps asking as you lay your hands upon the keyboard. It's not asking at all, really, unless you are in the habit of speaking aloud those words your hands so masterfully type.

As of this time, prizes are as follows:

1) All entries will be reviewed by Present Perfect and posted in one of his review blogs. If your story has flaws, you can expect constructive criticism!

2) ???

3) We maybe didn't think this through.

4) What else is there? Shame? No, not that one... I-I meant the satisfaction of giving a project your all and helping promote a new group wait no stop don't I'm sorry I didn't mean it don't take me away don't take my hands

We at Soft Hands would like to apologize for that last entry. The writer has been sacked. Rest assured, his hands will be used to aid those less fortunate than he.

Anyway, the number one rule is have fun, so go out there and write some soft hands stories! With your hands. Stories written with other appendages are strictly forbidden.



Don't know if we need to notate it here or not, but for the record, my entry, 'Handmade', has been posted and added to the non-mature group.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

Not necessary, but thanks! :D

5395765 Ah, ok. I figured as much, but I remembered that some of the contests I've done in the past insisted that you manually note that your entry is in. So, force of habit, I guess. :) Sorry for the extra post.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

It's k, it keeps us near the top of the list after all! :D

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

The entries are locked in! Judging will begin today. Feel free to use your hands to peruse the entries; perhaps you will learn something new!

Majin Syeekoh
Group Admin

5396839 It's not even 8 yet. What are you doing awake?

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

I went to bed 8+ hours ago! I get up at 7! D:

Majin Syeekoh
Group Admin

5396884 damn, you have a consistent internal clock?

I'm jealous.

Author Interviewer
Group Admin

Submitted, but I hate what I wrote. Tis fimfic life

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