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Hi there everypony. I found this small but surely really awesome and specially really really adorable group today and I decided to share something really curious. Few days ago I had a crazy idea :derpytongue2: idea, Few months ago I decided to make a picture with a compilation of the different pony diaper types. Now I'm going to repeat it but making a kind of guide explaining each type, their characteristics, sample pictures and other important information. I hope you like it.

Before get started:

- All the information that you're going to see below is from my mind, my experience and my perception. If you think that I'm wrong with something, please let a friendly comment explaining what I did wrong. My idea is improve the guide with help of all the group members.
- All the types explained below are "shape types" and they aren't related with how a diaper looks before, during or after being used or the designs, colours and drawings on the diaper, this types are only classified by shape characteristics. That's why all the examples are going to be completely clean diapers.
- All the types explained below are also "view types", it means that maybe two diaper types are exactly the same but they will have some differences when they are looked from different angles or the pony is in a different position.
- The diaper types doesn't follow an order, but maybe we could think a criteria to order them, like absorbency, popularity or some things like that.
- Obviously the sample pictures aren't mine. I'm just going to show them. They belong to their respective authors.

Type 1: Bulgy and huggy diaper

Sample pictures:


- Both the front and back of the diaper are bulgy.
- The diaper embrace strong the pony waist.
- One of the most common diaper between the brony artists.
- Most common position: lied down and standing on four legs.
- Most common in: young ponies and adult ponies.
- Absorbency: around an average adult diaper.

Type 2: Huggy diaper and bulgy butt

Sample pictures:


- The back of the diaper is bulkier than the front, this stands out the characteristic flank curves.
- The diaper embraces strong the pony waist.
- In of the less common diaper types between brony artists.
- Most common position: standing on four legs.
- Most common in: adult ponies.
- Absorbency: considering the front part, aparently it is less absorbent than type 1.

Type 3: Long diaper

Sample pictures:


- The diaper barely embraces the pony waist.
- The middle part of the diaper is longer than the previous types, a considerable separation between the diaper and the crotch is appreciable.
- On of the less common diaper types between brony artists.
- Most common position: lied down and standing on two legs.
- Most common in: young ponies and adult ponies.
- Absorbency: around an average adult diaper.

Type 4: Tight diaper

Sample pictures:


- The diaper embraces strong the pony waist.
- The diaper is tight in each part of it, but it is still visible under another garment like an onesie.
- One of the most common diaper types between artists who draw baby ponies.
- Most common position: lied down, sitting and standing on two legs.
- Most common in: baby ponies.
- Absorbency: around an average baby diaper.

Type 5: Extra absorbent diaper

Sample pictures:


- The diaper is really bulgy and usually more bulgy in the back.
- The size of the diaper is at least the half of the pony's body.
- On of the most common diaper types between the brony artists who draw adult foals.
- Most common position: All.
- Most common in: Adult ponies.
- Absorbency: It is the most absorbent diaper type.

Type 6: Cannon diaper type

Sample pictures:


- The tightest diaper type, almost same as underwear.
- The diaper sometimes covers part of the legs.
- Unique diaper type visible on the show.
- Most common position: All.
- Most common in: Exclusively baby ponies (and only time Pinkie Pie).
- Absorbency: Considering how it looks, it's absorbent as underwear. Considering the show, it's absorbent as an average baby diaper.

That was all. Maybe there are more types or I had some mistakes in my explanation (or my grammar), but now you can suggest all that you want, and if you like the idea we could build a complete guide. I hope you like my idea and sorry if I make you lose your time. Have a nice day or night :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by WhiskerStew deleted Nov 14th, 2015

Not sure which one's my favorite. Guess it's pick your pleasure. Either that, or you'd have try them all to give an honest opinion.

I really like the extra absorbent and bulgy and huggy ones. Really poofy. I also really like the long diaper.

Type four is my personal favorite...possibly because I am playing favorites on how adorable the pictures are, which is a main source of how I react to such diapers. Out of pony life however, I am driven to night diapers due to they're thickness and how snug they are, which is comforting as well. If you look at type four close, the thickness is there but its it lands as my favorite anyway, cute example pictures or not.

I want to report I believe I found a new mlp canon diaper type:
extreme spoiler:princess flurryheart...a new baby pony from the upcoming season 6 episode 1...basically its thick with poofed leggings and poofed front with tight center...almost like bloomers, but that's not something the animators would have drawn on a young pony,so I think it is classified as a diaper. About time we got a baby pony into the race....

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