Starlight Glimmer 1,552 members · 2,925 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Group Contributor

This thread is where you can leave suggestions, comments or complaints. Be nice, do not bash anything or anyone.

(link to Associations, Goal, Accomplishments)

Dragonborne Fox
Group Contributor

4139800 Irrelevant group thread in need of locking. Please remedy. Scratch that, Red Knight took care of it.

Hi! I'm just curious as to why my story, Compliance, was removed from the group. I'd added it to the submissions folder yesterday when it went up, but it seems to have vanished completely.

Group Contributor

4242964 That'd be a question you would ask our story reviewer. I would as you take it up with them, and if you don't know who they are check the administration thread.

4139800 can I still be here if I don't like her?

Well, I've got a little snag. I came up with a fun rap battle featuring Sunny and Starlight, but the fact is that it's too short to post as a story. As of now, I have it as a blog post, but I kind of wanted to share it all with you as a story.
Tips? Tricks? Advice? Feedback?
I could use some help.

is there a story or will there be a story that fallow the timeline where Twilight becomes Glimmers mom
like in the comic because that looks interesting...

...and I almost think that would have been a better ending to the episode lol


There was also another post showing fanart where Twilight was actually Starlight's imaginary friend all along. I'd be interested in seeing a story based on that.

4939345 yeah same here...

Now I need to find that one.

A really important question;
Do we have a shrine dedicated to starlight?

Are there any active Admins, cause it seems like the suggestion folder is bigger than the archived fics?

Hi, everyone! I just joined and am so glad to be here! :pinkiehappy: One small question: I have written a story which is mostly about my OC, but has Starlight Glimmer as the main villain (when she was still ruling Our Town, obviously). Can I still post it in this group? Thanks for your time!


Well depends if administrators find main villain status to be same as main character status. Personally I don't think so but I can't say for certainty. And to be honest I don't think group admins are even that active anymore.

Actually I wouldn't be surprised if users have been adding any story that happens to have Starlight tag regardless of her role in the story. Actually some stories don't even have a Starlight tag at all yet are in this group. All stories are equal indeed.

Thanks for your honest answer! I will see what I do with my story. Nice OC, by the way. :twilightsmile:

Good luck with your story.

And aw thank you :twilightblush:

Hey, I am new to doing groups. So if I make I mistake I apologize in advance. My only question is this:

In this group, do people add their stories to all relevant folders, or just one?

Group Admin

I think one of the other admins updated the folder system, it used to be just one. As far as I know, they haven't implemented any one folder only rule, so I'd say add to as many as are relevant.

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