Comments, anyone? 345 members · 4,409 stories
Comments ( 82 )
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Dat Juan Pon3y
Group Admin

Here is where you can introduce yourself to the group. You can make it short, you can make it longs, you can make it completely stupid and obnoxious and have everyone hate you, but the choice is up to you! Now I'm sort of shy so I am not going to introduce myself as of right now, but maybe later on. So have fun with the group!

3608854 3608918 Hi guys, my name is Follow Focus! I write stories from time to time but mostly I'm here to give help to authors who ask for it. Glad to make your acquaintance :D

Oh and hi Darth :D

Hello! I'm Neptune and I like writing and reading stories, even if I spend very little time doing so. I also like to try to help people. Even if I'm not very good at being helpful. Also, I apparently write like Douglas Adams.

3608854 Hello, I'm JMac. I primarily write cutefics and slice of life comedies, and all my stories are SFW and rated everyone.


Hello! Cadabra here. I love to write, and I am passionate about video production.

My name is Dragor.

About me:
You've probably seen me around Fimfiction forums, where I'm very active. If not, you can check out Intriguing quotes that I made on Fimfiction.

I'm a very open person. I have an Ask Me Anything thread where you can pose any question you can think of, and I will answer it.

About my writing:
I write beige (dry) prose without any fillers. Never using words for their own sake, I describe only what's important to the story. Describing scenery is not something I aim for, instead, I use words as a tool to portray ideas and principles. In other words, If you hate purple prose, you're my kind of reader.

My themes are humorous and dark. I use writing to explore new horizons. My goal is to describe something unique, new and profound.

This tool told me that I write like: J. R. R. Tolkien, James Joyce, Neil Gaiman and Ian Fleming.

As can be seen on my profile page, I have 6 published, completed stories on this site and 4 in my Google Docs, nearing completion. It’s about 130k of written material, but only about 20k of that that is published. The rest of it still waits for editing. I keep all my writing public in my Google Docs, so that anypony can follow and influence my stories from the idea phase to completion. I do this because I appreciate all the feedback and learn immensely from it. It keeps me only slightly misplaced instead of irredeemably lost.

I don't have a dedicated editor. Instead I let anypony edit my stories. I'm always glad to see people leave comments my Docs or published stories.

3608854 Dragonborne Fox. I usually stick to crossovers and AUs, as well as sad, comedic, mature, and dark.

3608854 Setsuna: Hello! I'm Setsuna and I rarely use my own account for commenting. I'm currently writing a dark AU fic set many years into the future.

3608854 SuperPinkBrony12 here. I'm always look for feedback on my stories so I know wht people like and what people don't like. That way I can improve.

I be Whinifree and I'm still relatively new to this site. I'm into adventure type stories and just recently got back from writing hiatus. I'm also apparently the first user to post here in over 2 months. :twilightoops:

I am Hex Mark, I enjoy writing and trying new things. I am glad to be able to introduce myself here.

I am a Greek brony named Dennis 23 Years old that enjoys writing shit about Chrysalis and the changelings.


Hi, I'm Gumball2. I write. I read.

'Sup everypony? Name's Batbrony. Currently in the process of writing the first entry of a planned crossover trilogy. Writing's slow-going given the responsibilities of RL, but I assure you all, I'm still committed to the project 110%! Feedback of all sorts is invaluable to me, and I hope ya'll might take a look at my fic, "Batmare Begins". :scootangel:

Hey guys. Charles Xavier here. I just completed my first MLP fanfic recently. Thought I might bring it here to get more comments on it if it's okay. I already received constructive feedback from another group, which was most helpful. Although I'd like to see if there are any other points they might have missed that could have improved my story as it stands now. Have a read anytime and I appreciate your thoughts (you can be firm, but please keep them polite). Thanks. :raritywink:

Hello, everyone! I'm Theigi! I'm snarky, I'm a jokester, and for those who I get to know well, I'm super sweet (trust me, it's buried down there somewhere :raritywink:). I also LOVE to create, whether it be writing fics, composing music, or drawing.

Right now I've got one fic going, a rather DARK, very DETAILED Sirens origin story. Since I compose music, I also create an instrumental soundtrack to go along with all the songs in the entire fic. I'm glad to meet all of you, and look forward to seeing your stuff as well! :twilightsmile:

3608854 Hello! Sorcerer here! Writer, riffer and reader of stories! I especially enjoy writing stories with Trixie in them or crossovers. I'm original, I know. So give my stories a read, if you will. Who knows, you might even become one of my loyal viewers! Chao! That's short for chaos!

Hello, internet! I'm The Goblin! Writer and reader of some pretty decent stories (or, so I think.) But, will YOU think so? Why don't you do me a solid and pop on over to one of my stories and give them a read? Right now, my three big fics are: S.W.E.E.T.I.E. 83113, Mare Do Well: Rainbow Factory, and Sonic and Rainbow Dash: Endless Possibility

So, come on over! Give me some comments!

The name's LightningSword. I'm an amateur novelist with a slightly too-big ego who's trying to withstand criticism better. I've been a Brony since summer of last year, and I've been on this site since that fall.

My first story, "The Gentle Dark", didn't start out very well, but I've since found success in stories like "Rainbow Dash OOC", "Fluttershy's Bad Patient", and especially "One More Dance" (which, despite being recently attacked by downvoting trolls, remains my best-rated most critically-acclaimed fic :yay:). Check them out if you're curious. :pinkiesmile:

That's about it for me. Hope you enjoy my work. :raritywink:

Hello, everybody, this is Winterman. It's nice to meet you all. I'm very new to this whole writing thing. I became a brony in May 2014. I really like reading/writing crossover of the games/movies that I like. I hope you enjoy the stories I wrote.

Greetings, Konnichiwa, and Guten Tag beautiful people on the forum,

I am Lost Marbles.

I started writing as a creative outlet. It has been great for my psyche and the voices in my head. Plus, I have developed a much better appreciation for the art of writing and a much stronger eye in differentiating good and bad storytelling (relatively speaking).

If there is anything you need to know about me, it's that I am working on becoming a multilingual cartoonist.
Ich studiere jetzt Duetsch, abur nur zeit zwei Monate vor. Es ist zehr interessant.

Greetings! My name is Cyber System

I don't really have much to say, though I do enjoy things that are unique, if I haven't seen it or if it's a subject scarcely touched, I'll think about it and see what I can do about it.

I really enjoy feedback and I could use some for my stories.

My only drawback is my writer's block can last up to months at a time could be shorter or longer.

3608854 I never really do this, but what the hell, I might as well try it.

So.. I'm StalkerPony, a Swedish fucker who's been writing since I was a little kid. Most of what I write is horror or anything that could fall into that category. My stories may sometimes not be really "pony", as some people have pointed out, which probably is because I like to completely fuck the rules of the pony world. I love mixing the colorful magic world of Equestria with the macabre, bizarre and painful. I've always enjoyed taking the darkest parts of life that people don't want to see, and drag it kicking and screaming into the light.

My longest running story arc on this site is The Song of The Unbroken, that I added to the group just yesterday, and in it I mix my favorite genres; fantasy, post-apocalypse and horror. The magic and fantasy elements of Equestria torn apart as the world slowly dies, with supernatural elements thrown into the mix. I'm no expert at what I do, but I still do it because I enjoy it either way.

If at least one or two twisted individuals out there find some sort of enjoyment through my work, then I'm happy.

3608854 Hello Everypony. I'm SapphireWings999. I've been a brony for well over a year now, my favorite pony is Fluttershy, and my hobbies include singing, acting, and writing whether that be songs, stories, or even the fanfics I post here (few though they are). Speaking of my fanfics, I have 2 currently: The Needs Of The Many and Host Of Souls. Feel free to check them out. I would really appreciate any comments I can get that will help better me as a writer.

Hello everypony, nice to meet you

Hey guys!

They call me NeverEatTheLemonsAlone, although those that know me from way back when I first started this game may know me as CStGeorge. I like long walks on the beach, getting dressed up for an occasion, and descending into the depths of madness from which there is no return.


Anyway, I've been writing here for a while, but none of my stories longer than a one-shot have ever made it to the finish. I have Chronic Unfinisher Syndrome. Anyone know the cure?

Hello all. The name is Krieg Cormac

3608854 Greetings fellow Bronies. I am Cannicus of the house Palentine. I am a lover of fantasy, mythology and history and sometimes draw little sketches of characters given a realistic fantasy redesign, for example...

Fantasy Six (from left to right Fluttershy, Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity)

Spike and Big Macintosh

Silver Quill and his character (squire) Clutterstep

And finally me as a 15th Century English Knight with my own personal coat of arms

Among my favoriate stories in no particular order, there's J.R.R Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings, C.S. Lewis' the Chronicles of Narnia, J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter, Terry Pratchett's Discword and George R.R. Martin's The Song of Ice and Fire to name a few.

3608854 Hello. I'm Silver. I on;y have one story up so far and a alot of blog post.

Uh...I guess that's it.


Hi! I am probably the most random person in the Dogeverse. Such a thing exists in my mind. :rainbowlaugh: (Don't let your memes be dreams.)


Hello. I'm EquineAvenger and I'm a new member of fimfiction. I have just posted my first fanfic and am hoping some of you find it entertaining. I would like those of you who are reading it to comment on it. Tell me what you think of the events that transpire in each chapter. Comments are one of the biggest reasons I joined so I hope I receive a lot. Thank you for having me.


Name's PortalJumper, just a dude getting back into the FanFiction game after three + years out of it and looking for some feedback on my story. I just revised it in its entirety so I want to know how it reads now.

Hi!!! You can call me Emerald if you want, I'm relatively new here, would love some more comments on my stories! I have three stories posted, please check them out and comment! I don't mind what you comment as long as it isn't anything unnecessarily rude. Nice to meet you all!

Hello Im Lone Wolf. I am big fan of comics books, Doctor Who or anything Sci-fi(no I dont like Star Wars because its Science Fantasy). Oh I also like video games that are from Bethesda, Value, or Indies. So yeah, I am also the mostly kindest and loyalist person you'll ever meet.

3608854 Gryphonstar5678 here, and I enjoy writing stories.

Waasup guys? I'm your average pegasister, and I'm here same as everypony else.

I'm sevenofeleven and I write horror and adventure stories.
I'm not sure my latest story is any good since no one says anything.

I also write nonpony stories too.

Hello, Jongoji245 here.

For the most part my fics do have my OC's involved, but often my crossover stories tend to be the more favorable among this site, with My Little Pony: The Land Before Time being my best work to date.

Hi! I'm KyleHillVA. Don't got much else to say, so I'll just bid ye adieu...

Hi! I'm Forestpip. I'm a bit of an English nerd. I hope to have a writing career in the future, but until then, here I am. I'm not the best writer, and that's why I need feedback. I want to improve my writing skill, but I can't do that without feedback. Feel free to read A Competition in Mortality (or don't)!

Howdy, I'm Billy G Gruff. I write a wide variety of things from slightly dark comedy to crazy head canon filled fics that had one person message me that I was " one super creepy, brilliant sonofabitch"

One story in particular I want reviewed is Where Spike came from


Hello. They call me lord_steak, a nickname that's evolved some of the years. That bit came from scout camp, after spending all week at the nature station and not going anywhere else. I'm certain the counselors who made the call to give us the nicknames written on a glow-in-the-dark star were in dire need of proper sleep; a friend of mine got one nicknaming him "Chair." That didn't stick; mine did. I don't remember exactly when that happened, just that it was about 20 years ago (suddenly feeling old).

Nowadays, I work with troubled kids, try to help them straighten their ways and overcome their mental health issues. It's not a job for everyone.

I'm also married (seventh anniversary just passed a couple of weeks ago), and have a daughter. She'll be seven months old next Thursday.

How are you?

Hiya, Mewrilah here. I'm pretty new to fanfic, and I love it when people critique my work. It allows me to become better at what I do. So far I have one story A Glimmer of Hope in the works. I have two chapters so far, and plan on it being as long as a short novel (maybe longer if people really like it!:raritywink:) Anyway, hope you guys get the chance to read it and enjoy.

3608854 Hey.... Hows it going?...... you guys like television?...... ignore me if you would

Hi! I'm Rusty.

I don't write too often, but I do want to start writing a little more commonly. I love reading comments and sometimes even replying to them.

The names Kaiju4ever I'm a person who enjoys good stories. I love anything Kaiju or Mlp related. Godzilla is my favourite Kaiju. I personally think there aren't enough Crossovers with the big guy.
I released my own story called The Awakening Of A Kaiju. I would appreciate a review on it.

Hi, I'm Outlaw. I like to write, and love comments and feedback. My favorite characters to write about are Changelings. That's all. For now at least. Feel free to ask any questions if you want to know more about me.

I'm not shy, I just prefer keeping to myself. I like conversation, but someone else has to start it.

Hey I have come to have comments!
I like Warriors Cats, Star Wars, Legend of Zelda, Lord of the Rings, Goose Girl, Dragons in Our Midst, My main fandoms!
I am Female!
Nightmare Moon is my Queen! (But i'll follow Luna till the ends of the earth!)
I write and draw!
So Hello!

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