Dark Side Of Equestria 680 members · 2,101 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Here's the set up:

Crimson (a street performer in Los Pegasus forced to get a real job) is on night watch duty at a cannery factory with Checkers (The factory's local tech and maintenance support) on the phone.

Checkers, before signing off each night, triple checks all the security cameras via 'screen sharing' with Crimson. They both have the ability to check the cameras, however Checkers prefers Crimson to be the one hitting the button to make sure the screen swaps happen at the factory and not by Checkers' hacking.

On the night of the story, they banter back and forth, starting their final check on the cameras when Checkers pulls a prank by switching the views on one of the cameras. After admitting it, it happens again, only both sides claim that neither side touched the camera buttons, and because of the before prank, neither believes the other.

Now, I can see this going one of two ways.

First way: to prove that he wasn't the one switching the cameras, Crimson must brave the empty factory and make his way to the current camera on screen while Checkers watches from his own screen at home. Because both are a little spooked by this, Crimson assumes that Checkers won't pull anymore pranks on him, especially as if this is someone's tampering with the equipment, there could be serious consequences.

Second Way: They argue as the screen starts flipping through the different cameras, both getting more tense as they realize that the security feed they start seeing holds some things that are not only freaking them out, but down right impossible, because there is no security cameras in the hallways, or in the security room itself.

So, what do you think? Which way should the story go?

I like both ideas. The second one sounds more tense, so I'm rooting for that one, but I can see the first one working out great too. You could always do two chapters, like a "choose your own ending" sort of thing.

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