Fluttershy's Protectors 282 members · 557 stories
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I want to promote some of my fave Fluttershy fics (Last of the dragonlords I might try and enter) here, but first a memorial for my second favorite Fluttershy fic- A rose is a rose by space-brony. For those who do not know, Rose is a fic where Fluttershy finds a diamond rose left by her mother. When it breaks, it sends her and the mane 6 off on an adventure to save Celestia and the whole world.

There are several reasons why I love this fic, first-despite it being short, it has a way of feeling like I had sat through a 20 chapter epic fic. I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean that it was good enough that it was able to fill me with enough excitement and fun through those 10 chapters that it was like a 20 chapter fic. Everyone was spot on, and most importantly-Fluttershy got to show her kindness in a beautiful light.

However, this fic is gone from the site. Deleted without a reason, twice. I am making this post as a way for people to remember when they read it and how great of a Fluttershy fic it was.

So, what are your favorite underrated Fluttershy fics, and what do you remember of a rose is a rose.

Group Admin

3049329 "A rose is a rose" sounds like a very beautiful story. I'm sure I would have enjoyed it very much. As far as underrated Fluttershy stories go, I remember recently reading one story called In Spite Of Herself. It's about Fluttershy pushing Pinkie Pie down a staircase in a fit of rage, which ends up exploring her past of anger management and how she overcame it. It was short and simple, but since I also had a lot of problems controlling my behavior while growing up, it gave me a lot to relate with. It also showed how Fluttershy is far from perfect, but still wants so desperately to be kind to her friends. It was so beautiful, I simply can't forget about it.


It was, and I loved it so much. Wich is why I am so sad to find it gone and with me unable to get a copy of it from the internet archive, I fear it might be gone forever and that is why I want to help people try and remember it and to share other stories here. So we can all enjoy it.

Look at this Rose somebody left on the beach!

Look at this other Rose someone left on the beach!

Sorry, I had to when I saw the title.
And I'm sorry, but I couldn't find it. I searched the entire FanFiction archive, and it's not there. I don't know what to tell you.

Comment posted by zombie king24 deleted Mar 10th, 2014


Its always sad when a writer quits, but its even sadder when they take the entire fic away with them.

Fic, you say? Could you be referring to this?

Also there's plenty more where that came from; I have full archives of the sequels as well with FimFiction comments and everything from shortly before it was taken down... long story short I know Space pretty well IRL and accidentally told his roommate about the fictions almost a year ago. He deleted them out of spite, and I was able to retrieve the whole set from Google's short-term cache to give to him just in case he didn't have a backup. I'm not really comfortable giving it out publicly though as 1. it's not my fanfic (it's one thing when I'm just posting a link to someone else's rehost as I've done here, it's another thing altogether when I'm the one rehosting it), and 2. the only reliable place I have to store it is on a totally non-MLP-related business website registered under my real name, and I'm not really comfortable with potentially broadcasting my membership in the pony fandom to the largely non-brony audience of customers who search for my site. I hope you understand.

P.S. Space is alive and well, just taking a break during the hiatus. I'm not sure if and when he will ever re-re-upload the fics; I really have no idea why he removed them the second time and purged his blog... I can say, though, that for all the time I've known him he's consistently downplayed their quality, so I wouldn't count on a verbatim re-upload without at least small changes.

Group Admin



Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you! Oh, I am so going to reread this! :pinkiehappy:

I can see where you are coming from, and I understand why you would be uncomfortable with doing this, but know I thank you for it. *Hugs*

3050507 WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT!?...I'm gonna go cry in a corner now. Damn you Moffet

3470401 Damn, guess I didn't look hard enough. Sorry about that.
3470567 I just had to, I'm sorry. *Hands box of tissues*

3470841 that's ok...still a pox on Moffat


I think you misunderstood. What I gave was a link to something already on the Internet, not my archive. My own archive is far more extensive, being an exact replica of the FimFiction pages of the work and its sequels, comments and all. I'm actually not uncomfortable at all with handing out the link that I did. For one thing, it was made by someone else and is already hosted somewhere, so the issue of hosting it without taking the small risk of losing customers is a moot point. Secondly, it allows me to keep Space-the-friend separated from Space-the-author. By handing out this link I am doing something that any fan of his work who is adept at Google would do... I can post that link all I want to and still the fact that I knew him personally would have no bearing on my being able to find it or my decision to post it. However, with my own archive it's different -- the fact that the archive even exists (and that I was able to get it in time) is directly due to the fact that I physically saw him press the delete button and then regret doing so, and so both the action of obtaining it and any future actions involving it are inseparable from my real-life friendship with him... I can't post the archive publicly and still be able to plausibly say I was always doing The Thing I Would Have Done If I Didn't Know Him In Real Life.

Oh, by the way, a little birdy told me that a file named fimfarchive-20130616.zip has the sequels in it, and said file is available on the public Internet. I prefer not to post a link since it's currently only available on piracy sites, but it should be easy enough to find if you look for it.

Comment posted by Dash Ketchum deleted Mar 12th, 2015

The link you gave could have been found via Google? I searched reasonably extensively but couldn't find it until you gave the link.

Oh, what the hell. This thread seems pretty dead anyway.


Get it while it's up.

Took it down because I considered it to be over and done with, and I didn't want real life interfering. Unfortunately, I could not have predicted that by taking it down, real life would interfere much much more than if I had just left it up.

I skimmed it over about a week ago and was really annoyed with how one dimensional the villain is. I think the zip upload actually contains a partial rewrite where the villain is less... what's the term? Mary Sue? I don't remember. Like, he was all black with hints of red or something. Like, come one, me from 2012. At least try a little. And some of those sentences are really yuck.

Anyway, hope you are all doing well. It's very heartwarming to come across this thread. Thank you :3

Thanks for reposting. I see you included some other stuff in there too.

One apparent omission, though: the Fimfetch copy of Nova seems to have an additional chapter, "The Sergeant (The Storm)".

Edit: Also, the two copies of A Rose is a Rose appear identical; both 55,926 words when the contents page and chapter headings are trimmed from the HTML version.


Ah, didn't know Fimfetch existed (a quick check of Archive.org shows it probably didn't at the time). Yes, I can confirm that the additional chapter did exist on the day of original deletion.

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