Cheese Pie 718 members · 170 stories
Comments ( 49 )
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The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

'Ello, dearies~ As it says on the title of this thread, this is the place where you can introduce yourself, if you'd like, and you can also talk amongst other users.

Hey guys, I'm Toni - the founder of this group - and I've been writing for almost three years now! I'm a teenage girl with too much time of her hands, and I'm into way too many fandoms (more than I count). Writing is my passion in life and I hope to go forward with it someday. I'm a very sociable person, so if you hit me up with a message, I'll be happy to talk!

Ok, now you guys! :pinkiehappy:

Hello, I'm a crazy shipper who couldn't resist this new shipping! I'm allways up to chating, and you can PM me about anything!:pinkiehappy:

hello im rather new to the fandom and i just love reading everything i come across in terms of fanfics

Aloha, I'm THE Notebook. While most of what I do in very antisocial, I will normally look through threads I find, even though I might not post.

Now thanks to this ship I have all the more reason to make a certain story for a certain group's contest.

You find all or anything Fluttershy send it my way she is my favorite pony, you can probably tell by my picture most of the time.

The Notebook

Group Contributor

Well, I'm FierceRainbow. I'm a huge shipper so I obviously couldn't resist joining. Besides, the third ship with a good name? Count me in. (And the other two are Pinkie as well).
It was painfully obvious that Cheese had a crush on Pinkie, having looked for her across Equestria. It was almost painful. I can see big things for CheesePie, already with Fox's and fan art, like DaringDash. It's quite like this one with two extremely similar characters. You should totally check it out (yay for shameless advertising). :yay:

Hi there, I'm Pa(i)ge and I'm not a giant shipper, BUT ALL OF MY FEELS FOR THIS PAIRING, GUYS.

Scootaloo is best pony, though the fic I'm writing about her right now is probably going to be put on hiatus for a little bit while I gather all the little bits of my twice-exploded heart and go nuts with this pairing. Because ASDFGHJKL; TOO ADORABLE FOR WORDS.

As for more personal-type-things, I've been a brony since maybe mid Season 2, I hope to be a fantasy/sci-fi author of the published variety some day, and I play the fiddle. I'm also an avid gamer, so if you want to talk to me about Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Harvest Moon, or why I only played half an hour of Myst and then never touched it again, let me know and then prepare your inbox for imminent spamming of irrelevant opinions. I can also hook you up with non-pony book recommendations as well, if you so desire.

Hi most of everyone knows me already XD. But I am a huge pinkie shipper next to Donny's Boy I freakin love this ship after hearing cheese's story I knew he and pinkie were meant to be.


Hi, SHL here. Why I'm here? Well, I'm fine with a very loto of shippings and this is a nice one :pinkiehappy:

I joined because I'm a really serious fan of Weird Al: I've seen him in concert several times, I know the names of the guys in his band, I bought some of his guitarist's solo albums, I know dumb trivia about his music and videos. And while I've never been able to narrow it down to just one episode of MLP before, as soon as "Pinkie Pride" aired, I had a favorite.

Hello My Name is Marlin, I'm a clown fish.
Back to Reality, My Nickname is Eowyn, like
The girl in LOTR, One of my many fandoms.
I like Doctor Who, Tom Hiddleston, Star Wars And Sherlock! I enjoy reading and writing fanfiction. I ship FlutterCord, CheesePie(duh),
Soari'NDash and FlashLight.
I can't wait to read some Cheese Pie stories!

Greetings comrades, I'm Tachyon Xenophile. I'm a crack shipper and general fan of shipping. Even before I was a brony, I was into Weird Al.
Snails is best pony and my OTP is Diamond Tiara :heart: Snails.

If anyone takes offense at anything I said, I feel obliged to tell you I'm not looking for a fight. I just figured I might as well tell you something about myself. :twilightblush:

Hello there I'm patient945 the moment I saw this group I said MUST JOIN :pinkiecrazy:

Yellow! I'm Catdragons42788888, I'm I'm just so glad I wasn't the only person who thought of this ship :derpytongue2:

Hi there. I'm Scoots2. My activity varies a whole lot, depending on what else I have going on. I haven't written very many stories, but I try to make the ones I do write as good as I can.

I really don't ship much. My guilty pleasure is FlutterDash, but mostly I like Friendship is Magic as something about platonic friendship.

There is something different about this ship. Non-shippers ship it, people with clashing OTPs ship it, *people who only watched one episode and know zilch about the fandom ship this.* Seriously, that's what a friend of mine told me. "D'aw! They're perfect together!"

So that is why I am here. :pinkiehappy:

Hi, I'm Redhead With A Computer! Call me Redhead. I'm a crazy ten year old that is in wayyy too many fandoms and I couldn't resist this ship! I ship TwiDash, RariJack, MacShy and Cheese Pie. Feel free to talk to me about ANYTHING.

I love shipping so much that I'm on the border of obsessed.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp:

*Clears throat and opens wings* Hello everypony! As you probably can see, my name is Written Script. I just got here and I hope you all like my stories and me!

I am Diwieo I work on longer tics and I saw the episode pinkie pride and I was like :pinkiegasp: let the shipping comence

My name is Nailat Saien Chowdhury and I like My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic and I like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2013 and Littest Pet Shop 2013 (like in my username XD) I only ship hethro ships and etc

Hey! Sooo, I'm Civviq Writer, and I ship these two HARD!
Please note, I'm from the Netherlands and my English still needs some improvements. Even when everyone (or everypony) else says it's great. :applejackunsure:

Oh well. Onwards!:pinkiehappy:

'Ello, darlings, I'm Sketcha-Holic, and I'm a drawing maniac (hence my user name). I also like to come up with stories, whether they be original or fanfic. :pinkiehappy:

So, I'm a big CheesePie fan. This is coming from someone who tries to stay the heck away from shipping, due to it being a dangerous battlefield. :rainbowderp: But so help me, Cheese and Pinkie are so cute and their interaction in the show made me squeal with joy! I WILL GO DOWN FIGHTING WITH THIS SHIP!!! :flutterrage:

3187158 AMEN.

Also, if anybody hasn't started reading Sketch-A-Holic's fic, do so. It's awesome.

Hello everypony. I like Cheese Pie a lot, especially since they look so cute together. I'm not much of a shipper, but this is one ship I like a lot. Especially reading comics about it.

Hmm... cannot think of much to say. I haven't published a fanfic, but perhaps I could do something Cheese Pie. ^-^

3332854 Well, welcome to you! I think you'll find a lot of people who say that they're not really shippers except for CheesePie, including me! Enjoy the stories and check out some of our threads and make yourself at home.

Nice to meet you! Don't worry about the English, I understand, I have the same situation over hear. Apparently, my English is good enough for people to take me for a native speaker, but I know that I DO need to improve my writing!:scootangel:
P.S Europeans unite!

Yup. There aren't enough European bronies. :derpytongue2:

So true!:pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I mean, where I'm from, they haven't even heard of it.
It's a shame, isn't it?

They haven't even heard of it?! :pinkiegasp:
That's a real shame!:facehoof:
P.S do you know any other bronies from the Netherlands on Fimfiction? I could link to one if you want to!

Well, I do know a Dutch group... But any links are welcome! :yay:

Okay, here we go: thasbrony
P.S you know their is a group for European bronies too, right?

Wow. I've been in this group how long and never introduced myself? Now I feel silly. Name's Bluegrass Brooke. I've been on the site since March, and specialize in slow paced slice of life/romance stories. My big Cheese Pie work is What Changes May Come. If you like very long, slow paced Cheese Pie romance, you'll love my story.

My writings tend towards the more serious, realistic side. Being a perfectionist, I love to receive constructive criticism. I really enjoy reading the other Cheese Pie works, and if you need a prereader for them, feel free to ask.

Hello, everyone!

My name is Tyler and I LOVE this ship. It brings me so much joy. :heart:

Although I am new to fimfiction, I am no stranger to the website. I've read tons of stories and only recently decided that it might be fun to write some of my own, especially when it comes to CheesePie. :rainbowkiss:

Soon, the internet shall be graced with my writing skills! MUAHAHA!!!

....I mean, yay?

Also, I have a tendency to make pointless/sometimes-off-topic puns. You have been warned.

Thanks for your time! :twilightsmile:

Hello I'm Its Rainbow Dash., used to go by Its Pinkie Pie for a while in the past lol.

I'm a writer and though my name says RD in it I mostly write about Pinkie, Twilight and maybe Fluttershy.

I love Cheesepie Pinkie Pride inspired the idea for my Void Walker Trilogy as well as a few other ideas., I hope to see alot of cool Cheesepie stuff on the site now that I'm starting to be able to find my way around this place.

The set-up of the site is a bit confusing and my Ps3 hides alot of things from me as well. :ajsleepy:

I'm always up to talk about Pinkie or if anypony needs anything in general just ask when my hardware is working correctly I jump on what needs work.

I like your avatar XD. But welcome yeah pinkie is awesome so is cheese.

Cheese Sandwich is best pony & Cheese Pie is best ship :pinkiehappy:

Hello everypony!

I joined this group a day ago, but I didn't make it to greet all of you, so I'll do it now.

As you probably know, I've added my story to your group. It's a sad, romantic and - ahem, a bit shocking story, to be honest. Okay, a lot. :facehoof: So if you haven't read it, it would mean a lot to me if you took some time to do so. I promise it will leave an impression on you, either good or bad. :pinkiesmile:

Well, that's all from me for now.

Thanks in advance.

4458018 Hello there. I'm Bluegrass. I've been writing CheesePie for a long while. A long while . . . :pinkiecrazy: I'm sort of the counter to the majority of CheesePie authors, preferring rather dark/serious novels as opposed to the more lighthearted ones the ship's known for. I recently switched to Twicord as my primary focus, so yeah, not much CheesePie at the moment, though I'll be finishing Slow Fade eventually. I do so hate leaving a story unfinished.

I'd love to read your story, but alas, it's really a bit out there for me. :twilightoops: But, if you've got something a little tamer, I'd be happy to take a look. I apparently write Pinkie and Cheese well . . . Dunno how that happened considering how serious I am. :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by Sapphire One deleted Jun 24th, 2015

Hey, I'm Zhane0220 and I think Cheesepie is an awesome mix. I mean come on! They're both super duper party ponies and they're perfect as can be! In my fics I think that cheese should sing a song that resembles the one in the show and after dancing a bit he proposes. I love writing romance! give me a shout if you have any ideas for me and I am new to this sight so if I put something in the wrong genre then please tell me. I assure you that I probably didn't do it on propose! I look forward to writing and reading your guy's fics!

Zhane out!

Hello, everyone! I am a VERY VERY VERY SHIPPY CheesePie shipper. I have yet to write any actual CheesePie, though.:twilightblush:
However, this site boasts some FANTASTIC stories that just might get me inspired to write my own!

2738632 HEY, GUYS ! Big CheesePie lover, ship it on a space ship :trollestia: They are so cute together and the stories you'll find here really enhances that.

HOI! I'm just your average girl.

Who is obsessed with this pairing.

Okay, maybe not entirely normal :raritywink: Most people aren't exactly CheesePie crazed. But you guys are, so YAY!

Cheese Sandwich is my personal favorite pony, with Fluttershy close behind.

PM me if you want, I'll definitely respond at some point, even if it's not exactly when ya send it.

Hi. I'm a brony. I am new here and ever since I discovered my love for MLP, I've been looking for a place full of it. Thankfully I found this website and I hope to be able to meet new bronies/pegasisters of all kind. And also, CHEESIE PIE IS MY OTP.

Hi, I'm kinda new to the Fandom compared to some of you guys and I'm the most enthusiastic shipper I know. I might not have the talent to post anything but I LOVE all these Fanfics! Thanks for writing all these works of art!

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