Nothing is Sacred 108 members · 160 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Group Admin

Hey guys what's up? (don't you dare say it:flutterrage:) It's me, Facade, Devo, Pepe, whatever you want to call me. I'm here because I love gore and the thought of someone getting ripped to shreds (emotionally, mentally, physically, sexually not so much but hey. I don't judge). I enjoy writing it, reading it, watching it, doing it :pinkiecrazy:. Certifiably insane (and not giving a single buck). Ready to help edit, co-author, pre-read, anything you need me to do (as long as no credit goes to me). That's a basic description of me,

who are you?


i'm here because i was told to join, so i did.

Group Admin

2082343 You are also temp in charge while I handle something in another group. As for me, I'm the one who started the group and the one who is currently being run ragged by another group. I'm almost done, though, hopefully.

2082343 I am Jioplip, as far as you know.

I joined here because I wrote a crappy story that had blood and guts and morally repugnant actions in it.

Because nothing is sacred.

Me? I'm just a biker that loves ponies. Sometimes, I write gory shit, which is why I ended up here.

I'm one of those guys. You know, the kind who would voluntarily make 'upgrades' for myself and painfully weld them on and off. The Scrapper, they call me...

Why wouldn't I join this anyway? I like metalworking and using said metal on myself as a weapon, stuff like that.

Group Admin

Well some of you may already know me....:pinkiecrazy: others do not. So......:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: Let me introduce myself!!!! I am Cromegas_Flare!!!!!!! or Mr. Flare for short. some call me Crome, and others Cromega. either work for me.:twilightsmile:

I am insane in many ways. and zane in others. (yes with a "z"):moustache:
Everything ells you want to know from me... you can ask around, or just ask me directly.... the later would be best.

2082364 (yes I tagged you twice) EPIC!!!!!!!!!:pinkiegasp:

~Make life an Adventure~
Mr. Flare

Welcome to the Brotherhood. We are hungry, we are coming...

Group Admin

Come to me, and I will Feed!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

I'm Klilo.
I'm a human.
I'm from the planet earth in the system Solar.
I've written fan fiction.
I've coded an OS.
I've made my own game mods.
I've made my own art.
I've made my own music.
Any other questions? :rainbowdetermined2:

I am Stiggerzz.
I am not human.

That is all you need to know.


1. It removes stains.
2. According to humans, yes.
3. Time got mad at you, and hit you on the head. Then it thought 'sorry' and decided to heal it. With itself. Because screw logic.

Hello, my name is Illumipony. I enjoy music, stuffed animals, and satanic worship ceremonies.
I am here to continue in my unending quest to corrupt all that is holy, and damn all pure souls with my malicious mind.
By way of pony stories...
So if you're ever in the mood to see cute peaceful creatures get brutally torn apart (Physically, mentally, emotionally, and definitely sexually) then feel free to look me up sometime.

Hail Satan! :pinkiecrazy:

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