Human in Equestria 16,895 members · 17,097 stories
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So as much as the "8 foot candy cane" scale is out there. I still find many a fic to where the Ponies are just way to tiny. I mean I know there are called "little," but when you get right down to it, they are rather large creatures in comparison to us. So here is a few charts I have gathered to help would be HiE writers get a solid visual of Pony sizes.

Here is the 8 foot candy cane represented with pics from the show.

Moving on to body types. We can see how the different kinds of Ponies relate to an average Human.

As you can see here. The normal Ponies such as Twilight come in at a pretty standard 4 feet (1.21m). The average Human being 6 feet (1.82m), these body types would come up to right about your rib cage. On the other end of the spectrum is Tia. She is a rocking 6 foot (1.82m) on all fours. Meaning her horn would make her right around 8 feet (2.43m) tall.

Standing up on their back legs adds a whole other faucet to the mix. As normal Pony heights would come close to 6 feet tall (1.82m), if not just a bit under. Luna, Cadance and Fleur would be a massive 7-8 feet (2.13-2.43m) tall. While Celestia with her long legs would reach heights up to 10 feet (3.04m)

As far as weight goes. Some have put them right around the same class as a Shetland Pony. Which can come in at close to 400 pounds (181kg). Personally I would imagine the Ponies like Twilight there weighing in at more around 180- 200 pounds (81-90kg) The body type used by Luna, Cadance and Fleur could easily reach 230 pounds (104kg). Celestia of course would come closer to the larger range, but I doubt she could weight anywhere near the 400 (181kg) mark, as she is rather skinny for her height.

Alternate Methods:
Here is a rather in depth observation on the same 8 foot candy cane method. It deals with the fact that the candy cane in the show is tilted slightly. So the person is adding in factors of pixels to the equation. Some of the measurements are roughly the same, while a couple are very much different.

So this was just some basic info for anyone interested in how to scale the Ponies, pony OCs comparatively to Human counterparts. Of course these are not absolutes, and by no way means you should stick to these sizes if you do not like them. Enjoy.

Haha cool

Imagine the world's tallest man in Equestria... Doors would suck big time.

Ratio equal to Gandalf = Hobbits

PS horn height shouldn't count. It's unfair... Or let the human put his arms up at least.


Yeah, I remember those scailings. Those are the ones that I use and define.

This is actually quite useful. Thank you for this post. :twilightsmile:

This page right here is also a good one. It measures just about every character in the show (even Spike).

Blech. That first one is horrifically approximate. Based solely on estimation and conjecture. :pinkiesick:

I like the second one though! Even though the results are very marginal, still, the animation has never had one hundred percent continuity. :twilightsmile:

The better question is more or less how ponies came up with feet as a unit of measurement. If anything, they should use the metric system or at least hooves...


Some fics do that, Twilight mentioning long distances in kilotrots which is sorta metric-y... I guess.

As far as pony size compared to humans, eh... I've always seen ponies as about hip or belly-high to a "standard" human (5'-10"). Some fics make the ponies smaller, some a bit larger. But most tend to go with that.

What a lot of fics gloss over is how often a careless human would bash their head on a pony-scaled doorframe, light fixtures and anything else dangling from the ceiling too. Not to mention scraping their head across said ceiling if they don't continue to stoop over. I don't believe weight would be an issue however. Any structure capable of supporting a pony would support a human; short and squat versus tall and thin but weighing the same, in essence.

Comment posted by Fuckoff deleted Jun 30th, 2013

Anyone wanna convert the IMPERIAL measurements to METRIC so the rest of the world can understand and not have to calculate.

To the countries ( Which I believe is only 4 or 5 now) who still use the imperial system... It's time to Metricate!

Comment posted by BroniesRDisgusting deleted Jun 30th, 2013

I agree. US Customary system is bullshit.
1 foot = 30.48 centimeters
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
Get cracking on it, then. :pinkiehappy:

1190084 What's with your Sonic the hedge hog OC?


Blech. That first one is horrifically approximate. Based solely on estimation and conjecture.

Which is why I just go by how tall ponies are in real life.

Comment posted by Fuckoff deleted Jun 30th, 2013

But these are not real ponies. They're almost nothing alike. Seriously, compare their bodies side by side. Completely different creatures.

I'm pretty sure that most buildings are made in mind for the small chance that Celestia might visit. So humans should not be hitting their heads on doorways.

1189954 That is pretty cool. Is good information to have.

The size charts are about as useful as tits on a bull. They don't "confirm" anything since animation tends to be inconsistent with sizes.Though I do agree that ponies in most fics are too small, to the point that it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine now (death to the 3 feet pony headcanon!).

Personally I like the second chart, though I (personally) put ponies as being just little bit taller, to the point that they would actually be taller than a human on their hind legs.. I think it's appropriate that while humans are certainly tall in stature we're surprisingly small in size.

Also weight jokes, weight jokes everywhere.

1189921 All I see from this is that a human could definitely take a pony in a fight. no doubt in my mind. We are perfectly sized to have a limber and flexible body scale to entwine and outmaneuver a pony with ease.


In both sheets, there's a huge problem with their initial measurement of the candy cane. I'll focus on the second image, since the first is way too approximate to accept as factual.

If you look at the candy cane in the second image, you'll see that the black lines are drawn horizontally in the frame, so the white line actually comes out to be about six inches taller than the candy cane itself. In order to make the appropriate measurement, the black lines would need to be perpendicular to the stalk of the cane. This is about a 6% error.

He then proceeds to underestimate Scoot's height, by drawing her bar under the top of her skull, but he then puts the bar in about the right place on Sweetie Belle, and then cuts off poor Rarity's scalp. About a 2% error.

So, actually, if we assume the height of the candy cane to be exactly eight feet, and accept all his pixel counts as accurate, a filly should stand at about 2'5", an adult should be a good 4', and Celestia stands at about 6'5".

1190084 ...and then none of us will know how to figure measurements. Meters are pretty much the only thing I can figure, due to the fact that they're so close to yards. I'm not saying that customary system (as you call the "imperial units") is efficient or easy, but I'm saying I couldn't help a lost guy with directions if I used metric. I cannot figure kilometers. Oh well, guess I'll learn. I plan to be an engineer, so I will eventually figure out how to approximate kilos instead of pounds, etc. :pinkiesmile:

I make my ponies 4'8". Princess Luna is 5'10", and Celestia is 7'. I just like it that way. :pinkiesmile:

Wait, I thought most of the ponies kinda fit into human size when they end up walking on two hooves ( well I mean like Twilight and everypony else since they look so teenage-ish) right? :rainbowhuh:

I never thought about this... it gives meh an idea

You want the full list?


Bah, who's footprints are on the moon? Eh? Eh? :derpyderp1:

I thought so. :derpytongue2:

Michel Jackson and Luna

In my Equestria, I place Celestia's eyes at bar with mine and the rest is scaled from there. That is all.

...Except in Life in Rarity's Kitchen, where the human is far smaller. Rarity is about 300 ft tall, par exemple.

Probably Europe
Am I missing anyone?

Detective Chmilewsky
Group Contributor

1189958 I always felt that the head of a pony came just above someone's waist.

If you want an interesting fic, Make the mane 6 average pony the size of a real life pony, Why?

Im sorry but when did Luna gain feet? And Michael Jackson's are probably more like dragged out lines from moon walking everywhere.

personally I would enjoy seeing more fics where humans are huge in relation to ponies, like the tip of Celestia's horn comes up to somewhere between our knee and waist. but i seem to be a minority on this :fluttercry:


Motherfucker, this better not be the start of shit threads getting stickied again. I'm watching you.

I disagree with the pony sizes mainly because of energy constraints. Assuming no friction, if rainbow weighed 300 pounds (small for an adult pony, even a shetland.) The energy needed to accelerate to Mach 1 would be...
300 lbs= 136 kg
Vs= 343 m/s
KE= 136*343*343/2=8*10^6 joules, or
1,900 Calories.
That's without including drag or the efficiency with which ponies convert fat into energy. Considering how pegasi are built, I give a baseline estimate of 6,000-10,000 Calories of Energy to perform that stunt. Being fair, rainbow doesn't do that sort of thing regularly, but she flies around everywhere, and her cloud walking abities likely take energy too. Plus, Assuming the elevation change is ~10,000 feet, since PE= mgh that's another 970 Calories to fly from the ground to the cloud cover, which Rainbow does repeatedly every time she goes out to clear clouds. Again, this doesn't include drag , or the forward kinetic energy she would need to generate. To sustain all the flying, either magic needs to provide ponies with most of the energy they need to survive, or pegasi have to weigh far less. If magic supplies the energy to the ponies then my argunent is over- Magic A is not Magic A in FiM, so I can't draw any conclusions. If pegasi ponies weigh less, I figure they would have to be in the sub 100 lbs range. Since Dash is about the same size as the rest of the main six, and if pegasi had radically different bone and organ varieties that the other ponies the interspecies reproduction would pretty much be impossible (and wifh the cakes, we know it isn't), i conclude that ponies are somewhere between 40 and 80 pounds when full grown, and on average three feet tall from front hooves to head. (Not counting horn.)

Just keep in mind...this is an alternate universe we're talking about. There are no earthling units of measurement, scales, or principles equestria follows that would establish pony to human scales in a consistent manner (some of these theories, although logical, can and do contradict each other).

For all we know, the average pony could be 100 of our feet tall.

My neadcanon is that 1 inch ~3 gerbil penises, therefore your ponies would be ~3,600 gerbil penises tall. Thank you (NOT) internet.

Comment posted by Herrpface deleted Jul 7th, 2013

@People who want America to use the metric system: drown in a sewer


Weights turn out to be lighter than I expected. I did an experiment with a brushable and a scale Haflinger, 1189961 did the math. I may have miscalculated the height of ponies by 6 inches or so, but it'd be easy enough to plug in different numbers.

Link to Science for details on the experiment and results.

1237335 So five feet tall, eh?

Note: here, in this image, fluttershy looks to be about 1/2 iron will's height.

And considering how top heavy he is, iron will is unlikely to be much taller than your average human male, at max i'd make him 6'3" which means the average female pony height is ~3 feet or so, with big mac being at about 4 feet. I am, by the way, estimating from front hooves to the top of their heads when they look straight forward. This puts earth ponies and unicorns at about the same mass as humans, although pegasi would likely be less dense, as well as shorter (on average, roid rage notwithstanding) and end up clocking between 80-120 lbs.

You all are doing mistake number one- Using Real Life Mesurements to explain Cartoon Mesurements. Thin about it. Cartoon Physics don't match, who says Cartoon Mesurements match? What if they're around 700 feet tall or something, hm?

Is everyone glossing over the simple comparison option as shown by Equestria Girls?


I've got no problem with that. Evidence on the show suggests that they're a particular size (especially if former generations of the show are factored it), but that's based entirely on assumptions (such as apples or cows being the same size as their terrestrial counterparts). I figure as long as the author keeps it consistent, it's all good.


Yes, because when the thread was started, there was no EqG, and based on observations of the real world, EqG aren't human. Bipedal, yes. Humanoid, yes. Human? No.

that is a fair point

Well, that would mean that in real life I'm probably around as tall as Cadance and still be lighter than Twilight. How odd.

And since the main character in this HiE story I'm writing is supposed to be an overhaul of me(but still being a different character for it not to be a self-insert story), this also means he would be around as tall as Cadance but still dwarved by Celestia....if he gets to normal human size, that is. He is around the size of a fly right now, and that obviously means he would be even lighter than Sweetie.

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