Sunset Shimmer 4,954 members · 6,862 stories
Comments ( 29 )
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This is weird, yet kinda cool. What do you guys think?

Holy crap I want to write a one-shot about this

4485796 Holy crap. That is awesome looking.
4485798 Please do! I'd even be willing to storyboard with you.

4485798 Great! I'd love to read it!:scootangel:

The drawing looks nice.

4485796 cool pairing man i haven't seen that one yet

Oh my sweet Luna, this picture looks so cool:raritystarry: Dude:twilightoops: Oh my that you mention...this ship would make so sense....whoa. I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP!:yay::heart: They are perfect for each other!

I would sooo read it if you did:rainbowkiss: Please do and let me know when you publish it!

Well, that's a pretty big difference in species from pony to gargoyle, but I dig it. That's a neat idea. Someone should totally write about it.

I'm disturbed Ultron haven't been shipped yet ....though to be fair, it would be more disturbing if someone did.


Alrighty! Tomorrow morning I'll start writing. I already have an idea of what I want...

I only need an editor!

4486147 I could try to edit, if you like.

I have a head canon that Sunset is descended from Scorpan and Clover the Clever and that she has a weaker version of Tirek's ability because of that bloodline. This allowed her to consume and use the magic from the tiara without being qualified. Also, unconsciously using that ability activated her latent demon DNA. Though this would have only been possible because the connection with the other elements was weakened by the dimensional seperation.


If you want I can lend a hand, this is a great idea!

4486147 I can edit and help with the idea and such.

4485796 Holy crap I just came up with an idea:

"No need to be afraid, my little pony."

Blackness. Pure, complete blackness all around me. My eyes picked up nothing but darkness as I found myself in... nowhere.Just nothing. Couldn't even be called a void, or abyss. Just a bleak black tone and ringing in my ears, even when I didn't have them. There was no heart to pound in my chest, no sweat to roll down my neck. I was just... there.

And then I wasn't.


I was forced to close my now-existent eyes as a blinding white light flashed from the nothing, and I was flung into a new reality. I tried to scream, but I couldn't.


The first thing my new body registered is the pressure I'm feeling as I fall into something cold yet fluffy. Crushing, pushing, shoving me into the ground. Fighting against it, I lift up a suddenly heavy foreleg, pushing against the substance to no avail. And then, just as quickly as it came, it left, and my body returned to normal.

"You can do it, Sunset Shimmer. "

The voice. It knew my name. It talked to me as if it had known me all my life, when I didn't even recognize it. I wanted to yell, to feel angry or even scared at it, but I couldn't. I just felt... calm.

This time, combining the force of all my legs, I let out a victory grunt as they manage to push my body up, and I'm standing. Now it's time to see. Cracking an eye open, I'm relived to see clouds have rolled in to cover the bright sun of this... place.

Where am I?

I open the other eye, and I'm looking around the landscape around me.

Snow. Nothing but pure white snow surrounds me, though I do see a small mountain with a few trees on it in the distance. But besides that speck of color, the only things too see were the blue of the sky and the white of the snow and clouds.

Seeing as I have no other choice, I begin my trek over to it, one hoof over another as I trudged through the thick, icy substance. Yet strangely enough, after a few steps I'm there. I want to question it, wonder why I've magically teleported without my own horn, but I quickly move on to something else against my will.

There's an odd stone latying before me. It's shaped like a heart. it has my name and something else beside it. They're letters that look familiar, but I can't quite place in my mind.

Sunset plus who? Sunset plus who?

I try to use my magic this time to lift it up, but it seems my magic does not work in this world. The only thing that happens is that a few sparks fly off into the ground, fading into oblivion. Sighing, I turn around, looking at the land before me. I soon notice that in this area the ground is visible, though a few rogue patches of snow lay scattered about. Then I see that to my left, there's a cliff of sorts with a tree protruding from the side.

And strangely enough, I find myself by that tree, and there's an all-to familiar face on it.

"It's been too long, my dear Sunset."

"I can say the same to you, Scorpan. Now, why have you taken me here?"

He let out a hearty laugh.

"I didn't take you here. I'm not particularly fond of walking down memory lane. Looking at things we've done and place's we've been only brings sadness. Your subconscious did this. So, wake up."

I tilt my head, and he lifts a paw down and scratches it. Growling, I take a step back.

"Wake... up? But we only just got here! And besides, we used to always hang out here all the time, why leave so soon?"

"Wake. Up."

And then my eyes fly open to see my room and normal, human body. Letting out a sigh, I look over to my side, where there lays a heart-shaped book with two names on it.

Sunset and Scorpan.

Stretching out an orange hand to pick it up, I flip it open, the first picture being one her old friend took:

And then she cried, knowing she'd never see him again.


Leaning on tree branch, touches pretty pony hair.
"Eeaaagh?! A big monkey's touching my head!"
"Eeek! It's gonna throw poo at me!"
Pony runs away.

4486147 I'll need to know word count first, but I'll consider editing.

4485796 Hmm. Two characters who once sought power, but then found friendship and reformed, and later helped defeating an enemy with the same motives. I like it. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright: I'll be looking out for this.


Well, unless you wanna work together as editors, I don't know who to choose xD

I never know how many words I write, but given that it's a one-shot, it'll be at least 10,000 words long.

4487613 I don't know how it'll work, but I'm game!


Well, send me a message if you're willing to work together! I will create a GDoc in which I'll start writing online so we can work on it together!

But I'll do it tonight (or tomorrow morning) 'cause I have to work.

4487655 Well, I've sent my message.

Totally willing to collaborate.

4487662 I don't do a ton of reading on this site, and while I like the idea, I am not so in love with it to do what could be five hours of editing for me due to how thorough I can be. Sorry.

4487673 Oh, okay. That's fine. I though you were declining because you had to collab. I can understand being thorough too. I've easily wasted hours on paragraphs I'm not satisfied with.

did someone say scorpanok?

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