Sunset Shimmer 4,954 members · 6,862 stories
Comments ( 28 )
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In my opinion, she'd be a in a metal band. She's rockin' a sweet leather jacket, mad guitar skills, that front-woman charm and not to mention having been a demon (that's like...1000 metal points) Now what kind of metal band is up to you guys. Also as a side note, the whole EQ Girls band would end up like KISS. Those outfits and that make-up proves it.

I could definitely see her rockin' some Sabbath on a Saturday night, writing a song about fast cars and faster women :rainbowlaugh:


YES. JUST YES. :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowwild:

At one point I replaced her and the rainbooms with Jem and the Holograms. I died of laughter.

Metallica? Slayer? Lamb of God? Cannibal Corpse? Hell maybe any metal band that's good enough for me. :twilightsmile:

AND I LOVE METAL!!!!!!!1111!!!

4423325 I'd actually love to hear a Sunset Shimmer cover of War Pigs.

Glad to find some fellow metal heads, Rock on!:yay:

btw Fluttershy would be a riot to bring to a concert.

That'd be interesting seeing as metal is like 60 percent of my life. If someone could make a fic in which Sunset makes a death metal band apart from the Rainbooms, I'd probably be quite content.

Start an very awful death metal band called "Rectal Waste".

4423319 I'm going to have to disagree on the metal thing. I'd have to say Sunset would be more suited to post-grunge alternative rock. It just seems to me like she'd be more at home with a sound like 3 Doors Down or Silversun Pickups.

4423559 You know, I'd believe it. She'd fit in nicely at a alt rock concert.


They aren't the most metal band, but whenever I hear any Halestorm song I always think of Sunset. Sunny would definitely bring the metal to any eardrums... willing or unwilling.

4423617 Thanks.

This was, if I recall, the second vector I'd ever made. Grown quite a bit since then. I know I still need to finish Pinkie and Dash... but then the movie happened. And it's been Dazzlings (mostly Adagio and SunDagio) consuming my every creative thought since. ;)

4423622 perhaps I wasn't clear on what I meant. I was aiming for more...alternative-ish kinda bands going up into thrash and power metal.(if ya wanna be hard core. You could maybe go Slayer but I dunno)

Or if you want some metal clarification try

i always imagined Sunset had a better taste in music - her leather jacket and take-no-shit attitude always brought 70's punk rock to my mind, like Heart, Genaration X or even, please God, The Clash.

I think she'd be in a pop/rock band called The Rainbooms.


That's why I prefaced my comment with "not the most metal". As in hardly at all lol. I was just saying their songs remind me of her :twilightsmile:.

An alternative band like Garbage or The Cranberries maybe.

Man I love metal. Sunset Shimmer + My favorite music = 10x HOTTER

4423319 I'm kind-of sort-of writing a story about it, if anyone's interested.

Staying on topic, with the skills she displayed at the end of Rainbow Rocks, I'd say she would function best as a virtuoso guitarist like Steve Vai or Orianthi (especially with the progressive flavors of the former).

4423319 Something like Green Day?


...that can be made to be a thing, most likely. Just as a little one-shot, under 3k words.

4424558 Doubt anyone will write it though.


Give me a few days.

4425178 Sweet, looking forward to it!:yay:

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