Equestria Girls Fics 3,773 members · 12,211 stories
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So what would be your stab at writing an Equestria Girls story set in Bullworth Academy from the game "Bully"?

I mean imagine what it would be like for Twilight and Sunset if the mirror opened up there instead of Canterlot high.

how would you portray the Human characters in that school setting?

Hilarious I kind of had the same thought months ago too about if the portal was infront of Bullworth.

Wondering how things would be going for Spike too in that type of scenario too.

I could see both of them getting their butts kicked a lot.

As for the others I could see applejack and rainbow dash being the top dogs of the school.

Twilight and Sunset won’t survive. I mean the Townies, Greasers, Jocks, Nerds, and Preppies are major groups that cause some power struggles

Okay, I have some thoughts before, but for now I see some similarities in fabulas of Bully and first EqG movie. It's really looks like movie is softer version of game with some simplifications(like mane5 instead of groups etc.).

Shoot, man, you've made me think and I overdone it...

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