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There two scenario.

One, Sunset replace Sci-Twi. Let just say Sci-Twi went to Canterlot High instead.

Two, both Sunset and Sci-Twi exist in the same school.

How would this go?

Don't know but the better question is, where is the Human Sunset Shimmer? I mean if that series did not end, we would have known

I imagine Sunset would need to either ingratiate herself to or plot to remove Principle Cinch to rule the school like she did at Canterlot High. She'd also start with a handicap as most of the students are from wealthy families and are encouraged to focus on their own self-interest and advancement. She'd just be another ambitious student but without the backing of a wealthy family.

She would've had a much harder time because the crystal prep students were basically all the same as her back then but they were all rich. Plus I feel like Cinch and Cadence would've been a lot more observant of Sunset considering she wouldn't have any records and any attempts to forge would probably be caught right away.

Not really Midknight, the plot armor was too heavy in places during EQG and it would have been no different.

One recurring issues I've seen with these kinds of things is that the writers seem to believe that the story can't happen without plot armor.

Plot armor can be used effectively, I just haven't seen it done that often.

Don't know, but you know what a better question is?

Why don't you make a separated tread asking that question?

Depends on context and how plot armor is executed.

To be honest the only real way I could see pony sunset existing in a world with human Sunset is if Human Sunset is dead and died a long time ago to where her records aren't checked on because really there is no way Sunset should be able to operate.

shes got no documents of any kind and would likely have to forge documents in order to get anything like her job for example.

Yes, it does. I haven't seem many good examples.

None that I can remember off the top of my head anyway.

To be honest the only real way I could see pony sunset existing in a world with human Sunset is if Human Sunset is dead and died a long time ago to where her records aren't checked on because really there is no way Sunset should be able to operate.

So, here is the thing about a multiverse, you're not going to be alive in every universe.

Hell, there will be those where you're never even born.

My guess is that is the case with Sunset. She was born on one side of the mirror but not the other.

It's more plausible than people realize.

shes got no documents of any kind and would likely have to forge documents in order to get anything like her job for example.

Oh definitely.

Another thing thing in Sunset's favor for this idea is how obsessed Cinch is with reputation and winning. The moment she realized what a "bright spark" Sunset was she would sweep anything under the rug just to have that "big gun" working for her benefit.


So, here is the thing about a multiverse, you're not going to be alive in every universe.

Hell, there will be those where you never even born.

My guess is that is the case with Sunset. She was born on one side of the mirror but not the other.

Basically my headcanon.

Fair point, I just feel like it would've made sense and actually been a bit tragic if Sunset came to this world and found out the alternate version of herself was dead

Or what would be even better is if she was still alive but she was a senile and grumpy old woman who had no friends or family around and just stayed bitter and angry after all her friends left her when she was young. I could even see a situation where Celestia knew her when they were young but they drifted apart.

That makes the multiverse idea really useful in writing.

You literally have unlimited possibilities to work with, so long as they're well done.


Fair point, I just feel like it would've made sense and actually been a bit tragic if Sunset came to this world and found out the alternate version of herself was dead

Oroboro did something kind of like this actually. It was a pretty good story.

Or what would be even better is if she was still alive but she was a senile and grumpy old woman who had no friends or family around and just stayed bitter and angry after all her friends left her when she was young. I could even see a situation where Celestia knew her when they were young but they drifted apart.

Now there is an intriguing idea.

Right? Like imagine Sunset finds out about her human self and goes to confront her only to find out she's this bitter, old, senile old woman who lives in a cabin in the Everfree forest alone with no friends. She comes to find out that this version of her is basically one that never made friends or lost all her friends as time went on, leaving her alone and bitter at the world that she's basically the last of her friends left.

Something like that I think could've been really interesting and profound you know? Then at least if that was the case Sunset could at least say

"Yeah she was my grandmother, I was named after her and she left everything she owned to me in her will."

which I feel like could've easily explained away her documentation and how she's able to have a whole social media presence without someone raising questions lol.

I could see Sunset seeing it as a chance not just to redeem herself but redeem the Sunset Shimmer who didn't learn her lesson.

Very interesting What If. :)

I'd read the hells out of that to be honest.

I freaking love this idea you came up with Midknight.

That would be very interesting.

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