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specifically it being in Britain instead on in presumably the US.

how would things played out if the Mirror and the Highschool was there? I wonder what would British Equestria Girls look like?

Probably wouldn't look all that different. It's not like Brits are an entirely different species. Rainbow'd be on the football team, rather than the soccer team, Applejack would probably be Scottish or Welsh. Oh, and someone would probably have called Rarity the C word at some point.

We are a different species. Do not question Us, mortal.

Take it easy, EdgeTime Lord.:rainbowwild:

Horribly British teenager here with the rundown of some of the weird things about the UK's education system and how that would affect EqG.

Primary school is the first stage of schooling people going to, between the ages of 4 and 11. Then you've got secondary school, which people go to from the age of 11 until they turn 16. In both of the former, rules are strict and school uniforms are mandatory. From 16 to 18, there's four main options people have:

  • Sixth form - full time education in a school-like setting with the same strict rules and professionalism as secondary school (including school uniforms)
  • College (not university) - full time education, but with an environment that feels more like a workplace than a school, and where the teachers treat students like fellow human beings
  • Apprenticeships - part time working, part time in college
  • Working full time from the age of 16.

Depending on what age the girls are and what time it is in the academic year, they could be in secondary school or sixth form/college. Which type of education they're in could have a huge effect on their outfits, the friendliness or hostility of the environment, the teacher-student dynamic, and how seriously teachers will treat the threat of a random new girl showing up on campus without them knowing anything about her and without her college ID (although who knows, the mirror portal might provide Twilight with a fake ID card, which would be hilarious).

College is a wild place, tbh. At the place I go to, the teachers have given up trying to prevent underage smoking and vaping on campus. You're not *supposed* to swear in lessons, but the language I hear in and out of lessons is shocking. Detentions don't exist, so there's no punishment for minor things that are against the rules. However, serious offences (e.g. anything that could threaten staff or student safety) are treated twice as seriously, sometimes leading to people getting suspended from classes for a week or two, and if you don't achieve high enough grades in class tests you're kicked off the course immediately.

Equestria Girls in British college would be perfect lol

On the strike of midnight the Ravens shall flyeth from the Tower towards thee, and from the skies above thy land shall poureth hot tea and Jammie Dodgers, and the Monarch shall reclaim thy land as his own, and even thy best friends, maddened by the sight before them, shall turn to thee in anger, beer in hand, and refer to thee as a c-

If only I had this kind of linguistic talent when writing my fanfics, lol

gapty #7 · March 4th · · ·

British pronounciations

You wot, mate? You got a problem wi'my accent, mate? Leave me an' my bo'o'o'wo'o alone, mate. :rainbowlaugh:

Of course I'm joking, but unfortunately this is probably how I sound when I speak lol

gapty #9 · March 4th · · ·

Sunset's bully arc is making fun of the students pronounciations :derpyderp2:

I don’t think anything would change.

Luna's Shakespearean English is going to make more sense if EQG was set in Britain.


Equestria Girls in British college would be perfect lol

After reading the rest of your comment, I would be curious to see a version of this from you.

But I'm lazy, so maybe starting with just a short or a self-contained / stand-alone 'episode'

And British Sci-Twi and Spike is pretty much just purple Wallace and Gromit.

With Equestrian magic seeping in, there's a big chance someone would catch an Avada kedavra with their face.

Fewer school shooting fics, since Britian has fewer guns.

Dash would still be in a soccer team since Soccer is also known as Football outside the US.

"Thou shalt not speaketh in filthy twenty-first century slang in my earshot. Detention for ye, one and all!!!"

I should do this. Thank you for the idea, lol. If I could pull this off, this would be comedy gold...

Well, yeah, but we do still have gun violence, and knife crime is everywhere. So, instead of school shooting fics, it would be "Student gets stabbed by classmate on the school bus" fics. I don't know if that's better or worse, to be honest.
I can't decide if this is saying that British Equestria Girls characters would attempt to cast avada kedavra on each other using Equestrian magic, or that British Equestria Girls would see someone casting that spell and jump in front of it. Either way it's accurate XD

But Hogwarts has a wand for every student
The 'libertarian everyone can kill everyone else in moments' dream, really.

Wands don't kill people, avada kedavras do.

They'd try, but one day it'd work, leading to some awkward moments.

Pinkie would be making (even more) Monty Python references.

Sunset Shimmer would essentially be a (somewhat) nicer female Edmund Blackadder (equally sharp wits AND tongue, an extremely low tolerance for fools and willing to sabotage those that rub her the wrong way, but still having lines she doesn't cross [hence the "somewhat nicer" part]).

And, yeah, the stuff about Twilight and Spike being Wallace and Gromit with magic AS WELL AS science sounds like it would make sense.

Rainbow would be pretty similar to her canon self though she would call her sport "football" instead of "soccer".

Rarity would be RIGHT AT HOME in England, but with even more fondness for 1960s English music groups.

As for Applejack and Fluttershy, I'll have to get back to you on that.

AJ and Fluttershy would have rural backgrounds. Applejack being of a Farming family like she is in the canon and Fluttershy coming from a family the practices animal husbandry.

Yeah. I could definitely see those.

Vice Headmistress Luna speaking in Shakespearean English would also make a lot more sense in a British setting.

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