Equestria Girls Fics 3,773 members · 12,211 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Group Admin

This thread is also designed for convenience as the last post was. This thread is for any suggestions you have for the admins regarding the group, whether it's a new folder required, a suggestion for a change in look, contests, anything of that sort.

This thread is also where you can directly contact me if you have any complaints regarding users. This thread is NOT for general conversation nor for arguments.


-More Principal Celestia. Legs, legs, legs.

-I would suggest a rule prohibiting the creation of threads made to advertise stories (or worse, updates to stories). This may already be in effect as I haven't seen them for a while, but if it isn't I'd support it becoming official.

-Perhaps the creation of a thread specifically for advertising stories, or discussing popular ones.

-Perhaps the creation of a thread specifically for fanart - this problem has tapered off too, but I wasn't big on seeing a new thread every time uotapo gave us a pic.



Perhaps a "hidden gems" thread for advertising other people's stories someone found good with a low view count. It's very easy for worthwhile stories to get hedged from the feature box by the endless Anon/Displaced/Porn fics, and it might be nice have a setting where you can pump one you think is deserving.


More Principal Celestia. Legs, legs, legs.


-Maybe I'm sort of repeating the same themes, so sorry if I'm being a bother, but a rule prohibiting threads for the advertisement of story *ideas* would also appeal to me (as above, a catch-all thread created specifically for them might serve a good compromise).



I know that there are a lot of folders in this group, but I was wondering whether or not it was possible to add genre folders? Like Slice-of-Life and Romance?

I have a idea! how about a fanfic about a male OC who wants to get rid of the magic in the human world, destroys the geodes and wants Sunset to return to Equestria

I can think of one thing. It might help to seperate Princess Twilight and Sci Twi into seperate folders. So instead of digging through one, only looking for stories about one or the other, we know which folder is for who.

That is so, dull, right off the bat, that I can't see it working. Plus I bet it's already been done someplace around the site.

I'm not trying to insult anyone, but for every forum on this group I get a dislike and for most of them I don't know why. I just want to know what's going on. And for comments when I'm asked when I'll be writing these stories, I give an honest answer, and boom, dislike. I just want to know what's going on.

Group Admin

To be honest, it's difficult to say why - downvotes carry no meaningful information. It could just be just one weirdly obsessive downvoter. Since downvotes are anonymous, it's impossible to know for sure.

I know that it's aggravating to see a downvote next to your post, but they aren't a meaningful value judgement, and hopefully most people should judge you on what you write rather than rely on a little number to tell them what's good and bad.

Consider a folder(s) for Principal Celestia and/or VP Luna

...I could swear I wrote a Sunflash shipping thread for this forum. But it's gone...

...and also, didn't you used to be able to arrange threads by start date? OR am I mixing that up with another site?

Group Admin

I haven't removed any threads that I can recall, so if it was here it should still be. Is it this one?

No - another I could swear I created the same time, as a parallel.

What about a Folder for Dragon Spike and human-world Spike?

The fact that there isn't one despite Spike is close to the girls(while there is a folder for Cadance who only shown up for 1 movie or so) is just crazy

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