Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
Comments ( 225 )
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Because I am here.
Not because I am a half-elven spy who is loyal to the elves. Definitely not.

Would the United States become a Class 1 Civilization If they owned a part of Eqqus?

I joined...because I truly believe that humans are better then ponies, If you think about the more impressive race is humans for we do not need magic to live, we have over come hardships and horrers that the ponies could not even imagined. We have mastered the power of the atom to use to power millions, we have gone to the moon and back multiple times, we have survied plagues that wiped out half of the human population and we still went on, we survied the horrors of the gas filled trenches of the great war and we still lived on during the dark days of world war II, we avoided neuclear destruction during the cold war and we still go on even in our times of darkness. And we have done all of this with out magic or a infinent amount of harmony. And humans in some FiM storys say that all of humanity is a cancer, they are the ones who are truly a cancer to our race. They do not see just how much good humans can be and only look at the bad of humanity, they dont ever bother to tell the ponies about the people who help the homeless, they dont tell them of the people who help the broken and the hungry, they dont tell them of the people who stood up to hatred and bigetry. They never talk about the firefighter rushing into a burning building to save a child, or the police officer comforting the person who lost there child to violence, they dont ever mention the soliders of Freedom and democracy dying in far off lands to proctect them from the forces that would enslave them, and steal there rights to a life of they only talk about the murder of millions by the hands of the few, they only ever speak of the evils man can do not the good, they only tell of how men murder children in there sleep, how hundreds suffer in sorrow and anger. And the ponies belive them eating it all up as if it was the only truth. It makes me sick to even think they are human....and the constent pony wanking, my FUCKING GOD! Just because you have magic does not mean you would live through a direct neuclear blast no matter how strong your "powers of friendship" are.

i joined to shitpost

Well I joined because that humans can and WILL always be victorious. So what that the ponies have magic, well guess what, they call it magic because they don't have anyway to explain it. But we do, you know what it is called to us? Here I'll spell it out to you...S-C-I-E-N-C-E. Indeed Science, we believe that all matter can be explained. We humans have explanations for those type of things. Okay, Image Celestria firing a ball of energy, well that is simply plasma. We are more intelligent then them we are superior in all ways.

"The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!" - Emperor of Mankind

"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together." - Desmond Tutu

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive." - Dalai Lama

Need I say more, my fellow homosapiens?


To be honest, I don't know. I only read FiMfiction rarely and I'm not really interested in MLP too much anymore. But I think the blatant pony glorifying is cancerous, where the human is also bullied or something, turns into a pony and say ponies are better. These kind of cliché stories are from no-life homestuck people, who wait for something magical to send them to a fictional world. So yeah, that's me.


Honestly here I was tired of seeing and reading stories about ponies either wiping humanity off the face of the planet or making them their slaves. also some of my old favorite fics are gone.

Also i was hoping to find some damn awesome fics to do vocal work over

Statement: Because there is less Tech HERESY here.
Statement: We have made amazing achievements with stubbornness alone.
Statement: You are all very warm and can scratch behind my ears.

Mostly because, at the time, Chatoyance's particular brand of TCB was at its most popular, so I guess I was protesting it.

The better question is most definitely "why am I still here."

...I honestly don't know the answer to that one.

And if we needed we could revive the Third Reich(point them against the ponies of course the holocaust wasn't cool #humanityfirst)

are you autistic?


Same here

To be frank, I joined because the Conversion Bureau disgusts me, and I wanted to be with like-minded individuals on the matter, such as yourselves.

Because violence is never the answer

but it is still an option

I guess why I joined this site is because I saw the popularity of fics like FoE and Zebradom, as well as TCB and YHaY, and decided that either the humans who were enslaved needed some FREEDOM or that the enslaved ponies needed some FREEDOM!!!

(I'm a rebel through and through)

I'm just an evil human being who gets his kicks by curb-stomping ponies and kicking Diamond Dogs

because this group is fucking awesome

Well, it's been a while here before I found this thread. So, I joined this group because I like human-pony interactions, especially the human military in Equestria. Ponies protected/saved by humans is one of my favorite categories. When I read that ponies are astonished by humans' high technology and their 5,000-year-worth of combat history, I always have a smile.

My Most Recent Reason,

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