Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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Exactly as the topic says.

Why did you join this group?

For me, I joined because of TCB and other such pony-wanking stories. And because if you express a desire for Humans to be at least equal to the Ponies — or even any other species in Equestria — people will practically shit on you.

2468950 To be updated with the latest humans are superior stories because...We are...

And because I can't stand reading a story like "Chains" and possibly go on living my life with a author who believes that humans are inferior to ponies just because they have magic which they state in the show, is only for their special talent. I.E Shields or healing

Florida #3 · Dec 27th, 2013 · · 2 ·

Same as you.

Also because it's a pretty much a "Fuck You, Ponywankers" sign on my Userpage when you see it. :ajsmug:

This group is a great misanthropy filter.


Because human wank is best wank.


Also is there a fic where Equestria gets there ass kicked by Humans?

ISKV #7 · Dec 27th, 2013 · · 1 ·


Because sometimes, all we want is straightforward, human techno porn.

People like Chatoyance who seem to think ponies could be angels compared to humans, the very thought of someone thinking a made up race could be a 'superior' life form compared to us made me seek out a group, i.e. "Humans are Superior" because we are superior compared to a fictional equine race.

Yeah like what he said...

2468950 For porn.

The Conversion Bureu. The original one and the spin offs. The original make the ponies angels and the spin offs make them evil monsters that could easily wipe out humanity with an expanding super dome shield. Both make ponies superior and I am sick if it. Luckily, there are conversion burues that make sense.
Plus there was one story where ponies defeated America with only da vinci tanks and wooden airships. Seriously, WTF.



I just want to see the ponies get curb stomped sometimes.

Because I wanted to find some good stories to read and some old fashioned ass kicking. THat and someone linked one of my stories to this group.

Because humanity will rock you...

2468950 I was getting sick of pony wank and I needed a pallet cleanser from Chatoyance's a certain retard's stories.

Because being in one Imperium of Man fanclub wasn't enough for me, and because humanity as a whole is a light-ish gray in the morality spectrum. Virtuous enough to care for truly one another, yet pragmatic enough to bring great pain to our enemies when we are wronged. Would not want it any other way.

I joined because I too was getting sick of the Pony-Wank on fics as well as wanking the villains too. I mean the Villains won't be able to beat a modern human army. I mean seriously, why do people always seem to think the villains can easily take us over? We have more advanced weapons the the ponies could ever dream of.

Because I love humanity and im sick and tired of all the 'ponies are better than humans cause we have war, disease, wahwahwahwah' and more. 'Cause I mean we have a drive that they don't have, a drive to go beyond our 'destiny', they don't, they are lost without it and that is even canon on the last episode of season three

Sabban #19 · Dec 28th, 2013 · · 1 ·

For the bitches, of course.

Calm your tits, guys. It's time for us to remember what chatoyance is and what it looks like. Go check out it's ED page if you haven't. You'll find out that there's no reasoning with it, that thing is batshit insane, therefore cannot be taken seriously.

In fact, as you can see I'm not even referring to it as I would refer to a human being, simply because it isn't. I mean, after reading it's profile page and looking at it's photographs any sane person would say "Yep. This is definitely not a human."

This rant can go on forever, however chatoyance is simply not worth it.

Because science is better than magic. Sure, magic is handy(hoofy?) and easily available by the looks of it. But I don't see magic uncovering the secrets of the universe, breaking atoms apart or smashing them together or being useable by all with the knowledge.
Anything magic can do advanced enough science can do better.

And of cause, humans have the Internet. Nuff said.

2469431 It's ignorant to ignore madness, no offense. I ain't mad about it anymore though, cuz as ya said, batshit crazy. Misanthropy does that to a person.

2469446 Now, I wouldn't go that far, magic sounds pretty great, finite infinite energy man!

I didn't say "Ignore" I said

cannot be taken seriously.

There's a difference :twilightsmile:

2469474 Magic works on horsepower, if the horse gets tired you have no magic.

2469475 I concede then, also the emoticon, :twilightsmile:, could be seen as condescending, just a heads up

2469486 All they need to do is sleep or drink some variant of a mana potion, not really too difficult to get back. Whatever! My point is technology is cool but, like, magic is cooler.

2469512 I have yet to see a mana potion in the show.
Btw, you are aware that we are only a type 0 civilization, right? Our science is very primitive currently, and I remember saying advanced enough science can do anything better than magic.

2469537 :derpytongue2: Still think magic is way cooler, but magic aint even real so why am I arguing the fake properties of it? I dunno if I like the sound of a type one or two civilization... whateves, sorry for arguing, I just think technology is so, boring.

2469570 Type one is control over planets, type two is stars, type 3 is galaxies.
The Internet is a type 1 technology, and once it gets faster it will live up to its category.

Magical Bullshit. Really the misanthropic fags have ruined mlp for me. I used to love each and everyone of the ponies(besides Twist of course). Now I can barely look at Celestia without imagining her taking out a ponifcation serum.

2469431 No one was raging or going on a tirade about it. "Calm your tits" isn't appropriate here.

2468950 'Cause it looked cool. :derpytongue2:

hs0003 #32 · Dec 28th, 2013 · · 2 ·

2469670 I stopped liking Celestia after her actions before, during and after the Changeling invasion.
She fucked up and did not man-up(pony-up?) afterwards.

Can you give me a TL;DR on it's profile, I wanna know but I ascared.

2469746 Yea she was bitch wasn't she. The show likes to f*** with Twilight and Luna a lot.


JDR, also known as 'Tranny-kun', is well known as one of the most batshit insane folks on the Internet. JDR has at one point in his/her life been a millionaire, but somehow managed to squander all of her money (nearly all of it on shelves upon shelves of imported, complete manga volumes, anime videos, and every last cheap bit of merchandising for them that he/she proudly bragged about to the internet) and lives in a squalor with two other girls and a man, one of whom actually has a job (it's the man, because men are horrible beasts).

More on Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Comment posted by Cunt_Crusader deleted Jan 25th, 2015
JBGrim #38 · Dec 28th, 2013 · · 2 ·

To show my support for the might of man

I guess the main reason I joined is, because just about all HiE fics I've ever read, the author makes the humans total bitches. :derpytongue2:


Ahem. :twilightsheepish:

You might want to rethink that.

Why? Every time I read a fic with ponies winning head to head fights with current or future humanity, I cringe. Needed a place where people wouldn't cry when I told them that the ponies wouldn't be able to win in a landslide or probably at all.

2468950 I joined because we ARE superior!

Because Im human and one prideful son of a bitch!

Agreed. Though, I am now of the firm opinion that she isn't exactly a good guy in canon either. Teach a mentally unstable young adult with uber powerful abilities a corruptive dark magic? Why not? :trollestia:

Also, in the new season, when instructed to use Alicorn Magic, Twilight used Dark Magic, and it worked. My new opinion is that Sombra was Celestia's first attempt at making an Alicorn. Also, she tricked Twilight into mind-raping her friends for a test resulting in Dash almost getting eaten, Pinkie Destroying AJ's farm, Fluttershy getting so depressed she tried to leave ponyville, and a bunch of other stuff that was probably too much for tv.


No one was raging or going on a tirade about it.

I just raged and went on a tirade. Your argument is invalid, lol :3

2469746 I direct you to my comment just above.

Because i'm a real human being that's why

2469446 Magic can never become more advanced, we can only expand our understanding of it. An archmage would be their equivalent of somebody with a doctorate in higher physics. Magic is a force that can supplement for the laws of physics when required, and the only limit is the skill and stamina of the user. I think a world with science being dominant has the progression of technology benefit society as a whole(Railroads, the industrial revolution, mass agriculture), whereas magic can put more power with the individuals. Perhaps that's why they are so pacifistic, because a race that wasn't would immediately abuse that power.

Also, I don't think that humankind would steamroll the ponies. I mean, a, "Pretty good" unicorn can single handedly hold off entire armies for weeks at a time. I think that within 100 to 200 years, pony society will have evolved enough to where a civilian unicorn is actually worth a hand(hoof?) at magic and an invasion won't be so easy anymore.

hs0003 #49 · Dec 28th, 2013 · · 1 ·

2471907 I'd like to see Shining Armor, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight and all other strong unicorns try to defend against our arsenal of nuclear fusion+fission weapons and nerve gasses.
Humankind would steamroll the ponies, because if we went to their planet/universe, there would be no consequences holding us back aside of moral ones.
We could destroy their planet with ease and wait on our own for the fallout to settle.

2469570 Yea I guess the ability to grow artificial wings that dissipate in sunlight is better than antibiotics. Being able to buck trees is also probably much more interesting than unlocking the secrets of the human genome. Sure magic does some pretty cool stuff. But it pales in comparison to what science can do for us.

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