Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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2472011 Meh. Boring. Besides, I said Magic was 'cooler' not better for society.

2472004 There is no way that we would just carelessly obliterate an entire civilization with nuclear fire. Even if we were in a state of total war with ponykind the likelyhood of nuclear or even chemical/biological retaliation is slim to none. The fact that we could, which I completely agree with you on, is irrelevant. Magic is a phenomenon which will give them an ability to fight back, not win. We would still win, but I want to make perfectly clear that arrogance will be the end of us when we think a race capable of wiping their ass with the laws of physics, even at a pre industrial revolution level, will be easy.

2472119 There are many soo non lethal chemical weapons which we could shower their cities in, that is it not even funny.
Any war between Equestria and Earth would be complete and utterly one sided. I mean, did you see Shining Armor's shield almost breaking from the kinetic energy of changelings ramming themselves into it?
I bet a small nuke detonated within a few miles of the shield would shred it to pieces form the air pressure alone. And since the ponies can control the weather, the fallout could be redirected away from cities and towns.

Besides, most unicorns from the show can't use any magic apart form telekinesis and whatever magic their cutiemark is related to. (Or so it seems)

2472146 Of course we could use things like tear gas and the like, but a clever pegasus might just blow it back at us. Also, the changlings were pounding at that shield for WEEKS. The only reason it got brought down was because chrysalis was sapping shining armors energy. We basically have a return of the jedi situation here. The changling army would not have been able to get past that shield without chrysalis doing all but turn it off for them. Also, wouldn't be much point to Celestia having him have it up all that time if the shield was so weak, would there?

Someone linked me to the group.
I join most of the groups I'm linked to.

They didn't attack the shield for weeks, they had no idea who was going to attack before the last moment, so obviously the changelings didn't attack for very long.
They had it up in case of an attack and by the looks of it, maintaining isn't very draining. (It seems like a cast and forget spell where it only drains upon cast or upon being damaged)
And if we go by the actual animations, it was only a few changelings attacking the shield.
I think Cadences shield is a better example. She was actually keeping it up for days whilst it was attacked constantly, but she IS an alicorn.

2472162 Alright so the changling army wasn't attacking it for weeks, my other points stand true though. There wasn't "just a few changlings attacking the shield", for the sake of brevity and assuming we can connect the dots enough to get the general Idea, that's all we were shown. There were thousands of changlings attacking that shield over the course of a few minutes. Also my other point, shining armor was completely depleted. After the force field fell and chrysalis no longer had use for him, he could barely stand, let alone sustain a force field over the entire capital. The whole point of going undercover to bring it down from the inside was because they couldn't get past the shield. The force field that the changlings attacked was not the same shield that was put up on day one.

Also, seeing as twilight could keep up a shield virtually effortlessly over the library, it doesn't seem that you need god-level magic to set up a shield like that. I think that any unicorn that got to the level of "decent", would probably be able to set up a similar shield. But as I explained earlier, we may need to wait a century or so before tactically significant magical talent becomes widespread enough through the population. Ponies magical potential I believe is not fully mature yet.

2472180 They have had peace for what? 1000 years? I doubt the ponies would move forward without proper motivation.
Btw, Twilight's special talent IS magic. So I think my point still stands form before. Very few unicorns can do that type of magic, we've seen a guard whose special talent is shields. A unicorn whose special talent is magic maintain a shield and an alicorn who could do it as well.
I still think the shield is a cast and forget spell with a duration, since shining armors horn did not glow the whole time apart when he used other magic or "refreshed" the shield.
Btw, I just rewatched that part of the episode. The shield is a cast and forget spell with "hitpoints" since the shield was in effect and the changelings were "chipping away" at the shield when S Armor weren't doing anything to maintain it.


Second. Although I think my fics take it to the other extreme.:yay:

There is no such thing as pony wank. Its all made up.

No seriously; its just magic, that's all. There will be a point where technology becomes magic. If you think of magic as a zero equation and graph it, and technology as exponential, it will overcome it. To be realistic, there would be a huge ark, but technology will accomplish more than magic in the long run (not really much development in magic - its like life handed on a silver platter).

Human wank is just stating the facts, unless said human wank is from a crossover or something from the supposed future. Some people just don't like talking about our greatest technological advancements? ... Yeah... I don't get it either.

/rant please


I joined because...wait a minute...i actually founded the group.:facehoof:

2472205 Well now that twilight is princess she will probably take some serious measures to progress the magical talent in equestria. Similar to celestia's school for gifted unicorns, I can see twilight putting programs in place to help more unicorns become, "gifted".

As far as the shield goes I can agree that it may be a cast and forget in the sense that he does not need to conciously maintain it like levitation or the like, but it still draws off your mana pool(or the equivalent) to remain in effect. Which would explain why it's so taxing.

2472515 When I said I was honored to have the 40k group founder in my group and we thought I derped, I men't this one. Sorry.:twilightblush:

I joined for the simple fact that a race with such primitive technology, magic or otherwise, would not be able to defeat a race like us Humans. Honestly, Equestria's only "super weapon" is the Elements of Harmony, which requires SIX SPECIFIC PONIES to be present in one place and there's the fact that the EoH don't even KILL anything (that we know of, and I don't count being turned to stone killed, because you don't actually die). Let's not forget the fact that the Equestrian military uses primitive archaic weapons such as bows and spears. What good will that do against high velocity projectile weapons like guns, missiles, and rockets. May I remind you that there are enough nuclear weapons on our planet to destroy OUR OWN EARTH. Equis would stand no chance.

All in all, I joined out of fact, to escape all of the "Equestria would whup Humanity's ASS" people and be with those who see the truth of the matter. That is all.

For the Glory of Colossus,

Herr Director

2474345 , agreed here.I feel yah.

AuTiSm #65 · Jan 11th, 2014 · · 1 ·

I fucking hate misanthropes. Oh yeah, and I (obviously) think humans are far superior to ponies.

2468950 I joined because I fucking hate TCB unless it has us kicking their asses, eh. Also because if I had not joined I may as well call myself a traitorous heretic for not being a part of a group who expresses our superiority. And unlike many people on this site I am not a heretic.

The Emperor Protects.

2472812 I think you took a wrong turn while looking for "Pony Lover Society", and ended up on "Humans are SUPERIOR."

2603822 I am unafraid to show my sympathy for the ponies, but I concur that we are a superior race. Our technology, stamina, determination, and flexibility make us superior in many aspects. I, however, am not an emotionless robot and thus find ponies completely adorable. I move for equestria to become a protected planet under the terran empire. Any votes?

A Protectorate? Why not completely integrate them into the Empire?

2608556 That is irrelevant. I care not how we protect them, so long as it is done. The move still stands. Any votes battle brother?

Depends....what do they think about man?

Well, judging from the show, they'll eventually destroy themselves if we don't step in so I don't think we have a choice.

2468950 Because it's one of the very few groups that don't make me lose faith in the fandom.

Because I realy hate misanthropes (more so than Nazi's)

"We shall endure for all eternity, the might of our civilization shall never be extinguished. Not by traitors, the cult, or other races, we shall burn them all in the flames of our salvation! Hail mankind!" oh yeah and we have fingers! !!


And over three-hundred different types of cheese.

I joined to get away from the pony wanks :twilightangry2:


To spread grief and despair.


Ponies think themselves as superior, not any longer! I joined because I shall never abandon humanity, I am A HUMAN AND PROUD TO BE ONE!

Like many others, it’s due to the Pony wank fiction. The Elements would not survive a modern human army nor would the Equestrian Army if they have one!

2468950 Because "Chains" gave me nightmares.
Also, because I love stories where humanity actually has a chance.
Chatoyance writes good stories, but they are too misanthropic.
Seeing humanity eradicated in the blink of an eye makes me wanna :fluttercry:.

I'm still asking myself this.
I mean it seems what we do here is start shit fests with other groups and fap to the G.E.O.M.
Yet I'm here.
Why indeed.

2469018 im working on it
it wont be Equestria only but the Changelings dragons minotaurs and griffins:pinkiecrazy:

I joined because I have faith in humanity. I believe, push comes to shove, we are better creatures of good rather then evil. I hate stories that depict us all as nothing more then monsters, we are creatures of good and evil and we should not be judged by the actions of a vocal few.


I joined because I stand that humanity is superior. Which other specie has accomplished as much as us? People just love the idea of creating "perfect" beings with the purpose of putting mankind down.

I just joined because I have faith in humanity.

After all, if we are monsters, how could we conceive something like MLP:FIM?:ajsmug:

Because I was searching for groups to join that had a group icon and this was one of them.

2468950 Because it seemed like a good idea at the time...

Cause humans are superior to mutant horses, even if they are cute mutant horses. Also can you imagine the ponies having an equivalent of Rwanda? Machetes and all?


I admit, I chuckled a little at imagining an earth pony attempting to wield a machete.

I know, i'm going to hell.

Because I was tired to read TCB stories where humanity was inferior to ponies just because, and because I'm a nationalist/patriotic and pseciest prick.

Comment posted by Knight Toland of Astora deleted Jul 2nd, 2014
Majin Syeekoh

ClassyGeneral directed me to here.

Does he get $10 off his cable bill now?

I just want to feel like part of the group.

I joined because humans are superior. It is no question, we are superior to the deities and the stories that we have created, and always will be, until a worthy pretender to our might appears from distant lands.

I joined for the same reasons you made it, in the beginning it seemed any TCB-eque story was all about how we are inherently evil and we should convert (not that we all arent capable of it but jeeze)
And the ponies were always the saviors and groups of humans betray everyone else by joining the pony forces, all that 'good' stuff
Though by far the worst was when it took place after Equestria or w/e already "conquered" the world, mostly because countries didn't want to go to war/ use nukes/ "too many ponies"/ Gov't was in on it
BLEH! all that, at least one country would go all out war and everyone damn well knows it. USA and Russia you would think, but what about the Middle East? You think any of them would accept that kinda "takeover"? or just the notion of it at all if you can be killed just for being american or "from the West"?
No... War would destroy those magic users plan and simple if almost any country went to war with them seriously, magic isn't a cure-all end-all
Not to mention that second and third strike scenarios all literally made for this kind of thing, if the homeland or main governing body is taken out or otherwise unable to fight, bam, 2nd/3rd strike every time. And don't get me wrong, there are successful ways of writing them in to do away with the world without war but none of the stories ever do that.
Annoys the hell outta me, not every unicorn can even make shields, not every pegasus is supersonic. the mane six at best would be like generals (or how the Jedi were like during the prequal series)
But they ain't an army
All things considered, any real war with almost any nation would be one sided in favor of humanity, they simply do not have the kind of weapons to compete, nor do they have the numbers
Whatever I'm ranting, like above, the reasons I joined were your reasons for creating

Because humans are obviously superior!

2468950 Because I felt like it. And want to see ponies get curbstomped. And I like crossovers.

2469219 who doesn`t? also i joined because humans as stated ARE superior a pony cant live with a 45. in their brain yet we have armor that makess a 45. look like a pebble AND FOR THE HUMAN RACE!*air punch*


You humans are, excuse my language, motherfucking awesome.

My people were never this awesome... They had all these time machines and all they did was sit on their asses and 'observe' as they called it.

More like being too lazy to get shit done.

Luckily there were a few who saw sense... The Doctor actually got a TV show made out of his travels... The governments erase peoples memories to make them think it's JUST a show out of paranoia though...

I traveled with him a while before I grew my TARDIS, they got my character completely wrong though. She's protrayed as some ape-spawn (Errm... No offense, but she is. I'm not nearly that british, no racism, facism or any other 'cism' word intended) named Clara... She was a good character, but she was no Professor. And a lot of her episodes are pure fiction, not based on any truth...

In short, I joined because humans ARE superior... To just about every other race. Ponies are genocidal, Klingons are stuck up, Vulcans are monks (snooze fest), Romulans are ok I guess... Their the most human species out there besides the geniune article themselves), Daleks are insane, Cybermen are literally just automatons, and Centaur's are have their heads to far up their asses to see anything right.

Basically, Humans are the shit... In an awesome way.


I started rambling again didn't I? Sorry about that... Must've picked it up from ol' Theta... Still amazes me how they got my look-alike so good (even though her character has nothing to do with me) and yet every Doctor is only vaguely similar in appearance to the real one's... Hartnell's was the closest look alike I believe, and that's only cause to be, all elderly look extremely similar... No offense intended.

Ugh, damn it, I rambled AGAIN!!!!????

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