Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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...and it's from something that WILL make y'all very angry. You know how Chatoyance's The Conversion Bureau depicts Humanity as living in a cyberpunk shit hole until the intervention of "superior" non humans. Yeah that happens twice, thrice including an blue cat people fic but that's not relevant right now. This time it's something called the Human domestication guide, and the non humans are plant aliens that have a thing for lobotomizing large segments of a population into their pets. The main saving grace is that it's been heavily whitewashed and that it's only willing (which is a lot apparticipants, dissidents and criminals that get domesticated. Still pretty horrible, but the stakes are at the level of Vichy France rather than RK Moscow.

And I'm weirdly into it as a piece of existential horror, I enjoy how it makes me angry because it's like capsaicin for my Pan Humanist soul. I have no sympathy for the people that get off to the idea, and I hope they get exactly what they want, but I think I understand how fun it is to be afraid. Either that or I'm the guy from that one vine.

Tldr, I love how angry it makes me feel, and I love to hate on it.

Excuse my ignorance but I have a question:
Is "Human domestication guide" a story or is it an AU where several stories develop (such as The Conversion Bureau)?

Completely unrelated, but I'd say it's a spiritual successor. It's a shared universe of smut, and there's a very telling incident about a story where somebody kills themself to die a human is decanonized and disavowed.

sykko #4 · April 17th · · 1 ·

People watch or read horror for the same reason they go on a roller coaster, for that feeling of being in danger while not actually being in danger.

Personally, when I finished reading the complete saga of "The Candy Mare" I spent at least 3 days without wanting to eat any candy or chocolate, I read those stories being too innocent jajajaja

Wow....I didn't expect that, it actually sounds very interesting, I will consider doing more research regarding "Human domestication guide" in the future. In my case, several stories from the AU of "The Conversion Bureau" are not of interest to me, for example I don't like the Chatoyance stories but that doesn't mean they are bad, I recognize that Chatoyance has great talent in grammar, semantics and experience as a writer but her stories just aren't my style.

Chatty's writing is about 40% fetish-fuel. She's not just a control-freak who hates it when people have the freedom to do things she doesn't like, but it actually turns her on to think about taking that free will away from everyone.

I don't remember much about it, but before she started writing TCB, she had another, similar story that touched on all the same story beats. IE: Humans keep fucking everything up with their pesky freedom until some supernatural entity comes in and forcibly changes people to follow its will. Naturally, the ones that get changed are """"HAPPIER"""" and the ones that resist are otherwise done away with.

She's always had a thing for enslaving and lobotomizing people. It's a common theme in pretty much all of her writing.

EDIT: This may come as a surprise for those who don't know, but Chatoyance is literally a boomer. She was born in 1959, which means she's currently 64 years old.

That's not to say that being a boomer is inherently bad, I'm just underlining my point. She's an internet oldfag. She's been writing the same kind of shit since before I was even born.

The tragic thing is that she's actually a fairly skillful writer. Over thirty years of experience in any craft will make you good at it. But every time she comes up with something creative or meaningful, she immediately ruins it with a massive helping of "MREH! HUMANS BAD!"

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