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Clown Torres
Group Admin

You know... What did Kylo Ren (Discount Darth Vader) said in the Last Jedi? Oh that's right: "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to". Bethesda took that literally, with extreme prejudice.

And worse still then the occasional retcon or strange interpretation of ghouls or the brotherhood of steel etc is the fact that the Fallout TV show invalidates every other game that came before it! NOTHING mattered! The NCR is nothing more then raiders, the Brotherhood of Steel sad and disappointing! And the villains? Oh it's not China, or war, or even the USA, no no no! it was Vault-Tec that decided the best way to increase market share was global nuclear annihilation!

Yeah, Vault-Tec starting an apocalypse to make a better world in their vision with them at the helm.
Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil movies did it first

>A woman giving birth to a mutant lizard... and eats her

Okay, who the fuck let the Frontier writers in? Or someone at Bethesda really liked the hedonistic anthro sewer snakes (that doesn't make any sense) and looked at the Deathclaw sex scene and said to themselves. "That's my fetish, and I can expand on this"

And you know what. This will be disgusting for me to say this, but it is slowly becoming the truth, a sad truth:
The My Little Pony version of Fallout has better and consistent world building, than Bethesda's Fallout.

"But they said Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas is still canon" . Yeah, but everything you did in those games. Didn't matter.

Mfw I'm in agreement with Arch the fake Brit
It's joever

To my understanding the story itself is good, but disastrous from a interesting worldbuilding view


>A woman giving birth to a mutant lizard... and eats her

I just know that the writer's room was patting themselves on the back for that one. They must think it's a clever allegory for something profound.

What they don't realize is how it looks for people who don't bugpost.


US Liberals have such an outward-group preference that they will literally argue on behalf of genocidal aliens, as if to literally say, "What if Space Hitler has more right to live than we do?"

Clown Torres
Group Admin

Don’t forget about the part that they also compare said genocidal aliens to IRL ethnic groups. While making excuses saying it’s an allegory, masking their racism.

and here i thought i only had to deal with the complaining on r/falloutnewvages! yeah the show doesn't affect to franchise in the way you're thinking it does. and has Bethesda come out and said it fucks with the lore in the way you're thinking it does? no they haven't so just wait and see what the future holds. everything that happens in the show and what it talks about (excluding the prewar stuff) can all happen after the events of FNV and yes that includes the destruction of shady sands. the proper NCR could still be out there just weakened and pushed back for the time being and it seems like the show will be focusing on the west well future games focus on the east so just wait for future seasons. i am however of the opinion that we should have got 20 episodes to explore the wasteland instead of a measly 8 like with modern tv shows like Mando an fallout and i also think the show would have done better if it was a weekly release.

edit: if this gets deleted it was by someone else not me and i am expecting to get downvoted to hell

Just so we're on the same page, where does your inward outward group preference lie?
Makes sense, to my understanding Helldivers is supposed to be an allegory about the war on terror in general rather than any specific group.


Not with people who want me dead.

Ironic, so does mines

Well someone clearly can't be bothered to pay attention to details in the games or show, dates, the fact that like mad max all the good you do in the games always goes to shit anyway. It's been hinted at several times in several games vault-tec dropped the first bombs, the nuke in megaton in fo3 with the clear as day vault tec logo, Captain Zao in fo4 stating he went to nuke Boston but it was already destroyed, the cancelled Fo vanburen was clearly gonna state it if you had a high enough intelligence and hacking skill. The show is taking place in 2296 the latest game was in 2287. It also seems several things hinted at by NPCs in the games have come to pass, the poison gas cloud leaking out of big mt and the tunnelers breaching the surface and wiping new Vegas years later but yeah clearly it's a shitty retcon.

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