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Clown Torres
Group Admin

What are you waiting for? Go forth and spread managed democracy across the galaxy.

But be prepared to deal with the “servers at capacity” message when you start the game.

Also it gets better. First we got Palworld, Then Helldivers 2, and now... American Isekai, the game, also known as Kingmakers

>Triple A studios making preachy shit nobody wants or ruining beloved franchises going bankrupt
>Meanwhile literally who's? Making pokémon with guns, are you a bad enough dude to save democracy? and want to shoot at medieval knights, making hand over fist money by being fun

Wow would've thought that putting fun factor first really does sell. But we shall see about Kingmakers

These games definitely would've fucked during the early Xbox 360 era. When did Market Pressures lead to constant live service slop anyway?

I'm doing my part!

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