Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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Hello, I'm MaverickTSU, a novice writer who loves MLP and writing (duh xD), and I was thinking when I watched the season 8 for the sixth time:

"What if there was another far continent in Equis, where two big nations, along other small ones share a land in an extremely tense peace, with humans and the other nation inhabitants hating each other's guts"

Once the School of Friendship of Twilight Sparkle runs properly after facing Neighsay, the Princess Celestia, in order to avoid further tensions that could affect the global peace, ask Twilight to bring two new foreign creatures. A Gargoyle from the Crimson Empire, and a Human from the human federation.

Humans and the Crimson Empire inhabitants hate each other like nothing else in the world. Given the two wars their two nations had.

In the first one the Crimson Empire, having the magical and tactical advantage defeated humans, annexed many of their territory and also treated the humans on annexed territory worse than cattle. The atrocities count: Slavery, discrimination, prosecution, unjustified arrests and executions, treating humans as pets since they were "inferior" by their lack of magic.

In the second war though, humankind won this war, retrieving the vast majority of all their former territories, and this time they had the advantage, with an indoctrinated population in how humans were the edge of god to destroy all the unholy creatures from the "Evil Empire", and now them being the ones commiting atrocities against anyone from the Crimson Empire. With the usage of technologies developed during the peace after the first war, where humans were accumulating anger, hatred, resentment, and a huge thirst for revenge.

After this, there hasn't been a war of those dimensions on that continent since then... But the tension between the two nations is ALWAYS about to burst into war again.

What do you think? Any critic, feedback, suggestion or anything else is welcome, as long as it is with respect. Otherwise I'll disrespect you too :).

Fun fact: I could swear that a long time ago I read a practically similar story on this site, instead of humans vs. gargoyles, it was humans from the north vs. humans from the south, a continent split in half, and in the school of friendship there was a transfer student from each side, both were making their own life at school but when reading the newspaper they realized that their countries had declared war more than a week ago... and that's all I remember

Really? Cool. I'll try to find it. But I'm having troubles on how huge the indoctrination must be. Should I write it down like just humans being able to sacrifice themselves easily for a bigger cause? Or they should reach the extreme where they see magic (specially the crimson inhabitants and empire) like something from the "Devil", and be willing to cause the most suffering to that race?

What do you think? And btw, thanks for your time to respond.

I say you should have a majority believing in the indoctrination whilst there are others with a more level view on the situation.


Hmm... That actually sounds like a good idea. Some people fighting the crimson king by being brainwashed to hate any magical creature, while others fight because they love what they left behind, knowing that the empire won't hesitate again to take the rest... I like it actually.

Thank you. Any suggestion you would like to point out?

So far that's all I really have to point out, but if I think of anything I'll be sure to let you know. Let me know when you start writing it, I'd love to give it a read.


Humans and the Crimson Empire inhabitants hate each other like nothing else in the world.

Hmm... If their hatred was that strong and both sides were in the School of Friendship, I think there would be a constant fight between them in classes, the schoolhouse, etc. And maybe in the climax, Princess Twilight would start wavering in her goal of spreading friendship as both sides, mostly humans, question her friendship philosophy and Celestia's motives.

I guess making humans and gargolyes become friends might be the most difficult friendship problem to solve

I'm quite interested in how the story goes

Thanks. Well, I had a question for you. Should I just start with it, or make a "pavement" story to path the way to start the main story? Let's say that during the MLP movie, a ship of merchant ponies got out from Equestria JUST when it got sieged by the storm king. Well, after many days adrift, they get rescued by a huge metallic ship. A destroyer full of humans, an unknown creature for these ponies.

There, the fact that now a human ship has Equestrian citizens, this could be a good way to pavement the way for a human going at the school of friendship.

I can't really say as I don't know exactly where you want to go with this story and what you have planned for it, plus I'm no writer so I doubt I could give you any solid advice. I assume by "pavement story" you mean a prologue to give the story context. A prologue could work well as a first chapter, setting up the events that are to take place during the story.

Sorry that took me so long to reply. I was busy with real life stuff. Anyways, thanks. I was planning that the human society is "thriving", demographic and economically. But the two wars has degenerated their culture, with this effect being so drastic, that is normal for them when someone gets killed, saying stuff like: "Meh, it must be a reason". Meanwhile the Crimson Empire has entered a recession and a social unrest, because since the war his might and authority gets questioned. This is mainly by his people's belief, with things like: "How a kind so inferior, without magic and so fragile won a huge war against us!!", or "Why Crimson King couldn't achieve to reach the capital city of the humans if he's SO powerful?!"

Anyways, let me know what do you think about that. And sorry if it's too long, but it really makes me happy that someone is interested. Wish you a good day :D.

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