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Clown Torres
Group Admin

Let's hope the rumours that GW got the bad deal is not true.

Now the real question is, will Henry have the absolute say in the end, or will corporate office politics screw it up?
In other words, will it be a Warhammer 40k show or another Halo and Rings of Power disaster?
Well with Henry being a 40k super fan and this:
GW will pay you to ensure Warhammer videogames respect lore

So temper your expectations

We can only hope for the best. It all depends on what the details of the deal will be. If Henry has a large say in the content it will go better.

We can only hope that anything they make will be better than the atrocious Space Marine movie that came out years ago.

Anything they make needs to be close enough to the main lore to draw in the majority of the fan base, but lore adjacent enough to draw in the casuals.


Still mad about tts though but hey still excited for this to happen the only question is when is it going to be set in 30k or 40k and 41st or 42nd timeline?

If he's going to be playing Caiaphas Cain, Hero of the Imperium, then it's going to be late-M41 to early-M42. If he's going to be playing Inquisitor Eisenhorn, then it's going to be set just before the fall of Cadia.


Still he does have that face to play inquisitor Eisenhorn

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