Humans are Superior 4,468 members · 1,253 stories
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I don’t know if it’s just me or if anyone else has said anything about this, but has anyone else noticed that there are some stories in this group that break the one universal rule of our group (if you don’t know the rule just scroll down the group homepage). Because in the past I have noticed a few stories that break this rule. I don’t remember the titles of these stories because most of them have existed in this group long before I joined and the authors have abandoned them already or they have been removed.

The reason I bring this up is that a story that was recently added to our group in the humans feared folder called Summoning Equestria reminded me of this issue. It’s not a major issue, but something that I have noticed from time to time that I find to be annoying. From what I have read about the summoning equestira story, I can see the direction this story is going. Humans in this story are pretty much doormats and the ponies got them by the balls, Celestia and Luna forcefully take control of the sun and moon and can use them as a WMD and lie to the people of earth when confronted saying if they give up control of the sun and moon the solar system will be destroyed, Magic can stop/nullify human tech, somehow luna forces the United states into an unfair trade agreement where America has to hand over advanced military and civilian tech to the ponies in exchange America gets outdated magic tech that the ponies can easily counter, and the ponies see most human governments as inferior.

Pretty much equestria becomes earth’s new and only superpower because of magic and will eventually start spreading their harmony ideology to all human nations. I’m not sure why a story like that was added to a human supremacy group, but like I said, it’s annoying because it’s kind of like false advertising having a story where ponies are dominating humanity in the Humans are superior group.

Is there a turn around where the humans make a comeback, or is that the theme the whole way through?

Sweet Jesus! Why is that story in here then?

Also does this include my story? Because the Human in that story hasn’t been a door mat.

Niestety jest ich całkiem sporo, ktoś powinien to sprawdzać i usuwać tego typu historię z grupy do której nie należą. To problem w wielu innych grupach.

I read the majority of the story but couldn't bring myself to read the last three chapters but with the way things are going it's very unlikely that humanity will make a comeback. It's basically a conversion bureau story minus the whole turning humans into ponies and xenophobic celestia. I also forgot to mention that the ponies also use magic rechargeable Crystals for powering pretty much all their tech. All they gotta do is bury the crystals in the ground to recharge them. In other words the ponies have a clean form of limitless energy too. The author has also already mentioned in past chapters that they plan on giving the ponies a modern military. The ponies in this story will end up dominating earth seeing as their goddess faust (Yeah the ponies have the support of a whole goddess on their side.) sent them to earth for one reason to "help" humanity.

I haven't read your story so no your story is not one of the few that I was talking about.

Aside from some funny elements in that story and I enjoy it, yeah, to be honest, humans in that story are not quite assertive toward the ponies, especially the part where the Sisters control the moon and the sun without humans' consent.
Now I'm quite concerned about my story because it hasn't made physical contact between humans and ponies yet.

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