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Clown Torres
Group Admin

I am so torn about this. On one hand is Henry Cavill, and on the other is the company that made Rings of Power, I am fearfully hopeful.

If it's true that Henry is going to be an executive producer of a 40k series, there is a bit of cautious optimism, as long JJ Abrams doesn't touch it, or Games-Workshop messing it up like they always do. *Cough Warhammer+ Cough*

Edit- GW confirmed that Henry Cavill is going to be an executive producer and a star of the series.

Maybe he’ll finally get to play as his dream army or at least one of them.

And agreed with you on the last statement.

But hopefully it includes my boys the Kreigers at least

God I hope they don't fuck this up WH40K has so much potential! Darktide is a great example when you harness 40k's potential to be more then just a board game/lore wish GW could fucking see that!

May the Emperor bless him enough to keep Amazon's curse away.

Clown Torres
Group Admin

And of course, as soon Henry lands on doing a big project after refusing to work with people that doesn't respect the source material (anti-fans), they start smearing him.

Because let's face it, they want Henry's project to fail. If it succeeds, then every companies will face a revelation that hiring fans of a franchise that knows the source material, will make them a lot of money. While anti-fans will make them go bankrupt.

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