Fluttercord 1,624 members · 1,222 stories
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Hi I'm new here :) Wondering if any veteran Fluttercord fans (writers/readers/artists) have fic recommendations? I've gone through what I could find in this group and to no one's suprise, I want more haha.

Particularly looking for stuff where Discord is part of some kind of pantheon of chaos lords/otherworldly beings/is related to whatever crazy powerful natural force of nature... and Fluttershy has to interact with them.

I've only ever seen this where she's mortal (to make it interesting), but I was wondering if there's any AU stories where she Ascends and has to adjust to the dramedy of pseudo immortality. Does this exist? I hope so :(

I'm allergic to tragedy, which is why I'm asking here haha. I know there's a certain deliciousness to the really melancholy, sad stories of Discord Without Fluttershy After She Spent Her Life With Him, but I really only want some fluff and comedy with a helping of quantum chaos lol.

Here's a fanfiction I did that has a shipping of Fluttershy and Discord if you are interested in reading it.
- A Case of Mystery and Love

Hope you will enjoy reading it!

Here are a few! The first is less a pantheon and more a gathering of powerful historical figures, but the second does include Discord and Fluttershy as members of a pantheon. No tragedies.

TChaos Hold'em Poker
Discord is having a poker night with his buddies Genghis Khan, Caligula, Goethe and Socrates at Fluttershy's cottage. Surely this is a recipe for chaos?
Naughty_Ranko · 2.1k words  ·  184  10 · 3.5k views
EMirrored Spirits
What happens when two opposite Spirits feel an attraction for each other?
GeekCat · 13k words  ·  65  1 · 2.4k views

I've read the first one and it partially inspired this post 🤣 It made me wonder why there isn't more of it.

I had bookmarked the second just for being Fluttercord, but am now bumping up my read list at your recommendation 😆 (btw I like your work!! 💖)

Welcome, Sunflowering. Good question, and the answers you receive will certainly inform my own reading. (Especially @GeekCat.) Maybe you could start a group just for The Pantheon of Chaos.

Disclaimer: technically my own novel includes almost exactly what you ask for, but it's mostly in the off-the-page world building, it doesn't get flaunted around inside the storyline. My Lady Eris, for example, only has one scene (so far), though she does get mentioned a few times. Accordingly, i won't link to it or submit it as an answer to your question.

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