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So I’m pretty new to writing fanfics, but I’ve been writing all kinds of things for a long time. But even more than that, I’ve been editing other people’s writing for years and years now. So if anyone’s interested, I would love to help other people with their writing.

In case you don’t know what editing is or have questions, I’ll try to summarize. An editor is your first test audience, but with an eye for literary things. They go over your text, and do their best to bring out what is good, and have suggestions on what could be improved on. They are not critics in the sense that they’d pit your creation against others to try and place them in the general landscape, which is a critic’s job. A good editor is there to give you constructive feedback and tools to make your own writing shine.

So if someone wants me to go over their text and for me to give suggestions, I’m up for it. I really like helping others in this way 😙 DM your stuff to me, I’ll get to it inthe order they arrive.

Ohh, well I’m interested! I’m not that new to fimfiction, and I have an on going story, but it’s a little hard for me to get the chapters out. I would love to have an editor that helps out, supports me, willing to give me criticism, and willing to yell at me to write chapters😂😂

Comment posted by My Little Pastafarian deleted Jul 30th, 2020

Coolsies! DM your stuff to me and I’ll get to it as soon as I have the time 😊👍

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