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All Pictures Belong To NightmareDerpy

Make New Friends but Keep Discord
1-Discord is jealous that Fluttershy has a new friend
2-Discord tries to make Fluttershy jealous
3-Discord can’t stand Treehugger and doesn’t want her affecting his “relationship with Fluttershy” not friendship but relationship
4-Discord is genuinely disheartened when Fluttershy doesn’t pay attention to him
5-Discord tried to give Fluttershy a flower
6-Discord is sad that Fluttershy didn’t take him as her plus one
7-Discord tries and fails to impress Fluttershy with stand-up

Random Ones
1-Discord's House in the IOS game has a painting of Fluttershy

Discord and the Ponyville Players Dramarama
1-Admited he had a warm feeling when he was around Fluttershy
2-Does Celesta's Task because he doesn’t want to fail Fluttershy
3-Discord cherishes a Tea Set he doesn't like that from Fluttershy

Friend Forever #20
1-Discord is comforted by Fluttershy in her cottage after cleaning up the sleep walking mess in Ponyville
2-Discord says he needs tea to help him sleep, Tuesday Tea with Fluttershy has changed him
3-Discord possibly fantasies he's married to Fluttershy
4-Fluttershy shows large concern when Discord is blasted

-Possible One
1-Discord sitting and then knocking on Fluttershy's Stained Glass Window Piece In The Return Of Harmony (Unlikely, but possibly foreshadowing their future friendship)

This is a redo of my first thread

*Something happened to the other pictures, and I just wrote the other hints.

luaithre #2 · Aug 8th, 2015 · · 11 ·


He's never given Fluttershy flowers, though. :trollestia:

But seriously, good list. In Twilight's Kingdom, it's not just that he gets excited about Fluttershy, it's that he also specifically says that he pretty much only cares about her. :rainbowlaugh:

Comment posted by GarfieldThePony deleted Mar 23rd, 2016


40 seconds in.

4615013 There is also a very cute part in Discord Dramarama book. He admit that he feel warm inside when he is around her. He mostly deal with Celestia's task only because he wants to get his pet fish AND don't want to fail Fluttershy. He also mention a tea set that she gave him at Hearthwarming eve and although he doesn't like how it look he still cherish it because it remind him of her. Today at Bronycon Berrow said that her books contain hints toward future episodes so one of the things mentioned in that book may become a part of the season 5 (beside references to Smooze epsiode)

These moments in Twilight Kingdom and Three's a Crowd + entire Fluttershy/Discord focused episodes (Keep Calm and Flutter On & Make new Friends but keep Discord) pretty much serve as a huge nudges toward this ship or at least one sided infatuation. Perhaps it have as much focus as Sparity or more.

And Fluttershy also got flowers in the Gala episode (and she didn't have to share them like Celestia with her sister) XD

4615274 I still need to read that book.

This is just a theory, but I think the earliest possible clues (if this is indeed relevant, probably some of the things that led to his feelings for Fluttershy) were in his first episode.

First, Fluttershy solves the riddle. This shows her intelligence, which I bet he finds very attractive, especially in mortals. I mean, really, if you were used to just remaining the same for millenium on end while everything you attempted to love passed on in the blink of an eye, you would assume very little of said everything. Then you wake up one day, recovering from imprisonment in stone, and one of the first creatures you interact with is this dainty little pegasus woman, with pink hair nonetheless. PINK hair! Discord isn't immune to stereotypes of gender, although usually he doesn't seem to act on them. He's also used to just ignoring time, as well as anyone who says he needs to stop assuming things.
Anyway, so he gives her and her friends, "her" referring to Celestia this time (he doesn't know he could lose, so why care about names?) and, lo and behold, just as he darts off, the dainty pegasus woman tries to say the answer - but nobody seems to notice or care, because they just assume one of the other, more heroic ones know. And her voice! Oh, Galaxia, that voice. It's so adorable! And she doesn't seem to notice how absolutely perfect she is. Nobody else does, either. Why not? It's not like the others can claim such of themselves - except for that other pegasus maybe, and judging from her voice she probably spends hours applauding herself from the top of a skyscraper. (this is not my opinion, I'm trying to stay in character but I really needed to make sure you knew that before I move on.) Okay, shake it off Discord. You can figure it out later. It doesn't matter that a random pony just figured out a riddle you'd spent a thousand years - Eeeep! Don't. Think. About. It.

(I'm not in character for this, so I'll just get to it!)Second, while he can darken most of the other Elements pretty easily, Fluttershy doesn't waver at all. Her kindness is so profound, and in that right, powerful, that she can see through the lies and manipulation and choose to remain herself. The trick he used was to affect the Mane Six's surroundings and changing what they thought they knew, according to the trick, and letting them defend themselves from the mysterious switch and "lies" they'd been fed throughout their interactions with each other. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, was impervious to these effects and trusted her friends completely.
I think the fact that he couldn't remove that trust as he had the others was pretty jarring, and snapped his perspective back to the present so he could deal with the plan going wrong. This happened juuuuust in time for him to notice again how great this dainty little pegasus woman - no, the term is 'mare", he should remember that - is to him. Let's discard the title entirely now, she is definitely not dainty.

So those are my thoughts. Sorry it's so long, but i wanted to get it all out while i still remembered.

4615715 It may act as a headcanon to artificially connect RoH with the rest of the episodes with Fluttershy, but the truth is that DHX thought about bringing him back only after finishing his initial episode. Then he got popular and Hasbro executive had his son Teddy Antonio write a story for his reformation. He didn't do too good (he basically made a story where Discord had a collar that would only free him if he change to good which was too drastic) and Meghan mostly rewrite the story to involve Fluttershy and she created the initial bond between them to tie him to the main story and give him his reformation arc. Is mostly Meghan who created this ship in the first place. But it started from Keep Calm and Flutter On. They coudn't possibly predict it when making Return of Harmony. The writing for EoH was finished when Season 1 had a premiere. Keep Calm was written when RoH was already airing on tv. Lauren Faust would need to predict both second and third season to connect these characters but she never intended for Discord to return reformed.

In the Gameloft MLP game, Discord's house has a painting of Fluttershy in front of it :)

4616397 WHAT?! YOU GOT THE UPDATE?! ... I didn't...:ajbemused:

"What About Discord"

1-Fluttershy doubting him on putting her in a spell
2-A tender look on his face when he pulled out Fluttershy's chair for her and Rarity gives them a "knowing" look
3-Walking together

Number two is the only real one.

Comment posted by GarfieldThePony deleted Apr 18th, 2016

"Dungeons and Discords" - (Though, this is a more of a bro-bonding episode, there are a few hints. Would these even be hints?)

1-Discord is generally disappointed that Fluttershy canceled tea
2-Discord practically begs her not to leave
3-Discord would rather go with Fluttershy, then go play with Spike and Big Mac
4-Discord is excited at the idea of him and Fluttershy on vacation ("Just the two of them")
5-Discord wearing Fluttershy's eyemask

Wasn't he also excited about the idea of him and fluttershy going on a vacation?

5450726 Oh, right! I thought I forgot something.

I think him wanting to spend vacation with "just two of them" on the beach along with him wearing fluttershy's eyemask were the most ship inducing. The writer also referenced IDW comics and basically canonised their development from the comics, too.

"To Where and Back Again Part 1"

1-Discord is furious to find out that Fluttershy is kidnapped
2-Trying to teleport directly to Fluttershy

"To Where and Back Again Part 2"

1-Discord charges toward the castle exclaiming "For Fluttershy!"
2-Only doing it to rescue Fluttershy
3-A content look on his face as Discord nuzzles and hugs Fluttershy tightly as she blushes when Discord rescues her
4-Discord refers to Fluttershy as "the one pony I care most about."
5-Fluttershy is seen leaning on Discord
6-After Discord suggests they all celebrate with tea at Fluttershy's he is floating in the air and staring at her with a dreamy look on his face
7-Discord protects her with his tail when Chrysalis reappears.

5543273 Let's not forget that he referred to her as "the one pony I care most about."
Ha ha, you heard it, folks, straight from the dragon-horse's mouth.

5546976 Thanks for the reminder.



More ship teases for you guys: After Discord suggests they all celebrate with tea at Fluttershy's he is floating in the air and staring at her with a dreamy look on his face.

Discord protects her with his tail when Chrysalis reappears.


Discordant Harmony
1-Fluttershy made pillows with Discord and her stitched on it
2-Discord feels he was taking advantage of Fluttershy's hospitality
3-Discord insists on having the next tea party at his place, Fluttershy is looking forward to it
4-Discord says, "She gave us a chance when no other pony would. She makes us want to be a better draconequus. Fluttershy deserves the best of everything."
5-Fluttershy causes chaos to stop Discord from fading away
6-Fluttershy says Discord opens her up to so many more possibilities and impossibilities
7-Discord was afraid if Fluttershy saw how different they are, she wouldn't want to be friends anymore
8-Fluttershy says, "I like you because you are so different then me."
9-Discord says he and Fluttershy don't make sense to any pony else, and Fluttershy replies with, "But we make sense to me"

10-Fluttershy holds Discord's cheeks with her hooves, reassuring him
11-Discord got all sassy on Pinkie Pie when he called her "Fluttershy's close, but not best friend." I was reminded of the Gala episode and his jealous attitude. Like he was saying, "We're the closest to each other, and no one will stand in our way!" Pinkie Pie agrees when she comments how Discord must know her so well
12-Discord was practicing what he was going to say to Fluttershy with notecards - a common rom com trope - Kimochiru

I'm sure there are more that I forgot to add, but these were the ones that stood to me.

How about when Fluttershy held Discord's cheeks with her hooves? That seemed to lean more toward some romantic interaction than not.
And how Discord was practicing what he was going to say to Fluttershy with notecards- it's a common romcom trope.

Now that I thought over it, I think these could fit too:
Discord got all sassy on Pinkie Pie when he called her "Fluttershy's close, but not best friend." I was reminded of the Gala episode and his jealous attitude. Like he was saying, "We're the closest to each other, and no one will stand in our way!" Pinkie Pie agrees when she comments how Discord must know her so well.

Also, when both Flutters and 'Cord redecorated the house, they said really similar lines, such as: "Although we never mentioned it, I'm pretty sure X loves/hates gravity!"
...I don't know if that counts, because it does seem to be more for comedy than portray their bond

I can get behind Fluttershy holding Discord cheeks interaction, but I didn't really see it as a romantic interaction. I saw it as a friend trying to reassure another, by bringing their attention to them. But I'll add it in anyway. And about Discord practicing with notecards, I see where you're going with that, but I don't know if that counts or not, I'll add it and see what other people say.

Now that I rewatched that scene, I can see Discord thinking that.

Yeah, I agree. That part was played for comedy then portraying their bond.

Yeah, surprisingly for a Flutter&Cord centric episode, there wasn't nearly as much ship teasing as I expected, and given the context of many scenes, they seemed more about friendship than not. Oh well :unsuresweetie: I guess the writers wanted to appease to all MLP fans, after all the show is about how "Friendship is Magic!" But I think overall it was really sweet how the episode focused on how much they care about and value each other, as well as the way they have become wiser and expanded their horizons thanks to the other.

...If I'm being honest, To Where and Back Again had more Fluttercord-y things.

This scene with that Disney-esque singing tea bags felt really shippy like they're some happy couple on a honeymoon.

Pardon me! But I've found a few extra little shipbits from Discordant Harmony :o
There is a leftover piece of the sandwich Discord eats that is the shape of a heart- and it appears multiple times in different scenes, so the shape is clearly intentional. It probably just counts as a little visual tease, nothing significant, but it was a pleasant surprise when I noticed it.

There is also the scene where Discord offers to get sugar for Fluttershy, but when she insists that she's all right, he looks quite... dejected.

Seems to me like one of those "my crush didn't want my help =(" moments.

Not to mention in Discordant Harmony, where Fluttershy is revealed to have throw pillows with her and Discord on them.

It's already on the Discordant Harmony list.

Just a little subtle tease in the recent episode:

The Break Up Breakdown
1-Spike calls out Discord, "Aw, come on. You act tough, but deep down, you're a softie. I mean, you don't have tea with Fluttershy every weekend because you like tea".
2-Discord is in denial

I can't help but squeal at that moment and end up becoming infatuated with this ship again. Whether Spike meant it in a platonic or romantically it does show how the writers are aware of knowing this ship exists. Even if it was brought up just once and never mentioned again by the guys it left me to question why the writers wrote that line in the first place. I mean why tease the fans who love this ship by adding that line in? Even if that wasn't their intention in shipping the fuel and it was just platonic or the one-sided friend crush Discord might have on Fluttershy why tease shippers like that if this ship might not be canon. Wouldn't it be best to avoid scenes and lines like that so there wouldn't be any heartbreak and tension between shippers? If they are teasing then that means we as shippers should expect more hints like this later on. Also I would like to add in how wonderfully subtle the writers wrote the lines between Spike and Discord in making sure the double meaning is there.

It's obvious by this point that Fluttercord is more of an arc for Discord than just some ship teasing like the show used to make with Cheeriemac. Discord has a crush on her which probably happened already in S3 but Discord unable to recognise it only recently made it more obvious for others like Spike (and i think Rarity also see it in What about Discord when Discord helps Fluttershy sit down)

I would consider that Discord has developed some type of infatuation towards Fluttershy as the series progressed. That he has this sort of friend crush on her since that is the closest thing that can be consider canon in the series. Not saying that it's legit canon it's just the way that Discord's actions imply he has this type of crush on her. Yet, when Spike brings this up just to tease him Discord does not answer his question, but snakes his way around the question. I think Discord himself is aware of how he feels about Fluttershy, but to what extent does he feel is something he might not have an understanding on.

If a possibility I can see how this can be an episode explored on the type of friendships one can have with others. After all, the show is center around the idea of friendship and how magical it can be. I'm not to sure if the show already touched upon that concept since I haven't been catching up with the series.

What happened so far with Discord and Fluttershy suggest they would probably canonise them in the last season rather than before that. Episodes about friends becoming lovers migh be reserved to Big Mac and Sugarbelle or Starlight and Sunburst. Mane6 characters might be bulletproof from shipping until writers finish with S9 and start planning the grand finale..

The Beginning of the End

1. He specifically called her his favorite and that makes her blush (Rarity even gives them a knowing look similar to the one in “What About Discord”)
2. He shielded her from a magic attack with his own body
3. When he's making his heartfelt speech, how he carcasses her cheek
4. While everyone was worried when Discord was “hurt”, Fluttershy was the most torn up about it. She was hugging him (even with her wings!) and crying
5. And basically when they’re around each other, they are smiling

She Talks to Angel

- Angel Bunny, while being in Fluttershy’s body says that she wants to marry Discord (of course, it could have been just mocking, but I’m wondering, since Angel lives with Fluttershy and practically spends all the time with her, then wouldn’t he be aware of her feelings for Discord?)

P.S. If by any chance I made some grammar mistakes, I am so sorry, my native language isn’t English.

Would've appreciate it if you placed a Spoiler. Episode hasn’t officially came out yet and some people haven’t watched it.

Yup, all done. Sorry, I didn’t think about it in the first place, my bad.

I feel something big is coming.

Once, actually

In “Make New Friends But Keep Discord”

Oh? Where did this prediction come from?

Just from the new threads talking about the last few episodes, I didn't read them but what I skimmed through, they are talking about something happening between Discord and Fluttershy.

I'm jumping back on the MLP train for the wild finale, and yeah. Some people who have been watching the new episodes have been talking about Fluttercord being canon or something there's a 20 year time skip or something, and it shows the mane 6 being married I think?. Not sure if it's true, but apparently something's happening.

Well, in the finale, seems heavily implied they are married since it seems they are living together.

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