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4039974 DOOOOO ITTTTTT Pwease

4039974 I think it'll be available for a while. A lot of us haven't taken it in hopes of new people joining in.

4022153 Why'd I never respond to this? Thanks Minty! I liked coming up with what Discord would say from the past after describing the smile. As for why he left, I figured I'd let the reader decide! For me, I just imagine he had a long mission to do for Celestia.

4058756 Cool! I like it!

4058748 I know we're waiting for someone new to join in, but if no one does, I don't want this thread to die. Guys, feel free to write again if you have an idea. I've been tempted to take it myself, and even though I've contributed two blurbs already, I'll do another!

4039974 But please, if you do have idea, go for it! I don't want to hog the thread! :twilightsheepish:

4073138 I don't want it to die either, and I too have taken a couple. I'mma wait just a bit more and see what happens, if anything.

Okay I'll take the prompt greedy since I have a bit of time on my hands and some vague ideas :heart:

Prompt: greedy :heart:

"Surprise!" Discord cried, a wide grin on his face as he appeared out of the blue with a burst of confetti.

The birds were tweeting their early morning chorus outside as the sun was just beginning to rise over Ponyville. Fluttershy squeaked in shock, then blushed, pulling the blankets of her bed tightly around herself, suddenly self-conscious. Up until a few moments ago she had been in the lighter stages of sleep and, embarrassingly enough, dreaming of the draconequus who was now stood in front of her.

"D-d-discord?" she mumbled. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Visiting my favorite pony in all of Equestria, of course!" Discord answered cheerfully. "Sandwich?"

With his lion's paw he held out a plate of cucumber sandwiches.

"Erm... Discord, you do know what time it is, don't you?" Checking for herself, she glanced at the clock. "It's five a.m."

"Ah. Yes, I'm a little early, aren't I? To tell the truth I was just so eager to see you I may have forgotten to consider those quirky ol' sleeping patterns ponies tend to have."

Fluttershy smiled a little weakly but couldn't stifle a yawn. In an instant, Discord was by her side.

"I'm sorry to have woken you, I truly am," he confessed, a little shamefully. "Would you like a new pillow? A lullaby? Sheep to count?" Some tiny multicolored ewes appeared by her bed and Fluttershy giggled a little. She couldn't help but feel flattered.

"No, it's fine, really," she mumbled, snuggling back into the covers.

"Ah – how about a sleeping spell?" Discord snapped his fingers.

Before Fluttershy could respond she sank back into her sleep.

Her dream featured Discord again, this time as her date in a bizarre chaotic version of Ponyville. She couldn't help but enjoy it.

Later in the morning, after Fluttershy had woken up and walked into the town square to buy some carrots, Discord popped up again to intimidate the stall owner into giving her a bargain (despite her awkward objections). He continued to appear throughout the day – offering his reluctant assistance to feed Angel, surprising her by popping up while she was talking to Twilight, and suddenly sitting next to her in Sugarcube Corner to divulge his opinions on the milkshakes.

He didn't notice Pinkie Pie behind him until she interrupted his sentence on why banana with chocolate was superior to either flavor on its own.

"Discord! Stop being greedy," she cried indignantly.

"I beg your pardon?" he responded. "I haven't ordered a single cake I'll have you know."

"No, silly. You're being greedy with Fluttershy!" Pinkie smiled mischievously.

"W-what?" Fluttershy stuttered, eyes wide. "Pinkie, what do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious? You two spend so much time together everypony else barely gets a look in."

"I don't think that's true," Fluttershy mumbled, but Discord sighed.

"Pinkie may be right," he admitted. "I... there's actually something I've been meaning to talk to you about, Fluttershy."

Pinkie tiptoed back to the counter to leave them in peace, but pulled out a pair of binoculars to watch stealthily from afar.

"The truth is... I've been wanting to tell you that, er..." Discord muttered.

Fluttershy stared expectantly.

"I... I..." He gulped.

"You'rethemostperfectponyI'veevermetandIthinkI'minlovewithyou," he finally cried.

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, frozen in shock.

Then she jumped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, nuzzling her cheek against his.

"Oh, Discord! I... I think I'm in love with you too!"

Discord smiled down at her, his heart melting. Gently, hesitantly, he leaned in closer to her until the space between them was all but gone...

Pinkie squealed in delight from across the cafe, watching the couple's first kiss.

The customer, who was stood waiting at the counter, sighed in frustration.

"Can I place my order now?"

I went over with the word count, oops! :facehoof: Sorry :fluttershyouch:

New prompt: Slow dance :heart:

4079858 who cares? That was awesomely beautiful! Loved Pinkie's sly intervention and just the idea of Discord 'popping up' all day. Aaaaaand since I'm greedy I'll take slow dance.

4093917 Yay! :yay: I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Slow Dance

He hated that stallion.

He hated the way he looked at her. He hated the way he had his greasy hooves on her withers, and the way he oh-so-nonchalantly brushed said hoof right over her Cutie Mark—a very tender spot.

He hated how much he hated the stallion dancing with Fluttershy.

He hated it even more that she had said ‘yes’.

He hated that it was a slow dance.

He hated how stunning she looked tonight; a silver dress that sparkled, like stars that came out in the daytime instead of night. He remembered when Rarity had shown her the dress. Fluttershy had tried to say it was too beautiful for her, too elegant for a ‘simple, ordinary Pegasus’ like her.

Discord had adamantly told her that wasn’t true…That the dress was practically made for her. She had only agreed to wear it after he threatened to turn her hair into bubblegum.

(It had been an empty threat. He would never do anything to her she didn’t like. Not anymore.)

He wanted to be the first to dance with her, but this…this Toe-Tapper, that blue unicorn from the Ponytones…

He asked her first.

Once the song ended, Discord let out a breath of relief. He had been terrified, so unbelievably afraid, that the two of them would—

“Been there, done that,” said a voice beside him. Discord turned to look at a much taller, much more mature Spike, who took a sip of his punch before smirking at him.

“Somepony’s got a crush,” Spike teased.

Heat coming to his cheeks, Discord denied it. “I do not have a crush, Spike. I’m not like how you were, with Rarity.”

“No…” Spike took his straw and swirled it around in his punch. “You’re not; after all, I got the girl!” He smiled, a single twinkle showing off his sharp teeth.

The Draconequus snorted. “My arrogance has been rubbing off you over the years. You know, if it weren’t for that, you’d never even have her.”

“No way, man!” Spike said, waving it off. “After all, you’re still pretty arrogant, and yet…”

He pointed to Fluttershy. “You’re not with her. But hey, look.” He smiled at Discord yet again. “Here she comes.”

“Gah! What?!?” Discord jumped and straightened his tie, sweat visibly going down into his brow. “She—she’s—!”

He looked over, and Spike was gone. He seethed.

I taught him too many of my tricks.


Oh, that voice. It was music that rocked him, despite its softness. Discord turned.

“Yes, my dearest?”

Oh shoot. He called her ‘dear’. That was fine and dandy, but ‘dearest’? That meant he found her more valuable than any of the others! Oh, Sweet Celestia, this was too much.

“Uh…Um…” She face became a vivid red, and Discord forgot his own problems for a moment and raised a brow.

“Yes, Fluttershy? What is it?”

He put his paw and claw on her withers, a move that he had used before in all their years as friends together. It was often something he did when he was concerned.

He gasped as tears came to her eyes, and he was quick to try and calm her. “Fluttershy, what’s wrong? Why are you…W-Why are you crying? Shouldn’t you…Shouldn’t you be having fun? Was…”

Suddenly, his mind darkened, and his brows furrowed.

“It was that Toe-Tapper, wasn’t it? I saw him dancing with you. What did he do?!? Want me to get him?”

Fluttershy then started crying, tears rolling down her face. “N-No! N-Not..No. It’s…It’s the fact that…”

She looked away from him, and he wasn’t having that. He put a paw and claw on her face, and gently forced her to look at him. “What?”

“…The one dancing with me was Toe-Tapper…” Fluttershy finally squeaked. “It…It…It wasn’t you…”

A song began to play. It was soft, and it was sweet.

A slow song. A slow dance.

“…I’m sorry, my sweet, sweet Fluttershy…”

He took paw and claw and moved them to her hips as she flew, bringing her against him.

“I can fix that dreadful problem. Come dance with me.”

So they did. They slow-danced, and danced, and danced. And when the night finally came to a close…

Discord got a kiss.

Take THAT, Toe-Tapper!

Next Prompt: hate (Let's see what you do with that, since this is a love tag thing. XD )

4106224 Not my best work, but sometimes I struggle coming up with something a lil' different and trying not to be too long with it. Ending is FAR too abrupt...Among other problems. :applejackunsure:

4119718 I LOVE IT!! :rainbowkiss:
And I think I want to claim hate, because I have an idea...

4119970 You do?!? I'm so glad!!! :pinkiehappy: I am so excited for the idea!!!

4123438 Excited, huh? Well then, here you go!


Although the mane six had become accustomed to the romance building between Fluttershy and Discord, the rest of the town was rather uneasy about the whole thing. Cuddling in public was difficult, it was hard to find an open booth at restaurants, and everypony kept staring. Fluttershy didn’t mind because she was with Discord and she felt safe with him. But the draconequus could not say the same about himself.

They’re courtship continued, and then there was the proposal, and then the wedding announcement. Time flew and the wedding day came. It was awful. Fluttershy got a fever of one hundred and four, Discord got a bloody nose from Tartarus, and everyone who was at the wedding was uneasy and even cross. Ponies gossiped that it was sign that the whole romance was a mistake; that it was against fate. The night ended with the couple on opposite sides of the bed, sick and sad.

Things were not much better after that. Married life was rough, but not as rough as moving in. Fluttershy’s cottage was the home they chose, and with a direct address for Discord, it gave haters a place to reach him. In the first few months of their marriage, the house had been egged several times, the mailbox blown apart, and the animals traumatized. Fluttershy, bless her kind heart, was forgiving and kind to her enemies. But Discord…
He was past anger and resentment. He was afraid.

“Love?” He asked, as Fluttershy walked into the room.

“Yes?” She turned at the distress in his voice. Her eyes widened at the extreme sadness and fear in his eyes.

“What if these ponies never accept this? What if they never accept… me?”

She rushed to his side, and laid her soft head on his chest.

“Oh Discord, don’t worry about them.”

“Don’t worry? These ponies hate me! They gossip about me, they attack our home, they refuse to have me. How am I supposed to—”

“To do what?” Fluttershy interrupted. “Live? Discord, you are above them. You can live your life with or without their love, it doesn’t affect your greatness. Our greatness. If they don’t like this love story, that’s their loss. And if you ask me, they are missing out on a lot.” She smiled softly and kissed him.

Discord’s worry did not quite leave his eyes, but he smiled.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Seeing that he wasn’t quite convinced, Fluttershy got up and grabbed something from the bedroom.

“I was going to wait until tonight for this, but I think you need this now.”

A little box with a white bow was placed in Discord’s paw. He shot her a questioning look, and then lifted the lid. Inside was a golden pocket watch.

“Oh Fluttershy, it’s beautiful.”

“Open it.”

Discord flipped it open, eyes sparkling as he marveled at the gentle ticking and beautiful hoofwork. His eyes caught on something on the lid. He leaned closer, inspecting it carefully.

“You see, Discord, you don’t need the ponies of this town to love you. You have my love, our friend’s love and the love of our little family. No hate can ruin that love.”

Discord read the shimmering inscription on the lid of the pocket watch, his eyes filling with tears.

“To the new father.”

Alright, here's a harder one: pregnancy
Let's see what you guys come up with!

4126012 THIS GAVE ME FEELINGS. SO MANY FEELINGS! :raritydespair: it was great!

So... :applejackunsure:
Is the prompt too hard? Do I need to change it?

4160328 It's not too hard; I've tried thinking of some things, but pregnancy stories are always... awkward for me. :twilightsheepish: I guess if no one takes it soon, change it, but I'm sure someone will come around.

4160328 I don't think so, I've just been waiting for someone else who wants a chance.

Comment posted by Gingerboyman deleted Mar 29th, 2015

If no one wants it, can I take pregnancy.

4215883 Please, go ahead! This thread is starving for activity!

Comment posted by Gingerboyman deleted Mar 29th, 2015

Sorry if this is terrible:fluttershyouch: I am still getting used to righting.


“What do you think honey, Zinc yellow or Luminous yellow?” Fluttershy said holding up what looked to be the same colored yellow thread.

Discord summoned a magnifying glass, making a big show of inspecting the two yellow threads even though he couldn't see the difference between them.

After a couple of seconds, he finally pointed to the piece of string Fluttershy was holding in her right hoof. “I think this one matches your coat splendidly, darling, ” Discord said.

Fluttershy smiled at her husband and placed the chosen yellow, on the couch, next to a teal and pink colored thread, and putting the other yellow thread back into her sewing basket.

“Well that me down now lets move on to you.”

Fluttershy started digging about for the next thread, and then she stopped and turned her attention back to her husband.

“I’m not sure i'm doing the right thing,” Fluttershy said quietly.

Discord throned at his wife's sudden change in attitude.

“Well I think it’s a good idea.” Discord said comfortingly.

“Really?” Fluttershy said, joy full town back.

“Sure, I mean I would have made a couple stuffed version of are self with my magic for or baby to play with but sewing works to”

Fluttershy’s ears fell flat on her head and the same melancholy tone returned to her voice “That not what I meant.”

Discord cupped his lovely wife's hooves in his paw and claw. “Then tell me love what is it that you meant” Discord said in the genlist tone that he only used for Fluttershy.

“I-I is scared of this.” Fluttershy said gesturing to her blogging stomach.

“Your pregnancy?” Discord questioned.

“ No. I Meany yes well...I am scared that our baby won't love me” Fluttershy blurted out.

Discord almost dropped Fluttershy’s hooves in shock, he might have even laughed at the ridiculous statement his wife just said, if it wasn’t for the look of honesty of sadness on her face.

“Fluttershy how could you say something like that?”

“Well what would the baby ever love about me, I'm a week flyer, I’m shy, I’m not that smart and…

“And you're also gentle, patient, forgiving and do I even half to remind you that you are the kindest pony in all of Equestra” Discord cut in. “If there’s any pony your baby would hate it would its daddy”

It was Fluttershy’s turn to look shocked “Discord how could you say that, you’re funny, brave, amiable-”

“ I was also one of most feared villains, betrayed my friends, and poisoned a well of kindness into one of cruelty” Discord added sadly.

He made amotion of pulling away from his wife’s hooves, but now it was Fluttershy turn to hold his hands.

Discord looked into her beautiful smiling face, his heart did a little leap, funny even after all this time his heart still did that when so Fluttershy smile like that.

“Discord do you think I would have married you, if I ever thought you were that.” Fluttershy said.

Discord’s slilence was all Fluttershy need as confirmation.

She removed one of her hooves from Discord’s hand and placed it on his cheek and lend forward placing her lips on her husbands.

The kiss lasted few seconds, but it always seemed eternity of bliss to him

When Fluttershy a pulled away, sly grin was stating form on Discord face.

“You know my love, there is some thing I forgot to add.”

“O W-what's that” Fluttershy said, her cheeks turning a slight pink.

Discord lead over to whisper in Fluttershy’s ear. “You’re also the most beautiful mare in Equestria.”

And placed his lips over hers.

next one Banana

4219069 Very cute, good job! :twilightsmile:
Ask for the prompt, I won't claim it just yet, mainly because I don't have anything good for banana right this minute...

I think I will change the prompt to birthday if that okay.

4265164 Actually, if you could, that'd be splendid. Nothing wrong with the previous prompt, but I've already sprung an idea or two just for "birthday" quicker than banana. I'm not claiming it yet, I still want to see if I can go through with the idea.

Screw it: I claims it

I hope you claim it I really want to read what you come up with. :pinkiehappy:


Wanting nothing more than to rest back home by the fireplace after a wonderful birthday, Fluttershy retreated back to her cottage in the late night. If only one more friend of hers was there...

He's busy, she thought, shaking her head. It's understandable. I'm sure he'll be back soon.

Then she arrived at her cottage... and stopped.

Sitting at the doorway, was a large cake. She looked around in case anypony else was around. This not being the case, she walked up to the vanilla cake with yellow swirls.

Before she could even think to taste it, the cake began to rumble. She stepped back just as the top of the cake burst open, with bits of icing landing around the field. Fluttershy didn't pay attention to that, but rather the draconequus popping out from the cake.

Said draconequus threw confetti of different flavors in the air as he exclaimed, “Surprise!” He watched for her reaction, confused by her sudden burst of giggling. He peered at a clock on his wrist. “I am on time this time, no?”

“Yes, it's just..." Fluttershy bit her lip. "Umm, you still have some icing, well, all over.”

With a snap and a flash, all the icing vanished, and Discord was standing in front of her. She lunged at him for a hug. “I'm so glad you could make it!”

“Why would I miss my best pal's birthday? I've heard it's a big deal to celebrate, so I thought I'd join in—and I'm totally sure I'm doing it right."

“I really appreciate it.” She nuzzled his cheek. “I missed you.”

He rolled his eyes, even though he was still grinning. “Well, I couldn't possibly miss showing you your present."

“Really? What is it?” She pulled away from the embrace, giving him a curious look.

Discord said nothing, only shifting his eyes up the sky. She followed his gaze and gawked as she saw the stars beginning to align in a particular way. As if being painted, brilliant light drew a butterfly into the center of the sky.

“What do you think?"

Hearing his voice, she turned back to see his claw in the air, having orchestrated the stars. She blinked and looked between him and the butterfly constellation, which glowed bright pink.

“I love it!" She hugged him again, closing her eyes as her head buried into his chest. “I love it so much. Thank you.”

“Of course, that's not all I have for you.”

Fluttershy looked up at him and found her muzzle now pressed gently against his. She tried not to shiver at the close contact. “What else is there?”

Then he pulled his lips onto hers, making blush grow up from her cheeks all the way to her ears, which flickered. When he ended it, he quirked his brows at her. “Well?”

“That," She took a moment to properly respond, words failing her, "that was nice, too.” She thought putting her mane over her face would shield her goofy smile and sparkling eyes.

It didn't. Discord laughed and wrapped an arm around a still flustered Fluttershy as they continued sitting under the stars.

Next Prompt: Lost

(I forget how hard prompts are; the limitations of the word count make writing much harder :o I think this is okay. Then again, it's 1 am and I was half-writing half-whatever can't stop won't stop zzzzxz)

4273722 Freaking adorable, Missy! I am pretending this happened shortly after "umbrella". I claim lost!


Fluttershy woke up to Discord's whimpering and wild shaking, unable to make sense of the horrified mutterings that escaped his lips as he tossed and turned and held himself. His eyes were tightly shut, his teeth were grit, and he looked and sounded as if he were in horrible danger.

The Pegasus immediately sat up and scooted closer to her bedmate. She had seen this before. The first time it ever happened, she had been so frightened. At the time, she had never seen Discord act in such a way…But then again, they had never been so intimate with each other before. For two months now, he had been sleeping next to her every night, and that was around the time it started.

The way he described it, it was like a night terror, though not quite. His eyes were never open, and he didn’t scream endlessly, like night terrors often did. His visions weren’t nonsensical—though that certainly would have fit.

It was a mix of different times of his life, childhood and all. He had told her he often saw mobs of ponies, shouting and threatening him. Enemies like Tirek and King Anubis occasionally showed, only with expressions and bodies much more terrifying and mystical than they really were, with eyes that glowed like his own. Sometimes it was just a mess of haunts and monsters—tatzlwurms, zombies, a pony the size of a mountain with a thousand different voices leaving his lips, screaming obscenities and curses at him, all of it, all at once.

But the worst ones were when his friends were added into the mix. Celestia, running, her body literally on fire, screaming. Luna, thin and frail, too absorbed in her own self-hatred to take care of herself. Twilight, gray and without hope or love. Applejack, lying and scheming and taking bets to see who could torture Discord the most. Pinkie Pie, her hair straight and scowling at anyone in her way. Rarity, covered in extravagant jewelry and hugging herself, watching for anyone who might take them away from her. Rainbow Dash, just watching in the background but not really caring.

Fluttershy…Leading the head of the mob, her eyes full of hate for him, with no love to give.

The Discorded Six.

Discord was lost in his own mind. His own fears, his own shames and dark past…He was lost in all of it.

Fluttershy’s heart broke every time she woke to this. Luckily, his episodes were fewer now than they were two months ago, but it made it no less painful for her to watch.

He was hugging himself and squealing, almost to a scream, and Fluttershy put a hoof gently on his side, stroking him.

There was only one way to get him out.

“Discord…” she whispered. “Shhh….It’s okay, Discord. It’s me. Fluttershy. The real Fluttershy. The one that loves you, remember? The one that will always love you.”

She could feel his shaking start to lessen, and his breathing slowing down.

“It’s okay, Discord. You’re just a little lost. Come back and wake up, sweetie. I want to see you…”

“Nnng….” He squeaked, still twitching but definitely calming down. “Nnnng.”

“Shhh…Wake up. Be with me, please. I want you here, with me. You’re not alone, Discord. Not anymore. Never again. I love you. I love you so much.”

A sharp intake of breath, and Fluttershy saw him awaken, revealing his bright yellow eyes and red irises. He breathed deeply for a while, and then looked up at her.


Fluttershy nodded, and leaned down to give him a kiss, which he not only returned, but grasped both sides of her head, keeping her there, as if he were afraid she’d fly away if he let go.

He always did that, and Fluttershy understood. He needed her as much as she needed him. It only made her kiss him more deeply.

It finally ended, and Discord put a paw on her cheek. “You’re remarkable. Do you realize that?”

She blushed. No, she didn't realize that. “Th-Thank you…”

He gave her a smile. “I only speak the truth. Oh, and Fluttershy, dearest?”


“I love you too. Immensely."

How wazzat? I was gonna do something totally depressing, and then I did this instead and I like it better. :3

Next prompt: forever

4282172 Now that was unexpected... excellent! :pinkiecrazy: Crazy but then super duper sweet at the end! Love it.

4282233 Well, I wanted to do something different, and I had to make the dream pretty traumatizing for him to be so 'lost' in his own mind, ya know? Thank you!!! I hope this thread gets goin' again. It's so fun.


Could I tentatively claim 'forever', I have an idea but I want to think on it before
I write it out.

Sorry if this is terrible I am still getting used to righting:fluttershysad:. Plus I keep on forgetting how hard it is to right in a world limit ( which I exceed a little)


Fluttershy stood up from the wedding group table, tapping her glass with her fork to gain the attention of the assorted wedding groups attention.

“everypony and those who are not, I want to give my special thanks to my five bridesmaids, Twilightsparkle, RainbowDash, Pinkiepie, Rarity and Applejack” Fluttershy said, gesturing to the ponies to her left of the wedding group table. “ without their help, we would not have the wonderful entertainment,food, fantastic organization, or this beautiful gown and the privilege of having the wedding held at the castle of friendship so I just wanted say thank you so much, you are all such true friends.” Her eyes started to gloss over as tears started to build up. Her friends seeing this, and sharing equally in the bride’s emotions, came over to embrace her in a group hug.

The crowd applauded, at the touching speach.

After they all returned to their respective seats at the table, Discord lend over and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek then whispered in her ear. “ I feel like it’s time for my speech.”

Fluttershy gave her husband a questioning look as he stood up.

“Well” Discord said “since my beautiful wife has made her emotional and captivating speech. I feel it is time for mine, I was going to tell you all this after our honeymoon, but in this case sooner is probably better than later.”

All eyes were all trained on the draconequus, interested in what he had to say.

“To put it briefly and as simply as possible I have given up my immortality.”

For a moment the room was silent, then gasps started to arise, the loudest one coming from his wife. The groom’s butterfly dragon was so shocked by the news, that he sprayed the table of breezies he was sitting with in a yellow nectar mist.

The draconequus gave a slight smile at the sudden, unintentional, chaos he caused before turning to his pegasus wife. who was holding her hooves to her mouth in shock, her eyes as big as watermelons.

“ho..wh...how..” was all Fluttershy finally said. Discord took her hooves in his hands and smiled gently at her. “My love really, I thought you would know better than too ask me how. I am the spirit of chaos so the sky’s the limit with my magic.”

As Fluttershy mind slowly processed her husband’s words, the realization hit her of what would happen to him now that he lack his immortality. “I-I did this to you. I-Ive killed you” She said, tears developing in her eyes.

“no no no no my love” Discord hastily , then paused “Well... in a sense... yes. You see Fluttershy , as you well know better than anyone, you are the pony that showed me what it’s like to have friendship and then later a love and without that in my life, without all of yours” he said louder gesturing to the crowd before them. “I don’t know what I would do with myself.”

He tenderly brushed away some of her loose tears with his lion paw. “Getting rid of my immortality was my choice not yours, Fluttershy.” He said in as gently as his touch. “That’s why I did not tell you before our wedding, so I would not need to listen to my wife's rebuttal that I would have to comply with.” he said with a chuckle.

No one spoke or moved for a time. Discord was starting to get uncomfortable with the awkward silence and started wishing he could retract his statement.

He cleared his throat. “and besides” he said in a cheery tone, hoping to diffuse the tension, “Living forever can be so boring, knowing that you will live day after day not having to fear what comes after can get so orderly, and you all know how much I hate that; better to live life on the edge not knowing what to exp-”

Discord was cut off by his wife’s lips, which had flown up at his like a torpedo along with the rest of his wife. Fluttershy action was so fast, it knocked Discord right off his feet onto his back with Fluttershy lips still stuck to his like glue.

Whistles, laughter and applause came from wedding party at the bride’s action.

When Fluttershy removed her lips from Discord’s, tears were streaming down her face and flowing on to her husbands cheeks. But her eyes were not filled with sorrow, instead joy glowed in them and the biggest smile he had ever seen on her face was there.

“Discord.” Fluttershy whispered to him, emotion heavy in her voice, “ you are t-the.-t.the....”

“The most handsome, charming funniest, mortal creature you have ever known” Discord said jokingly, “I know, but isn’t that why you married me?”

Then he returned his wife’s kiss with his own passionate kiss.

“AAAHH, save it for the honeymoon you two!” Rainbow dash cried.

Next prompt In-laws

I will change the prompt to Anniversary

4375249 I do kinda want to take this one, but I also want everyone to have a chance at these prompts. I took one just recently, so maybe someone different will take it soon!


It's there if you want it :twilightsmile:, all though I do hope some one will take it I want to see what they come up with.

4282172 I LOVE THIS. You are such a great writer! I love the new direction this one went, with the couple needing each other equally. So sweet! :rainbowkiss:

So, no one took the last word anymore? Oh dear, I was so entertained on this, can anyone still choose the word? and continue with this?:twilightsheepish:

if you want to go for it

4010666 Totally late to the party but I just have to aknowledge how stinking cute this one is! :heart: love the ending especially!

I'd really like to see this chain of prompts keep growing! I'd like to claim the prompt "Anniversary".


Discord had to admit that he never paid much thought to dates or calendars. They were all just numbers that ponies arbitrarily attached to the passing of time. He barely remembered when holidays were...fortunately, pony stores were absolutely keen to remind him when they were coming up.

But no matter what, there was one date that he always, always made sure to remember.

"...and this one is lemon-flavored, this one is orange-flavored, and this one..." Fluttershy's hoof paused over a light brown teacake. "Do you want to guess what this one is?"

Discord smiled, stroking his beard. "Hmm." Fluttershy really had gone all-out for this little celebration of theirs. There had to be at least a dozen different flavors of teacake that she had made by hoof. "Caramel?" he guessed.

"It's tea-flavored!" she said, smile spreading even further as a small giggle escaped her throat.

Discord chuckled, nodding in satisfaction. "Oh, that's clever," he said. He grabbed the tea-flavored teacake and took a bite. "Mm. Mmm. Amazing as always, Fluttershy."

A light blush covered her cheeks. "Anything to see you happy."

He grinned, tossing the rest of the teacake down his throat. "Well, don't think I didn't do something amazing for you, too!" He reached into a a pocket in his fur and a small jewelry box, holding it out to her. He opened it and pulled out a gold-chain necklace with a blue butterfly gem. "This," he said as he draped it reverently around her neck, "Is a new magical artifact I made just for you."

She smiled, lifting the gem and inspecting it. "What does this one do?"

"It's a key," he said. "Specifically, a key to a small stronghold that will contain every type of seed in Equestria, carefully preserved for ponies of the future! I figured you'd like to have a hoof in that." He winked. "After all, does anyone know more about plants and seeds than you?"


"No one, that's who!" he said. "I mean, I don't want to pressure you with this. Just think of it as a little pet project, a way to hold onto extra seeds that you don't need."

She turned the key-gem over in her hoof, smiling. "...I suppose it could be fun to store seeds for the future," she said, letting the gem drop back to her chest. "You'll have to show me where the stronghold is."

"It's not far from the animal sanctuary," he said. "Easy to find for anyone who happens to be looking centuries in the future." He slung an arm around her shoulders. "But before I show you that...why don't we spend a bit of time relaxing?"

It only took a second of thought before she leaned against his side, snuggling into his fur. "That sounds delightful," she said. "Happy anniversary, Discord. I love you."

He reached up and tangled his fingers in her mane. "Love you, too."

Next Prompt: Cake

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