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What is Fluttercord Prompt Tag? It's a game, and here's how you play it:

I'll start off by posting a 100-500 word mini-fic about Fluttershy and Discord. At the end will be a one word prompt. If you would like to write a 100-500 word Fluttercord mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a one word prompt at the end for the next people to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

* The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Just try to keep it rated teen or lower and make sure it's 100-500 words of fiction about Fluttershy and Discord and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed.

* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.

* Your claim is valid for four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.

* In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.

* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things, and it's up to the next writer what they want to do with it.

(This a game a few other ship groups have done, and I thought we could play it to keep this group doing something. What do you think?)

4009150 FUCK YESSS

I'll start us off with some prompts:



Snagging Adorkable.

I'm also stealing Silence

Wonderful! I can't wait to see how these turn out!


Badly, in my case, but whatev'. It's the takin' part that counts, right? :rainbowlaugh:


Prompt: Adorkable.

If Discord had thought that time and proximity would eventually soften Angel Bunny's opinion of him, he was sorely mistaken; the little rabbit continually poked his goat leg, kicking out with his tiny feet, even though all the draconequus was trying to do was catch forty winks on a hammock suspended across the length of Fluttershy's living room. Maybe it was the chocolate milk river that it was floating above that gave the tetchy critter cause for irritation?
Finally growing tired of Angel's constant prodding, Discord snapped his fingers and the bunny vanished into the ether. He chortled in satisfaction, knowing that, with Fluttershy out, he would be free to keep Angel at bay in this manner until she got back. Finally, a little bit of solitude.
He didn't make it a habit to hang around Fluttershy's cottage while she was out; though it made no difference to him, the animals that loitered around the place could be a little bit squeamish in his presence. Especially when he was bored, which was often. Ever since agreeing with the princesses not to use his chaos powers – at least not for harmful purposes – Discord's life had been a little bit staid of late. Who would have thought that the God of Chaos would be tamed by a little yellow pony who quaked in fear at her own shadow, huh?
Just as he was drifting off to sleep, he heard the front door burst open loudly enough that he feared it was being torn from its hinges by some ferocious creature. There's no way that could be Fluttershy; she isn't the type to abuse the furniture, no matter how annoyed she is. To be on the safe side, he silently snapped his fingers and got rid of the river of milk, the hammock, and – as an afterthought – restored Angel Bunny to his proper place, who looked around confusedly before scampering dazedly in the direction of his owner.
The little rabbit froze, his eyes widening in alarm, and even Discord looked on in interest. “Fluttershy, did you do something with your hair?” he asked deadpan, amused by the rabbit's sudden about-face.
The yellow pegasus' normally well-kempt rosy mane was a wild, tangled mess of random peaks and troughs, her azure eyes had taken on a reddish tint, and her lateral incisors had become longer and more pointed. Even her wings had become more leathery and spiky.
She might have looked intimidating, where it not for the fact that she was also crying; something which was of more immediate concern to Discord, though he was curious about the return of the bat curse. “What happened to you?” He tried to approach her, but she backed off. Closer up, he could see that her tiny body was covered in scratches. “Fluttershy …?”
“I'm a monster,” Fluttershy said between sobs.
“You are not,” replied Discord sternly. The draconequus took a moment to get his thoughts in order. A resurgence of the bat influence that Princess Know-Nothin'-Know-It-All thought she'd cured. “Okay, that explains the transformation, but how did you get the scratches?”
“I was coming back from the Everfree Forest after feeding the manticore cubs when I, er, changed. A couple of ponies saw me emerging from the woods, and they thought that I was some kind of-” she made a choking noise in the back of her throat “-some kind of beast.”
Discord felt the heart that he wasn't sure he possessed hammering in his chest. The very thought of somepony attacking his dear, sweet Fluttershy made feelings he couldn't express in words thrill through him. At once, he wanted to find those responsible for her injuries and teach them the meaning of pain, and comfort the poor pegasus-bat until she felt better and stopped crying. Finally, the latter instinct won out and he pulled her into a tight hug before she had the chance to escape his clutches once more. “You aren't a monster.”
“I am,” replied Fluttershy, not giving herself up to the draconequus' embrace. In fact, she looked as though she wanted to be on the other side of Equestria right now. “I don't want to hurt anypony, but … I don't know what'll happen if we can't find a way to reverse this transformation.”
“You could never hurt anypony, it isn't in your nature,” said Discord, his gaze drawing level with hers. “The only thing that's even remotely monstrous about you is how much you care, whether the animal in question deserves it or not.”
“Animals like big, dumb draconequuses, you mean?” she asked, dryly noting the subtext of his words. Fluttershy buried her head in his shoulder until it was wet with tears.
Big? Dumb?” Discord said with mock-hurt. “Don't you mean devilishly handsome, intelligent and sexy?”
Fluttershy turned her head slightly and giggled despite herself.
“Oh?” He prodded her chest gently with a talon of his eagle claw. “You think I'm sexy?”
Hiding her eyes behind her mane, Fluttershy blushed and nodded. “Maybe a little.”
Discord found himself rather taken aback by that and couldn't think of a response; if Fluttershy had ever found anypony attractive, she never said anything about it due to her timid nature. Perhaps this bat curse isn't such a bad thing after all? “In that case, there's something I should tell you.”
“What's that?” Fluttershy asked, wiping the last of her tears away with a hoof.
The faintest tinge of red coloured the draconequus' cheeks. “I think you're adorkable.”
“Adorkable. You know, hot in a nerdy sort of way?”
Fluttershy raised her eyebrows in bewilderment, unsure if she was being made fun of or not. “Thanks. I think.”
“Hey, I'm not insulting you,” Discord said, holding his hands up in apology. “Ever since we became friends, you've become something incredibly important and special to me. Over time, I began to feel something that was a lot more than just friendship for you. Your kindness, compassion and empathy have been really important to somepony like me who has no knowledge of such things.” He looked down at his goat hoof and lizard leg, and a small sigh escaped his throat. “The truth is, I love you, Fluttershy, and I've been wanting to tell you for a long time, but not knowing how you felt about me made it really difficult to say anything.”
A long moment of silence passed, and Discord assumed that he had his answer; he looked back up, however, to find that Fluttershy's face was mere inches away from his own, and from the way her lips were quirked, it was pretty obvious that she was expecting him to make his move. Acting on instinct, Discord closed the short gap between them and placed his own lips against hers.
The taste of apples, mingled with her natural lavender scent, was a curious yet intoxicating mix to the draconequus. The kiss was soft, innocent, chaste, but with the slightest of hints of something more lingering under the surface. Just like Fluttershy herself, really. It was everything Discord had been hoping for.
All too soon, they pulled away, and Fluttershy looked nervously downward. “You don't mind that I'm stuck this way?”
“Uh-uh,” Discord replied sincerely. “It doesn't matter about the inside because it's what's in here-” his clawed hand rested just over her heart while his lion arm encircled her waist and pulled her in close “-that counts.”
“Thank you,” she said, kissing his cheek softly.
“Wanna go for a swim in my chocolate milk river?” Discord asked mischievously.

New prompt: Candy Floss.



Is that a claim? (On candy floss)

4009401 No, just saying the story is good.

That it is! I liked it too :twilightsmile:


If I'd spent more than an hour on it, it would've been better, but I'm glad you guys liked it. :heart:

Aggh I wanna do this but I'm exhausted this evening.

I hope it's still going tomorrow...

*Still have my claim on silence

4009372 Claiming candy floss

Confused how this works?

So, it went just a little 500 words, but I couldn't cut it any shorter. Here it is:

Candy Floss
It had been a relaxing Sunday. All the shops were closed, the parks were clean, and the meadows were perfect for taking strolls in. Fluttershy had a wonderful time collecting flowers, and was ready to come home and relax. As she approached her beloved cottage, she smiled with fondness. She couldn’t wait to walk in and sit down and…

What was that sound?

Alarmed, Fluttershy quickly grabbed the doorknob and thrust the door open. She was met with an abundance of pink fluffiness and chocolate milk all over her living room.

“DISCORD!” She called irritably.

“Yes, honey?” Discord appeared with an upside-down umbrella and a tall glass.

“Just because we are dating doesn’t mean you can cover my house in cotton candy clouds,” she said firmly.

“I know,” said Discord with his wicked smile, “That’s why this isn’t cotton candy.”

Fluttershy went to chastise him further but was stopped short by the reply.

“Wait, it’s not?”

“Of course not!” Discord laughed. “This is candy floss!

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.

“Aren’t those the same thing?”

Discord scoffed and made a face as if she had just insulted his lineage.

“They most certainly are NOT!

He snapped his fingers and the pink and brown mess disappeared, replaced with three cones holding three identical pink fluffly blobs.

“This is cotton candy,” he said pointing to the first, “this is fairy floss, and this is candy floss.”

Fluttershy stared at them with sincere attention, but they all looked the same. Discord sighed.

“Here. Try them, they taste different.”

He handed them to her. She took a nibble of the first, then a taste of the second, and finally licked the last. She tried earnestly to tell the difference. The harder she thought, the more she thought the first was saltier, the second was softer, and the last was most certainly sweeter.

“I… I think I can taste the difference…”

“Let’s quiz you!” A blindfold wrapped around her head without warning.


Something soft and fluffy touched her lips.

“Which one is this one?”

She bit down, and chewed thoughtfully. It was very soft and mild…

“Fairy floss?” She guessed.

“That’s correct!”

“Really??” She smiled hopefully. Maybe she really could taste the difference.

“Yup, now which kind is this?” She felt the fuzziness on her muzzle.

This time the taste was thick and with just a bit saltier.

“Cotton candy.” She said assertively.

“Right again!” Discord replied excitedly. “Now, which one is this one?”

This was easy. Obviously it would be candy floss…

A pair of lips brushed hers. Her cheeks reddened as she realized whose they were.

She leaned forward and locked in, tasting with all her might. After the kiss ended, she could hear him giving a satisfied sigh. She pulled off the blindfold, and smiled.

“That was definitely candy floss.” She grinned.

“Yup,” he opened his arms, and she leapt into them, safe and happy in his warm embrace. They giggled and chuckled as they danced around the living room, until finally falling on the couch. He leaned down to her ear, and whispered with a chuckle,

“And just so we’re clear, they really all are the same.”

Her face burned a bright red.

“Are you serious??”

Next prompt: Please

4010335 The current prompt word is please. If you want to write a short blurb about Fluttercord, you claim it, and within 4 hours you post it, leaving your own prompt word.

Just A Fabulous Cat will still be writing one for silence, but since adorkable was written first, he won't leave a prompt word. Thus, my word, please, is next.

4010680 so you post it here? Will it continue tomorrow?


4010788 Yup! Some prompts don't get claimed for days, others get claimed in minutes. Just depends on who is on and whose brain juices are flowing.

4010808 Thanks! :twilightblush: I'm still kind of new to this ship, but I'm trying to get some practice in before I start my next big story. That's why I started this prompt tag!
If you think my Fluttercord is any good, just look at my AppleDash!


That was freakin' adorable! :yay:

4012036 Thanks! :twilightblush:

The prompt please is still open if anyone wants to take it. C'mon, you know you want to... :pinkiehappy:

4012299 Yay! :yay:
I can't wait to see what you come up with!


She had told her friends she was fine, but really, she wasn’t.

She was lonely.

There they all were, dancing and starry-eyed with the stallion of their choice.
At first, they had been hesitant to leave Fluttershy all by her lonesome, but she had been insistent on them going to the dance floor and having some fun.

“I’ll be just fine,” she had said with a smile. “I can’t dance very well at all anyway.”

But she wasn’t fine.

She knew it was partly her fault. She was always so nervous around stallions—even more than usual. She hardly spoke to any of them, unless they were in the Ponytones, whom she occasionally practiced singing with.

There was only one stallion she always made time for, one stallion she actually felt excited to see.

And he wasn’t even a stallion. He was a—

“And exactly what are you doing here alone? Oh no. No no no. This simply won’t do.”

Her ears perked at the voice behind her, its silky smooth tone caressing her ears like a lover’s touch. She turned around, and there he was.


“That would be correct!” he said, standing tall with the most wonderful tuxedo on. Sure, his tie was yellow with pink polka dots that moved across the fabric like ants on a picnic, but that only added to his charms.

"It is I, Discord, your undeniably handsome best friend, here to ask the lady before him for a dance!”

Her heart stopped. “You…w-want to…dance…with me?”

“Fluttershy.” He put a finger under her chin and tipped it towards his eyes, locking gazes with her. “Of course I do. You’re the most wonderful mare in the room. No, wait, not just the room! The best in all of Equestria, I’d say! It’s not my fault that all the other stallions here are too blind to see that. So…”

She must have been seeing things, because Discord’s face took on a tint of red. He wasn’t…embarrassed, was he? His charming, teasing smile was now gone, replaced with a serious look, his eyes seeming to pierce through her very chest and straight into her heart.

“Please, dear Fluttershy…” he whispered. “Dance with me.”

She couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped her lips. “You…You said ‘please'. You…You hardly ever…”

“Most of the time, yes,” he said with a grin. “Usually I see myself as above manners. But not with you, Fluttershy. Never with you. If I want something enough, I’ll use that magic word. And trust me, dearest darling Fluttershy…”

He took both her hooves in his paw and claw and she thought she was going to faint.

“I want you. I want to dance the night away with you. So please, Fluttershy, please. Don’t make me beg. Dance with me. Please.”

She couldn’t stop the smile that now graced her features, big and wide, her eyes shining up at the Draconequus she secretly loved.

Her answer?

“Please do.”

Next prompt: Breathless


eeee! Swooning! I love it.

I claim breathless! :)

4017156 omg thank you! I feel so honored! Are you feeling better? I hope so, you seemed so unhappy... but I can't wait to see what you do with the prompt!


Fluttershy tumbled from the sky, her limp body somersaulting quickly. She was going to hit the ground soon, and she had fallen from a great height. She had always been a weak flyer...

Breathless, she watched the ground rush up towards her. It was going to hurt, a lot. She was pretty sure there would be broken bones or worse. She managed to give a strangled wince of terror, as she braced herself for the impact.

Instead she felt something warm surround her and grasp her tightly around her middle.

She could no longer see the ground, instead she was surrounded by soft fur and feathers.

"Meep," she managed to squeak.

"Well, you were going pretty fast, but that doesn't make you a roadrunner," said a familiar and strangely comforting voice.

Fluttershy gathered her thoughts, and realized Discord had caught her.

"It's okay, Coyote's here now," he grinned.

Fluttershy looked up at her friend. He was holding her tightly, yet he felt gentle at the same time. He might have just saved her life, yet he was pretty relaxed and nonchalant.

Or was he? Fluttershy could feel his strong heartbeat as he held her.

"Um...th...thank you!"

"No thanks needed, what was I supposed to do? Just watch you fall? That would have been more than I could bear."

There was a pause. Discord was looking at her intently. He still hadn't released her from his embrace.

Oddly, she was starting to realize she didn't mind. After the terror of plummeting to the ground, she felt warm and safe between his strong lion and eagle arms. She rested her head against his chest. Yup, his heart was definitely beating like a jackhammer.



He ran his paw over her mane.

"I dunno what I'd do if I lost you."

He sighed then continued: "I've never said that to anyone."

She looked up at him. For once, he was being serious. She could tell.

"I love you, Fluttershy."

Now it was her turn to have her heart leap in her chest.

She felt so safe with him. He was funny, caring and never boring. And she knew that he had a side to him that he hid from everyone but her.

"I love you too, Mr. Coyote," she smiled.

He tilted her head with his paw, and moved in for a kiss. Fluttershy closed her eyes and savoured the sweet moment.

It only lasted a few seconds but time seemed to slow down.

"Meep meep," grinned Discord. And when she smiled back at him it felt like the most beautiful warmth he had ever experienced.

Next word: Time


I'm doing much better, thanks. Was a rough few weeks but I'm out of the trough!

Just posted my blurb :)

Gah, dunno what happened but I had to edit and re-edit that as it just kept repeating sentences! Hopefully it's fixed now.

4017360 D'aaaw! I like the coyote/roadrunner reference, it was very fitting and way cute! :rainbowkiss:
I'll claim Time if no one minds, I have a great idea!
I have work first, but I'll post it as soon as I'm done.


The living room was quiet, with the loving couple situated on the rug, safe in each other’s company. Flutershy was feeling very peaceful as she rested on the belly of her lover, who was gently running his eagle claw through her hair.

Discord was bored. They had been lying there for a while-just being-which he liked, but now it was old and time to do something else. As his bored mind got thinking, he remembered an idea that worked very well the last time he was bored, and a horribly wicked grin appeared on his face.

“Hey Fluttershy,” he said sweetly, “do you think it’s time?”

“Time for what?” Fluttershy asked, tilting her head as she laid there.

“Is it time?” He emphasized the word, hoping she’d catch on.

Still confused, Fluttershy lifted her head and looked him in the eye.

“Time for wha—”

She saw the way he was grinning, and knew exactly what he was talking about.

“No. No, no, no…” she said in a warning tone. This didn’t faze him one bit.

“I think it is time!” He replied, his grin only growing wider.

“No!” Fluttershy shouted, and leapt away towards the nearest exit. He expected this, and caught her mid-jump, pulling her back as she clawed at the carpet.

“No! Discord! Nooo!” Before she could struggle anymore, he had her pinned on her back, his still-smiling face just inches from her own. Knowing there was no way out, she gave up fighting and prepared to negotiate.

“Three minutes.” Discord said.

“Ten seconds.” Fluttershy replied.

“How about two minutes?”

“Thirty seconds.” She smiled in spite of herself. As horrible as this was going to be, the anticipation was killing her.

Discord was getting anxious, and she could tell he was about to start without her consent if she didn’t agree with him.

“I dunno, two minutes sounds awful nice to me…” he said mischieviously. A claw brushed against her side, threating to start.

“One minute!” Fluttershy cried. She knew that was way too long, but it would be better than two minutes. Their record was three, and she never wanted to that ever again.

Discord leaned in closer, the smile so big it looked as if it might split his face.


With that, the claw and paw were set loose. They went straight for her sides—the most ticklish spot.

“Eek! PffffffBAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“It’s TICKLE TIME!” Discord announced.

As the minute passed, Fluttershy refused to struggle (that was the rule, of course) allowing Discord to hit every spot--her sides, under her arms, her neck, her ears, the tips of her hooves, her back--no ticklish spot was left unscathed.

Her laughter filled the quiet room, bouncing off the walls and ringing in their ears, alarming some of the animals as she shrieked and squealed and laughed. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her face reddened as she prayed for the minute to end.

“Time’s up!” Discord announced joyfully, a satisfied look replacing his devilish grin. Fluttershy gasped for air, relaxing once more in her lover’s embrace.

“Ah, that was fun.” Discord, sighed, placing his head on her heaving chest.

“That was awful,” Fluttershy panted, not meaning a single word.

“Why do you let me do it, then?” He asked, a little smug smirk on his face.

“Because,” she replied with her sweet smile, “my laughter makes you so happy, and that makes me happy too.”

“It sure does,” Discord mused, a fond smile growing from the smirk, “your laughter is music to my ears.”

“I’m glad,” she sighed, closing her eyes and relaxing back into the peaceful quietness of the living room.

When she opened her eyes, the evil grin was back.

“One more minute?”

That one was fun :twilightsmile:
Next word: Laugh

4017360 So glad you're feeling better! And OMG I love your writing! Have I mentioned that yet? Only a hundred, right? OMG so cute. OMG. And I like how they kiss and then Discord's next words are "beep beep" with a silly little smile. He's a dork! <3

4018601 OMG THAT WAS TOO ADORABLE AS WELL. I totally knew what you were doing, making it seem like it'd be something mature when it was really something silly. I loved the arguing, it was something I could see happening for real. Hehehe, oh, how I'd love to see this...Oh, and the last sentence was gold! Pure gold!

Unless someone who hasn't done the game yet wants it, I'll take laugh, because I have a stupid joke I've been wanting to use in a fic for a while. XD


A year. It had been an entire year since she’d seen him.

A sigh escaped Fluttershy’s lips as she lay on her couch, the one Discord loved so much. She tried to relax, watching her various animal friends settle down for the night, but her thoughts were of nothing but the Draconequus.

Tonight’s subject: his laugh.

Or laughs was more like it. He had so many different ones, all of them special and unique. She loved them all.

There was his silly laugh…

“What do you call a Fluttershy with a woodwind instrument?

…A Flutershy! Bahahaha!”

There was his mischievous laugh…

“~I’m going to get you, Fluttershy~! Prepare to be pelted with snowballs, hahaha!”

His embarrassed laugh…

“W-what? This…This isn’t a box for a ring! Ahehehe, w-why would you think that? Just because it’s a velvet box with the exact proportions of a jewelry box, doesn’t mean it’s a ring! I’m not proposing, I don’t know what you’re talking about! Ahaha…!”

His sneaky laugh…

“Shhh, Fluttershy! I’m waiting for Rainbow Dash to land on the pitfall I made, just for her! Heh heh heh…!”

His sympathetic laugh…

“Hey, hey, hey…Don’t cry, hmm? You know I hate it when you cry. After all, what if you end up drowning Equestria with those rivers of tears? Then I won’t have a land to try and take over anymore, pfft, heh.”

His loving laugh, one of her favorites…

“Silly mare, you know how I feel about you, you shouldn’t have to ask, hmm hmm…”

“Discord…” she mumbled, trying to fight the pressure building behind her eyes. “I miss you…”

“I missed you too, dear.”

She gasped, lifting her head up from the cushions to see Discord, standing there, putting down his wet umbrella and opening his arms out.


For a Pegasus that couldn’t fly very fast, she tackled him so fast that he actually fell to the floor, belly-up, only to have his wife take his breath away with an open-lipped kiss, pressing so hard that it surprised him.

But he joyfully reciprocated the kiss, putting a claw behind her head and taking the kiss even farther, wrapping his lion arm around her with his paw on her back. They had both missed each other more than they could express, but a passionate kiss was always a good start.

When their lungs couldn’t wait any longer, they finally parted, and Fluttershy opened her eyes to finally look at the husband she hadn’t seen for so long, the love of her life…

He grinned.

“Well, hello to you too!” he said, wiggling his large brows at her…

And then burst into laughter.

Fluttershy’s heart swelled at the sound, and it only took a second for her own laughter to mesh with his, leaning against him as she held her stomach as she giggled.

Yes…She loved all his laughs, but this one was her absolute favorite…

The laugh he used when he felt like laughing—just for the sake of it.

Next word: umbrella :yay:

4020139 I'll take umbrella! If I can't get to it in time, I'll edit this comment so anyone can take it. I'd just like to try.

EDIT: Nevermind, I got this sh!t :moustache:

4020522 Ooh! I look forward to it!

It's 60 words over. Please spare me T.T


As if the weather knew she was leaving the library at that minute, a storm began. Mercilessly, at that. Did Rainbow mention a storm today?

Perhaps it slipped her mind. Silly Fluttershy. She reached the edge of Ponyville, her mane and fur drenched. When a voice reached her ears, she turned.

“Lovely weather we’re having, right Fluttershy?” Discord asked with a pink and yellow striped umbrella in his grasp. She decided not to make any remarks about that… for now.

Fluttershy showed a tiny smile as he flew alongside her. “Yes, it’s very nice, but not so much to walk through, " she murmured, brushing her slick mane from her face.

“Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” He craned his neck down to meet her gaze, snapping a paw.

She felt something fall into her grasp, and then the falling droplets stopped. In turn, Discord’s umbrella disappeared. Her eyes lit up as she glanced up at the brightly colored umbrella.

“You didn’t have to do that.”

“Well, isn’t that what friendship is? Helping others or something akin to that?” He waved his hand about. “At least that’s what you’ve told me."

She opened her mouth, but instead paused to look at him for a moment. “Won’t you get soaked?” she asked in concern.

He scoffed. “Nah, I could just-”

Before he could finish his sentence, he realized it stopped raining. He looked around to see rain still failing—as well as Fluttershy flying right next to him with the umbrella. Her big blue eyes floating so close to him brought him to silence.

“Better?” she asked, and he could feel her breath fall onto his cheek.

“Perfect,” was his automatic response, and beneath his grin was a tightened throat. “You know, I could just teleport us both to your cottage—”

“Can we just walk there?” Fluttershy’s voice grew tiny, ears as pink as her locks.

“All the way over there in the rain?” He raised a brow.

He waited for his response. She hesitated, hiding behind her mane in the way that twists his stomach, but then she revealed herself once more. And she reached out and in her wake, left a peck on his cheek.

“It’s not so bad under here," Fluttershy whispered under her hoof.

Curse those pleading teal eyes. And that lovely smile of hers. And the heavy blush that couldn't compete with his own. Discord lifted a claw to her chin, bringing her face closer. "That's true."

Fluttershy’s face lit up as she laughed, and he took her hoof as they set off in the rain toward the cottage.

Next word: Fearless

(A Rhianna song popped into my head for this word, and I totally wasn't listening to Taylor Swift before thinking of the prompt. Yup, I'm trash...)

4019585 Aww, thanks. My parents invented tickle time, and they remind me so much of these two. I just HAD to write it, even if it went a few words over.

4020139 OHMIGOONESS this is sooo cute! :rainbowkiss: I love how the laughs describe their relationship as it develops and grows. I wonder, though, why was he gone so long?

4021860 Don't worry, I went over with my last one too. This was very cute, staying subtle and sweet, which I loved! Things didn't move too quickly, and the story was so simple yet so cute! :yay: Wonderful! Oh, and listening to T. Swift doesn't make you trash. If it does, than my whole life is a lie... :rainbowderp:

EDIT: Not claimed! I got nothing on fearless, and I want others to have a chance to take a stab at it. This isn't my thread, its our thread!

4022153 Eee, thanks! This is my first short prompt, too, so woo! Proves what this ship has done to me... :heart:

And hey, not all trash is bad (besides, I'm not gonna lie when I say I still have her music on me, though mostly her old stuff and maybe a new song or two in there).

4022208 Me too, I got a bunch of her old stuff and pull out from time to time. :rainbowlaugh:

I'll take fearless! I'll write when I get home!


“No, we can't have that,” said Discord when he noticed the sobbing pegasus.

Fluttershy started at the sound of his voice, then hid behind her mane.

“Oh! Discord...hi. I didn't see you.” Discord didn't think she could shrink into herself any further, but she managed it. He sat down beside her and put his paw around her.

“What's wrong? Tell Old Cordy all about it.” He pulled a pipe out of a non-existent pocket and began to blow bubbles as he “smoked” it.

“It's embarrassing,” sniffled Fluttershy.

“Oh, excellent. I'm good at being embarrassing. Perhaps you could one up me.”

Fluttershy managed a weak smile but she was still tearful.

“Flutters, I promise I won't tell anyone, but whatever it is that's bothering you--maybe, y'know it would be good to talk about it with a friend.”

Fluttershy thought for a moment then took a deep breath. Her words came out in a torrent:

“I'm embarrassed because I'm not fearless like other ponies. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack are fearless—I wish I could be more like them! Instead I'm just weak and scared of everything!”

“Oh Fluttershy, you know that's not true. You tame grizzly bears!” Discord mused that it was a wonder that Fluttershy hadn't been eaten by some snarling beast yet.

“Yes, but I KNOW they won't hurt me. It's not the same. I'm not brave about things that I know COULD hurt me”

“That doesn't make you weak...”

“You're fearless! I want to be fearless like you.”

She was sobbing again.

Discord squirmed. He didn't like seeing his friend in tears, but he wasn't very good at this consoling business.

“Fluttershy...I'm not fearless. There are things I'm scared of.”

“Name one,” said Fluttershy between sobs.

Now Discord really did squirm.

“Um...well. I...I'm scared that you wouldn't want me around.”

Fluttershy looked up at him through her tears.


Discord visibly fidgeted. “Uh...and I'm afraid that if I screw things up I'd lose the most important person in my life.”

Fluttershy's eyes implored him to continue, so he did.

“And I'm afraid that if I tell you how I really feel about you, you'll run a mile.”

“How do you feel about me?”

Discord decided to go for broke. He placed his paw gently on her cheek and used his thumb to wipe away a tear.

“You're the most important person in the world to me. You appreciate me, you're kind, you understand my chaos. You taught me to be a better person without having to fully compromise myself. I love you, you silly pony.”

Fluttershy threw her arms around the startled draconequus and hugged him tightly.

“I take it you're okay with that?”

Fluttershy laughed. “Yes, you silly draconequus.”

She decided to show him just how okay with it she was, and kissed him full on the mouth. He leaned into the kiss, returning the pressure.

When they finally broke apart, Discord grinned and said “See? You really ARE fearless.”

“So are you,” she smiled.

Next prompt word: Greedy

Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:


EEE! So adorable! I love all the fluff this thread is generating!

4024019 I know right?! I don't think my heart can take it all :heart:

Just read every story and they're all SO adorable! :yay: :heart: This thread is giving me diabetes it's so sweet

4039289 Welcome to the thread! Hey, if you want you could claim greedy. That hasn't been claimed yet. :derpytongue2:

4039930 Don't have any ideas off the top of my head and I'm about to head to bed (live in the UK) but if it's still there tomorrow I might take it :pinkiesmile:

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