SpikeDash 898 members · 199 stories
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Update: Published fics can be found here:
SpikeDash Group Collab

So I've noticed that this is becoming quite a thing now, and I personally think it's a really good idea. Even if you feel uncomfortable with writing large fics, this is your opportunity to post something for us all to read without worry of destructive criticism, judgment or big projects. A SpikeDash Prompt Tag fic is just a small contribution to the group that anyone can make!

So what is SpikeDash Prompt Tag? Well, it's a game, and here's how you play it:

I'll start off by posting a 100-1000 word mini-fic about Spike and Dash. At the end will be a one word prompt. If you would like to write a 100-1000 word SpikeDash mini-fic relating to that prompt within the next four hours, comment right away to claim that prompt. Post the story when you finish, and add a one word prompt at the end for the next people to claim.

Simple enough?

Just to make sure everything is clear:

* The mini-fic can be in any style, any tag, AU, humanized, whatever. It can be a cute scene, a snippet of conversation, or an excerpt from an Equestrian history book. It's not expected to be preread or proofread, and if you've never written before that's just fine. Just try to keep it rated teen or lower and make sure it's 100-1000 words of fiction about Spike and Dash and it relates somehow to the prompt you claimed.
* Claim prompts with a quick post responding to the last post. Just the word "claimed" is fine. When you finish, make a post with the mini-fic and the next prompt.
* Your claim is valid for four hours, to keep someone from accidentally holding things up all day. After four hours, another person could post a claim for the same prompt. If you ran out of time, and no one else has claimed it, and you still want to write it, just go ahead and reclaim it.
* In the event that people become confused, and two fics are posted for the same prompt, the first one posted contains the official next prompt.
* Please include a one word prompt at the end of your fic. There are lots of words, and they can mean lots of things, and it's up to the next writer what they want to do with it.

Don't worry if your story exceeds 1000 words. You won't be penalized, but if you write that much, you should consider publishing it as a full story!

If you still feel unsure about how it all works, then feel free to click this link and have a look at how all the other groups have gone about it.

The first prompt: Night

Group Admin

Prompt: Night


The library was silent except the soft snoring coming from Twilight’s bed, but despite the late hour Spike lay awake, the blanket of his bed lying vacant on the floor. The dragon in question sat next to the window, as if he was waiting for something.

A gentle breeze rolled in from the open window, gently brushing across Spike’s scales. Yet the cold didn’t bother him; he was far too preoccupied with watching the sky. Luna’s moon shined brilliantly, casting long shadows behind the illuminated curtains. The night was perfectly tranquil, and only a few sparse clouds floated across the sky.

And still he waited. He knew he would see it soon. He always saw her at this time when the moon was full. He thought it might be Princess Luna or some other powerful being, or maybe it was all just his imagination. It was difficult to tell when the moon illuminated only silhouettes.

Letting a yawn escape, Spike glanced at the clock. It was getting late. She should have been here by now. Scanning the skies, he could spot only clouds, however. Perhaps she didn’t come every full moon.

Suddenly, a flash of movement caught his attention. From the corner of his eye, a silhouette of a pony darted out of the shadows and into the moonlight.

Instantly, Spike was on his feet, rushing towards the balcony. With his hands on the wooden rail, Spike could only stare upwards in awe as the pony glided gracefully around the night sky.

She fluttered around the moon, drawing artistic circles around the great celestial object and chasing away the thin clouds, leaving the breathtaking sky unblemished.

She looked amazing, and Spike could only gaze in wonder as the stars twinkled and the moon radiated its soft light. The sky was perfect, and it was as if this mysterious pony had made it just for him.

He could almost see the pony’s mane. At first he thought it was red, but then she turned and it suddenly looked yellow, before she looped once again and it was green. Spike was completely captivated by the spectacle.

Spreading her wings, she continued to dance around the serene sky. She looped around the moon, traced the horizon and touched the stars. With each stunning feat, Spike found himself even more riveted by the awe-inspiring display.

Who was this pony?

Glancing behind him at the snoring bed to make sure Twilight was still asleep, Spike took a deep breath called out into the night as loud as he dared, “Hello.”

But the pony did not hear him. She was surely too far away, and far too absorbed in her graceful dance. She didn’t appear to be in any rush as she glided across the sky.

Once again Spike cleared his throat, forcing Twilight to the back of his mind, “Hello!”

He was sure she must have heard, even from this far away. However, if she had, the pony showed no signs of it.

Before he could call any louder, the pony flew straight into the moon, the brilliant moonlight silhouetting her perfectly. She flared her wings, each individual feather spotlighted, each strand of hair glowing. She looked as if she ruled the moon itself, as if she had overthrown Luna and now ruled over the night.

And then suddenly she was gone.

Before Spike even had the chance to blink, she had disappeared from the night sky. Scanning the horizons once again, he just managed to spot a faint figure darting away again.

Spike sighed and returned to his bed. Perhaps he was never going to find out who that mysterious mare was.

One day, I’ll find out who she is, and then maybe I can dance with her.

Away she flew back to her house, the faint remnants of a blush evident on her face, even in the dim moonlight. Once again, nopony had seen her. No pony, at least.

Rainbow Dash sighed as she landed inside her bedroom. Maybe one day she could tell Spike.

Maybe one day, she could dance with him.

I’ll start this off easy for you guys.

Next prompt: Books


Prompt: Books

Done. Finally.

I set the book on the table with a firm slam, marking my accomplishment. I could see Twilight still at her desk reading the infinite stack of books she has with her. I decided to just not question how she can read so much, in fact, I sometimes wish I can do that. To be able to soak up all that information in a matter of seconds, to be well informed about the environment around me.

A sudden knock at the door took me away from my musings, as Twilight was still immersed in her studies. I knew I had to get it, since it was obvious she wasn't. I got up, stretched out my body and my wings, folded my tail and walked over to the door. As I opened it, I was greeted by the familiar sight of Rainbow Dash.

"Oh hey, Spike, is Twilight home?" She said to me as I let her in, pointing to the currently zoned-out unicorn. "Aw man, she's studying."

"Yeah, you know how it is. Is there anything you need? I'm sure I can get it for you." I closed the door and walked by her side, both of us still watching Twilight.

"I heard the new Daring Do came today, so I wanted to get it as early as possible before someone else did. You know how those colts and fillies are." I chuckled a bit as she said that.

"Yeah, well, sorry Dash. We haven't gotten anything in a while, apparently there's a problem at the post office, mixing up shipments and all." I sat down on the couch, Dash sitting just a few feet away from me.

"Aw buck, I didn't have anything else to do today." She leaned her self on her hoof, indicating that she was bored out of her mind. She saw the book I had just read on the table, the cover enough to draw her attention. "What's this?"

"Oh yeah, 'Pony Potter and The Stone Of Celestia'. I just finished reading this. It's actually pretty cool."

"Really? What's it about?" She seemed genuinely curious, so I thought up of a summary for this ginormous book.

"Well, it's about this unicorn that thinks he isn't very good at magic, but then one day, a group of powerful wizards visit him. They say that they can take him to this special academy called Ponywartz, where he can learn powerful magic. The head principle, Starswirled The Bearded, sees that he has a special gift. After all that, he meets up with these two other unicorns who become his friends and together they go on awesome adventures with each other. It's actually pretty cool, the author is a personal friend of mine from Canterlot." Not once did she look away as I said that.

"Woah! That is awesome! Do you guys have more books like this?" At that point, I move my hand so that is scans the whole library in between it's digits, her eyes following it tentatively.

"Of course, Dash! We have TONS! You just never want to read anything else." I stick my snake tongue out at her, triggering a playful smack on the shoulder.

"Well, I guess that is my fault, I never really had any time to read anything but Daring Do."

"I never have any time neither, but I managed to finish this monster of a book." That earned me a giggle from Dash.

"You know what, Spike? You're right. I should open my mind up to new things. Can I check out this book?" I picked it up in my hand, the weight reminding me of why this book was such a challenge in the first place.

"Of course, but I doubt you would be able to make it through the first half, let alone the whole book cover-to-cover." As I said that, I got a determined look from Rainbow.

"Is that a challenge I just heard?" She gave me a smirk that I would never be able to forget.

"You know it. Now then, do you need anything else?" Dash seemed to ponder for a bit before gasping and raising her hoof in the air.

"Say, Spike, when I finish this book, do you think you can tell me about more books like these?"

"Definitely, besides, I still owe you for teaching me how to fly and all. And don't worry, I won't tell anypony that you like to read." I got another playful smack on the shoulder, before an unexpected hug.

"Thanks, Spike. And the flying thing was no big deal, it's what friends are for, right?" I learned that lesson from my experience with Applejack and the timberwolves.

I grabbed the book and handed it to her, as she placed it in her saddlebag. I knew she was riled up now, so instead of opening the door, I opened the window. Soon enough, a blue blur rushed past me and out the window, piercing the horizon with her awesomeness.


I laid down on the cloud, Dash snuggling up next to me and wrapping her hooves across my chest.

"Heh, to think, we got together because of books." She said as she planted a small kiss on my cheek. "That seems like something you would see in one of those romance novels Rarity always reads."

"I actually read one of those before, and they are not as cliche as you think. Some are actually pretty simple, not always the 'macho man saves the damsel in distress' sort of thing." Me and her shared a laugh from that.

"Do you think they have stories about how we met?" I ponder a bit about it before shaking my head.

"Nope," I turn my head to the side, our faces just inches away from each other. "Which is why you are awesome in every way."

That earned me a very passionate kiss from Rainbow.

Whew, done. This was actually pretty stress-relieving. I hope I did justice with the topic.

Next Prompt: Light

Group Admin


Group Admin

1804134 Just kind of wrote this in the comment as I went. Let's see how it turns out :rainbowkiss:


As the darkness of night enveloped her, Rainbow Dash sat waiting. On a dirt path leading west from Ponyville, she hunkered, looking out into the continually fading light and growing darkness. At first, the waiting was easy. She relaxed, as she was so good at doing, and calmly stayed on watch.

Seconds passed. Then came the minutes, which seemed hundreds of times longer than the seconds, even though they were anything but. And still, Dash sat, longingly hoping to see something, anything that would signal the end of her wait.

The wind blew through the trees as bats flew between them, their dark forms blending in against the black backdrop of the sky. It was then that Dash realized how dark it was. She raised a hoof, and could just barely make it out. This far from the main part of town, there were no torches or candles to light up the night. The only light came from the buzzing fireflies, twinkling stars, and the pale moon.

Even more time passed. She could feel her muscles growing sore from lack of use. With difficulty, she spread her wings, and could hear the joints popping as she rotated them in their sockets. As she sat up, she stretched the wings one joint and one muscle at a time until they felt brand new. She looked up at the sky, spread her wings, and within moments, she was there, flying with the bats.

Now she was alone with her thoughts, so she thought well. She thought about what she was waiting for and how long she'd yearned to see that face again. If she'd been waiting at that path for what felt like years, then she'd been waiting for him for decades, maybe even centuries.

And she was sure he knew it too. After all, how could he have forgotten the last time they'd seen each other? Dash sure hadn't. It had been, to say the least, an eventful night. But as memorable - and fun - as it had been, it had left her with a lot of questions, most of which she hadn't been able to answer herself. How did her feel about it, and just as importantly, how did she feel?

She hadn't even been able to answer that. She'd had a few years to think about it, and although she didn't spend all of that time thinking about it, it should have been enough. She wished it was an easier question, an easier thing to swallow, and an easier love.

Interestingly enough, though, she didn't doubt that the subject of her affections had stopped feeling that way about her. There was something about him that night - he wasn't just looking for some fun before he left on his trip, no, there was a lot more. He'd grown up a lot since she'd met him, in every sense of the word.

She wished she'd had more time to talk to him about it, but she hadn't. Now she'd have to play catch up, and figure out where everypony stood. That would be hard; Rainbow wasn't exactly renowned for her social prowess. That was Rarity's department. She couldn't think of what to say.

And she wouldn't have much time to think. In the distance, she could see what she'd been looking for: a light, moving eastward. In that moment, she forgot her nervousness. She'd been waiting for this moment for ages, and it didn't matter what she said, because it was going to be special no matter how badly she screwed it up.

She rocketed towards the light she'd waited for, for the first time seeing the end of her long wait. It grew closer, and Dash could see that it was actually two lights. It grew even closer, and she saw that it was a carriage, travelling down the path at a rapid clip.

As she pulled up alongside it, she didn't know how she felt. There was relief and stress, calmness and anxiety, happiness and regret. She matched her speed with the carriage, keeping herself a length to the side of the window. The curtains weren't drawn. Inside, she could see him sleeping, snoring loudly.

When hasn't he snored, though? She mused, a smile coming onto her face as she looked at him. It was more than just the feeling of love, but friendship. The two had always been great friends, and even though he was more than that to her now, he was still her good old pal first.

Without thinking, she reached a hoof out to the window, tapping on it, hoping the noise was loud enough to wake him up.

And it was. She saw him blinking, the backs of his claws rubbing at his eyes. Then he looked up. His eyes widened, and in his surprise, he froze, but not for too long. He stumbled over the window, throwing it open to the cold night air. He didn't say anything, but Dash did.

"Hey, Spike."

As they both grinned, Dash couldn't help thinking how glad she was to have seen that light in the darkness.

Well that was fun. I'm actually not too ashamed of this. :moustache:.
But everything so far has been serious. We need something more fun.
So the next prompt will be: Mustache

Group Admin

Also, you think we should post these as a fic on someone's userpage? Other groups have done that.

Group Admin


It had occurred to me. I'm happy to hog the glory, but since you made the group, it's your decision. (Plus you have more followers, I think)

Group Admin

Not sure it's really glory, though. Most of these don't tend to have the best reputation

So that's the load to bear for whoever does it, though it does have some positives as well. But honestly, I consider you the head mod because of how much you did here while I was absent. You really built this group up, and that was awesome of you. So it's yours if you want it. And there isn't really a question of exposure because you've only got 20 less than me, plus your followers are used to the spike romance, so they'll probably like it a lot more than my followers, who are fed a diet of serious slice-of-life fics and saw me vow to never write romance-centric fiction again.

Group Admin

And on a different note, I think you should change the blurb in the rules post to say "500 to 1000 words". 100 words can't tell a story, it just can't, so I don't think we want anything that short.

1809890 You can have my prompt tag, it's an eyesore, and I really don't want it. I feel like I could have done better. My phrasing my awkward and jerky, and my diction was shifting constantly.

Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a writer. :ajsleepy:


As my first foray into SpikeDash, I'll claim this prompt. Hopefully I can pull this off. :pinkiesmile:


I bet all your followers would say otherwise. Don't put yourself down. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

yeah, dude, I ask myself that all the time. But then i remember that the reason I'm not as good as I could be is that I've got a life full of other things more important than Fanfiction. It's no biggie to be a little rough sometimes, and you're probably not as rough as you think. If your story ideas are good, then you've got a solid story, no matter the jerky phrasing and whatnot.


Wow, this one really got away from me. Hopefully the length won't be a problem. :twilightoops:

Prompt: Mustache

There had never been a more perfect dragon than the one Spike stared at now. Never had there been one so handsome, his scales so smooth and his spines ironed flawlessly. His eyes shone like green fire and illuminated all that was around him with a spirited light. He was even wearing a suit for the occasion, still steaming from when he’d gotten it from the cleaner’s.

It was hard to tell if he was smiling or not, for the dragon he was looking at now had something Spike craved for all his life.

A mustache.

Only he knew when his lips curled upward. His eyes combed over his figure’s reflection one last time before deeming himself fit. Spike was a modest dragon by all means, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t look good.

Especially not when he was taking Rainbow Dash of all ponies out on a date.

She’d never expect to see him so dressed up. It would come as a surprise at first, but then she’d love it. Spike could just imagine her falling in love just at the sight of his mustache, complimenting it for as long as it took to get Twilight to cast him one.

But tonight was special. Tonight, Spike was going to do the unthinkable. He was going to conquer his inner demons and rise to the occasion—he was going to climb up the tallest of mountains and prove his love for Rainbow Dash.

Tonight, he was going to propose.

Spike’s shoulders hunched the longer he watched himself in the mirror. He reached a claw down into his tuxedo’s pocket and withdrew the small black box a pony would be a fool not to recognize. His stomach turned and flopped, his tail twitching restlessly behind him.

“Hey, stop that.”

Spike shoved the box back into his pocket so swiftly one might have thought he was pulling for a weapon. It was with relief that he turned around and recognized the pony behind him.

“Oh, it’s just you, Twi.” His long-time best friend stepped closer, her eyes scanning over him just like he was only moments before. She gave him a smile.

“You look great,” she said with a laugh. “I almost don’t recognize you.”

“Heh, yeah…” Spike gave her a hug, his thoughts lingering on what weighed heavily in his pocket. “Do you think she’ll… you know…”

“You’ll do fine,” Twilight said firmly. He felt her nuzzle his cheek. “She loves you. Rainbow Dash may not be the best at showing it, but she does. Trust me.”

Reluctantly, Spike pulled away. He opted not to respond, fearing he may jinx himself. A glance at the clock rewarded him with the time, which was far too late.

Rainbow Dash was going to kill him.

“Ack!” He jumped toward the door and shoved it open. “I gotta go. See you later, Twilight!”

“Good luck!”

Spike dashed through the streets as fast as his legs could carry him in search of his date. His mustache bounced with his step and his tail lagged behind, slowing him down more than he would’ve liked. It was awkward moving in the formal attire, but he made due.

It was when he’d finally had sight of Rainbow Dash that he did slow down. The moonlight reflected off her mane and gave it an unrealistic glow. Even though her expression gave voice to the mildest annoyance, she still looked stunning. She hadn’t dressed up at all, her mane as messy as the way it was when he’d had a crush on her.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes wandered from his eyes to something a little lower. She snickered. “Oh, Spike, is that—is that a mustache? And what are you wearing? Those clothes don’t fit you at all.”

Spike swelled under this scrutiny, determined to regain what little of his confidence remained. “Hey! I thought you liked tough stallions!”

His reaction caused Rainbow to laugh all the harder. Spike glowered at her. “Y-you just—bahaha—I can’t believe you!”

Tears prickled the corners of his eyes and his face felt hot. He was no stranger to Rainbow Dash’s teasing, but he was really throwing himself out there tonight. He was so uncertain about how things were going to end up, so scared that she was going to reject him…

He wished more than anything that he could tear off the mustache that plagued him, but knew that it wouldn’t budge due to Twilight’s spell. Spike clenched his fists.

“Rainbow Dash,” he took a deep breath, willing the fire in his belly to go out, “why don’t we take a seat? The moonlight’s great tonight.”

She smiled, seeming to have dropped the subject. She poked him playfully. “What about me? How great do you think I look?”

“Er… just as great as usual, Rainbow.” He blushed, his eyes fidgeting. “You know…”

Rainbow’s grin widened, but she stretched herself out in the grass. She rolled over so she was facing the moon. Spike joined her soon after, reveling in their closeness.

“...It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” her voice resonated after a while. Spike recognized the change of her tone, knowing what it meant. This was how she sounded when she was really opening up to someone. When she really trusted you. “Luna’s stars are amazing. I’ve never seen something so… so… awe-inspiring.”

Spike could hear the smile in her voice. He shuffled a little closer, listening to her talk the way she always did when they went out. “When I was just a filly, I used to go out and look up at them. I told myself, ‘one day, I’m going to reach them. I’ll fly up and hold one in my hoof. I’ll prove everyone wrong. I will.’ ”

She outstretched her hoof to the heavens, a reminiscent smile gracing her features. Then, she rolled over and took him into her hooves.

“I don’t say it much, Spike, but I love you. You’re the only one I can really talk to about stuff like this.” Rainbow nuzzled him warmly, something Spike craved for. He loved her touch almost as much as he loved her kisses. It wasn’t well-known, but Rainbow Dash could be a big softie when she let her guard down.

It was time.

Spike withdrew from his embrace with Rainbow Dash and inched his claw toward the box he’d hidden in his suit’s pocket. His mustache weighed down on him.

“Rainbow Dash… I love you too. A lot. More than you could ever imagine. Like Pinkie Pie loves Twilight or like Applejack loves her fam—no, that’s not what I meant…” He winced at how stupid he sounded, avoiding Rainbow’s questioning gaze. “What I mean to say is that you’re the most important pony in my life.”

Heart thudding so loudly he was afraid she might hear, he pulled the black box out of its hiding place. Rainbow’s eyes widened to their breaking point at the prospect. When the dragon opened it, her eyes couldn’t have gotten any bigger.

“Will you marry me?”

Did I do okay? I'm not sure how to feel about it. :unsuresweetie:

But here's the next prompt: Feathers

Is this still open? If so, I totally claim Feathers.


Symbolism. That was a good word to describe the thing that held so much attention and harbored such feelings from me. An egg-head like Twilight might say that it was just some silly object, and maybe even less than that. Rarity on the other hoof would think it was just some uncouth piece of trash with little sentiment behind it. Applejack would be confused, wondering what it was, or even why it was, that it was so special. Pinkie Pie would probably think it was just another type of party invitation, though I have a hunch there is more to her than she lets on. Fluttershy would think of it as some cute sign of affection, though she is really the only one of my friends who would really get it, you know?

To an Earth Pony, a piece of the land or something hoof crafted is not only a sign of physical growth and strength, but a feat of what they can accomplish. Their forms themselves are what drive them to become better ponies, and sometimes that can help win the hearts of many around them.

And much like a unicorns horn is special to them, its their magic that is truly...Ugh...Magical... Something about when they can not only cast a spell, but craft one from the air around them and conjure spectacles other ponies can only dream of capturing in a single instant will drive mares, and some stallions, wild.

But to a pegasus... Its their wings that give them so much to live for. The gift of flight is something that only a third of the pony population can ever achieve, and thats even more special considering others can only dream of flight as pegasi can. But what really means a lot to a pegasus is their feathers. More specifically, their first lost feather.

I...I could never figure out what it was that was so...Sentimental, so special about such a silly little feather...But I was devastated when I lost it. I spent hours searching for it, only to come up short. I'd even asked all of our friends, and nopony had seen it.

I had considered giving up before I ran into Spike, a blue feather in his clawed hand. My sour mood quickly turned ecstatic as I made that discovery, but when I asked for it back, he seemed confused. For some reason, he seemed to like the feather. It seemed to make him feel happy as he held it, and looking up to the sky, you could see in his eyes just what the feather meant to him.

It didnt matter what it meant to me anymore, or even what it meant to anypony else. He seemed to like it, and that was all that mattered to me. I decided to let him keep the feather, and he thanked me for it. Maybe one day soon I can tell him what it means to me, but until then...

It was really fun to write this, and even though the little writing event may not be active anymore I decided it was something to get my writing started. I actually ran over by 3 words, fixed it though.

The next prompt word is... Flowers


A few weeks late to respond but I love it!


This thread is stickied, it's always 'active' so no worries there :raritywink:
I liked this one you wrote. A little short perhaps, but nice nontheless.

2038913 Glad ya liked it!

Comment posted by Bronyhood of steel deleted Oct 27th, 2013
Comment posted by Bronyhood of steel deleted Oct 27th, 2013
Group Admin


This thread's always open, so it's never too late to respond. :twilightsmile: There's no rush or anything to write anything, and the pace of the thread will vary a lot due to holidays and whatnot.

Group Admin


Boy, I should have written this sooner. And my friend keeps telling me to publish it as a fic.

Prompt: Flowers.

Fête des fleurs, otherwise known as the festival of flowers, came around every year, but Spike felt confident that this was going to be the best one yet. It was like a second Hearts and Hooves Day, and with it came promises of second chances and second opportunities.

Rarity’s going to love this.

Before you roll your eyes, allow me to explain: every year, ponies from all over Equestria buy flowers for each other as a sign of love and friendship. Although many of the flowers aren’t edible, they’re often kept as a souvenir for days or even weeks after the festival. The festival originated from Prance, but was so popular that it was welcomed eagerly into Equestria.

This year, Spike had a bought several flowers from the Ponyville market. He skipped away from Roseluck’s stall with several more flowers in claw. He had a variety of different flowers, and each was for a different pony.

“Fluttershy!” he called as he spotted the pegasus in question buying her own flowers. She looked up as Spike called her name.

“Oh, hello Spike. Are you buying flowers as well?” she asked.

“Yep. I bought one for you,” Spike chirped, holding up a pink tulip.

She smiled. “You didn’t have to…”

“But I wanted to,” Spike chuckled, handing her the flower. “It means ‘Caring’, and there’s no pony more caring than you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy blushed, “Thanks, Spike. I’ve actually just bought your flower. You can have it now if you like?”

“Sure,” Spike replied with a grin. He watched as she reached into her bag and pulled out a large daffodil with her teeth.

“It means ‘Chivalry’,” she replied proudly through her teeth.

“Wow, thanks!” Spike tried to hide his proud grin.

“You’re welcome,” Fluttershy replied. “Are you going to buy any more flowers?”

“Nah, I’ve bought them all now.” Spike’s smile widened. “Now I just need to find everypony and give it to them. You don’t know where any of the others are, do you?”

“Um, Applejack’s selling apples at her stall, and Pinkie Pie’s filling out orders at Sugarcube Corner, but I’ve not seen anyone else all day.

“Thanks, ‘Shy.”

Before she could reply, Spike had skipped off towards Applejack’s stall. The dragon knew she’d love this flower.

“Fresh apples!” a voice with a southern twang called. Spike followed it back to its source. Sure enough, Applejack was selling apples at her stall, although today it didn’t look like she had many customers to be dealing with.

“Howdy, Spike. Here buying apples, are you?” she asked.

Spike grinned again. “Not today. I have a flower for you.”

“For me? Shucks, Spike, I didn’t think you’d be into country mares,” she chuckled and winked.

Spike blushed, “N-no!” he gasped. “It’s not like that!”

“What are you trying to say?” Applejack pressed, a smirk dancing across her lips.

“Wait! I don’t mean that! I mean…” Spike realized he had dug himself a hole.

“It’s fine, Spike.” Applejack laughed. “I’m afraid I haven’t had a chance to buy any flowers yet.”

“That’s okay,” Spike said quickly, brushing away the sweat that had been trickling down his head. “I have a flower for you.” He brought out a large purple tulip.

“Err, the purple one…” Applejack said slowly. “What does that mean again?”

“It’s a tulip, Applejack,” Spike chuckled. “It means ‘faithfulness’.”

“It’s not a declaration of love?” The mare tried to feign disappointment.

“I… err…” he mumbled.

She laughed again. “It’s alright, Spike. I appreciate the flower. I’ll be sure to drop by the library later with my own flower.”

Spike nodded, “Thanks, Applejack. You’ve not seen any of the others, have you?”

“I’ve not seen anypony all day,” she sighed.

“Oh, okay. Well I’ll talk to you later, then.”

“Bye, Spike!” Applejack called.

The dragon waved as the two departed, and he headed to Sugarcube Corner. If anypony knew where everypony was, it would be Pinkie Pie. Luckily Sugarcube Corner was right next to the town market, so he didn’t have to walk far before he had stepped through the door of the life-sized gingerbread house and the bell chimed.

“Heya, Spike,” a voice called from the kitchen, followed shortly after by its owner as Pinkie Pie walked out. “What brings you here?”

Fête des fleurs, Pinkie.”

Pinkie’s eyes shined knowingly. “You’ve got a flower just for little old Pinkie?”

Spike nodded.

“Ooh, Spikey-Wikey’s got me a flower… wait!” She gasped in horror. “That means I’m going to have to find one for you!”

“Pinkie, it’s fine—” Spike called, but the pink pony had already vanished into the ether. He sighed and turned around, only to bump muzzle-to-snout with Pinkie Pie.

“I knew I’d left it somewhere round here,” she giggled, holding up a large red tulip.

“Who’s that for?”

“You, silly!” Pinkie shook the flower closer to Spike’s face.

A rush of blood ran to Spike’s face. “Me?” he cried. “W-what?”

“Well there’s no one else here to give it to..” she rolled her eyes.

“B-but… it’s a red tulip.”

“Yep,” Pinkie replied proudly.

“But that’s supposed to mean—”

“That you’re my friend, and I love all my friends!” Pinkie chirped, oblivious to the squirming dragon.

“Erm, thanks, I guess?” Spike mumbled and took the flower in his free claw, trying to hide his discomfort. Pinkie didn’t seem to notice, however.

“So what did you get me?” she asked.

“I, erm, got you a pink rose.” He singled out the flower in question and handed it over awkwardly to her.

“Ooh, pink—just like me! Thanks, Spike!” she replied. “Pink roses must suit me.”

“Heh, yeah,” Spike said awkwardly. “Hey, you don’t know where any of the others are, do you? I’ve already seen Applejack and Fluttershy.”

“Well…” Pinkie said slowly. “Twilight said she was heading back to the library about an hour ago, and Rarity was in here with a load of flowers just before you came—” Spike unconsciously bit his lip nervously. “—I’ve not seen Rainbow Dash, though.”

“Okay, thanks Pinkie.”

“No problemo! See you, Spike,” she called as Spike walked out of Sugarcube Corner.

Right, that’s three down. I guess if I don’t know where Rainbow Dash is, I’ll just go and see Twilight first.

Spike tried to convince himself he wasn’t putting off seeing Rarity, but it wasn’t working. Shaking away the thought, he ran back to Golden Oaks library. Bursting inside, he found Twilight nose deep in a book, as per usual.

“Spike!” she gasped as he bursted in. “You made me jump.”

“Sorry,” Spike giggled, “but I have a flower for you.”

Twilight grinned. “Let me guess. A geranium?”

“Not this year,” Spike replied smugly. “I thought that this year I’d get you something different, so I decided to get a yellow rose.” He plucked the yellow rose from the bunch of flowers he was holding.

She took the flower. “Oh, Spike… wait, do you have a red rose as well?” Twilight pointed to one of the flowers that Spike was trying to hide behind his back.

“No!” he said quickly, and Twilight raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously. “Well, yeah. It is, but it’s for Rarity.”

Twilight giggled. “Are you planning on telling her?”

Spike considered the question. “Not yet.”

“Well I’ll be here reading when you get back.”

“I’ll be back soon,” he assured her as he rushed out the library to find his next friend, Rainbow Dash.

He realized he might have his work cut out for him, however; Rainbow Dash being a pegasus meant that she could be just about anywhere, even in the sky. And Spike lacked wings.

Huffing at his predicament, he walked over towards her house anyway, hoping that she would be inside. Perhaps she would hear him if he called out loud enough.

On the way there, he inspected the two flowers he had left in his hand. Rainbow Dash had been a really difficult pony to choose for. He’d spent a long time thinking about what he would get for her. In the end, he had settled on a pink rose like Pinkie’s. It didn’t really feel that spectacular, but he didn’t think Dash would be that interested in flowers anyway. Especially ones you can’t even eat.

Suddenly a shadow fell over Spike. He looked up. Rainbow Dash’s cloud home loomed over him.

“Rainbow Dash!” he called.

There was a moment of silence before she answered.

“Hold on a sec.”

What followed could only be described as the sound of plates being smashed on the floor and angry cats. That couldn’t be the case, though, because Rainbow Dash didn’t have any cats.

She flew out the door in one piece, however, albeit looking a little worse for the wear; her mane was messier than usual and her wings looked like they needed preening.

“Heh, Sorry about that,” she said.

“What was that all about?” Spike asked.

“Just woken up, so.”

“Woken up? It’s almost evening,” Spike protested.

“Yeah well, I slept in, okay?” Dash huffed. “What did you want?”

Spike blinked and realized he had come to bring her a flower.

“I brought you a flower.”

Rainbow Dash visibly perked up at this. “You did? I don’t really get many flowers.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? I thought you had flowers being thrown at you every year.”

She chuckled quietly. “Not really. So what did you get me?” she asked excitedly.

He smiled and held up his hand.

Only to realize he only had one flower left.

The red rose? Where did I put the pink one?

Rainbow Dash’s jaw hit the floor.

“A red rose? F-for me?” she couldn’t believe her eyes. “S-Spike, I didn’t think…”

“I… err…” Spike gasped, desperately scrabbling for words. This wasn’t going the way he had thought it would. “Dash, I don’t know where—”

“Nopony’s ever given me a flower like this, or even a dragon!” she squealed, pulling Spike into a tight hug. “That’s so cool!”

“I’m glad you liked it, but—”

“Listen I know this sounds kinda dumb.” Dash interrupted, breaking the hug. Spike looked at her, but she was too busy focused on the floor. “But I just wanted to say—” She looked up and her eyes met Spike’s. “Thanks, Spike.”

Before he had time to react, she leaned over and kissed the dragon on the cheek.

Spike’s eyes widened, but before he could even blink, Rainbow Dash had launched off back into her house, her face more red than the rose she carried.

“I—but—I didn’t mean…” Spike searched for something to say, but he couldn’t find any words. He glanced at his claw, but realized he had no flowers left.

He turned away from the floating house and made his way back to the library. Meanwhile, his mind furiously attempted to dissect and understand what had just happened.

Did I just tell Rainbow Dash that I love her?

Final word count: 1811

Lel. I cheat so badly. :trollestia:

The next prompt: Tease


Aww, what? You wrote this in a thread? That means I can't fave it. Well... have an upvote.

That aside, you might also want to give a new prompt? We might be officially stuck this time otherwise :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


Herp Derp. I didn't write a prompt. :rainbowlaugh:

Have a prompt. And yeah, I did consider posting it as a fic since I did go majorly overboard, but I wanted to update this thread, so I did so.

Tease claimed
(gahh! Im actually doing this):twilightoops:

Group Admin


GO ON, MY SON! :rainbowkiss:

"Spike please! Come on dude I’m sorry!"

Said drake just turned his head and huffed atop her back.
He steadied himself as she beat her wings keeping a modest distance from the ground as they soared through the sky.

"That wasn’t funny rainbow." spike huffed glaring at her. She wilted under his gaze.

"It was an accident.”

Spike scoffed at her,” so you accidently just bucked me off five stories in the air, after you scare me half to death by pretending to be knocked out by some clouds!” he threw his arms out.

“I caught you!” she tried.

“The first time!” he shot back rubbing his sore chin.

She couldn't help it. Rainbow started guffawing, her whole frame shook. Spike tried to adjust himself through her giggles.

“Hey! Hey! Be careful! I’d rather walk home if you're going to keep messing with me!” he cried as he hugged her.

She shot him a glance at the sudden contact. Rainbow turned her head, looking down to hide her smile and faint blush as she laughed. She slowed down, breaking into a glide.

“Sorry it’s just *skknt-*” her face contorted as she bit her lip trying to contain herself.
Spike’s eye twitched as he dared ask “it’s just what?” each word dripping with venom.

Rainbow broke down again laughing uncontrollably.

“Even I’ve never eaten that much dirt before!” she managed to get out through her chortles.

“I mean it was perfect, just,” she made a downward spiral with her hooves “*fzeoooo* Splat!”

Spike fumed as she was overcome with another fit of giggles. His face was red as he recalled screaming like a girl before he growled and turned away from her again. As her laughter died down rainbow glanced back at him.

“spike.” she called; he ignored her and crossed his arms a little tighter.

“Hey, look I’m sorry...it actually was an accident.” He didn’t react. Rainbow lifted up a hoof and moved her bangs out of her eyes before sighing again. she let her gaze drift to the trees they were passing over.
It was silent for a while as the wind whipped past them. She was startled when spike said something.

“-why'd you buck me off?” she looked back. “Huh?” spike grumbled before looking back at her.

“I said if it was an accident then why'd you buck me off?” she winced before rubbing the back of her head laughing nervously.
Spike watched in confusion as a range of emotions danced across her face before she whirled her head around and sighed hard. He could only see the back of her head as her mane whipped in the wind and he was about to ask again when rainbow spoke.

“tail,” she stated simply as if that was all that was needed to be said.

“uh, what?” she sighed again before motioning with her hooves

“ ya know your tail! I-it was… squirming around when I was laughing and it... um it brushed against… you know?” her flapping became more animated as she spoke and they started to pick up speed.

“Whoa slow down rainbow!” he cried out cutting her off before hugging her again.

Rainbow realized what she was doing and beat her wings forward, slowing them to a hover. She rubbed the back of her neck looking forward to keep spike from seeing her burning cheeks.

“*heh* sorry” spike cracked an eye open before sitting up to glare at her again.

“What was that about? And what did you mean? You didn't finish-” she stopped him with a raised hoof. Her eyes darted back and forth.

“Look I’ll tell you another time, we’re here.”

spike grumbled as they drifted down. Spike hopped off but stopped in his tracks when he took in the surroundings. He threw a quizzical look back at rainbow dash.

“um… why are we at rambling rock ridge?” taking another look around he noticed markings on the ground, little x’s very similar to the ones rarity uses when they go gem hunting.
“and who put those there?”

“I did.” he turned again to see rainbow pull out a sac from its hiding place between some rocks. Spike walked over eyeing her as she downed a fizzy potion from the bag.
He jumped back as steam shot from her ears before she shook her head, whining slightly.
“*glugh* that stuff always tastes like tortoise food.”

“Um what was that? And why are we here?”

Rainbow took an extra moment to scrub her tongue before striking a pose.
“Well since our daring escapade in Foal Mountain! I’d thought we’d get a little gem hunting done,” she deflated and kicked some rocks around, “and uh, to apologize for making you do an epic face plant.” rainbow said before smiling meekly

Spikes jaw fell as he blinked at rainbow utterly bewildered.
“r-really?” he squeaked as drool dripped down the corner of his mouth.
Rainbow giggled at his enthusiasm before slinging a shovel over her shoulder.
“Yep hop aboard, all you have to do is make your order and ill whip em right up” she bragged as she flipped spike on her back with her tail.

His mouth watered as he jittered with excitement.
“Ooh-ooh! can we get some sun stones! Or tanzanite! How about some ametrine?!” Rainbow laughed and smiled awkwardly at her partner.
“Uh sure as long as you tell me what they look like.”

“Look like?” spikes face fell before he smacked a claw to his face.

“Aw man!”


“I just realized neither of us are unicorns and it’s going to take forever to check all of the markings for what i want!” spike huffed before crossing his arms again.

“*heh*, hey spike check it out.” spike was surprised when he turned to see rainbow inches from him, her rosy eyes had little arcs dancing in the irises.

“woah-ho-ho! Is that from the potion?”

She lifted her nose up and smiled smugly.


“Well what does it do?”

“eh nothing much,” she buffed a hoof on her chest before looking at one of the x’s, “sept that there’s some shiny purple pearls under that one”

“What?!” Spike smiled before running over to the x and started digging.

“No way! It’s a star garnet and some opals!” he turned to rainbow in awe, ”did the potion do that? You can see gem stones?! That’s so cool!”

“yup! Now,” once again she grabbed him and tossed him on her back. ”let’s go find some buried treasure!” she reared up playfully before taking off at a trot. Spike whooped in enthusiasm causing rainbow to giggle.

She almost tripped up when spike hugged her neck, nuzzling her cheek.
”thanks rainbow!”

Even though she was burning up to her ears, she couldn’t help but nuzzle back. “heh n-no problem.”

Final word count:1128

Next prompt: Prank :rainbowkiss::heart::moustache:

( I'd like to apologize for the horrible lack of quality. I forgot everything has to be double spaced on fimfiction so I did it quickly to stay under the time limit, but still i'd like for you all to beat me over the head with tips and criticism.)

Group Admin


This was awesome! :rainbowderp: Thanks for helping me out, but I've got a super good idea for this next one. This is totally claimed.

Group Admin


I actually tried to stick to the word count this time!

Prompt: Prank
Word count: 882

Spike flew over Sweet Apple Acres, searching for his prey.

The Ponyville clock in the distance chimed eleven o’clock. If luck was with him, he’d catch Rainbow Dash while she was napping on one of Applejack’s apple trees. That was the best opportunity he had for what he had in mind.

“Nopony has ever pranked Dashie before.” the familiar voice of Pinkie Pie reminded him. “Well, nopony except me, of course!”

Spike licked his lips. That was going to change today. Spike had a prank in mind, and he had his eyes set on Rainbow Dash. There was no way she was going to escape this one.

A flash of rainbow in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Swerving around, he spotted a familiar sight on one of the apple trees. Flying closer, the rest of Rainbow Dash came into view. The sight was almost serene: Rainbow Dash was lying on her front, her head buried into her hooves. She looked adorable as she snored softly, although Spike knew she would kill him if he dared say that aloud.

He focused on the task at hand, reaching for the pot of glue he had tied to his waist. With the grace of a ninja, Spike slowly glided over to Rainbow Dash’s branch. Placing one claw on the branch above her, he tested its strength. The branch didn’t even creak under his weight. He was thankful he wasn’t yet hulking over anypony.

Silently, he set to work.

“Rainbow Dash!” a voice called. The pegasus in question moaned in response and desperately clutched at her quickly vanishing dreams.

“C’mon, Dash! You said you’d race me. You promised!”

“Okay, okay!” she sighed, peeling open her eyes. “I’m awake! Just give me a moment.”

“You’ve been lying there moaning for almost five minutes!”

Dash looked down from her branch on her apple tree to see a dragon impatiently tapping his foot on the ground. “Jeez, Spike. You exaggerate more than Rarity.”

“I’ve been watching the clock,” Spike replied, pointing to the clock tower in the distance. It wasn’t even the afternoon yet.

“You guys wake up so early,” she grumbled. “But I’m willing to look past that for a race.” She hopped down from the branch and walked up to Spike with a wide grin. “So what makes you think you stand a chance?”

“You’ve just woken up. I’ve been up since dawn. You’re tired, and I’m not. I favor my chances.”

Dash couldn’t help but snicker as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. “Oh, you wanna bet?”

“I’m down for bets,” Spike replied. “Ten bits?”

“Ten bits and whoever loses has to do a dare,” Dash challenged.

Spike raised his eyebrows, and she could have sworn a flicker of uncertainty flash through his emerald eyes.

“Twenty bits,” he countered. “And whoever loses has do whatever the other wants for the rest of the day.”

“That’s so dumb,” Dash laughed. “You’re on!”

“So from here, east over Sweet Apple Acres, through Ghastly Gorge, then round the edge of Ponyville. Think you can remember all that?”

“Heh. Don’t come crying to me when you lose.”

Spike flashed his sharp teeth at her as he grinned. “You’re so on.”

“Alright. You ready?”

“I was the one waiting for you, remember?” Spike reminded her.

Dash couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Okay. Three. Two. One. GO!”

She wasn’t quite sure what happened next. One moment she was racing with Spike, and the next her whole world was dark, and there was a horrible taste on her tongue.

“Blegh!” she cried, getting up from the ground, spitting mud from between her teeth. “What the hay?” She tested her wings, but found that she couldn’t move them. She turned her neck to get a good view of her wings, but they seemed to just be stuck to her body.

Meanwhile, Spike was crying with laughter.

“What’s the big deal?” she yelled. “My wings won’t move. They’re all stiff or something!”

This only seemed to make the dragon laugh even harder. Dash frowned and glared at him.

“This isn’t funny,” she hissed. “What did you do?”

“I think this means I win?” he snickered.

“What did you do!?” Dash shouted. “You cheated!”

“Hey, I just glued your wings.” Spike shrugged. “Looks like you have to do whatever I say for the whole day.” He rubbed his claws together schemingly.

“You… you pranked me!” Dash gasped, the realization dawning on her. Her haunches buckled beneath her and she fell down onto her flank. “I don’t believe it.”

“Pinkie said you’ve never been pranked by anypony but her. Guess that isn’t the case now,” Spike replied smugly.

“Actually loads of ponies have pranked me before. Pinkie told you that so you would prank me.”

“Wait. So Pinkie tricked me?”

“Yep,” Dash sighed.

Spike frowned, rubbing a claw under his chin.

“Well, since you have to do anything I say, I say our first plan of action should be to get Pinkie back.”

Dash rolled her eyes. Today was going to be an interesting day. The clock chimed midday.

Time to get challenging!

Next Prompt: Wedding

Yours or mine? Who knows. :raritywink:

If no one claims it by the end of the day I might have an idea!
Also wasn't my prompt prank?

3237791 do we have to stay with the word count?!

Group Admin


Typo, and fixed. :twilightsmile:


Don't worry if your story exceeds 1000 words. You won't be penalized, but if you write that much, you should consider publishing it as a full story!

Wedding claimed.
(Yea, yea, I know, look ill try harder this time promise.:fluttershyouch:)

Wedding reclaimed
(sorry just letting the story flow. almost done with the last scene)

Prompt: Wedding

word count: 1,673

Hope its good enough remember tips and criticism! (wanted to do more with it but i need my sleep and theres not enough time)

“Where are you going?”

Rainbow dash froze at the door. Only one pony could sound so coarse but tender. She clenched her teeth and forced a swallow passed the lump in her throat.

“Rainbow are you okay? We have to go up soon. The procession is going to start.”

She tried, she tried so hard. she didn’t want anypony to see her this way but a shuddering breath escaped her and she cursed herself as she heard him shift behind her.

“Whats wrong?” she felt a heavy weight on her shoulder.

Taking a deep breath she turned around but kept her head low, hoping that he wouldn’t see her. Rainbow flinched when he gasped quietly.

“hey,hey , why the tears?” he cooed lifting her chin. Rainbow chewed her lip as her puffy rose eyes met his soft golden ones. She sniffed and sighed looking down as she wordlessly hugged him. She smiled breathing in the familiar comforting smell of his prismatic mane as he returned the hug.

“d-dad. I I don’t think I can do this.” The words were painful and rainbow had to fight back a sob as she clung tighter. Her father leaned back and her eyes fell when she saw his frown. Again he lifted her chin looking at her as he spoke.

“dashie you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. Nobody is forcing yo-“ she cut him off with a glare taking another deep breath before deflating.

“i-its not that dad. I love him. I love him with all my heart,” her head fell back down and hot tears started to drip down her face as she tried to keep her voice steady, “ and I know he loves me too but…”

He pulled her in for another hug stroking her back. Rainbow melted, she didn’t care what anybody said her dad was the best parent ever. He may have been cold in public but he was always there when she needed him and right now she needed him bad.

“I don’t think I deserve him.” She said it matter of factly. Her train of thought crashed when her father scoffed incredulously.

“what? Dashie come on what does that rock muncher have that makes you think that he’s too good for you?” he led her down the hallway and cracked open the ornate doors giving them a peak of all their friends and family whispering excitingly, at the end of the isle standing in front of the alter looking what apple jack would call ‘ more jittery then a jackrabbit jacked on caffeine in a café’ was spike. He was pulling nervously at his collar and trying to wring his tail every couple of minutes but a newspaper encased in a blue aura would bat him on the head before rarity would lean over and fix his suit again muttering something as he smiled nervously at her.

Rainbow smiled wistfully and relaxed as her dad threw an arm around her shoulders. His smile was soft but proud as he looked down at her.

“rainbow you said it yourself you love him and he loves you, and you know what?” she wiped her eyes and settled against his chest looking up curiously.

“what?” he chuckled before jostling her a little. “I can see it. I saw it when you first introduced him, I saw it when you bought your home together,” he beamed at her and rainbow felt her heart flutter, “and I saw it when you broke into the house scaring the buck out your mother and I as you bounced off the walls telling us over and over that he proposed.”

Rainbow giggled quietly “yea, I was so excited that I didn’t even give him an answer.”

They both laughed as her father brushed her back with a wing. Both of them looked at her mother sitting on a bench looking almost as jittery as spike.

“yea I remember the look on you mothers face when you didn’t answer her when she asked what you said,” he smirked down at her “if you weren’t such a fast flier I swear you would’ve been a goner when she chased you out of the house with our bedside lamp.”

Rainbow only smiled and nuzzled into his chest.

“Baby whats wrong?” she pulled away and looked into his eyes her frown had returned but she was no longer sulking. She gazed pensively at spike through the crack as she whispered meekly.

“He’s a prince dad, he’s smart, kind, he can do almost everything, and he cares for everypony,” she looked down again, “and I’m just a brash, dumb, weather pony and I don’t know what he sees in me.”

“Rainbow. what-, for rea-, I mean-“rainbow arched and eyebrow as her father groaned facehooving. He was rubbing his face as if she had said the stupidest thing in the world and her wings ruffled in indignation as she frowned at him.

“What?!” she practically yelled before they both threw their hooves over her mouth. Luckily no one had heard them and the sighed in relief. Rainbow looked up as her father chuckled. Again she moved to yell but caught herself and hissed instead.


“rainbowshine was right you can be a bit dense sometimes. You should count yourself lucky she’s not the one walking you up there, otherwise she’d tell you to buck up after she beat some sense into you with your flowers.” Rainbow wanted to yell at him but settled for trying to melt through his skull with her glare.

He smiled softly at her before biting his lip his eyes taking a mischievous glint.

“Tell you what I’ll see if I can talk velvet into turning you into a dragon if you ask him yourself.”

Her eyes widened “what? For real?” he just spat on his hoof putting it out and she moved to do the same.


“spike if you do not behave this instant I swear I will glue your claws together.” Rarity hissed through a clenched smile next to him. They’re eyes were on the two ornate doors and spike was sweating bullets.

“but what’s taking them so long? Twilight said they’d come out at twelve, it’s already twelve thirty.” He practically hissed through a smile that was much more forced then rarity’s.

Just as she was about to retort the doors opened and the music started up. Everyone stood a little straighter and all hushed as the flower girls hopped down the aisle followed by Rainbow dash and her father spectrum bolt. Lastly carrying rainbows dress was fluttershy following after them a beaming smile on her face easily outdoing pinkies and everyone’s except rainbowshines as she dabbled a few tears along with princess celestia who waved at her son.

Princess Luna smiled down as the couple settled next to each other. Spike gazed at rainbow smiling softly but his face almost fell when she only smiled meekly and looked everywhere but him. He noticed a deep blush across her face. When all quieted he was surprised as her uncertain smile turned into determined frown. Luna cleared her throat to start the rather short invocation/declaration of intent/ring exchange/pronouncement but stopped when rainbow pulled her ear down and spoke feverently into it. Everyone watched in confusion as they spoke in whispers that ended in luna nodding with a frown before she shot a beam that created a bubble over rainbow and spike.

“Pardon the delay but the bride wishes to have a last minute question with the groom before we begin.”


“Rainbow what are you doing do you know what twilight and your mother are going to do to us?!” spike cried grasping his head.

“Yes. I’m willing to risk it because I need to ask this spike. Please hear me out.” She stood straight with grim determination. He blinked before straightening out.

“Um yea, is something wrong? Is this because twilight choose to have the pianist instead of that rock band?” rainbow facehoofed and sighed.

“No spike it’s not because of the band.”

‘Well is it because you had to wear-“

“NO! It’s nothing like that,” her ears fell as she scraped a hoof across the ground, “nothing like that at all. The wedding’s great. Its perfect”

She sighed before looking at him.

“It’s just why me spike? Why choose somepony like me?”

“Rainbow what are you talking about I love you-“

“and I love you too.” Spikes heart fluttered in his chest and it had nothing to do with the fact that rainbow dash was standing in front of him while gazing up at him hiding behind her flowers. They let the words hang before she swallowed, her face red.

“I know you love me. it’s just… why?” spike blinked at her a couple times before biting his lip. Rainbow just stared at him waiting.

“Rainbow truthfully, I.. I don’t know why I love you, it’s just a feeling I can’t explain but it’s one I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with.” He walked over to her and draped a wing across her back pulling her close. He placed his head atop hers.

“You make me happy, you understand me, you put others before yourself,” he looked at her smirking, “do I really need to say this? You’re a great pony dash. I love you because you inspire others to do their best because..” he brought a claw up motioning with it, before scowling, “because you’re you damn it. And I love you. That’s why.” He yelled looking around as if challenging anyone to say differently. She just gazed at him searching his eyes for any trace of doubt or deception but he remained steadfast. Her fiery eyes cooled leaving moist pools that blinked before twinkling as she sighed into his chest

“thanks spike I needed that. I really did.” She pulled back wiping her eyes and smiled sweetly up at him.

“and,” she stretched up and pecked his lips before smothering into him, “ I do.”

Practice! Practice! Practice!
Wasnt perfect but better then last time!

Prompt: Argument


It was a clear day in Ponyville. The breeze blowing through the town making it perfect to be outdoors. Numerous couples had taken advantage and were out on picnics or walks through the park. However, the one couple everypony thought would be out were still inside.

“This is all your fault,” hissed Rainbow Dash.

“Me?! What did I do?” Spike asked while gesturing wildly.

“You’re the reason we got stuck watching the library when we could be out flying. Look at the weather, this is the perfect day to practice tricks but we’re practically trapped watching everyone else a have a good time. Not cool.”

“And that’s my fault? you were the one who agreed to help Twilight keep an eye on thing while she’s out of town.”

“She only asked us because of you. She’d never let me watch this place by myself. She’d be way too freaked out about me messing something up. Which I totally wouldn’t wouldn’t anyways.”

Sighing, Spike decided to just drop the whole thing. Rainbow was impossible to deal with when she got like this. “Tell you what, why don’t you go outside and practice your stunts for a few hours and then we can have some lunch”

Rainbow looked conflicted. On one hoof outside was gorgeous. On the other this felt suspiciously like abandoning a friend. The war continued on for a few more seconds. Finally she asked a question “What about you? You need more practice flying than I do”

Spike knew his flying was not the best but he would never admit to that. So instead he decided to poke the bull. “Please, even if I’ve only had wings for a couple months I’m still just as good as you are,” he said with a smirk. He knew that would get a rise out of her. And he was right.

“Woah, woah, woah. Put your money where your mouth is,” Rainbow said while glaring at the much larger dragon. “Why don’t we have a race and the loser buys the winner lunch?”

“Dash, I was going to buy you lunch anyway. Why don’t we make it more interesting?” This peaked Dash’s curiosity. She flew up to look him in the eye. From the look in his eye he either really though he could win or he was a really good actor. That was all she needed to know.

“What did you have in mind?” growled Dash.

“The loser is the winner’s servant for a day.”

“You’re on,” Dash said. Things couldn’t get any better in Dash’s opinion. Not only were they getting out of the library, but she was going to get a servant for a whole day. There was no way she was gonna lose this. “Where are we racing to, big guy?”

“I was thinking that we could race to Applejack’s and back. Sound good?”


The two headed to the front door, completely forgetting the reason they couldn’t go outside in the first place. Once outside they lined up and both went into starting positions. As if by unspoken agreement they both took off at the same time.

Dash took the early lead, though Spike was managing to keep up somehow. He knew he couldn’t beat her in a straight race but he had a plan to deal with that. As they approached Applejack’s barn spike started to decelerate as quickly as possible while Dash used a flip trying not to lose speed. Now was the only time his plan could work.

Instead of continuing to the barn he instead put himself just below Dash’s flight path. Timing it just right he he reached up and pulled dash into a tight hug. Needless to say Dash was not happy about the situation. Glaring as best she could from between his arms, she exclaimed,“What’s the big idea?!”

“Oh, nothing much,” Spike replied with mischief in his voice. Before Rainbow had a chance to respond Spike started to gently rub the tip of his tail between her wings. Dash burst out laughing trying to speak between laughs but utterly failing. Spike flew leisurely to the barn and started back to the library. He had let up a bit on Dash but she was still breathing hard.

“That...so isn’t...fair,” she managed to get out between breaths. She tried to break free of his hold but his large stature proved too much. Resigning herself to her fate, she decided to enjoy the ride in her drakefriend’s arms. Flying with him was one of the reasons she wanted to be outside anyways. She wasn’t sure how long passed while they just flew casually through the sky. Suddenly realization struck her like a brick between the eyes. “Spike?” she questioned hesistantly


“We completely left the library unattended.” Silence filled the air for a few seconds as the implications sank in. Looking up at the sun Spike realized several hours had passed and took off at full speed towards his old home. Hopefully Twilight wouldn’t be back yet and they could act like nothing went wrong.

Bursting through the door they saw that Twilight was indeed waiting for them with a stern expression on her face. “So, care to explain what happened?” she began. The two looked to each other quickly and then burst out at the same time.

“It’s his fault!”
“It’s her fault!”

Dating or not, both feared what Twilight would do to them as punishment and this brought them right back to where this whole thing started.

First time writing hope you enjoy.

Prompt: Parents

Prompt: Parents
(Lets go!:flutterrage:)

Prompt: Parents

Word count: 1,628

(had fun. sleep sleep sleep)

“So how fast can those babies take you?”

Spike blinked at the question, staring blankly before chuckling awkwardly.

“heh well I can’t go faster than any normal Pegasus but I’m much more agile and I can make some killer turns.” Spike puffed out his chest and Rainbow blaze mutely nodded in approval.

A few feet away setting up the picnic rainbow dash and her mother rainbow shine both rolled their eyes. Her mother snorted, expertly setting up the plates and utensils.

“Looks like your father approves already. I swear,” she rolled her eyes again, taking out the sandwiches and assorted finger foods, she placed them economically on the plates, “he always just goes for the throat, I mean that was good when he was guarding our borders from the nasty inferno wryms but he just doesn’t know how to take things delicately.” She proceeded to take out the bottled waters and nudge them to the perfect spot next to the plates on the cloud benches. She didn’t notice rainbow wince.

“uuhh…yea about that mom, can you please not mention that around spike I mean,-“

“too late.” Shine said dismissively, pointing a hoof. Rainbow snapped her head back to the stallions.

Spike was gulping audibly while her dad was smashing his hooves together. He smiled sweetly at the dragon, every word dripping venom.

“yep, I remember this one time this big guy thought he had me cornered but he never saw the pass grow too narrow over head for him to fly away,” his grin became toothy, ”have I mentioned yet how soft dragon bellies are?” spike swallowed clutching his stomach and shook his head so fast It rattled.

Rainbow blaze smirked and threw his arm around spike, staring at him, daring him to look away. “eyup not so tough. You know I heard that dragons; the males that is, leave their mates once they bear young.” His grip tightened, “you’re not that type of dragon, are you?” spike squeaked before slowly shaking his head never breaking eye contact.

Blaze backed off. Spike sighed in relief before blaze threw his arm back over him scaring the crap out of spike. His head butted against his, their eyes nearly touching.

“Good!” blaze guffawed, his smile not unlike a maniac s, “that’s great spike because I’d hate to have to come after you. You seem like a good kid.” Blaze backed off smirking lazily. “ say have I told you about the martial arts they taught us in the guard specifically to combat dragons? No? would you li-“ blaze stopped. Spike wasn’t staring at him anymore. He was staring past him; over his shoulder. That’s when blaze felt a presence looming above him.

He swallowed hard nearly crapping himself then and there.


Blaze winced at the barley contained fury in the voice. Spike shot past her father and straightened out in front of rainbow dash.

“Yes ma’am?”

Rainbow stopped her glaring long enough to give spike a slow look, “uhh mom needs your help starting up the fire. When did you say your mom was coming?”

Spike relaxed as she glared past him.

“Um she should be here any minute.”

“good. Go help mom I need to have a little talk with chatty cathy here.” She hissed.

Spike scuttled off as fast as his legs could take him. He waved catching the attention of shine who was setting up a perfect pyramid of charcoal; she smiled sweetly motioning him over.

“could you please help with the fire spike?” he nodded, easily lighting the fuel. His eyes fell on the table and his brow knit in confusion. Shine noticed and asked him genuinely concerned “spike what is it?”

His eyes darted back up to her and he smiled sheepishly.

“I’m sorry but why’d you need me if you already have a box of matches right here? Not that I mind!” he blurted out that last part quickly. Rainbow shine smiled, quickly grasping what spike meant.

“Well dash thought it was best if I had a chance to see you myself…” her gaze danced over behind him and she frowned, “among other things.”

Spike stealthily glanced back and he nearly did a double take as that menacing ex-guard was busily throwing himself around rainbow dash’s hooves, crying about not giving her up. Dash was blushing up to her ears, valiantly trying to push him off while hissing about being in public.

Spike opened his mouth to ask but a familiar voice tickled his ears and a huge grin threatened to tear his face in half.

“oh where is my little hatchling~?” a pinkish white Pegasus trotted into view carrying a basket on her back. Some passerby’s stared as her pink mane danced in an ethereal wind. She ignored the dragon, playfully passing him up. She made a show of looking everywhere but him, even going so far as looking over and under him.

“I could’ve sworn my cute little son told me to meet him here.” She giggled pouting.

Spike rolled his eyes, smiling nonetheless.

“mom I’m right here,” he opened his arms invitingly

She turned around dramatically. Trying to gape in disbelief and utterly failing at keeping a smile off her muzzle. “Spike? Is that you? Why the last time I saw you, you still waddled.” She trotted over and mushed his face with her hooves, “what happened to my favorite chubby little cheeks? Who is this handsome drake and what have you done with my son?” she whined.

Spike rolled his eyes and scooped her up in a tender bear hug. She laughed as spike snatched the basket deftly placing it on the table before spinning her around. She squeezed him tightly

“I’m sorry I haven’t seen you in so long.” Her voice nearly wavered but spike went in another spin grinning hugely down at her.

“Come on mom princesses don’t get many days off. It’s fine.”

She gasped, patronizing spike as she covered his mouth and glanced around.

“Spike you know you’re not supposed to talk about that when I’m in disguise, and don’t forget to refer me as sunny skies.”

Spike rolled his eyes and placed her on the spongy cloud. She trotted over to rainbow shine who had started to place vegetables on the grill. Sunny skies smiled eagerly and opened her mouth to greet the mare but her face fell as shine bowed low.

“Your majesty.”

Celestia glared at spike who had the sense to look sheepish and quickly ushered up her subject.

“Please there is no need to bow when I’m like this. Please just treat me as you would anypony else.” She said quickly.

Shine looked up and saw the pleading look in Celestia’s eyes and smiled understandingly.

“Oh of course how rude of me, I’m sorry it’s just a habit.” She quickly placed some more veggies on the grill, “say do you think you could help me by splitting some of the vegetables?”

Celes-sunny skies brightened, smiling widely “of course!” she looked at spike and motioned over to the basket she had brought, “I know you like star garnets and I also brought along some other gems, butyouhavetowaittoatwitheveryoneelse!” she scolded as spike was already moving to stuff a handful in his maw.

Rainbow dash and a thoroughly whipped blaze trotted over. Rainbow went and bowed to sunny skies who huffed as blaze gave spike the stink eye. Rainbow shine watched all this with a smile on her face. She smirked lightly as a certain stallion droned out an apology to a skittish dragon.
“Alright now that that’s done and over with how about you.” Blaze grinning, trotted over and jabbed spike in the chest, “and me, one lap. around Cloudsdale.”

Rainbow shine winced mentally facehoofing, she opened her eyes and sure enough dash was jumping at the opportunity to get away from the cooking and conversations and whatever she deemed “girly” shine raised an eyebrow as sunny skies eyed the group almost hungrily. She looked around fearfully, biting her lip as she ducked her head under the table. Shine yelped grabbing plates and food as sunny skies transformed into princess celestia who was much larger, causing the table to lurch up. The princess stumbled trying to get the table off her head. Staying low she poked her head out the side. Making eye contact with shine, she laughed awkwardly before levitating everything and setting everything back down properly. Shine eyed her curiously as her princess split all the vegetables quickly with magic and placed them on the grill, even going so far as to flip some that shine had neglected as she had saved the table.

“I’m so sorry! It’s just that,um,” she bit her lip.

Celestia flashed, changing back before looking at the group who were preparing to take off. Rainbow shine glanced at both before understanding. She rolled her eyes and nudged sunny skies towards the group. She smiled apologetically but shine just smiled and waved her off.

“Oh thank you! Thank you!” celestia nearly skipped over.

Shines smile fell as her princess said something she couldn’t quite make out. Dash’s expression said it all as she scowled at a smirking celestia. Spike slapped a claw over his eyes as they devolved into a shouting match, their wings twitching eagerly.

His race forgotten blaze moved to calm them down but cowered behind spike as they both told him to stay out of it. Dash glared at spike.
“Count. Down. Now.”

He chuckled as he readied himself next to them. Blaze placed himself safely away from them next to spike as he counted down from three. Simultaneously they all rocketed off dissipating the cloud beneath them. Shine shook her head chuckling. She smiled again enjoying the breeze as she flipped the food.

Prompt: Claws:trollestia:

Prompt: Claws.

“For buck’s sake, Spike! I might not be strict, but I got rules too! Geez, and it isn’t even a small cut either!” A not-so-happy Rainbow exclaimed, holding in her hooves her teared, prized, trainee Wonderbolt uniform that she had kept since the academy days, with the small leader badge included as well.

“Look, I’m sorry alright? It’s not my fault you gave me a super thin fabric suit when I have these bad boys.” Spike raised up his claw, showing the sharpened edges at his fingertips.

“Why do I even trust you with the laundry?” Rainbow groaned, resting her head on the small wooden counter in front of her.

“Dash, c’mon, don’t be that way. I can… um… go to a costume store and-”

“Really? A costume store? You minus well dress me up in a cowcolt suit and make me work with Applejack.”

Spike pondered the idea for a second, picturing her dressed as one of Applejack’s cousins out in the desert. Definitely a prank idea, he mentally stated.

“Ugh… you know what, it’s fine. I don’t care. Just… ugh. I’ll just take the rest and leave.”

Spike looked at her for a moment. “Rainbow, the guilt is gonna kill me, please just let me pay you back in some way.”

“I said, I don’t care, alright?” Rainbow reassured him with a menacing stare.

He decided to back down, handing Rainbow the rest of her laundry. Without saying a word, she got the small basket and flew out.

“No ‘thank you’, huh? I guess I kinda deserve that.” Spike sighed.

~A month later~

“Um… Pinkie…” Rainbow held up the small party cannon that Pinkie had gifted her. “Maybe you should have this.”

“Ooooooh, for me?! I love it, Dashie! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” Pinkie wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug, threatening to choke the life out of her.

“You’re *gasp* welcome!” Pinkie let go, as Dash immediately started gasping for air.

“That should be all the presents for now.” Twilight stated, gathering all the used wrapping paper and ribbons and throwing them into the small trashcan.

“Wait… I got you something too, Dash.” Spike nervously said, drawing the attention of his six friends as he held a small white box in his claws.

“Well, you just gonna stand there or you gonna give it to me?” Dash said, which only make Spike feel much more awkward about this whole situation.

He slowly walked over, much to Dash’s dismay, and put the small box on the table in front of him.

She rolled her eyes, and opened the box with no hesitation.

The contents of the box had an authentic, completely genuine Wonderbolt suit, which had a small pen scribbling of the team leader, Spitfire, along with real flight goggles and a small note attached as well. Upon closer inspection, she saw there was no store tag, meaning it couldn’t have been a fake.

The note that was attached said this:

Heya, Dash. Your little buddy, Spike, here said that you were in need of a new suit, so I decided to dig one out for you. It’s real, believe me, it is. Heh, I wouldn’t blame you if you try to sell it, you’d probably get a lot of bits for it, and I mean, a lot.We should hang out sometime, I might be strict when I’m training the new blood, but I’m a pretty chill pony otherwise. Meet me in Cloudsdale sometime when I’m not busy, you definitely gotta teach me that Sonic Rainboom of yours.

Yours truly, Spitfire.

From the look on her face, Spike could tell she was at a loss for words. Her jaw literally hung wide open, as she finished reading the note. Before Spike could say anything, he was immediately tackled to the ground and hugged rather viciously by the blue blur referred to as Rainbow Dash.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” Was the only thing Dash could say as Spike was covered in an onslaught of kisses.

The ending might be kinda cheap, but hey, it's 5 A.M, cope with me you goddamn brits.

Final word count: 664 That's two words away from the scumbag number.

Next Prompt: First Kiss (How has this not been a prompt yet? :rainbowkiss:)


It was late at night, the sun was down, and two noisy friends were laughing and talking aloud in the middle of town square.

"Oh my gosh, do you remember when that fat dude stage dived and completely flattened the entire first row of the audience! So awesome!" Rainbow said, excitement dripping from her words.

"I know! That was hilarious!" Spike said with a huge smile. "So, uh, I take it you had a good time?"

"You have no idea. Best first date ever!"

It had taken time, courage, and many self-help books, but Spike had managed to work up the courage to ask Rainbow Dash to a concert the week before, and the night finally came. They both had a great time, and a second date was already planned.

As the two finished their walk back to Spike's home at the library, a sense of awkward tension rose in the air. They both had the same thing on their mind: the first kiss.

The two made their way to the porch, side-by-side and awkwardly fidgeted around, trying to make eye contact.

"Well, I guess I'll see you next week?" Rainbow asked.

"Y-yeah, definitely," Spike responded.

The silence in the air took over once more in suffocating fashion, leaving the two to their thoughts.

C'mon, Spike! Go for the kiss. You can do this... His eyes travelled to her lips and his heart raced faster than a double bass pedal. You are a dragon, the epitome of evolution, power, and wisdom! It should not be this difficult!

Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! He's moving in for the kiss! Play it cool, Rainbow, you can do this!

It seemed their faces had been moving closer for hours, whereas a few seconds would be more accurate. Hearts racing, the two finally took the dive connected their lips.

Spike's mind flipped over as the sensation of her lips ran over him. Wow... this is awesome! She tastes like... chocolate?

Rainbow's mind was equally racing during the kiss. Oh. My. Gosh! He's so soft... and warm. So awesome!

After a few more seconds, the two parted, eyes wide, hearts racing, and wearing huge smiles.

"So, you think we can do that again next week?" Spike asked.

"We can do that again whenever we want!" Rainbow replied.

She leaned over to give him a quick peck on the lips, and then flew back home. This was looking to be a wonderful relationship.

Prompt: CELERY

Group Admin



Rainbow Dash opened her eyes to see the back of Spike's head, the spines poking her nose. The sun wasn't up yet, but she knew she had to be up. As silent as a changeling, she got out of her bed and walked down the stairs, her movements mechanical. She'd underslept because Spike had stayed over again, but she was always up at this hour anyway. She knew she would make up for the lost sleep later in the day with some naps.

She walked into the kitchen, as she always did, and walked past the celery on the table, just like she always did. Grabbing a bowl and some cereal, she began to serve herself a hasty breakfast, ready to begin her day.

As she was eating, however, her mind idly drifted over to trivial matters. Like why her weather team were so slow, why her cereal tasted so bland, and why there was celery on the table.

She grunted away the thoughts as she finished her breakfast and grabbed her things to begin her today.

When Rainbow Dash got back, she'd managed to nap several more hours. She arrived home in the early afternoon refreshed and ready to take on the day. She hoped Spike would come visit again. He always did. She enjoyed spending her time with him. The two had found they had a lot more in common than they thought after they went to that Daring Do convention together. Rainbow smiled goofily as she recalled the memory.

With her mind more alert, she could answer her own questions: the weather team was slow because Rainbow Dash was awesome, and could outfly them any day; her cereal was bland because she had been tired, and everything tasted bland when she was tired; and the celery…

Rainbow Dash looked over at the table. The celery was still there. Why was the celery there? It was there every day, and she'd barely given it a second thought.

"Spike?" she called out into the house, but there was no answer.

He's probably gone back to the library.

"Huh." She eyed the celery once again. What was it doing here? What could it mean? Spike must have left it for her, but why?

Come to think, it's a fresh celery every day. Maybe it means something?

Rainbow Dash toyed with the idea.

Maybe Spike was trying to say something? Like 'thank you' or 'you're awesome'. She nodded eagerly. Probably that second one.

Rainbow picked up the celery and eyed it warily. It couldn't have been more than a day since it was cut; it was still fresh. Rainbow looked it up and down. "Maybe this is something cryptic, like what Daring Do would do?"

Spike was into his Daring Do, after all.

Maybe this is symbolic, and Spike left it to show our friendship? Heat rushed to Rainbow's cheeks. Or maybe something more?

"Gah! Why did he have to be so ambiguous!" Rainbow threw the celery back on the table in frustration. It could have meant something special, but how was she going to be able to tell for sure?

She glared at the celery for another minute. It showed no signs of giving up its secrets, however. Rainbow shook her head and tried to push the stubborn vegetable from her mind. For some reason, though, it wouldn't leave.

She spent the next forty-five minutes prodding it, musing over why it existed. Why was it there on her table?

She was so caught up with her thoughts, she didn't hear the knocking at her door, and the subsequent yelling when she ignored it.

"Equestria to Rainbow!" Spike yelled, waving his claw frantically in front of her face.

"Huh? Spike?" She looked about, realizing she'd been there for longer than she'd thought. "When did you get here?"

"I've been battering your door for the last five minutes," he grumbled, although he wore a look of sincere concern. "What happened to you? You were all spaced out for a minute there."

"Yeah, I was just looking at this celery." She motioned to the celery on the table.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "The… celery?" he questioned.

Rainbow chuckled, heat rushing to her face. "Er, yeah. It's been here every day. I thought you'd left it as like symbolic thing for our friendship," before adding, "or something…"

Spike squinted disbelivingly at her. "What?" he gawped. "Rainbow. That's your lunch. I leave it for you every night, but it looks like you've just been leaving it."

Rainbow frowned. "So it's nothing special, then?"

Spike shook his head. "No."


Rainbow frowned, eyeing the celery again. It now seemed a lot more boring. It was just some celery. She'd just spent the last few hours staring at some celery.

"So… can I eat it?" she asked, her stomach grumbling.

Spike shrugged. "Sure."

And she ate the celery.

I don't even know where that was going. The only alternative was Rainbow Dash wielding a magical celery stick that turns her into an alicorn princess, and then she makes sweet, sweet love to Spike.

Then she wakes up from her nap.

Next prompt: Alicorn

I claim this prompt in the name of Bromacia!

Group Admin


Do it, son! :rainbowkiss:

I-I'm doing it!

"So, can I take this blindfold off anytime soon?"

"Just a moment!"

Rainbow Dash was getting impatient. As soon as she'd entered the library treehouse, Spike had blindfolded her and led her somewhere. She knew something had been strapped to her forehead, Celestia knows what, but she hoped she would get some answers soon.

"Okay! You can take it off now!"

Rainbow did as she was told and removed the blindfold. She saw Spike standing a bit off to the side, pointing his open palm towards a mirror. In the mirror she saw herself, plus a piece of cyan cardboard strapped to her forehead.

"Tadaahh!" Spike said in a sing-song voice.

Dash remained silent.

"Well? Do you like it?"

"Spike. It's a piece of cardboard."

Spike looked a little offended at her remark. "What? No, it's a real, bona fide alicorn horn!"

Dash frowned. "Look, it's obviously no--"

"Try it!" Spike cut her off. "Use your powers! Try to levitate that potted plant over there."

Rainbow looked over to a table with a potted sunflower. Spike was really out there today, but she decided to humor him for now. Though, trying to use magic without having magic made her feel really dumb. She concentrated on the plant, and willed it to move.


To her utter shock, the plant lifted itself off the table!

"W-wait, how...?!" she said, staring at it mouth agape.

"Awesome! And that's not even the best part, Princess Rainbow Dash!" Spike added.


Spike skidded over to her and bowed down at her hooves. "Every alicorn princess needs her loyal subjects! Your wish is my command, m'lady."

Rainbow stared at the dragon at her hooves, completely dumbstruck. She had no idea what was going on, why the fake horn on her head managed to levitate the plant, or why Spike was suddenly bowing down to her as if she was some form of royalty. But...

"Oh, ho? Really now?"

...she liked it.

"Sure! I await your command!" Spike answered, equally excited.

"Well then. First, I command you to do a cartwheel!"

At once, Spike cartwheeled clumsily off to the side.

"Now! I command you to announce me to all the other potted plants it this house!"

Spike looked at her with a small frown, but proceeded with his task. "Potted plants! Now announcing, Princess Rainbow Dash of Cloudsdale!" he proudly proclaimed.

The plants didn't respond, obviously, but Spike made up for this by bowing again. Rainbow Dash chuckled at the small purple dragon before her. He was being really committed, but it was time to end this.

"My most loyal subject, Spike the Dragon. I commend you for your awesomely flawless services and now command you to remove the piece of fishing line from the 'levitating' potted sunflower." Rainbow said with a knowing smile.

Spike immediately shot up, ready to complete his new task before suddenly stopping. He turned to look at her, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"So... you knew?"

Rainbow Dash smile became wider. "If it makes you feel better, you had me fooled for all of five seconds, I'll give you that."

Spike chuckled. "Well. Five seconds is a preeeetty long time to be fooled by a piece of cardboard and some fishing line."

"Don't make me punch you into next week, shorty." Rainbow said, glaring, but still smiling. Her smile then faded a little. "Why did you do it? Why did you turn me into a fake alicorn?"

Spike shuffled around a little, kicking the floor with his small clawed feet . "W-well, you said the other day how awesome it'd be to be an alicorn princess, how cool it'd be to have your own henchmen and stuff. I just wanted to make your wish come true!"

Rainbow found herself staring at the smiling dragon once again. He had actually listened to her babbling? She didn't really mean much of what she said that day, but the fact that he had listened and then tried so hard to make her happy made her feel... happy! She felt her face heat up. He really was a sweet guy.

Spike sighed dejectedly. "Look, I'm sorry I messed it up Dash. I know it's not what you wanted but--"


Spike ceased talking to find a slightly mischevious-looking Rainbow Dash looking down upon him.

"Spike, my loyal servant." She begun with a racy whisper. "I command you to come closer."

Spike took a few steps towards her, but she continued to issue the same command until they were mere inches from each others' faces. Spike started to become increasingly tense, but Rainbow continued to look him in the eye.


"Yes, 'Princess'?"

"I command you to kiss me."

Great. I made a ending so cheesy the walls over here will reek of cheddar for a week. :twilightblush:
Total word count: 786

Next prompt: Summer

1803580 Here's my prompt. Go easy on me if my grammer is bad.

It was a hot summer day in Ponyville, too hot in a lot of ponies’ opinions including Rainbow Dash’s. It was her day off today. Usually she would either be working on a new stunt, exercising, or sleep on a cloud somewhere. Sadly it was too hot to do the first two without passing out in the next ten minutes. Bulk Biceps learned that the hard way. And the third option will just leave her witha nasty sunburn.

That is why she was currently heading to the library, hovering just above the ground so her hooves wouldn’t touch the hot ground. Being in a nice cool library while reading a Daring Do book sounded just what the doctor ordered. When the treehouse was in sight she suddenly remembered that Twilight mentioned that the air conditioner was broken and it would be another day or so before somepony could come over to fix it.

With a sigh she was about to turn around when she saw Spike next to the tree house. He was dumping ice and water into a small inflatable pool. The very sight of it was like an oasis in the middle of the desert. While Spike went inside the treehouse to put on some water proof sunscreen Dash dived right in.

“Aww, now this is more like it” Rainbow said as she lean her head against the rim of the pool, letting the cold water cover most of her body, cooling off her hot body.

“Hey!” The mare looked up to see Spike staring down at her. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m chilling.” The blue mare punned.

“Yeah, in my pool, get out.” Spike she told the mare.

“Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash complained. “It’s way too hot for hot mare like me to get out. Don’t you think so Spike?” She said the last part while giving the dragon a teasing smile and a wink. Her smile grew when she saw the dragon blush and look to the side.

Spike had found himself developing an interest in the rainbow mane mare a few weeks ago. Rainbow had noticed the looks he would give her sometimes. She always liked the little guy and when she realized that he liked her she took every chance to hug or tease him. She was more than willing to give Spike the chance but decided to let him make the first move. Plus she loved to tease him and thought he was really cute when he was blushing.

“Fine,” Spike gave in. “But move over. I want to cool off too.”

It was then that a fun idea popped into Dash’s head. “Sure!” She suddenly grabbed Spike and pulled him into the pool. As soon as his head popped out of the water the mare pulled him to her chest. Spike face became bright red as he found himself practically laying face first on his crush’s chest. Her front hooves wrapped around his body, making sure that he couldn’t get away and that their bodies were firmly pressed against each other. “There. Comfy?”

“Y-Yeah.” Spike stuttered. The just nodded her head and closed her eyes. The two basked in the warmth of the sun and each other’s body heat while enjoying the cool water in silence. After a minute or two the first one to break the silence was Spike. “H-Hey, Rainbow.”

“Yeah?” The mare opened her eyes and looked down at the dragon to see he was a bit nervous.

“Do you want to go out and grab a bite to eat tonight when it gets cooler…together?” Spike asked, the last part coming out as a bit of a whisper.

A large smile grew on Rainbow Dash’s face. She was happy that Spike finally worked up the courage to ask her out. “Sure, it’s a date.”

Much to her pleasure another blush appeared on the dragon’s face. “B-B-But I didn’t say a-anything about a d-d-d…” Spike’s mouth quickly closed when Rainbow gave him a kiss on his nose.

With a wide, knowing, smile and half lidded eyes she said, “You didn’t have to.”

I hope you all like it. Not too bad for something I made on the fly.

With a total word count of: 684

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