World-Building Alliance 2,166 members · 848 stories
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Professor Plum
Group Admin

Hello! It's time to post the results for the first of the brand-new WBA Writing Competitions!

You know, the competition? That we started a while back? And promised to post the results by the end of may?

Yeah... our bad. Well, honestly, mostly my bad. Turns out I had the results sitting in a GDoc that I thought I'd posted a while ago. Silly Plum.

Ah well! Better late than never, and all that jazz. On with the announcements!

First, a quick explanation for those of you who weren't around last time we did this thing. The Judges (Wanderer D, RainbowBob, CSquared08, Denim_Blue, archonix and myself) have all read the stories, and have picked our top three for the list. The list you'll find down below, complete with spoilerific reasons why we picked those stories. If you haven't read them, and want to avoid having them spoiled, I'd recommend you check the titles, then skip to the end.

If your story wasn't one of the top three, don't worry! We still read it, and if you drop me a PM, I'll send you one back that should hopefully explain why it wasn't one of our top picks, and ideally will help you do better next time. But without further ado:

The Results

Fans of the story Mendacity should get a kick out of this one. A changeling story, featuring a very much fae-like story, and some interesting ideas about Draconequus and their role in the world. Featuring a small, solid cast, and interesting character designs, the only real downside this story has is that the ending is a bit... lacklustre. Seeing as Impossible Numbers regularly did well in the previous WBA competitions, I'm probably going to put that down to either running out of words or time (he did enter twice, after all). Still, I see it as a situation easily remedied, and it's still a solid entrance regardless.

Another old guard WBA author, and another story with a very celtic fairy story. Man, we're just loving the fae tonight.
Anyway, the story is of how a young colt falls down the proverbial (and literal) rabbit hole, and ends up in the land of the faery. Once there, he must find a way out of such a place, while avoiding the nefarious traps the locals have set in an effort to trick him into staying. Different from a lot of other entries, as it doesn't actually involve the telling of a fairy story. Rather, the story itself is the fairy story, and a damn good one at that.

A highly enjoyable read, with very little to fault. The reveal at the end was a nice little twist, too. But, unfortunately, there was one story we liked just a smidge more, and that's...

I do believe this is the first Breezie story we've had in the competitions. Well, I suppose that makes sense, since the last one we held was quite a long while before the breezies actually turned up, but still...

This one's unique in that it both tells the origin story for the world (in the eyes of the breezies, at least) and works that into a fairy-story tale for why the breezies must undertake the gruelling pilgrimage to another world, merely to collect pollen. Very enjoyably written, and highly recommended. We look forward to seeing more entries from FOME in future :twilightsmile:

So there you have it! Apologies once again for the long wait (both for the competition itself, and the results). Again, don't be afraid to ask what we thought of your story.

And to forestall the inevitable questions: Yes, there will be more WBAWC coming soon! We're not going anywhere just yet

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all those who participated!

~The WBA Admin Team

Sweet, thanks for the approbation, folks. : ) I'm glad you liked the story.


'Bout time, too. :pinkiehappy: And yay, I got third place!

Featuring a small, solid cast, and interesting character designs,

Thank you very much! :scootangel:

the only real downside this story has is that the ending is a bit... lacklustre. Seeing as Impossible Numbers regularly did well in the previous WBA competitions, I'm probably going to put that down to either running out of words or time (he did enter twice, after all).

Eh, a bit of both. I submitted it - I think, given my poor memory - before the extension was announced, and in any case I was going to cross the word count limit anyway, when the original story plan turned out to need more words than I'd predicted. For that one, I did basically stop partway through in the hope that the result still contained a decent and coherent arc, but evidently I misjudged it.

If your story wasn't one of the top three, don't worry! We still read it, and if you drop me a PM, I'll send you one back that should hopefully explain why it wasn't one of our top picks, and ideally will help you do better next time.

Great! Would you send me a PM on my other entry, An Old Tale in a New World? I'd very much like to know how my other contestant got on.

And to forestall the inevitable questions: Yes, there will be more WBAWC coming soon! We're not going anywhere just yet

I can't wait. :rainbowdetermined2:

Congrats to all the winners! :twilightsmile:

Group Admin



>capital 's'

:derpyderp1: Wut.

I mean... Thank you? Can't say I was expecting this, but I'm very happy to see it happen.

Professor Plum
Group Admin

It's your fault for being a buttwhohasnoskype

Group Admin
Group Admin
Group Admin

Definitely not.

Adds Denim to the list.

Group Admin

Sure. We'll go with that. :pinkiecrazy:

4474391 Totally forgot I entered this until I got the response notification. There should definitely be more of these.

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