Villains of Equestria 1,811 members · 3,434 stories
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Does anyone think tirek should have been executed for his crimes

Uh, no. That's not right. And far too morbid for the show. Also, Starlight did worse crimes and was pardoned. Although, Tirek did get stoned, and that's the equivalent of being executed.

What if he killed someone

He didn't kill anyone, just assaulted a metric fuckton lot of ponies. Worst you could get him on was maybe rape for the assaulting the soul and enslavement, but even then that's not a death penalty crime. Life imprisonment with no possibility of parole is good though.

Even if you consider his actions an act of war, no international court would give him the death penalty either. So no doesn't deserve death.

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, As optimus prime would say

'Me Grimlock say, execute them', as Grimlock would say

Someone agrees with me

TBF, even those that get the Death Penalty tend to live for years, if not decades, till they're actually executed, if at all

In my His New Home In Equestria Sam Defeats Tirek by ripping off his horns and the jamming them into his chest

so stay tuned

Hmm, tough question. Yes, he did a horrendous crime, but so did Starlight, and to an extent Discord, and both were reformed-ish. Tirek would be a tough sell. Maybe, maybe not

He was beyond redemption

He's commited several horrendous crimes

True, so, maybe. Then again, being conscious while statufied is a fate worse than death

I like to see burned at the stake

What about Chrysalis?

But he didnʼt. So, no need to get violent.

Sorry, I read some fics where he was executed for his crimes

Oh, thatʼs okay.

Imagine optimus prime and tirek battled
Optimus: one shall stand one shall fall
Tirek: why throw away your life so recklessly
Optimus:thats a question you ask yourself tirek

And then the Dinobots come in out of nowhere and help Prime

Tirek:No more optimus prime, grant me mercy, I beg of you
Optimus: you, who show no mercy, try to take away innocent ponies freedom, now plead for it. I thought youre tougher than that

Optimus: Grimlock do the honours
Grimlock: Dinobots, transform and destroy

*dinobots kill tirek, leaving a bloody stain
Optimus: his evil legacy is over

what about Chrysalis? does she deserve to be excuted?

I would have loved to see a reformed Chrysalis

Yeah, but it would take some effort

Then there's no harmony

To answer the original query: No. Because it would serve no purpose. Killing him would not make anything better.

She didn't seem like she wanted friendship, so it will take time and effort to reform her

Shining armor would find it satisfying

If she did get reformed would still be Queen or be Princess?

Shining armor would find it satisfying

Cadence and Twilight were at tirek mercy

No ide, perhaps neither.

*optimus rips out tirek’s heart and crushes it
Optimus: I rise you fall

That monster should rot in hell

If he is still awake and alert being in stone is worse then being executed.

There are fates worse than death y'know. It's why hardcore child abusers/rapists often get sent for life improsiment.

Maybe he should get blown up like his G1 counterpart.

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