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Now celebrating 35 years of Stephen King's Masterpiece of horror


Movie OP. (AC/DC - Who Made Who?)

I'm interested in this movie. Does it have any nudity in it? I won't watch it if it does. All reviews are very vague on this subject.

No, its mostly 80s violent and gore.

Isn't this the one where the trucks come alive?

Yes, which is base on one of Steven King's stories. The same man who bought us, the killer red-and-white 1958 Plymouth Fury, Christine. It's not just the trucks, all sort of machines come to life and attack their human masters!

Yes but the film adaptation of the book wasn't the best xD

Well, yeah. Movies adaptations of the Stephen King's novels are bit hit-or-miss. Like for example The Shining. The original author absolutely hated that movie yet it's the most iconic and timeless classic thrillers within pop culture. Filmed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick. An American film director, producer, screenwriter, and photographer. He is frequently cited as one of the greatest filmmakers in cinematic history.

Yeah, is a shame what films do to bovels. But steven king directed the movie for this one xD

Yeah. But his attempts to make movies is also a mixed bag. Because of the TV movie quality to them. Being relentlessly panned and criticized by movie critics.

And keep in mind, friend. I'm a long time fan of movies myself since 1993. While some of the movie don't always follow the novel to the latter. You have to keep in mind that these movies were product of their time.

There's are only certain scenes that can be done due limitations in either the budget or the film technology and techniques of the time or some scenes can't be made due to not being appropriate for public viewing or political reasons. After all movies had to abide by the rating it was given.

Also each film director is different. they may or may not always adapt the novel to the fullest. Because you also have to remember for them film making is an art form.

Theres that, and there's the fact that most of his work does not translate well into movies or tv shows

Yeah, that's a given really when it comes to adapting novels into live-action films there's only so much you can actually put into the movie. Unless it's an rated R animated film which are not common. So you'll have to make do with what you got.

Through with some movie like "Misery" whatever scenes the film director put into the movie is good enough like for example that the "Hobbling" scene was good enough to conveyed the horrific situation the main character is being put through and give the audience other reason why they should fear main antagonist. Not to mention that one particular scene became memorable yet in infamous within cinema pop culture. That's good enough.

Because in the original novel that one scene was far, far worse. because Annie straight up chop Paul's foot off with an axe, then use a propane torch to cauterize the wound so he wouldn't bleed out. Damn. That right there would've been too much for the common viewers to handle. So when it comes down to it, it's basically a give or take with these novel adapted movies.:trixieshiftleft:

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