Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,317 stories
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Group Admin

Come on in and say Hi.

My name is funkyferret. I'm a 23 year old pegasister and the founder of the group. I'm a Mechanical Engineering student. I like to write Slice of Life stories and Crossovers. I love animals. I like anime and manga.

HIYAS! I'm Bright Heart and I am 20 year old pegasister. Looking for a job to fund my education and I would like to be a librarian on day :twilightsmile: I like manga, cartoons, reading, and sweets! :pinkiehappy:

449361 Hiyas funkyferret! I like slice of life and crossovers too! o! and animals :yay::trollestia::twistnerd:

Group Admin

Betcha can't guess my favorite animal. :pinkiehappy:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin

I will tell a bit about myself. :twilightsmile:

I am 21 years old, single. I live in Brazil and I work with Education. My job is to collect data from the systems, offer technical instructions and support to the public. I have done college in Information Technology, in the area of Security. I am a Christian and my political stances are pretty mixed.

I started watching My Little Pony through Youtube. The first brony site I joined was Ponibooru, where I stood until it closed down. Nowadays I usually stay on Equestria Daily, Fimfiction and DeviantArt. I also have a fanfiction account, but it's been dead for some time.

About my personality... I am a bit shy in real life. I usually only feel free when I am with close friends. I try my best to be humble and nice to everybody. My biggest flaws would be my impatience and anxiety: when I start something I usually feel the need to rush it, which reduces it value. I am trying to control it... but it's kind of hard. :pinkiesad2:

About my interest... I enjoy ponies, of course. :derpytongue2: Well, besides ponies... my favorite game would be Paper Mario. I greatly enjoyed it and I suggest everyone to try it. :pinkiehappy: About my favorite movie... that would be The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers. About my favorite music... well, I don't really have a favorite one. :twilightsheepish: And for my favorite history... it's Romance of Three Kingdoms. :twilightsmile:

At last, I enjoy Roleplaying. :scootangel: When I roleplay, I usually play as a Cleric or Paladin. And I play Magic the Gathering: I have a Blue and White enchantment deck... and a pure white Human of Avacyn. I wish the best to everyone and I am sure we will get along well! Keep safe!

Group Admin

I will tell you about myself. I am you're average run of the mill brony i suppose you can say. Well sort of, I am a bit chaotic and random and can be pretty insane at times. I am 23 years old and i wish not for people to know my name that i do not know. :rainbowwild:

What i like, well you can visit my page for the basics. Think of me what you will, I care not.

I believe that would be all i wish to share...I bid you a due.:pinkiecrazy:

449367 hmmmmmmmm..... we are on a site all about ponies..... I bet its cats!

Well... umm... hi everyone! I am pretty new to this group and I am just doing a regular member is supposed to do.

I am a foreigner who lives in Asia. (That explains my bad English language.)

And I love animals, except some insects. (I just find some of them gross. Like maggots and worms.)

How I found MLP: FiM:
I was actually a gamer before moving onwards to this fandom to become a lot better person.
One day, I was searching for more game mods on Minecraft by watching a lot of YouTube mod representations. But I noticed this mod "Mine Little Pony" and I was like "What is that?".
So, I was curious and I watched the video. I had a negative opinion about the show itself and I didn't know there was a fandom for it as well.
But I kept stumbling into a lot of random pony stuff and I was really confused but still negative opinions. Soon, I thought "If there are many pony stuff and there is a... FANDOM? Woah, that is totally unexpected. Better check what all the fuss is about before forming an opinion."
So, I watched the first episode and I was like "Interesting... perhaps I could watch the other one and get back to gaming."
But after I watched the second one I still wanted to watch more, so I just watched it and I found myself watched over like 15 episodes. I was really confused about why I did it, but I felt happy and proud to call myself a brony.
I studied about everything about them, I am glad to have became a better person than before now.
You can see how I am on this website as well. I just wanted to study about writing and here I am.

About Christianity:
Before I start, I have to say that I had no interest in Christianity before becoming a brony. You can see where I am going now.

I am not a Christian Extremity or anything. I do believe that God exists but I of course do believe that there are aliens as well. Because I think that there are many Gods than we know now.
I also know about the Seven Deadly Sins as well but not that much, just the basic.
And I don't go to the churches... because there isn't any of them near my living place.
This is far as I know about Christianity if you exclude the basics, but I do respect other religions as well. (But Christianity more than the others.)
And I haven't read Bible because I can't find the book in my country and I am soo busy everyday.

Gonna go to the next step.
Wish you all luck! :twilightsmile:

Hey guys!

Im Pony Uppercut! im a 19 year old Brony that lives in the USA. I love to draw comics, write stories, watch anime and ponies, and play video games! I love martial arts so anything with hand to hand combat is amazing to me! My dream is to make the greatest action cartoon ever!:yay:

Also im single, ladies.:moustache:

Group Admin

451230 Lol interesting introduction i have to say. /) for the Anime/Pony combo as well.

Martial Arts huh? Study it personally or just like it in movies?

Hola, name's guardian10, but you can simply call me guardian if you'd like. I'm pretty much a warmonger brony, I write warfics that contain combat violence, painful deaths, and light gore... sort of... I'm a little bit of a psychopath when it comes to writting.

Be warned, I'm crazy. :pinkiecrazy:

Thanks man!
Both! I've studied many different martial arts, but I've only learned Taekwondo!
As for the movie part, i love movies that have hand to hand fighting, but i also love animes like that! like DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, yea you get the picture!:pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

451606 Me and you may become good friends. Lol I've also done Martial Arts training. Very painful stuff it was lol. And same taste in Anime i see, that's a plus!

Heck yea man! its always nice to see friendly faces!:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

451611 Yeah i agree!

whole sh-! Sit, minds well......
Hello I not good with this kind of stuff, don't mind me just another normal french Canadian 16 year old brony who had a rough childhood,
1 I love anime
2 video games new/old
3 country side really fun (not most of the time tho) 4creepypasta ( Warning: Do Not Watch Him Never Ever I Mean Ever In The Country Side)
And then of course there is number 4 ok let's just say that I came across my dad's playboy magazines and I.....ya....i looked it up on the Internet and I may know sone stuff and that and other stuff....yeaaaaaaaa I know

I do silly things.

Group Admin

451636 ....Huh? That made my brain hurt a little. Lol

I know, I know, I know, I'm tired I didn't sleep for awhile

Group Admin

451660 Lol I see, well no biggy.:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh:

Greetings Folks,

I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself I'm Lord Tristem ruler of the lands of Nidowa, but I'm also sometimes known as the unicorn adventurer Nine Tails depending upon whether you find me in my own universe or in Equstria. Both beings are me but they are both from there own respective dimensions. A pleasure to meet you all.

Good evening happy people, I'm Reflexrex, and I'm a ponyholic. I've lived in eastern England all my life, and enjoy tea, crumpets and correcting other people's use of the language whilst disregarding my own ineptitude in the aforesaid. Oh, I also occasionally watch ponies, write about ponies, think about ponies, dream about ponies etc etc ad infinitum. I'm pretty approachable most of the time, so if you want help with anything feel free to ask . I should mention that much of my time is no longer my own these days, thanks to having recently started a college course in cookery, so I may take some time getting back to you. Or not, I spend way too much time on this site. Yeah, I'm gonna be a chef. Mmmmm, brioche. I wonder what horse tastes like...

Probably not that great. Maybe a bit inky.

Heya people! I'm Screwball, and I'm obsessed with Discord! :pinkiehappy: I love to draw ponies, write about them, and basically anything to do with ponies (especially Discord!!!)!
I also like to watch anime such as Soul Eater and Sgt. Frog. If you want me to, I'll try and critique your story (even though I might fail miserably,) and maybe I can try to draw you a cover for your story!
So... Discord is best pony! :pinkiecrazy: Chocolate milk is best drink! Please don't hate me, I am kind of an idiot. :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

454199 coolio good ta meet'cha! Chaos is quite fun after all! and if you like anime you might like my story "A Hero's Tale" it isent anime based but it is kinda set up like an RPG ect.

Heyyo! I'm...well Thunder Bolt is my OC, and username, but, he's not a representation of myself. Anyways, I'm a brony of 17 (going on 18) i've been in the fandom for several months. I love to draw, write, and I dabble in animation (Planning to go to college for videogame developement). I'm a christian with outspoken political views (but I'll keep those to myself). My favorite pony is Fluttershy, and so far I only have one story up, which is just over 30,000 words long. It's not done yet though, it's only the first Act in a 3 act story. I'm taking a break before starting the 2nd act, possibly to start working on a different fan-fic. Anyways, I have decent experience writing so feel free to check out my fanfic. I'd love comments and critiques. Soo, yea. That is all. :pinkiecrazy:

NATOstrike, railroad maintenence engineer of the TWE, here. uh... I'm not good at this sorta thing.

In real life I am actually an engineer. A mining engineer; I design massive holes in the side of the earth and determine the most efficient way of moving the rock that comes out of said holes.

I've enjoyed the whole pony thing since it started and noticed the exceedingly large amount of pony posts over at 4chan (yes, I'm one of those horrifying /b/ anons). I've been reading the fics for quite awhile and recently started writing my own. I also do proofing/editing on stories, including one high-profile fic on FiMfic and one that recently got an EqD feature. With the amount of stories that I regularly edit at the moment, I can't take on any more, but if anyone has specific questions on grammar or story structure, I would be more than happy to help.

Hey, just to let you all know, as you can see from my title, I changed my name from 'guardian10' to just 'Guardian'.

A hearty hello to all you folk out there! The name's LimeAttack.

As for some things about myself, let's get cracking on the list. I'm 16, although it certainly doesn't feel like I'm that young. I learned about ponies by happenstance sometime around a year ago when a friend told me about it, and I have to say that I've only liked it more since. Every little bit that I can find here and there really makes the experience fuller and definitely more enticing.

I started really writing stories around 8 months ago, and I have a couple of stories that have made it up to that place we call EqD. In general, I enjoy writing mostly slice of life style fics with a touch of sad here and there, with two others in the works more along the lines of a large story. I'm always up for giving some pointers that I've picked up on the way.

Other than that, I'm a diligent senior hoping to go to MIT come fall semester, most likely in mathematics or computer science. Other than writing and math I mostly enjoy some gaming and reading, along with the occasional bit of music-playing (although I'm not really great at it) and cooking. I tend to be very quiet most of the time, and I'm a weak atheist and generally moderate--that's not an invitation for debate, though. We all have our own views, after all. Anyway, that's all for now, folks! Good to meet you all.

Group Admin

457361 Welcome and Good ta meet'cha.


I'm HyperRandomness.

I post stories.

I watch ponies, write ponies, make ponies and be ponies.

That's about it.

Group Admin

467883 Lol that intro is boss.

Hello, ahoj, Γεια σας, Olá, Tere, Hallo, Прывітанне, Ciao, привет...

I think you get the message, well to start i'm 14 years old. I suppose that is a rather young age to be here, but no harm done, right? Well off this topic, writing has and will be a pashion of mine. I want to keep improving with It and it seems like this group is a safe heaven for people like me. Can't wait to get posting and what not.


Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome. Please feel free to share, post and read through the threads. :twilightsmile:

Hello everypony! Name is Warhorse Legend, but you can call me Warhorse. I'm a soldier, not a guard, for Prince blueblood (I don't like or trust him.). In reality, I'm 16, still in school, and play football. As for my views on Christianity, unless it came from a Christian leader or philosopher like Justin Martyr or Martin Luther, or if its in the Bible, I believe it. I'm into writing adventure and war fics. I have something called fluttershy syndrome (pretty self explanatory) but if you know me pretty well, then that's not a problem. If you need a friend or someone to talk to, then I'm your man. (Unless its about the talk… then…yea). If you have any questions about Christianity, then come talk to me and I'll try my best to explain. :twilightsmile:

I'm out.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome. I hope you enjoy here. Feel free to share, post and read through the threads. :pinkiehappy:

Bonjour~ Hollyfern (one day that'll be Dr. Hollyfern) here. Figured I'd say hi. :3 I mostly focus in Slice-Of-Life writing around Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara. :raritywink:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Greetings. Feel free to share, post and read through the threads. :pinkiesmile:

470376 :raritywink: Already ahead of you. I added my two; one finished and one in the works, to the Slice Of Life folder. My third is on hiatus until further notice.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Ah, I did notice. Well, welcome again. :derpytongue2:

470378 Merci beaucoup~ :heart:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


It's a pleasure to have you here. Please feel free to share, post and read through the threads. :twilightsmile:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


You're welcome. :twilightsmile:

By the way, if you wish to reply to a comment you need to use the "Reply to this comment" button. It's located in the top right of the comment, near the "Report this comment" button. It's the one with the two speech bubbles. :pinkiehappy:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Strange. I put my mouse over my name in your comment... it doesn't show the comment you are replying. :rainbowderp:

I am also not receiving notices from they either. :applejackconfused:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Still nothing. :ajsleepy:

Well, no problem. I usually check these forums every day, so there is no risk of me accidentally missing any of your messages. :twilightsmile:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


I did. Really, nothing happened. :applejackconfused:

Hmm... when you reply to me, do a number appear? Like this? 47X4433 [Added the X to avoid a direct link]

Because when you reply, it doesn't appear the name of the person, but the number of the comment. That number is then converted by the site into the name, creating a direct link to it. :twilightsmile:

Hello Everypony
(I've never once been able to use that phrase on a forum without being yelled at, :yay:)

I am a 16 year old brony from Pennsylvania.

I joined this group because I thought it was a cool idea, love and tolerance.

Lets see, I was diagnosed with Aspburgers a few years ago and I suffer from extreme anxiety attacks, I used to be on the receiving end of hate.....but then I found this community of bronies and pegasisters and you are all so nice :twilightsmile: (Albeit some of yall can be a bit different from normal, but thats what makes it fun!)

My fictions generally aren't on the receiving end of hate, but, I feel I may be able to give some kind feedback to people who are getting that hate.....

So to end this long introduction post.....(I usually don't make them this long......) Uh, I think I covered it all. :eeyup::facehoof:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay here. :twilightsmile:

Feel free to share, post and read through the threads. :pinkiesmile:

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