Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,317 stories
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Group Admin

Need help with your fan-fiction? Let us know here where the other members can see what they can do to help.

448991 Um welllllll its kinda more so how to start writing (I literally have a checklist and bullets of things that will happen and everything and even background notes on OCs and what will happen in the future) but I have NO idea how to start....

Group Admin

Let's start with determining what you want to write about before we make a detailed plan. Do you want something scary? An adventure? Something sad/funny/happy? A crossover?

One part is adventure and turmoil and the other part is happy/funny and sad.... um let me explain, the basic of the story is that Earth's corruption is leaking into Equestria and it is up to the Main Six to stop it by finding the Elements of Harmony on Earth (faith instead of magic, generosity, kindness, laughter, loyalty, and honesty) and SPOILER they each fall in love with the guy that represent their elements. Meanwhile, Zecora is on a quest to get ingredients to change the Main Six back to humans along with a few other ponies and Princess Celestia is trying to keep Discord contained and slow down the corrpution process with all the Earth's corruption affecting ponies (even Princess Luna is silently changing back into Nightmare Moon) and wildlife. This story will switch back and forth from 3 main perspectives: Celestia's, Zecora's, and Main Six's.

Group Admin

You seem to have a solid story in mind. Now we need to focus on the Original Characters. I assume the ones in question are the humans that the mane six will be meeting?

449351 O i forgot talk about the beginning :twilightblush: Zecora is noticing the changes of nature and how it doesn't seem right, especially how the animals, monsters, and plants (timberwolves) are becoming ravenous or paranoid, so she decides to make a Wisdom Potion, what it does is it helps whoever drinks it obtain the knowledge that the brewer seeks. Tthe setting of the story is the anniversary of when the Main Six became friends and meanwhile Pinkie Pie wanted a special party with just themselves and since it is a special occasion she wanted to make the punch different and asked Zecora if she could make her a punch (Zecora, not wanting to worry anypony over what might be nothing, agrees to make it) In short Pinkie picks up the wisdom potion instead of the punch. Zecora came back to the hut to find the wisdom potion is gone and follows the hoofprints to Twilight's and she hears screaming. The screaming was coming from the Main Six and they were transformed into humans. Spike did not drink the punch bc he saw what happened to them and instead sent a letter to Celestia of what happened and to come at once. Zecora tries to calm them down and explains that Pinkie took the wisdom potion instead of the punch and why she made it in the first place. Thats when Celestia arrives and explains to them that she has visited Earth before on accident (she wanted to teleport to the moon but she did not know until later that the moon is the connection to Equestria and Earth and went through a portal to Earth) and knows basic knowledge from the books she borrowed (and returned) from some library that she stumbled upon on Earth and she tells them that they are in a form called humans that are native to their world just like ponies are to Equestria

Group Admin

Alright. Have you read "How to Write Original Characters"?
That post warns writers about some of the things that get the most negativity on the site. They did a pretty good job of keeping it amusing too. You need to develop your O.C.s back stories, if you haven't done so already. Remember, they need flaws to be interesting to readers. Don't worry if your character shares a trait with those in the blog, it doesn't mean your fic is destined to fail.

Next, decide the point of view. Second person is really hard to write, and third person omnipresent can confuse the readers.

After that comes actual writing. In my opinion, there are three ways to do it: the imagination route, the logical one, or the mixed approach.

In the imagination route, you shove yourself into the head of the character you are currently writing about. It's a sort of "role-playing". Then you stick yourself (as the character) into the setting and let the story direct itself. If done correctly, the story flows as the characters "write themselves". The dialogue and events happen on their own. There is some danger here. Sometimes characters misbehave (I'm looking at you, Pinkie Pie), or other times you have a hard time "acting" like the character. The story tends to be written in spurts, and needs to be "mopped up" afterwards. There will be a lot of spelling errors and grammar mistakes.

Method two is the logical route. You start out with a outline of what you want to happen in your story. Next, you add the setting and dialogue. This is where you go into detail over where the action takes place, and what the characters will say. This is where you put in the "action" that happens in the story. After this step, what you have should be similar to a script for a play. Finally, you go back and add the details. Describe the scenery, body language, and emotions. This method keeps your story on track and prevents it from going off on a tangent. There is a danger here of being stiff, or characters not behaving like they normally do.

Finally, there is the mixed route. First, set up the events and describe the surroundings and the characters. Then stick the characters in the scene and gently direct them to do what you want. Use the characteristics that define the characters in the show and in the fandom to create models of the characters.

The bottom line is: Just write it.

Put out a rough draft, then look at it. Add details, fix mistakes, and think about where you want to go with the story. Write an updated draft. Hand it over to an editor. This person will look the story over and tell you what you need to change. After you change what you feel you need to, you submit the story and it gets posted. You then add it to the "Incoming Stories" folder of the group. Then, a proofreader comes and reads your posted story and check it for problems. Finally, you wait for everyone else to read it. The great part about fanfic writing is that you can fix problems as they come up, something you can't do with a paper-copy of a book.

I'm no expert at literature, nor have I ever given detailed writing advice before, so this is the best I can do. I hope it helps. Sorry for the length, spelling errors, and rambling nature of this post.

Group Admin

I need to go to class, I'll be back in a couple of hours.

thank you so much and I believe my characters are flawed enough :rainbowlaugh: but yeah, like I said it the actually writing it that's troublesome to me :unsuresweetie:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


That is pretty complete. :twilightsmile:


Since funkyferret did a pretty good look on structure, I will look at the plot itself.

So let me see...

"One part is adventure and turmoil and the other part is happy/funny and sad" <- Hmm... but which one of those is more in focus?

I won't lie: it's kind of hard to mix fanfic themes. For example, comedy and sad. The purpose of comedy is to make you smile while the purpose of sad is to make you feel emotive. While it's possible to do this, like Naruto for example... you have to be careful and leave ample space between each mood swings. :twilightsmile:

3 perspectives? This is interesting. Still, that means you will have to write a lot more. In general it's not good to keep changing scenes every few paragraphs, because that can get confusing to the reader, so you will have to extend your fanfic size by a considerable size. :pinkiesmile:

With that done, you need help on how to start, yes?

You have to take it a bit slow. Describe Ponyville, describe the characters. When people see the 'human' tag, they usually expect the plot to hurry until: A) Human in Equestria or B) Ponies in Earth. However, if you hurry... you risk leaving yourself with plot holes and an incomplete narrative.

I will give you some questions, in order to further your ideas:

1) Why did Celestia want to teleport to the moon?

2) She borrowed some books from a human library. How did it go?

3) How is the wisdom potion done? Why did it change them in humans?

4) Evil from Earth started to leak in Equestria. Why just now the effects started?

5) The elements of harmony on Earth. Did these OCs already born with them... did they get them... was it fate?

Mind you, you don't have to answer all of them. :twilightsmile: Still, think about it, they could help you in advancing the plot.

And last, I have to reinforce you the importance of a proofreader... and good grammar. :pinkiesmile: Many fanfics get the thumbs down treatment for spelling mistakes, confusing plot and wall of text.

449445 1)Celestia was researching the moon and had enough break time from her duties to go on a little adventure to the moon :trollestia:

2)She did that when the library was closed and borrowed as many books as she could (to learn more about Earth)

3)The wisdom potion is made to help the drinker find the knowledge that he or she wants. Zecora orginally thought that the potion would make her think of what is going on and how to fix it. However, what the potion did was only help the person think that way. The potion changed them into humans so they would think like a human instead of a pony to find the Earth's Elements of Harmony.

4)That is because Celestia had opened a portal recently to and from their world and ours whenever she teleported to Earth. The corruption has leaked into Equestria slowly, not enough for someone to notice unless they live close to nature (bc the corruption would affect nature first spreading to ponies hearts) like Zecora.

5) The Earth's the Elements of Harmony are different from Equestria's, Equestria's are crystals that are not living but Earth's Elements are alive. Imagine that the Earth's Elements are spirits that only host in the person who represents the element the most and move on to the next whenever they die. Also the Elements of Harmony like to be close together, so they will be within the same city. I did change the Element of Magic since everyone usually thinks of magic as evil on Earth and not many people have magic either. I changed the Element of Magic to Faith (which the host of Faith will be a guy who wants to be a preacher and has gone through hell in his life but no matter what remains faithful to God). :twilightsmile:

I have thought everything out, its just I have never wrote anything that will be very long (each chapter will switch perspectives. Zecora's perspective will be more on the adveturous side, Celestia's will be more dramatic and sad (bc the reader will see that everyone around her and eventually her will become corrupted), and the Main Six's will switch from happy, funny, and sad from falling in love and everything that comes with it. This story will be an Epic, or thats how I am planning for it to be.

O! did I mention that Discord is going to be reawaken by the chaos the corruption brings? :pinkiehappy: Sorry it took so long to respond, I had to do a few chores and then I was trying to make sure I didn't forget to mention anything. Any more questions or suggestions, feel free to ask :trollestia:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Woah! You really have all the stuff planned out. :derpytongue2:

Ah yes, you did say a bit about Discord. :twilightsmile: Well... now you have to start writing it.

I know that can be pretty tiresome, so I suggest you to go calm: write a part, read it. If you don't like it, rewrite it again. If you are in doubt, ask for someone to look for your paragraph.

I am sure it will go pretty fine. :twilightsmile:

YEPS I have been planning this story a little over a year :pinkiehappy: but yeah, I am so used to poems and not stories (especially how long this one is going to be):twilightsheepish::unsuresweetie: I will try :pinkiesmile: I will probably try to write the first chapter (I already have the outline for 3 of the chapters) and see if it works out :derpytongue2: thanks for listening, i just hope I won't be the only one knows how awesome it will be :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

I'm back if you have any questions.

449510 Nopes!:pinkiehappy: Thank you very much :twilightsmile: Its more so I need to get myself to write it :twilightblush: I just hope it will be a good story :pinkiesmile:

Hmm... I found out about this group before I wrote my first story.
I never wrote a story before, so I need every critique I can get.

Maybe if it is possible... you can try checking my story?
That is if you want...
(Shipping is included.)

Group Admin

What do you need help with? Story ideas, help with grammar and what not, or an opinion of what you've written?

Oh, just a quick review of my story. Especially with my grammar, formatting and pacing. Others are okay for me. :pinkiehappy:
If you want a direct link: Here.

I am not quite sure about my story because it has 15 likes and 6 dislikes right now.
That is why I needed some help from this friendly group. :raritywink:

Any critique is appreciated of course! :pinkiehappy:

I have a fanfic, but I'd like some critique. I'd like all the help I can get!
Clicky :3
Discord breaks out of his stone prison with Trollestia's help and ends up on Earth, where he breaks into a teenage girl's house while the girl and her friends are partying.
I hope it's not terrible! :pinkiesad2:

Group Admin

I found you a qualified editor, but you need to respond to his email by Monday. His name is Landee.

Group Admin

Has anyone here read/watched "Fruits Basket" lately? I need a co-writer for a crossover.

Hello, L&T!

I'm looking for editors for my three stories: 'Inner Workings - Galsthan's Stories,' 'The Long Way Home,' and 'Growth Spurts and Hypnotic Face Lasers.'

They aren't exactly new, but I could use an editor or two. I feel as though there's something wrong with them, but I can't quite pinpoint it. Generally, my ideas for the problems sound as such:

Something, in the first story, feels like it breaks flow.
In the second story, I feel as though I've lost the tone I started with.
In the third, I feel as though I'm rushing.

Can somepony lend a helping hoof?

At first, I was wondering where to post this request. Then I remembered I'm stupid.

Group Admin

If it's formatting/spelling mistakes I can get to it on Tuesday (I have school on Monday, as well as a chapter to write). If you want something more in depth I'll have to ask around.

Spell-checks are always appreciated, but I am looking for a more in-depth review.

If you could send word around and find me an editor, I would be very grateful. :pinkiesmile:

467884 i can try and help i have started one of my latest story's called the grass we walk which is in the romance section. i would love to help edit a story :pinkiehappy: i could try to lend a helping hoof :twilightsmile:


Excellent! :pinkiehappy:

I sent you a PM regarding the situation.

Group Admin

Any adult themes? It's one of the things potential editors worry about.

Injuries described lightly across all three stories, no gore, no sex, subtle drug reference in 'The Long Way Home.'

That's that.

Group Admin

The guy who edited my own story agreed to take a look at yours. His name's Not Worthy.

I'll be eagerly expecting the results! :raritystarry:

Group Admin

Let me know if it doesn't pan out... I can try again if need be.

N.W. said that he would take a look at my stories.

Just waiting for a reply. :pinkiesmile:

Group Admin

That's great. Good luck :twilightsheepish:

Thanks. :twilightsmile:

I hopefully won't need it. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

I just realized that I forgot to write my new chapter today. :applejackconfused:
I guess it'll have to be tomorrow. :facehoof:

I felt the same way when I realized I didn't write my chapter for 'The Long Way Home'...

So I'm doing that now.

Group Admin

I have two chapters left before I finish my first fan-fiction and move on to my next one ( it's a "Negima!?" crossover). I want to finish it before this weekend. Now I just got to stop procrastinating. First I need sleep...

Group Admin

I could use a prereader. :raritystarry:

I'm helpful! Yay!

Let me know when you need proofreading done.

Group Admin

Depends on whether you're willing to proof a SoL, or just want to read my future oddball crossovers.
That pic is entertaining.

I'll proofread it, but not tonight.

Soon as I finish this chapter I'm writing, I'm hitting the metaphorical hay. Which is to say, I'm going to sleep.

Group Admin

Soonest would be tomorrow evening. The SoL one you'd need to read the previous chapters... otherwise I'll have the first chapter of the crossover done in... maybe a week? :facehoof: ugh...

*wanders off to bed*

I'm just gonna let everyone know that after today I'll finally be mostly free and able to do some kind of helping out if anyone wants some kind of reviewing done.

P.S. English is just oodles of fun.

Group Admin

Bleh... Widget's mom is being a pain to write. She wants to take the story in a more serious direction. I'm worried that if I let her do that, the "flow and feel" of the story will get messed up. :fluttershysad:

Ah, right. This.

Sorry about not having gotten around to this. I've been WAY busy. I'll try to get to it when I have time.

Hello fellow writers. I would like some help, and honestly an opinion on a story I am working on. Its a story of a What if scenario on what if ponies where actually real. The story will be tagged slice of life and alternate universe. It will be an in depth look on pony, or as how I am going to call it, Equine genesis. World building, bigotry and some comedy will be in there too. Beware though! Sexual innuendos will be tossed around, but not to the point of clop! I have most of the first part completed its just I am pretty self couscous about my writing (mainly grammar) because lets face it... Its downright awful. Anyone willing to want to help me and are patient enough to deal with my shortcomings, drop me a message and I would be happy to provide a Gdoc link.

Okay Love and Tolerate people, I need some help! I have a story called Just Joking, which is a crossover with the Joker from Batman. So far it is well liked, but I know there can be some improvements. Which is why any honest review on my grammar, spelling, and overall writing would be greatly appreciated. Harsh reviews are welcome since it helps improve my writing. Thanks you! :pinkiehappy:

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