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I don't know if anybody has thought about this but has anyone here ever thought up a personal Soundtrack for their stories. I'm currently making a list for my story but it's hard to pick out which kind of music or songs would fit. So I'm wondering if anyone else ever thought about this idea?


Are you kidding, not oly have I done a personal one for my stories...I have made cd's for the soundtracks of some other fanfics that I have read. Dragonlord, Immortal Game, Back on her hooves, Past Sins, Fallout Equestria, and Moonstone cup. I have made some for my own as well, though I have rarely used instrumentals (with the exception of Its a dangerous business, but that was so LOTR centric it seemed wrong not to). Also, to this day, FOE is the only fanfic soundtrack that I have made that has two cds-a character song and a story one.

1531878 I do that some times, Especially with my super hero fics, doubly so for fight scenes. I once had a 10,000+ word chapter with small playlist worth of songs to go with it. Sadly it was lost during the great USB crisis that occurred shortly after i joined the site.

When I tried to do a Mare-Do-Well fic (now re-writing it) I included some songs for the bar and fight scenes. Some good are the Voltaire ones as also the Tom Waits for the bars or other low places. As for the fights I got a preference for Evanescence and similar. And finally for ending I always put on the music player the David Bowie ones (especially Life on Mars?).

I like to make up Youtube playlists filled with both incidental/background music and character themes for my stories. I find it helps me to gain a better feel for both my characters, their relationships to others, and the feel I want to be present in different scenes of my stories. I listen to a lot of movie and TV soundtracks (instrumental primarily), and I believe such music serves to enhance storytelling on a visceral, emotional level. The nice thing about internet-based fanfiction (particularly as it's set-up here on Fimfiction.net) is that these soundtracks can be included directly into the story, adding an audio component that I believe serves to add extra flavor that otherwise wouldn't be possible in regular print stories (outside of audio books, of course). :pinkiehappy:

That's exactly what I think about while writing down certain parts of the story, especially for the characters and scenes that are humorous or serious. Sometimes it even helps me overcoming writers block :pinkiesick:, which I suffered a lot when I was writing the latest chapter of my story Hope from the Future. I still have yet to find the right music/songs for my story but I am open for suggestions.

1531930 You've made music for the fanfics you've read? Do you mind providing me a link to these soundtracks? I'd like to hear them for myself. Now I'm a big music fan myself, two of my favorite modern composers being Jeremy Soule and John Williams, and I would love to add some soundtrack reminiscent of Icewind Dale, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls and Harry Potter into my fanfic, but I don't have the technology nor the expertise to do it. The book may not be finished yet, but would you like to take a look at it and see what music can be made to fit each scene? I don't expect a yes, but it would be super if you accepted. Thank you


I would love to, but I don't know how to send links to my media player playlists where I keep the songs I put into the CDs I made.

3508824 Perhaps you can put it up on Youtube then I can copy the soundtracks URL and post it in my story.


I think I can and you have just given me a wonderful idea!!!

3509149 Great! Send me a link when you're done, hopefully I'll have Chapter 3 done soon.

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