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A decade has gone by since I first began this journey, pitting six different monsters within the confines of the lands of harmony, starting as a nine chapter one off about a stupid ice-frog from Devil May Cry 4. It had long since expanded into the multi-part series "Elements Change the Dark Hearts", threaded with an overarching plot asking WHY they were brought here, then further made into other projects, with recently capping off with a physical book of the original story. To say I'm proud of this project would be an understatement.

I urge anyone to go read these stories for themselves, and tell me what you think of my idiotic little adventures with these nasty creatures interacting with their cute wardens.

Original Story

TElements Change the Dark Hearts
What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?
Nightmare_0mega · 174k words  ·  147  7 · 5.1k views

Direct Sequel

TElements: XIX
01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100101 01100001 01100100
Nightmare_0mega · 1.9k words · 239 views

Side Stories & Spin-Offs

TElements: Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children
Beings accustomed to strife and spite adjust to a new life of harmony, and try not to ruin it for themselves. Temptations and opportunities for a little fun will hinder their resolve, though. Hopefully the damage won't be too great.
Nightmare_0mega · 95k words  ·  15  0 · 601 views
TElements: Sworn Through Swords
Fed up with being under Twilight Sparkle's shadow, Trixie Lulamoon decides to turn to the occult to satisfy her desire for appraisal. Unfortunately, in a twist of fate, she gains a contract as firey as her own ego.
Nightmare_0mega · 9.1k words · 501 views
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