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The forum seems kind of dead, like most of the forums anymore, but I'm going to try this.

Here's what I remember...

  • Twilight was more or less the main character.
  • I forget exactly what happened or why, but Twilight went to another version of Equestria.
  • I forget exactly what was going on in it, but the alternate universe version of Equestria was kind of a "dark" version of Equestria. One of the princesses was ruling like a tyrant, as I recall. Or maybe it was Discord. I can't remember.
  • Twilight meets a group of ponies that were a sort of resistance movement.
  • One of the ponies was, if I recall, a white mare, who was... I think somehow related to the princesses, maybe? And she was a fairly powerful/dangerous figure
  • I think there was a romance between Twilight and the above mentioned OC.
  • Twilight eventually does get back to her home dimension, and I think the OC followed her.
  • I don't remember exactly how long it was, but it was at least of modest length, several chapters. Maybe verging on "long", but not one of those 500,000+ word epics, I don't think.
  • I don't remember exactly how long it was, but it was at least of modest length, several chapters. Maybe verging on "long", but not one of those 500,000+ word epics, I don't think.

Does any of this ring a bell?

7755555 I have one that fits ticks most checkBoxes:

  • Twilight was more or less the main character.
  • Twilight went to another version of Equestria.
  • the alternate universe version of Equestria was kind of a "dark" version of Equestria.
  • Twilight meets a group of ponies
  • Twilight eventually thinks about getting back to her home dimension.
TPrincess of Friendship
After Twilight’s stream of successes, she’s confident that nothing can go wrong. Is she due for a lesson?
Bad Dragon · 5.4k words  ·  290  46 · 7.9k views


Nope, not it. Thank you, though.

I forgot to add a detail, I'm going to edit my original post to include it...

  • I don't remember exactly how long it was, but it was at least of modest length, several chapters. Maybe verging on "long", but not one of those 500,000+ word epics, I don't think.

7755586 Well, I have a long one that also includes:

a white mare, who was... I think somehow related to the princesses, maybe? And she was a fairly powerful/dangerous figure

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  178  45 · 6.8k views

Again, it's probably not the one you're looking for.

No, but, again, thank you for trying. I know it's a frustratingly vague description. I've been looking for days.

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