The Last Cutie Mark Crusader

by Jatheus

3 Rest

The morning after the attack on Canterlot was filled with cries of sorrow mixed with joy. As the last of the refugees arrived at Cloudsdale, the city lazily floated back up to its normal altitude. Families were being reunited, and everypony was working together to see to the needs of others. All in all, the cadets had evacuated almost ten-thousand ponies, and an additional four-thousand had fled from Canterlot and made it to Cloudsdale by other means. Two-hundred and eighty-three of the cadets were killed in the fighting, not to mention an uncounted number of Canterlot Guards. The unicorn magic allowed the refugees to be in Cloudsdale, but it had limits. If the spell wore off, they couldn't stand on the cloud floor of the city. They would have to begin ferrying them to other cities throughout Equestria for their own safety. The cadets were all told to stand down and rest until further orders came.

Scootaloo was sitting down in the middle of the chaos. She dropped off Brax, but didn't have strength to do anything else. Pibs had been taken directly to the infirmary, and Cloud Blazer was assisting with reuniting families. Brax was passing by, and saw Scootaloo still sitting where they had landed. He approached her.

"Are you alright, kid?"

Scootaloo looked up at him, but didn't say anything for a while. He sat down beside her and they stayed there in silence. She didn't even know how to sort out her feelings, except for exhaustion. She almost felt like Brax was sitting there for a reason; it was as if something was understood between them.

She finally asked, "Is it always like this... after?"

Brax looked at her gravely, "The first time is the worst. Can you walk?" She nodded. "Then come, we will find Lighthoof and your friend in the infirmary. Pibs, wasn't it?" Scootaloo nodded, and followed behind Brax as he pushed his way through the crowd.


Sparklefly wasn't sure she belonged in this meeting, but she was ordered here by Colonel Rainbow Dash. The colonel was in need of medical care, but she had shouted the medics down so she could be in this meeting before they treated her. The five alicorn princesses had gathered in a large empty hall in Cloudsdale. It was to be the new war room, according to the rumors. Notably, Colonel Rainbow Dash, General Mane Crusher, and several other high ranking officers who had been in charge of the night's operations were with them, which made perfect sense. Sparklefly had no idea why they might want with her here.

Rainbow Dash started, "Basically, from the reports I've heard, the cadets have done an outstanding job in the worst kind of situation. We effectively saved the entire population of Canterlot last night."

Princess Twilight Sparkle added, "And they did it under fire. You were right, Rainbow Dash, putting a military academy here was a great idea."

Princess Celestia somberly observed, "I agree, but only with heaviness of heart that such a thing should be necessary. If we cannot stop the timberwolves soon, the peaceful society we have built won't be recognizable anymore."

Rainbow Dash continued, "Also, don't forget, we owe thousands of lives to Sparklefly here. She took command after we all got pinned down and had to find cover."

Sparklefly shifted uneasily but didn't say anything. She was so very tired, and the additional mix of emotions she was experiencing was hard to sort out.

Princess Cadence said, "What's important now is our next move. How soon would it be feasible to retake Canterlot?"

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, "Well, I don't exactly have a plan for that worked up, but as well as the cadets performed last night, I'd say they'll be ready to go in two weeks."

Princess Luna interrupted, "No, two weeks is no good. The earth and unicorn ponies are only beginning their training, and they're all the way in Manehattan. We'd never be able to get them down here in time."

Twilight Sparkle added, "Not to mention that the way the timberwolves are swarming, I'm not sure that even three-thousand Pegasus ponies, no matter how well trained would be enough to retake the city."

Rainbow Dash snorted, "Yeah, Twilight, but you didn't see them last night. They were amazing!"

Cadence said, "Rainbow Dash, no one would question that what your cadets did last night was incredible, but I think Twilight is right; there are just too many timberwolves."

Rainbow Dash was about to argue further, but Princess Celestia put up a hoof, "We are not going to retake Canterlot." There was stunned silence in the room for a moment.

"With respect, your majesty," General Mane Crusher began, "The attack on our capital cannot go unanswered. We must adopt a more aggressive posture."

Princess Celestia continued, "With the threat of starvation becoming a very real possibility, we can't waste any resources retaking the capital. Furthermore, my subjects have lost their homes, and now I have lost mine. We will not retake Canterlot until the rest of Equestria has been freed from the timberwolf scourge."

Silence fell again, settling the discussion. Twilight Sparkle was the first to speak, "So, what we need to find out is how the timberwolves are multiplying so quickly."

Luna added, "Scouts still report that they are pouring out of the southern end of the Everfree Forest in droves. Thousands per day or more."

Cadence asked, "Have the scouts had any success identifying where the timberwolves are coming from?"

Rainbow Dash answered, "No, by last report the trees are just too thick, and anytime the scouts try to get low enough they come under attack immediately."

Twilight Sparkle added, "It seems that short of burning the forest down, we're just out of options."

"That forest is filled with death," Princess Hope's Glimmer said. "Eight are true; only four walk out."

The others looked at her, but said nothing. Sparklefly had heard about Hope's Glimmer. The Princess of Future; the rumors of her speaking in what seemed to be a nonsensical way were now confirmed. It was said that she could see things that haven't yet happened, but that she didn't always understand them.

Princess Celestia looked at Sparklefly, "Young one, you are too quiet. Have you any thoughts on these matters?"

Sparklefly wasn't really sure what to say, and now she was even more nervous than she'd been just sitting there, "Your majesty, I'm only a cadet, but it seems to me the counsel you are receiving is wise. We must stop the timberwolves, and we must keep Equestria from starving, whatever the cost. To do that, we have to know how the timberwolves are multiplying so quickly." Sparklefly swallowed hard.

Luna Asked, "What about the food stores in Canterlot? Were they brought to Cloudsdale?"

Rainbow Dash answered, "There wasn't time. We were planning to get them, but the timberwolves cut us off. Of course, even if they hadn't, every cadet we have was mobilized, and they were exhausted after carrying the population out."

Princess Celestia added, "This is true, but what is also true is that the timberwolves don't eat pony-food. The stores were sealed up in the cellar of the palace. It is likely that they are undisturbed."

Cadence said, "That means we really have two plans to make for our next move."

Twilight Sparkle finished, "We have to secure that food, and we have to find the source of the timberwolves in the Everfree Forest."

Luna chimed in, "Agreed, those should be our priorities."

Princess Celestia stood up, with what appeared to be sadness in her eyes, "I also agree. Luna, go back to Manehattan and continue overseeing our efforts to train the ground ponies for combat. We may not have enough strength of arms even with all of Equestria out to fight, but we must be ready; Cadence, I want you to take a small company and visit the griffins in the east. Extend to them a plea for help in our desperate hour. Twilight Sparkle, you know the Everfree forest better than anypony I know. You will remain here and assist in the planning of our efforts to find the source of the timberwolves. General Mane Crusher, you and Rainbow Dash will draw up a plan to retrieve the food stores from the Canterlot palace. We will let all who suffered last night have rest while they can. I think we can manage three days." She looked at Sparklefly, "It is the least we can do for them."

The medics carried Colonel Rainbow Dash toward the infirmary to deal with her injuries. The meeting was adjourned, and Sparklefly left as quickly as her aching legs would carry her. There were ponies swarming all over Cloudsdale, going this way and that. Sparklefly just wanted to get away from all of them, just for a moment to herself. She was exhausted, but broke into a gallop, not really paying attention to where she was going. Her weary body kept moving, almost like she was trying to get away from something. Her mind was filled with the events of the night. When she finally stopped, she found herself on one end of Cloudsdale, looking at Equestria as it lay before her in the mid-morning light. She was looking down on Unicorn Range, and the Smokey Mountain in the distance. She collapsed and burst into tears. It was a heavy, heaving sort of crying. She had been keeping it in for several hours, but now she had no more strength to hold it back.


"Ouch!" Pibs squeaked as the nurse attended her head wound.

"I warned you," she replied dryly, and then walked away.

Pibs was trying to sit still, but the antiseptic was burning ferociously against her scalp. She just knew they were going to have to shave her mane to get to it. It was bad enough having the cropped cuts that all of the cadets wore, but this would be ten times worse. Truly, it was a small matter compared to everything she had just been through. Fighting, and flames, and death... Pibs shuddered. And then there was poor Lighthoof. He had been so brave to save her from that timberwolf, and now he was missing a leg and might die. Pibs hadn't cried since Dodge Junction burned, and her family with it, but she felt great sorrow for everypony in Canterlot. Hearing a commotion, she looked across the overcrowded hospital to see that it was Lighthoof. He had regained consciousness, and had started thrashing. There weren't any nurses close by, so Pibs jumped up and darted to him. At first she tried holding him down, but he was too strong. She nearly lost her balance when he shoved her.

Regaining herself, Pibs spoke quickly, "Lighthoof! Lighthoof, it's okay! You're okay! It's me, Pibs!" He stopped thrashing, but was looking around, completely disoriented. "You're in Cloudsdale, in the hospital."

He laid back down; it looked like he might have understood, "Water..." he spoke weakly, "please..."

"Okay, I'll get you some water, but you have to promise me not to move." He didn't respond. "Promise Pibs you won't move, okay?" Lighthoof nodded, and Pibs reached for her canteen. As she got it out of her harness, she found that it had several pieces of stone shrapnel in it, courtesy of the explosion that had knocked her out of the air. She began searching through the infirmary, pushing her way passed nurses and injured ponies, many of them cadets, but many more were Canterlot refugees. Most injuries were not severe. The cadets that were badly wounded never made the flight back.

"Pibs!" Scootaloo called out. Brax was with her.

"Help me find some water." Pibs called back to them.

Scootaloo made her way though the crowd. "I still have some in my canteen," she said as she pulled the canteen free of her harness and gave it to Pibs.

"Thanks!" Pibs said as she returned to Lighthoof. Scootaloo and Brax followed her.

Lighthoof looked terrible. He was very weak from having lost so much blood. His injury was such that he received immediate attention, so he was already bandaged. There were just so many wounded that they had left him as soon as the worst danger was past. The pain he was in must have been incredible.

"As promised, we brought you some water." Lighthoof raised his head slightly and reached for the canteen, but he knocked it to the floor. Pibs picked it up, "Let me," she said, and she put the canteen to his muzzle and he drank from it.

After he'd had his fill, he said, "My thanks... to you... fair mare..." Pibs felt herself blush a little.

One of the nurses approached and said, "He's awake? I'll have to give him a shot. Please, go back to your bed." She turned to Scootaloo and Brax, "Are either of you injured?"

Scootaloo started to answer, "Well, not re-"

The nurse cut her off, "Then out! I'm sorry, but we don't have room in here for visitors just now. Come back again tomorrow."

Scootaloo looked like she was about to explode in a fit of rage, but Brax put his hoof on her shoulder to get her attention. He motioned for her to follow him. Still seething, she followed Brax out of the infirmary.

Pibs returned to her bed and waited for the nurse. When she finally returned with sheers, Pibs sighed. It was as she had expected, but she didn't object. She just stared across at Lighthoof, who was now sleeping again. She hadn't really noticed before, but he was kind of handsome for a unicorn.


Cloud Blazer was approaching a very small puffy cloud that was hanging just twenty feet above Cloudsdale. He flew up to it, and started hitting it from one side, and then the other. Once he had it all packed up, he flew on top of it, and stamped twice. Rain began pouring out of it. Then he zipped down beneath it into the cold water. He could feel it washing away all of the struggle from the night he'd just been through. His muscles were sore, and he felt completely out of energy. He laid down and rolled onto his back, basking in the shower.

He'd spent the last few hours reuniting a single family. He had happened upon an unattended little colt that couldn't have been older than a yearling. He had picked him up and then continued on, finding a filly that turned out to be his sister; she had recognized her baby brother. The entire family had been separated from each other and scattered across one side of the stadium. All seven of them had survived: seven. Reuniting them was stressful work, sifting through a crowd of over ten-thousand to reunite them, but it was very rewarding. Cloud Blazer's mind turned to the close calls of the night before. He rolled onto his side and shuddered. He and Scootaloo, at the claws of timberwolves, had looked death in the face and survived. He pushed it out of his mind, letting the rain continue to fall on him as he drifted off into a peaceful mid-afternoon sleep...


"Then out!" Scootaloo scoffed to Brax, mocking the nurse. She was still angry about their brief infirmary visit. "I can't believe the nerve of some ponies!"

Brax flatly said, "The room was full, and we were in the way. Get over it."

That didn't appease Scootaloo's anger. She began stamping the cloud floor and muttering to herself. Brax let her do it for a few minutes, staying very cool in contrast. He was apparently in no hurry to calm her, at least so long as she didn't attempt anything rash.

Brax finally said, "Cadet, I lied to you before." This caught Scootaloo's attention, and she quit her stomping and looked over at him. "I am not a commander. In fact, I haven't made lieutenant yet; I'm just a soldier. I only said that before to get your attention."

Scootaloo burst into laughter, but she wasn't really sure why. Brax seemed equally puzzled. Maybe it was that they had been through so much; they could have died going in there, and it was a lie that got her moving. It really wasn't funny, but the emotions of the day had been very confusing. Her laugh faded, and they sat there in silence for a while as other ponies moved this way and that.

After a while, Scootaloo saw Sparklefly ambling by toward the barracks. She was moving at a rather leisurely pace with her head down. Scootaloo trotted over and called to her, "Hey, Sparklefly!"

Very slowly, Sparklefly stopped and then faced Scootaloo. She looked horrible. She had a black eye, not to mention a number of small cuts and bruises. She also might have been crying; it was hard to tell. "Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo said, "Yeah... are you alright?"

Sparklefly practically mumbled her reply, "...just need to... some sleep..."

A nod at Brax was all it took to get him to come assist her.

Scootaloo said, "Sparklefly, you've got some nasty cuts that need to be looked at. How about you come with us to the infirmary."

Sparklefly didn't argue, but started following her. Brax nodded a farewell to Scootaloo, and the mares made their way the short distance to the hospital. It was every bit as busy as when they had tried to visit Lighthoof and Pibs. Scootaloo was able to get the attention of a nurse. They brought Sparklefly in immediately, but they didn't have any more beds. As Scootaloo was about to leave, she saw Pibs heading toward the door, so she waited for her.

"Hey, Pibs, are they letting you out?" Scootaloo asked.

Pibs winced, "Oh, not so loud. I've got a headache."

Pibs closed her eyes when they went outside, almost as if she were blinded by daylight.

Scootaloo spoke softly, "Need some rest? I was about to head back to the barracks. I've got some rack time saved up from last night."

Pibs replied, "Yes... doctor's orders. I hit my head pretty hard; they gave me twelve stitches and said I need to sleep." They walked on in silence.

As they neared the barracks, Pibs spoke again, "Scootaloo..." She seemed to be trying to find the words, "I don't think... I wouldn't have survived that fall..."

Scootaloo had turned to face Pibs. "I just... I wanted..." Pibs looked up at Scootaloo, "Thank you... you saved my life..."

Scootaloo wasn't sure what to say, "Well, I'm sure you'd have done the same if you'd had the chance."

"I'd have wanted to, but..." the words were still trying to form. "You were amazing... I wouldn't have known what to do... thanks."

"Don't mention it. Let's get some rest."

They went into the barracks, and Scootaloo was pretty sure that a friendship had just been born.


Sparklefly lay on her bed in the infirmary, completely silent. They'd given her some water and said they'd come back to tend to her shortly. She lay there just staring ahead blankly, watching all of the other patients. She was very well off considering some of the injuries she was seeing. Gashes, lacerations, concussions, amputations, and burns were the majority of what she observed. She could tell they were already using antiseptics sparingly, which was understandable considering how many injured there were. Most of them were not cadets. It seemed that the refugees took far more injuries in the panic that flight for their lives had induced than did her comrades. Her comrades; that thought brought the tears flowing from her eyes again. She didn't try to hold them back. She just didn't care anymore.

Sparklefly lay there for what seemed like several hours, trying without strength to push the thoughts of the night from her mind, before a nurse came to see her. She spoke; Sparklefly answered, but she really wasn't paying attention. The nurse put a cool pack on her eye, and cleaned her cuts. The antiseptics burned, but it didn't matter. Sparklefly just lay there, quietly sobbing into her pillow.