All's Fair in Love and War

by Captain Unstoppable

Chapter 4: Seeking Favors

Chapter 4: Seeking Favors

Big Mac gave a loud grunt as he pulled the last cart full of statues of his sister into the barn. After all the crazy shenanigans that had happened in this town, one would think the stallion would have grown used to doing odd jobs like this. However, something about storing statues that were made to look like his sister, made out of precious metals and gems, was just plain old creepy to him.

Next thing they need ta get AJ is a new barn ta keep all this in. Big Mac thought, leaving the cart in the middle of the barn. He would unload the rest of the statues later that night after he got done with all his chores. Exiting the barn, his vision was temporarily blinded by a flash of light blue.

The stallion took an involuntary step backwards, but he soon regained his composure; his face going back to its normal stoic self.

“Afternoon Soarin. Applejack ain’t here.”

Soarin stood a few feet in front of Macintosh, his mane windswept as always as he pulled down the pair of flying goggles he had on. Giving his head a good shake, he gave a big toothy smile to the other stallion as he took a few steps forward.

“Afternoon Mac! And I’m not here to see Applejack,” he replied, holding out his hoof to Mac. “I’m actually here to see you.”

“Sorry Soarin. Ah’m flattered ya find me as attractive as ma sister, but Ah’m good with mares” Soarin stared up at Mac, his eyes wide as he looked up into the stoic stallion’s face.

“Wha… no! It’s not like that! I am still trying to ask your sister out! Why would you—”

“Just yankin’ yer chain,” Mac said, walking right past the shocked stallion. “Guessin yer here about ma sister though, right?” Giving his head a good shake, Soarin started after the larger stallion across the dirt path to the orchard.

“Right. To be honest Mac I need your help with your sister,” Soarin said, catching up and walking beside Big Mac. “Nothing I seem to do is impressing her much, and I’m running out of ideas,” Sorin's head hung low as he walked next to the larger stallion. “It’s just so hard to buy gifts for her, you know? Just doesn’t seem like anything I get is good enough for her. Any ideas?”

Mac chewed on the ever present stalk of wheat in his mouth, never looking down at the stallion next to him.

Soarin swallowed a lump in his throat as he followed Mac like a lost puppy. He didn’t know much of Applejack’s older brother, except that he worked the plow on the farm and didn’t speak much. Though, if he had any insight on how to win the farmer’s affection, he would gladly take it.

“Have ya gotten ta know her?”

“Huh?” Soarin cocked his head in confusion as the other stallion kept walking. What did he mean by that? Had he gotten to know her? Of course he did! Why else would be seeking her attention if he did not know her?

“Have ya gotten ta know her?” Mac repeated, leading the two of them down the path from the farm.

“Of course I have! I know she is an apple farmer, that she makes some of the best pies in Equestria, she is an Element of Harmony, she is friends with Princess Twi—” Soarin was cut off when he ran into the outstretched hoof of Big Mac.

“You know of her, but ya don’t know her,” Mac said, looking directly down at Soarin, his green eyes locked on the pegasus. “Big difference there.” Soarin could feel the protective brother vibes coming off of Mac as he talked about Applejack. Soarin might be able to do daring stunts, race on some of the most dangerous tracks, and even backtalk Spitfire; but something about this red stallion put the fear of Tartarus into him.

Taking the silence as a cue, Mac started to walk down the dirt path again, not looking to make sure Soarin was following him. “Eeyup. Big difference in knowing of a mare, and knowing her.” Mac said, knocking Soarin out of his funk and catching up with Mac. “Ya might know all the outside stuff, but any stallion worth his salt would know the same. Don’t gotta look to far ta see that with you and Trender buttin’ heads like rams. But ma sister ain’t about material gifts. Sure, she might get mighty excited about them gifts showin’ up, but growin’ up we didn’t get too many presents meant just fer us. Don’t gotta look too far ta see her favorite one is that hat,”

Soarin listened carefully to Mac. From his time trying to court Applejack, he had been staying in Ponyville and had heard stories about the Apples, nothing but good things thankfully. But the one thing that everypony seemed to agree on was that Mac didn’t talk much, and yet here he was, giving Soarin advice about courting the mare of his dreams, even if it was his own sister.

“While that might be all and good, it won’t change squat about her feelins towards either of ya. Cause’ neither one of ya dolts know the first thin’ about her.” Mac seemed to be laying it on thick. Soarin could only hope that Mac was rooting for him, or that he was tired of all the gifts he had to clean up.

“So… what should I do?” Soarin felt less like a grown stallion at that point, and more like a younger brother asking his older brother for advice on asking the schoolmate he had a crush on.

Mac chewed on the stock of wheat in his mouth for a moment or two, trying to decide how much he wanted to help the desperate stallion next to him. “Well, gettin ta know her is ma only real advice. Try ta find what she likes, why she likes ‘em and such,” Mac said, looking up into the clear blue skies. “But, ta be honest, Ah’m not all that sure maself,” Mac confessed, earning a deep sigh from Soarin. “Believe it or not, Ah’m almost in the same boat as ya,”

That bit of information caught Soarin’s attention, his ears perking up to get every word spoken by the stallion. “Really?”

A very thin, almost unnoticeable, smile formed upon Mac’s normally stoic face. “Eeyup. Like you two, Ah’ve taken’ a shine ta a certain mare in town.” Now that was a bit of information that Soarin found interesting, and if he played his cards right it might get Mac to help him more.

“So what’s stopping you? From what I can tell it seems like every other mare in Ponyville would love to go on a date with you.”

“She ain’t like every other mare in town. Eenope. She’s one of a kind, doubt she would even know Ah existed if she weren't friends with AJ,”

Has a crush on of his sister’s friends? The dog. Soarin thought, now all he needed was to figure out who it was.

“What makes you say that?” Mac gave a weak shrug as Soarin followed him towards the small hills outside of town.

“Ah doubt Ah’m the type of stallion she is lookin’ fer. She’s livin’ life at high speed, takin’ any challenge thrown at her ta test her limits. Me? Ah’m just her friend’s brother that works the fields. Don’t need ta be a genius ta know Ah don’t got a chance with somepony destined fer greatness like her,” Soarin could see a change in Mac as he talked. His voice seemed to get more excited as he talked about the mare he was crushing on, before going back to his normal tone as he figured he had no chance with her. But that little exchange gave Soarin just the information he needed to figure out who this mare was.

“Mac, you're selling yourself short,” Soarin said, taking a few long strides to cut the bigger stallion off. “You seem to be a great guy in my book, and any mare would be lucky to have you, you just don’t have an in.” It was now Mac’s turn to look confused, looking down at the stallion that had been asking for his advice a few minutes ago.

“Ah don’t follow”

“It’s simple!” Soarin laugh, wrapping a wing around Mac and extending a hoof in front of them. “You have the exact opposite problem of me. I can get an in with almost any mare because I can get expensive gifts and I’m kind of famous,” Soarin gave a light laugh at his abilities, which only earned him a snort from the stallion next to him, as the mare he was trying to get in with was Mac’s sister.

“But! I don’t know what to do after that, you on the other hoof can’t get an in, but once you do Ah’m sure you can sweep that mare off her hooves!” Soarin proclaimed, letting go of Mac and taking a few steps back. “So, how about I get you that in? How about some box seat tickets to the next Wonderbolts show? Maybe some VIP access cards, and throw in a chariot ride there and back?”

Soarin had to give himself a pat on the back later, for the stoic pony he had grown to know was anything but stoic at that moment. His eyes were wide open, his jaw slightly agape letting the piece of wheat he always had fall to the ground. The gears in the work pony’s mind had come to an abrupt halt, and were trying to get traction again.

“Wha… Ah mean… could ya… Ah couldn't accep… huh?” Soarin’s smile grew as he watched Mac try to struggle with his words, just adding to the ego boost he was getting.

“Sure you can!” Soarin laughed, giving Mac a slight jab to the shoulder. “I’ll bring the tickets by tomorrow morning, and you can go ask Rainbow Dash out that afternoon!” Mac nearly jumped at the name, turning to face the smiling Wonderbolt.

“How did—”

“Please Mac, I might be a dolt like you said, but I can put two and two together to see who you like,” Soarin gave his wings a mighty flap, sending him a few feet into the sky. “Let’s call it even for the advice you gave me!” Soarin took in the image of the still concussed stallion below him, before giving his wings another flap.

There was work to be done.

“Ah don’t know Scootaloo, that sounds kinda dangerous ta me.”

“Well, do you have any better ideas?”

“Maybe something with map making? I have heard ponies getting cutie marks for that.”

“Ugh! That is so boring! We need something exciting!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were walking back from school in the late afternoon sun, their minds hard at work again trying to figure out a way to get their elusive cutie marks. The ideas getting wilder with every passing second, as ideas from the plausible to the impossible came up. As they walked, concentrating solely on how to achieve their marks, they did not notice a pony walking down the same path towards them.

“Oh! Maybe we can try something with love again? I mean, we didn’t exactly fail, we just got the potions mixed up,”

“No way! Ya know how long Ah was grounded after that? Or that month long detention? Not goin’ through that again!”

“Yeah! And we need to do something cool! Not mushy lovey dovey stuff!”

“Excuse me young miss, are you Apple Bloom?” The three young fillies stopped in their tracks and looked up at the source of the voice. Standing right in front of them was a dark brown unicorn in a green and orange sweater, puffy blonde mane, and glasses. “I was wondering if you would accompany me to—”

“Stranger danger!” Sweetie Belle shouted, as an aura of light green magic enveloped her horn before shooting forward, blasting the unknown stallion. The stallion had no time to react as the blast hit him square in the chest, sending him on to his back as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom turned towards Sweetie Belle, who was sweating slightly and taking in deep ragged breaths.

“Sweetie! Why did you ya do that?!” Apple Bloom cried, looking over at the fallen stallion who was laying on the ground groaning slightly.

“Remember? Miss Cheerilee and Twilight told us about the danger of strangers! I was afraid he was going to foalnap you!”  Sweetie said, giving her head a light shake as she looked over the stallion. “Is he okay?”

Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was bouncing back and forth, her wings buzzing as she took in the sight. “Who cares! I want to know why you didn’t do that before?!” She shouted excitedly as the stranger started to push himself up. “Quick, Sweetie! Do it again!”

Sweetie blinked a few times before pointing her horn at the stranger again and started to concentrate on doing the same spell again. This time, however, only a few sparks managed to appear, nothing like the blast she had conjured before.

“He ain’t no stranger!” Apple Bloom shouted, stepping in front of her friends, before turning to the unicorn, who had pulled out a small mirror and was looking over his face and mane. “That there is Trenderhoof, one of ‘em bozos that have been courtin’ ma sister!”

“You mean the bozo,” Scoots said, crossing her hooves to stare at Apple Bloom. “Because the other is Soarin! And Rainbow Dash says he is the coolest stallion out there! No way he could be a bozo!”

“Nu-uh!” Sweetie cut in, taking a seat in front of Scootaloo, her head pointed up and her eyes closed, looking more like her sister in the current pose. “Rarity says that Trenderhoof is one of the most influential ponies ever! That makes him so much cooler than Soarin!” Scootaloo gave a low growl as Sweetie talked.

“I don’t even know what that is! Soarin is cooler because Rainbow Dash said so!” Sweetie turned to Scootaloo and took a step towards her.

“That means when he talks other ponies listen to him! Besides, you can be as cool as you want, but with no class you're a nobody!” Soon the two young fillies were butting heads, much like their idols had done in the past, and were shouting at one another.

“Soarin is better!”

“No he’s not!”

“Yes he is!”



“Trenderhoof is better!”

“If compared to mud yea! But Soarin is the best!”

“Trenderhoof is cooler because Rarity said so!”

“Soarin is cooler because Rainbow Dash said so!”

“Is not!”

“Is so!”

“Is not!”

Girls!” The two arguing fillies turned towards the sudden voice that overshadowed their own to see Apple Bloom glaring at both of them. “Don’t matter what Rainbow or Rarity says, it's up ta ma sister!” She declared, still feeling a tinge of jealousy towards her sister, but that could wait. Turning her attention towards Trenderhoof, Apple Bloom took a deep breath to keep herself in check. “How can Ah help ya Mister? Shouldn't ya be off fightin’ fer ma sister’s heart or what not?”

Trender was patting himself off, getting the dirt off his sweater and fur coat. He could never live it down if anypony saw him in such a state, unless a certain orange mare was with him, then he would not mind getting dirty. Turning his attention to the youngest of the Apple siblings he smiled at her as he approached.

“Well my dear, I wanted your help in that matter.” Trender was at a loss as what to do. Never had he had so much trouble in gaining a mare’s affection. Anypony that was anypony knew of him, and that his written word carried power. He had started many careers with a flourish of his quill, and ended even more the same way. Yet, when it came to Applejack nothing he seemed to do impressed her much, and that birdbrain buffoon was not making the situation any easier.

That was when he came with a solution.

If he could not win Applejack’s affection on his own, maybe some inside help could sway the tide in his favor. He doubted that glorified flyer would have the sophistication to come up with a plan such as this, which was why he was destined to win this petty battle.

“Huh? What can Ah do ta help?” Apple Bloom questioned, tilting her head to the side. Trender merely chuckled at her reaction.

“Why my dear, you are her little sister. If you were to recommend a stallion to her, she would be more likely to choose that one.” Apple Bloom’s head stayed slightly cocked as she looked up at the grinning Trender.

Trender held back a sigh at the filly’s confusion. “To put it simply, I wish for you to put in a good word for me with your sister,” Trender said, trying to keep it as simple as he could for the young girls.

“So ya want me ta help ya cheat? That don’t seem all too romantic ta me.” Trender stared down at Apple Bloom, his eyes going wide behind his glasses.

“Yeah! Cheating is so un-cool!” Scootaloo declared, taking a stand next to Apple Bloom. “Cheaters are the worst! No one likes them!”

“But Scootaloo, didn’t Rainbow Dash cheat during the Iron Po—” Before Sweetie could finish, Scootaloo had shoved her hoof into her mouth, effectively silencing her.

“That is completely different!” Scootaloo shouted, glaring at Sweetie Belle. “No pony could prove it, so it never happened!” Before the two fillies could be rallied into another argument, Trenderhoof cleared his throat, loud enough to stop any further interruptions.

Trender rubbed a hoof against his temple. He was honestly hoping this would be easy, and able to secure a good word from the sister with just some nice talk. Taking in a deep breath, he started to go with Plan B.  

“Now, I wouldn't say I am cheating. More of just ensuring, my victory,” Trenderhoof tried to put a positive spin on the situation, he didn’t plan on this. “Would it be cheating if I offered you something in return?”

“Isn’t that a bribe?” Trender’s face fell as he looked towards Sweetie Belle, who was rubbing her chin as if to rememberwhat the word meant.

“Is it?” Apple Bloom asked, turning to her. “Sometimes AJ offers ta get me ice cream if Ah do some of her chores. Ain't that the same thing?”

“Yeah! Dash has done that with me a few times. So is it bad?” Trender’s eyes lit up as the fillies started to discuss what a bribe was between them. This was the opportunity he was looking for.

“What I am asking is just like that,” Trender declared, catching the fillies’ attention. “If you put in a good word with your sister for me, I will get you all ice cream!” He could already see it now, the youngest of the Apples would tell her sister how much she liked him, and soon he would have Applejack all to himself, and that third rate flyer would be on his way back to Cloudsdale! It was all so perfect.

“Ah don’t know, seems like this is much bigger than ice cream. It’s gonna take more than that Ah think,” Trender’s face fell as he looked down at Apple Bloom.

Was she trying to haggle with him? He knew she sometimes worked the stand in town, but she was acting like an expert salespony. Swallowing hard, he could already feel himself losing bits talking to this filly.

“Okay then, what do you think would be fair?” Quickly, the three fillies gathered together and started to discuss the price in low whispers.

Trenderhoof tried to hear in on their conversation, but they were just keeping their voices low enough that only they could hear. Every once in awhile, one of them would look up at him, and then bend down low again to discuss with the other two. If he tried to step forward, all three of them would look up and wave their hoof at him to back up before discussing again. After what felt like several hours, the three fillies finally nodded their heads simoustanly and broke apart.

“Alright! We have come to a decision!” Apple Bloom declared, looking up at the unicorn.

“And what is that?”

“Fer puttin’ in a good word with ma sister of ya, in return we want ya ta get us skydiving lessons!” Trenderhoof felt his jaw drop at the declaration. He had been expecting candy, tickets to a show or fair, even straight up bits had crossed his mind. But skydiving lessons?

“Why do you want skydiving lessons?” Trender asked, his mind trying to play catch up with these three diabolical fillies. The three of them just looked up at him with wide smiles.

“Ain’t it obvious? We want ta get our skydivin’ cutie marks!” The way she said it, one might have thought there was a large sign behind them advertising it. Then, as crazy as it all might have sounded, it wouldn't have been the most expensive item he had purchased during this war.  

“And if I do this, you will put in a good word?”

“Once ya deliver em’ tickets ta do it Ah will tell ma sister how nice of a guy you are!” Apple Bloom said, holding out her hoof to seal the deal.

Trender looked over the toothy smiles of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, trying to use their innocence to convince him to do whatever they wanted. With a groan, Trenderhoof knew he had already lost this battle.
“Fine, fine.” He agreed, tapping his hoof against Apple Bloom’s.

In the battle for love, bank accounts were the biggest casualty.