Discord's Delightful Disharmony

by GameJunkie7

Changing Stripes

“I TOTALLY knew that would work!” Pinkie squealed in glee at her eavesdropping spell let her hear. “Those two were just MEANT for each other! Spiky is such a gentlecolt, and Rarity is his princess. It was just a match made in the stars.” Pinkie romanticized as she fluttered her eyes at Discord, who chuckled.

“Pinkie my dear; that was exactly what I had thought as well. I mean really, at the rate things were going; Rarity was going to get too old to have foals before she found her “prince” and Spike would have grown up all alone, destined for a rough and loveless series of matings with detached dragonesses merely for the purpose of procreation. I wasn't about to let two of my friends suffer such loneliness.” Discord explained as he then walked over to Fluttershy's couch and plopped onto it, Pinkie doing so next to him and they both sighed in content.

“So, what's next? All that's left is Fluttershy, and I still think she's too sensitive for anything we could do.” Pinkie stated in worry, but Discord rebuffed her with a smug smile.

“Worry not Pinkie Pie; Fluttershy's gift is utterly necessary but nothing that will be too shocking. But, she isn't the last one of our friends we can bring some Chaos to.” Discord snapped his talons, and a little voodoo doll shaped like an equine appeared, but it clearly had a chosen target already, beings it had a twined bit of black and white hair added as it's tail.

“Oh~ Zecora! What're we up to with her though?”

“You'll see Pinkie. This time; let me do all the work.”


It was another normal, hazardous day in the life of Zecora. The usual; trot right into the depths of the Everfree for some needed herbs and other apothecary supplies, fight vicious predators with nothing but a staff and her martial prowess, and return home for brewing potions, then dinner, and sleep. It was a simple yet not-so-simple life, but it was one the young zebra mare loved.

Didn't mean that elder stallion at the Ponyville clinic's offer to replace him as the pharmacist wasn't an enticing offer, especially during moments such as these.

As of this moment, Zecora was just returning to her hollow tree home from another eventful sojourn into the forest, bearing new injuries and new ingredients. One of said injuries was a vicious claw slash that had bled freely until she applied a coagulant potion to the wound. “Another day, another scar, how long Zecora will you let your flesh, these creatures mar?”

Zecora shrugged off her saddlebags with a hiss as it agitated her wound, and then had to peel off her cloak from the injury, as the rapidly scabbing blood stuck to it, causing her pain. In the glass of the window, both Discord and Pinkie watched from their transparent hiding place, with Discord patting Pinkie's back as the new draconequus held her paw and claw to her mouth in shock.

“See Pinkie? I have my reasons for helping you all with my old trinkets. For Twilight, she simply needed to lighten up, Applejack's work keeps her so busy, she's hardly around as much as she could be, so I gave her the ability to do her work faster. For you; well, I just wanted somebody who could really spend mutual fun and funny times with, the fact it helps you fulfill your wish to make others happy is a bonus. For Dash; well, if she became a Wonderbolt, how often would you all be able to see her? Being a Wonderbolt is a full-time occupation. With her new status, likely soon-to-come fame, and her ultimate speed; she'll have all she ever wanted, and still be with you girls whenever she wants.

Rarity...well, look at her! I mean, she was beautiful before, but add in the power of the Nightmare, untainted by jealousy or hate, and you have a whoa-ho-ho~ mama kind of mare. She's plenty happy about that, and also frees up her time for you girls. Finally, as for Spike, I've already explained, and he and Rarity will be quite happy together. Now...for Zecora. The lonely mare lives out here alone for reasons that are not mine to divulge, just me snooping about has me feeling guilty for invading her privacy. But as you can see, she's regularly in peril from her chosen profession.” Discord finished, and Pinkie sniffled.

“What'll Miss Cursey do? Isn't it just used to torture others, or make them indirectly experience things?” Pinkie asked, as she looked up Zebrican and Haytian traditions after their massive goof-up with Zecora when they first met her. Hey; party pony's gotta know what not to do to offend guests! Don't you doubt her!

“No, and...Pinkie...what are you glaring at?” Discord turned towards the random direction she was glaring at, and sighed. “Pinkie...I know the Fourth Wall is hard to ignore, but you must resist the temptation.”

“But it's mocking me!” Pinkie taps a spot in the air, causing a stony click against her dragon knuckle. “You better stop that mister!”

“Pinkie, we don't want the Fourth Dimension getting off their collective rumps and traipsing across Equestria. There are enough alternate universe that have such an issue. Just look at that.” Discord pointed to another random point in the air, and Pinkie grimaced.

“Oh my...yeah...I'll stop if it means not having a world-spanning war led by avatars of random gods. So...Zecora.” Pinkie focused back on her zebra friend, and saw that she was now applying a topical paste to the wound, which hissed and steamed as it rapidly healed over, and new fur grew in over it, to Zecora's pained relief. “What's the plan?”

“Just watch, and learn my sweet.” Discord began to mess with the doll.

“Oh! My word! What is this tingle I've not felt since last with my herd?” Zecora blushed as she felt a gentle and soothing caress run down her spine, making her sigh. “This comforting feeling reminds me of home, of my family all the way back in Roam.” Zecora closed her eyes as she decided to lay down and embrace the familiar sensation of comfort she'd not felt since she was granted protection by the village shaman who had used a.... “No....” Zecora spoke in Zebrican, and growled before bolting to her feet. “Who dares to use a voodoo trick! Stop, for if I find you there will be a price to pay you hick!”

Zecora took a step towards the strongest presence of the sensation, only for to her horror, her leg buckled beneath her, sending her crashing to the floor. Before she could finish getting up, she saw what had caused her fall. Her right foreleg, from hoof to shoulder, was melting into a puddle of unknown liquid that matched her striped pattern. “Please! Cease this curse, I plea my release!”

“Be calm my exotic mare.” Discord appeared from the window, and walked over to the horrified zebra. “You're simply becoming...well, everything actually.” Zecora gasped in shock as one of her ears liquified and dripped into the growing puddle of...her. “What I'm doing is more or less; turning you into the ultimate shape-shifter. Able to take on any form so long as it is alive.” By now, All that remained of Zecora's original form, was her face and muzzle desperately wincing as she tried to stay afloat, only for Discord to put a single finger of his lion paw on her muzzle, and shove her into her formless body. “Now for the finishing touch.” Discord put Miss Cursey in the center of the puddle that was Zecora, and the eyes lit up red, before the black and white striped puddle rapidly drew in around it, encompassed it, and then quickly formed back into Zecora, laying on the floor as if she had never changed.

“What hex is this you monster!” Zecora screamed in Zebrican, and quickly pounced at the draconequus, only for him to shrink to the size of a bug, and she flew clear over him, and crashed into her cauldron, where she splattered on impact, turning back into a black and white striped liquid, which mostly gathered in the large pot, but quickly reformed into the zebra mare, who was astounded at how that not only did she just liquify and reform again, but it was painless. She should have impacted head-first into the large pot and gotten hurt, but instead she was perfectly fine. “I am unharmed?”

“Yes my dear, as was my intention. You'll learn more about your abilities as you experiment with them, but the biggest goal of this was to make it so you wouldn't be hurt so easily. Enjoy my dear, for I must be off for the finale!” Discord flew into the same front window he came through, with it still closed, and Zecora looked at her hoof in bewilderment, as she imagined a plant she needed, and suddenly said plant seemed to grow from her fetlock.

“Hm...I will have to test, see if my body can let my work rest.”