Discord's Delightful Disharmony

by GameJunkie7

Unexpected Consequences

“Are you sure about this Pinkie? I mean, is she REALLY that gullible?” Discord asked his new best friend in Chaos, wondering Pinkie was really taking Rainbow Dash seriously. They were heading to Fluttershy's so Discord could lay low for a little while, and Discord pondered his relationship with Fluttershy, but couldn't imagine ever replacing her in his heart as “best pony”, but Pinkie isn't a pony anymore is she? Who's to say you can't have more than one “best” friend?

“Yeppers! She's Loyalty, duh! I'm Laughter; it'll be the last thing she'd expect for ME to be the traitor! Especially in a prank war!” Pinkie rubbed her leopard paw and dragon claw together, pausing and looking at them in contemplation. “But it will be hard to convince her looking like this...are you sure I can do it?”

“Pinkie dear, you underestimate yourself, and the ease that Chaos magic can be utilized. Again, as I said; all you must do is think of yourself appearing as you used to, and you'll take your old form. You'll still be a draconequus, but you'll be able to actually remain a pony at the same time. It isn't as limited as Changeling magic in this regard, as you're actually completely changing species. All that can never be changed is your connection to the Font of Chaos. Only more limited, think of it like my limiter collar.” Discord tapped his snazzy magical restraint as they exited the realm of reflection, and entered into Fluttershy's bathroom, which was instantly filled with two draconequus getting tangled up in the small space. “Um...Pinkie...I am admittedly attracted to you, but this is moving too fast....”

Discord was referring to how they got twisted around each other like snakes, which was quite an intimate thing, making Pinkie blush. “Sorry...forgot how small Fluttershy's bathroom is.”

“No matter, I'll just shrink.” Discord did so, untangling them and then they both left the small restroom. “Now then, I'm going to lay low here. Likely all your friends and maybe even Celestia or Luna are off in the hills trying to help Applejack, it would be best if you went there in your old form to try and set up our wondrous plans.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie~! I'll just...um....” Pinkie snapped her claws and suddenly flashed before reforming as her old self. “Whoa...uh...it's like I'm wearing a small “me” suit...I feel cramped....”

“That's how it will always be if not in your new true form Pinkie. Now then, remember; good luck charm.” Discord took out a beaded necklace that had a golden lightning bolt pendant as the centerpiece. Pinkie took it and put it in her mane, before zipping off out of the cottage so fast that she left a Pinkie-shaped dust cloud.

“Alright then.” Discord returned to his cobweb hammock and pulled out a small looking glass from his chest, where he could see what Pinkie saw; as it was a spell that he guided Pinkie into casting on herself so he wouldn't miss the shenanigans. “Let the fun begin, and for once I get to admire someone else's work.”


Applejack had made it out of her orchards without too much problem. She'd only ended up damaging a few trees on her way to Rambling Rock Ridge; a natural rocky ridge extending the majority of the north of the Everfree Forest, and was south of Canterlot. Effectively hidden from sight of any civilization. She was currently laying down, hiding her head in her forelegs in embarrassment. She's a strong mare, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, but she was so ashamed to fall for such a blatantly obvious trick as the Corpulent Cornucopia.

Speaking of which. “Why can't Ah stop eating? That varmint said it'd wear off by day's end, but I'm starving....” Applejack groused as she picked a leek out of the giant horn-of-plenty and chewed on it, increasing her size slightly as she sniffled, and savored the odd flavor of papaya. Her stomach roared, so loudly in fact that it sent light tremors into the ground, making her groan in pain. “Can't stand it...so hungry....”

“Applejack!” At hearing the welcome voice, AJ looked up tiredly at the source, to see Rainbow Dash flying at her at high speed, leaving her signature rainbow contrail. She stopped in front of AJ face, and they both stared at each other in awe. “AJ! You're HUGE!” Rainbow, ever the eloquent one, wasn't exaggerating in any way. In comparison, to AJ; Rainbow was the size of a large bug, while to Rainbow; AJ was a small orange mountain. “J-just hold on! I've got this magic flare thing to signal Twilight.” Rainbow landed and reached into her saddlebags to pull out a bronze tube, and she aimed it with her hooves away from AJ, and pulled a cord on the bottom with her mouth.

The tube fired a purple magic flare that shot up, and began to pulse like a beacon. Shortly; Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy all appeared in Twilight's purple flash of magic. They all gasped as they took in AJ's state, she was starting to look malnourished, her natural body fats being rapidly consumed by her hunger afflicted body, while her muscle was actually becoming more defined. “Help...please....” AJ pleaded in exhaustion, before she shoved her head into the horn and began eating, instantly causing her to grow.

“No! Stop! Oh no....” Twilight hurriedly fished out a scroll and the Funny Feather, and wrote a quick message, before using her magic to summon Spike, who was ready for it. “Send it!” Spike immediately did so, before joining them in looking in horror at the rapidly growing Applejack, who was becoming big enough to be a titan of lore.

In a flash of blinding pure light, Princess Celestia and Luna, who looked tired, both appeared, and after a moment moved into action. Celestia flew to the horn and stood upon it, seeming to scan it with her magic, while Luna used her magic to muzzle AJ to keep her from worsening her condition, which brought on a feeble struggle from the weakened giantess. Fortunately for all involved she was too weak to properly struggle, or there'd be plenty of dead mares. “Cease this at once fair Applejack! We are here to help!”

“Found it!” Celestia shouted, before she focused a beam of her magic into a certain spot on the outside of the horn, and soon AJ stopped struggling and the horn's wicker lightened from it's dead tan into a healthy fresh hay color. “It was an old faulty enchantment. It degraded to the point of forcing hunger on the victim rather than mere compulsion. Indeed; this is Discord's Corpulent Cornucopia. One of his many cruel artifacts that he kept from us. I'm sorry it has caused you pain Applejack.” Celestia explained in the royal Canterlot voice, but on a softer register so everypony heard her, but didn't cringe at the volume.

“Thank ya Princesses...I'm very grateful.” AJ responded when Luna released her from her telekinetic grasp, and sat up. She was, sitting, nearly a quarter the height of the mountain Canterlot was built upon. “But...how do I get back to normal?”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other sadly, before deciding to give the bad news. “I'm afraid the damage is done Applejack....” Celestia informed, making everypony become scared. “This is your new actual size. The only way you could live a normal life is if you were forcibly shrunken down with enchantments and charms.”

“But, you negated the horn's growth effect right?” Luna asked her sister, who nodded in reply. “Then worry not fair Applejack. Whilst we fashion a necklace large enough with the proper enchantment, you will not starve as the horn's food will no longer cause adverse effects.”

Applejack sniffed as she let a few tears fall, said tears crashed into the stones of the ridge like giant water bombs, splashing salty water everywhere. “How could he do this to me? What did I do to him?”

“Applejack, please know that Discord did not intend this. The Corpulent Cornucopia was not supposed to cause such unrestrained growth, nor was it supposed to force such hunger on the victim. Merely feed them all they desired. Discord's tampering with it did this, that may be true, but this.” Celestia gestured to AJ and the horn. “Was not his intention. It never got this bad back then whenever he did use it. At most, ponies grew to the size of houses. Not mountains.”

“So do not blame Discord entirely. If he has changed for the better, then when he hears of this he may try to find a way to reverse it.” Luna added.

Away from the group, in the shadows of the Everfree. A certain pink, disguised draconequus teared up at the turnout. “Are you getting all this Dissy?”

'Yes...I didn't know there was something wrong with the CC...I'll help her, don't worry. It should only take a little work on the CC, hopefully I can get it to both cause growth, AND shrinking depending on what foods were eaten. Are we still on for Rainbow Dash? I'm willing to call it off if not; I know when a joke goes far too far.'

“No...we'll do it. Besides, considering the nature of this one...it isn't faulty right?” Pinkie asked as she took out the necklace, and Discord examined it as best he could through her eyes and senses.

'No...there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. I was planning these pranks to also be gifts. You can only imagine how strong AJ is now.' Discord commented, and Pinkie took a breath, before putting the necklace away and zipping up to her friends and popping up behind Twilight.

“What-cha-doin'?” This made everypony, especially Twilight all shout in surprise. “Aaaah! Yourself. But that doesn't answer my question sillies.” Pinkie then let them all fill her in, pretending she didn't know any of this beforehoof. “Oh no! Don't worry AJ! Dissy will know what to do! Oh, and Dashie! Look at what I found on my way here!” Pinkie took the necklace out of her mane, and Celestia and Luna both gasped at the sight of it. 'Uh-oh, did they figure it out?'

“That's an original Pegasus military medal! From the Three Tribes era!” Luna gushed as she trotted up to it and examined it. At the mention of what it was, Rainbow was suddenly quite interested, and flew over it to look at it. “Oh my! Look at this engraving!” Luna turned the medal over to let the other's see, but only Twilight could read it among them, and it made her gasp at the Ancient Ponglish.

“It says it belonged to Commander Hurricane!” Twilight gushed, making Rainbow suddenly start fangirling.

“Oh-my-gosh oh-my-gosh oh-my-gosh!” She took hold of it and looked at it closely, as if worshiping a treasure. “THE Commander Hurricane? The founder of the Equestrian Military and co-founder of the original Wonderbolts?!” Rainbow put it on, making Pinkie smile a bit wider which nopony noticed, and Discord to chuckle. “It fit's perfectly, it's like-.” Suddenly, Rainbow was gone.