Wingbury Academy

by Chesterfeather

Chapter 1: Getting to Class

Where the hay is Highwind Hall?

With the first class of the day mere minutes away, your pace quickens. Of all days to get lost on campus, you had to pick the first day at your new school.

Receiving your acceptance letter to Wingbury Academy in Cloudsdale is high on the list of “most awesome moments ever.” Your parents were so proud of you, and they were particularly happy that you would at last be able to live life up in the sky, where it was most natural for a colt like you. Suffice it to say that your former school, Manehattan High, wasn't the best learning environment for a pegasus.

The joy of your acceptance is all but a fading memory now, replaced by an ever-increasing panic. There's no pony around to ask for directions. The last thing you'd like to make is a poor first impression by being late.

You look up at the next building's lettering. Thunderhead Labs? No, that's second period. Gotta find Highwind Hall. Highwind Hall . . .

You hear an argument coming from the side of the building. Unable to make out any words at first, you fly closer.

“...think somepony would be nice, for a change.”

“As if! I wouldn't be caught dead talking to a loser like you.”

“Excuse me? What's your problem?”

“You are. Get lost!”

A rainbow-maned pegasus mare flies out from around the corner of the building. Red-faced, she looks back and screams. “No, you get lost!” In a flustered daze, she zips right by you without so much as a glance in your direction.

You check the campus clock. Four minutes left? Horsefeathers.

You bite your lip—that exchange you heard sure wasn't pretty, but you're running out of time and decide to try your luck. “Hey, sorry, where's Highwind Hall?” you call out to the mare.

She stops and spins around, eyes locking with yours, teeth bared. “Does it look like I care?” she says, throwing her forelegs out.

Rolling her eyes, the mare turns back around and begins to float away as you grow a wan smile. Get ready for this one, rainbow-mane. “Sorry, sorry,” you say. “You'd think somepony would be nice, for a change.”

The mare freezes, then faces you once more with a sheepish grin. “You, uh, heard that, huh?”

“Yeah. Hey, niceness should go both ways.”

Eyes flaring open, she flies closer to you. “I know, but that pony can get on my nerves. I mean, she annoys everypony, really—”

“Uh, sorry,” you interrupt, “but I'm in a hurry. In a big way. Do you know where Highwind Hall is?”

Her face softens. “Yeah! I suppose I owe you, after all. Just follow me!” She quickly launches into flight, and you waste no time taking to the air right alongside her.

She guides you all the way across campus. Oh brother, I must've been way off. As you fly together, you get a closer look at the fiery-mannered pegasus. Sleek, sky-blue coat. Untamed, rainbow-colored mane and tail. Impressive wingspan. Athletic, toned build. A rainbow-bolt cutie mark.

Cutie mark . . .

You still don't have your cutie mark. Everypony you knew got theirs years ago, leaving you as the oldest pony without one. Your blank flank earned you enough ridicule back in Manehattan. You're hoping that a fresh start at Wingbury Academy would leave all that behind, but it doesn't help when your lack of a mark has followed you.

Good thing rainbow-mane here hasn't noticed. You spend a moment eyeing her mark.

“So, you must be new here if you don't know where—hey!” The mare scowls. “What're you looking at?”

“Oh, I wasn't . . . I mean—”

She breaks into a giggling fit. “You should see the look on your face!”

You send her a grim stare in response, but she continues laughing.

“Aww,” she coos, “relax! I was just teasing. I guess you couldn't help it, huh?”

“N-No! Really, I was just admiring your cutie mark.” So much for being smooth.

With a wide grin, she winks. “Oh, I bet you'd love to hear how I got it. It's a great story! I oughta tell you sometime.”

You stare ahead, smiling for a moment, then glance at her once more. “Hey, thanks for helping me, by the way. What's your name?”

“I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest young flier in all of Equestria! Like you couldn't tell by my cutie mark. You know, I bet I could guess your name by your . . . oh.”

As her eyes wander to your bare flank, you look downwards and blush. “Well, I haven't yet, uh, gotten my mark.”

“Th-That's cool.” A small pause. “So, how old are you, anyway?”

You groan. Why did I bother asking for her name? I'm only inviting awkward questions. For the love of Celestia, where is Highwind—oh, there it is.

As if answering your silent prayer, some force of luck has brought you and Rainbow Dash before the opening to Highwind Hall at last. You steal one last glance at the campus clock. One minute left!

“Well, here it is.” Rainbow Dash lands on the building steps. “Hey, I never caught your—”

“Sorry, thanks, I gotta go! Later!” Without stopping flight, you soar right into the building entrance, leaving the cyan pegasus behind.

H306. H306. Where is it? Third floor? The hallways are empty—I'm probably already late! H306, come on . . .

You blast through the corridors in each floor, sweat building up from your feverish panic. At last, you come to a dead stop before the door to your first class, Chemistry II, only to find it closed.

Spying a clock on the wall, you shiver as you whisper the time. “7:02.” Well, better late than never. I can't just skip my first day, can I? No, I just have to pony up and do this.

Eyes shut tight, you slowly open the door. The hinges creak as you walk inside, step by step. Wincing, you crack open an eye. The classroom is dark and empty.

Having just realized that you were holding your breath, you exhale sharply and double back to the hallway, checking the room number once more. Yep, this is H306, all right. Then why—

“Say, what are you doing here, anyway?”

Startled, you turn and find Rainbow Dash. With an awkward chuckle, you say, “I'm going to class.” You peer once more into the empty classroom. “Well, trying to, at least.”

She looks at the hallway clock. “It's 7 o'clock, silly. Classes start at 8.”

A few seconds pass as you blink at Rainbow Dash. “That,” you say, “makes me feel so relieved right now, you have no idea.” You exhale once more and sink down to your haunches, a stupid grin on your face.

Rainbow Dash matches your smile. “You are definitely new! And since you've got an hour to kill, it sounds like you need somepony to show you the ropes.”

“That would be great, really. Wingbury Academy has already gotten me confused, and I haven't even been to class!”

Rainbow Dash twists her brow. “Wingbury? Whoa, now. This is Chesterfeather High.”

What?! You quickly jump up, hovering in the air. “Chesterfeather? But my schedule . . . I checked the class assignment billboard—”

You stop as Rainbow Dash collapses on the floor, uncontrollably laughing. Covering your face with your hoof, you shake your head. “You are something else, rainbow-mane, you know that?”

“Priceless!” she manages to yelp between breaths. “Your face . . . it's too much . . .”

You can't help but give a small chuckle yourself at the sight of Rainbow Dash rolling in laughter. “Okay,” you relent, “you got me there. Cut me some slack, though—it's my first day. I'm nervous!”

Calming down with a sigh, Rainbow Dash returns to the air, her wings flapping excitedly. “Yeah, yeah. Well, first things first. What's your name?”

You introduce yourself, and she twists her face in confusion. “Huh. Your name sounds familiar. Have we met before?”

“I might be gullible, but you won't get me again.”

“No, really! I just can't put my hoof on it. I'm sure I've heard it before . . .”

Unsure of what to say, you remain silent as a low growl escapes from your stomach.

She smirks. “You hungry?”

Throughout the whole ordeal, you hadn't even thought about food. “Now that you mention it, I could use breakfast.”

“Then, stop number one on the Wingbury tour: the cafeteria!” She bursts into flight, and you quickly follow her.

As you exit the building, you see Rainbow Dash waiting for you, hovering impatiently. “Not bad,” she taunts, “but I expected faster.”

“Oh, you wanna race, rainbow-mane?”

“That's Rainbow Dash!” She flies right up to your face. “And you're on!”

This is just what you needed—a boost in confidence. If you were one thing, it was fast. You haven't met another pegasus that could match you in speed, and you're not expecting that to change today.

“In fact,” you begin, “let's make this more sporting and give you a five second head start.”

Maintaining her close-up hover, Rainbow Dash flashes a wicked grin. “Oh yeah? If you're so confident, then you'll buy me breakfast after I win!”

“Fine! And if I beat you, then you'll owe me breakfast!”

“Sure, sure!” She rubs her hooves expectantly. “Ready?”


Without hesitation, she rockets forward in a flash of rainbow colors as you count out five seconds. Unfortunately, you can only get to two as she stops at the building right across from you.

Pumping her forelegs in the air, Rainbow Dash calls out, “I win!”

“What? But . . . Oh, you've got to be kidding me.” You slowly drift over to the cyan pegasus, your head hanging in defeat. No more bets with this one.

“Shoulda asked me where it was, don't you think?”

You reply with a half-hearted nod. As the two of you enter the building, a lilac-colored pegasus mare hanging by the entrance gives you an odd look. “Rainbow Dash?” she calls out.

“Oh, hey Rosewing. What's up?”

Throwing you another strange glance, Rosewing whispers something into Rainbow Dash's ear.

“Huh?” Her ears droop, and she turns around to face you. “Uh, why don't you go on ahead. I'll . . .” She looks off to the side. “I'll see you inside.”

You nod and head into the building. The cafeteria is somewhat modest in size, but it sports a wide variety of foods. You pick an apple from the fruit bar and wait for Rainbow Dash.

Ten minutes later, you're left wondering what happened to her. Unsure of what to do, you buy the apple and wait at one of the tables.

Ten more minutes pass. You gaze out a nearby window and begin eating your apple. At first, you are annoyed at having to wait, but your frustration turns into concern. As you finish the apple, you feel a pang of guilt. Should I have waited longer before eating? Should I check outside? What if something happened?

You rise from your table and start heading outside but are momentarily distracted by some laughter coming from a table behind you. You turn and see Rainbow Dash, sitting with Rosewing and three other pegasi, locked in excited conversation. Looking up, Rainbow Dash sees you staring at them, then quickly turns away. What is going on? I'm getting to the bottom of this.

“Hey,” you call out, cantering over to their table. “Everything okay?”

Rosewing shoots you an ice-cold glare. “Nopony's talking to you, dweeb.”

“What? I'm just—”

A colt at the table snorts loudly. “Why don't you go bother someone else?”

You look expectantly at Rainbow Dash. She stares out the window. “. . . Beat it, loser.”

You step back once, then turn and fly toward the exit. Before you leave, you take one last look at Rainbow Dash. She glances at you with an expressionless face, then turns back to the window.