Swooping Pegasus

by FenrisianBrony


Rainbow took a long, ragged breathe as she woke up, sitting bolt upright in the bed she found herself in and arcing her back. She was no longer in her armour, and her side felt like it was on fire, but she managed calm her heart down so it was no longer feeling like it was going to rip itself out of her chest. The voices of before had receded from her mind now, leaving only the voice of the Avatar behind, softly calling her to join with Khaine in total war.

Slowly lying back down, Rainbow looked over to her side, and looked down at the damage that the human chainsword had done to her. Her left side was a mess, but at least with the help of the Eldar, it had already scarred over, leaving her with yet another knot of ugly raised flesh running along and around her body. She could only imagine how her friends would react, or how she would handle showing them, but that was a story for another day.

Letting out the breathe she had taken in, she swung her legs out the bed, lowering herself onto her four hooves, and staggering slightly, her side feeling like it was going to split open again. Gritting her teeth, she began to limp towards the door, but before she could get there, the door slid open, and in walked Kaliden, his armour still covered in blood but his helmet had been removed, showing his face.

As Rainbow looked at his face, she could tell he was trying to be angry with her, but that he was too tired to actually do it. Instead, the exarch just slid the door closed, before walking over and sitting down on the bed, gesturing for Rainbow to sit next to him. Nodding, she trotted over and sat next to the aged Eldar warrior.

“How long have I been out?” She asked, breaking the silence.

“Two days. You messed up bad Rainbow.” Kaliden said, laughing weakly.

“I know.” Rainbow nodded.

“You broke ranks, you went against the plan, and you directly engaged an Imperial Guardsman Captain. That’s not good.” Kaliden said.

“I…” Rainbow began.

“It doesn’t matter. Bottom line is the Imperials know we’re here, and we need to talk. Usually this would just be the Autarchs and farseers, but in light of the situation, you’ve been called in as well.” Kaliden informed her.

“Fine.” Rainbow nodded. “What…um…what happened to the captain?”

“Well he’s alive, that’s something. One hell of a skin graft, and he won’t be fighting any time soon, but he’ll live.” Kaliden replied.

“Good.” Rainbow smiled. “I didn’t want to do it Kaliden, really. It was like…like there was a voice in my head, telling me to do it. It was louder than the avatar or the war-mask, and it scared me. If I had been a bit weaker, just a bit, I don’t think I would have stopped.”

“Its fine Rainbow, we can sort this out in due course, but now you need to armour up and meet up with the Autarch.” Kaliden said, standing up.

“My armour can’t be in a good state, considering the state I’m in.” Rainbow pointed out.

“Down the hall, turn left, it’s in there.” Kaliden said without looking at her.

Rainbow watched as Kaliden left the room, before leaving herself, walking down the small corridor and slipping into the next room. Inside was a single Eldar, dressed in the ensemble of a Bonesinger, and next to her stood a perfect pony mannequin that instantly reminded Rainbow of Rarity.

Walking into the room, Rainbow watched as the chest piece of the armour was levitated in front of the Bonesinger, before being placed back on the mannequin, not so much as a scratch on its surface.

“Amazing.” Rainbow breathed, and the Bonesinger turned around to look at her.

“The damage could have been worse. All the chainsword did was cut through the wraithbone plates, not the circuits.” The Bonesinger said, before turning and leaving the room.

Walking over to the armour, Rainbow ran her hoof over the left side, marvelling at how it was almost as if it hadn’t been ripped apart. Smiling to herself, she began to take the armour off the dummy, and began the long process of donning her armour.

It took her a long time, longer than it had before due to her side being painful whenever she tried to move in certain directions, but eventually she managed it, mag-locking her helmet to her side, before walking out of the room to find the Autarch.


“You are Rainbow Dash?” the Autarch asked, turning to face Rainbow as she walked into the room.

“I am.” She nodded.

“I am Tray’gu, Autarch of Saim-Hann. We have already contacted the Imperial high command, they have agreed to meet us shortly. Each of us are allowed five guards to accompany us, you are to be one of them.” The Autarch said, glancing around the room at the two other seers that were in the room with her.

“When are we leaving?” Rainbow asked.

“There is a wave serpent ready to take us to the meeting point, we will leave immediately.” Tray’gu said, before turning on a heel, being followed by the two seers. “The guard detail is already waiting for us.”


The journey in the wave serpent was silent, but short, lasting only a few minutes before they touched down on a snow capped mountain. As the back door opened, Rainbow caught sight of a human Valkyrie-class assault carrier and the two humans standing outside it. As the Eldar began to disembark, one of the humans banged on the rear ramp of the craft, which slowly began to lower, allowing the other humans to disembark.

For the first time, Rainbow got a proper up close look at Imperial Guard troops. These soldiers were different however. Their armour was bulkier than that of the Cadian, and the combat fatigues were a bright red as opposed to a camouflage scheme of blues and whites. The final thing they had on were full face helmets, giving them inhuman, almost mechanical look.

They were not the ones who really caught Rainbows eyes however, as three men in differing uniforms exited the Valkyrie and began walking towards the centre of the mountain top.

The first man, the one who was in the middle and a step in front of the other two, was clearly Lord General Sturnn, his face just as grizzled as it had been when she had seen the picture of it.

Behind him and on the right was another male human, this one wearing a different set of armours from the others. The chest piece looked like it was solid metal, and was raised slightly in the front, and was placed over a beige flight suit that covered the rest of his body, going underneath the other bits of armour he wore on his knees and arms. Slung by his side was a large lasgun, which looked much more advanced than anything the chaos soldiers had been using, while on his back was a large pack, which looked like some sort of jetpack.

The final soldier really confused Rainbow, and she paid extra attention to her. The fact that she was female was an oddity in and of itself in the Imperial delegation, but it was her clothes, or rather lack of them, that confused Rainbow. For starters, even though she was female, she looked as if she had more muscle mass than the other two put together. Wearing simply a pair of green trousers and a green tank top, Rainbow could not see how the soldier wasn’t freezing to death. She was covered in what looked paint, which was smeared over her body in a form of camouflage. Rainbow wandered why she would bother with green camouflage in a snowy environment, but decided not to ask. She wouldn’t want to mess with this human.

The two groups met in the middle of the mountain, the two seers flanking Tray’gu as she bowed deeply to Lord General Sturnn, who returned the gesture with a salute.

“Eldar, I am Lord General Sturnn, commander in chief of the 782nd Imperial army group, and of the Cadian 453rd, beside me is Major Goge Cusatis, acting commander of the 212th Elysian Drop regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Samstag of the Catachan 9th.” Sturnn said as he lowered his hand.

“Lord General.” Tray’gu said smoothly. “I am Tray’gu, Autarch of Saim-Hann, and commander of the Eldar forces operating on and around this planet, beside me is Farseer Karis and Warlock Rax.” She said, gesturing to the two helmeted Eldar beside her.

“Why is it that whenever I have a campaign, you Eldar insist on helping me?” Sturnn asked, his voice showing his age perfectly as he looked around at the Eldar.

“Lord General Sturnn, it is not our intention to cause a slight, only to provide assistance in a matter that could quickly spiral out of control.” Tray’gu said. “Forces are gathering here that could overwhelm your forces.”

“I trusted Eldar once before on Lorn V, and it ended up almost costing my life and losing our Titan. Tell me why I should trust you again?” Sturnn asked.

“Because if you don’t, and try to fight us, you will be fighting a war on two fronts. Tell me, could you sustain a war like that for long?” Tray’gu asked.

“I could rip your arms off for starters.” Samstag growled, taking a step forward.

Instantly, Rainbow moved forward, drawing her sword half way from its scabbard. “Don’t threaten the Autarch.” She growled.

“Enough!” Sturnn bellowed. “The Eldar have come to us under parley, and I would hope that they would honour that agreement.”

“We need each other’s help if either of us are going to prevail here.” Tray’gu nodded.

“If reports are correct our forces have already crossed blades.” Goge said, stepping forward slightly. “What stops you from doing that again?”

“The incident at the artillery post was unfortunate, but if it pleases you, I have brought along the one who crossed swords with your captain.” Tray’gu said, standing aside and gesturing for Rainbow to come forward. “This is Swooping Hawk Rainbow Dash of the Floating Assault aspect temple.”

“So the reports were true.” Sturnn murmured. “The one who attacked my captain was not an Eldar, but a horse.”

“Pony, sir.” Rainbow said softly.

“It can speak as well? This is an interesting development, but you needn’t have bother Tray’gu. An alliance should not be jeopardised by the acts of one not in command, especially if the command to engage was not given.” Sturnn said, turning back to face the Autarch.

“So you will help us?” Rax asked.

“You will help us.” Goge said pointedly.

“We can help each other.” Sturnn said, silencing the pair. “The faster we work together, the less chance these…forces have to manifest.”

“My seers cannot predict exactly what is going to happen in the immediate future, something is blocking their visions.” Karis said, walking forward. “We have however managed to scry that the fortress located just in front of your current position on the right flank is important for some reason, and will be a lynch pin in the success or failure of this campaign.”

“I know of this fort.” Sturnn nodded. “The troops who scouted it out said it was a murder hole.”

“My men have said that there are little-to-few anti-air defences.” Goge said, throwing in his part.

“Could your regiment manage to take it via an aerial insertion?” Samstag asked.

“We could, but it would take time to get the air power required into position, time my men would not be available for general duty.” Goge replied.

“We will be able to hold the line.” Sturnn said, before turning to Tray’gu. “Can I count on your support?”

“Rainbow, you are the Swooping Hawk.” Tray’gu said, turning to face Rainbow. “Would you be able to participate in a drop assault?”

“We can show the humans how it’s done.” Rainbow said simply.

“Then it’s settled.” Tray’gu said, turning back to Sturnn. “We will draw up plans to take this fort with an air-drop.”

“Making sure you know, I do not trust the Eldar.” Sturnn said pointedly. “If you are truly with us, I want your cooperation.”

“You have it.” Tray’gu replied.

“Good. Major Cusatis shall be in charge of the operation, is that acceptable?” Sturnn asked.

“It is.” Nodded Tray’gu.

“Very well. I will organise one of our staging areas to be cleared of all personnel not participating in the drop. You will send the forces that you are committing there as well, as a gesture of good will.” Sturnn said simply.

“Do I have your word that your men will not try and kill mine?” Tray’gu said.

“Take note.” Sturnn said, turning to Goge and Samstag. “untilI order otherwise, the unprovoked killing of Eldar will be treated the same way as killing a fellow Guardsman, and the perpetrator will be shot.”

“That will not sit well with the troops.” Samstag growled. “Or me.”

“Nevertheless, the order is given.” Sturnn said, before turning back to Tray’gu. “Is that acceptable?”

“It is, Lord General Sturnn.” Tray’gu nodded.

“Very well. I know that you Eldar will know when we begin gathering the men for deployment. I expect you there, Autarch Tray’gu.”

“We will be.” Tray’gu said, before turning on her heels and walking back towards the wave serpent.