
by seeker9709

Sleepless nights

18 days remaining

Rainbow Dash streaked through the night sky of Canterlot, her features intense as they scanned the dark streets below her. A slight movement shuddered in a shadow of one of the many buildings and cottages. Her vision zeroed in as she stared intently at the spot.

Rainbow formed a scowl before rocketing towards the ground. She moved in zigzags as if dodging invisible fire. She gripped the handle of a small blade, pulling out of a sheath on her shoulder. A moment later, she disappeared into the shadow.

Clink! Clang!

Rainbow shot out of the shadow and back into the air above the buildings, a grimace replacing her scowl. She had a small red cut along her cheek. A small lavender unicorn stepped out of the shadows. They locked eyes, staring each other down.

In a flash of magic, Twilight reappeared above Rainbow, her knife held high between two hooves. Rainbow instinctively flew backwards, just barely avoiding the steel blade.

Just before she hit the ground, Twilight vanished, resurfacing on the roof of one of the many homes. She broke into a sprint across the rooftop, jumping across the gaps, firing small magic missiles from her horn.

Rainbow flew side to side, trying to avoid the shots and streaking downwards toward Twilight. Before she could strike, Twilight disappeared with a flash.

Rainbow came to a stop in mid-air, searching the night for the rogue unicorn. She whipped back and forth, guarding herself while scanning for a sudden attack.

Far behind her came the sound of metal on metal. She whirled around to see a sight that sent a chill up her spine.

Twilight was only a few rooftops away. She stood on her hind legs while her mane blew softly in an invisible wind, her front legs cryptically hanging as if she was scarecrow. Her head hung and her blades floated around her in the shape of a laurel.

He neck bent, slightly at first, then more and more until her head was almost completely side-ways. Suddenly, she disappeared once again. This time though, instead of a flash of magic, she melted into the shadows of night, quickly departing from sight.

Rainbow stared at the spot where the unicorn had stood only a moment ago. The quiet of the night was broken by a quiet whisper coming from every direction. It was an inch from her ear and over a mile away. It was as quiet as an avalanche and as loud as the flap of a butterfly’s wing.

She couldn't tell what the words said. The words were distorted and twisted, sounding more like the threatening growl of an animal rather than the words of a pony. Though she didn't understand them, the words left her with a hollow feeling. The sad feeling you have on a happy day. The happy feeling you have on a sad day. The feeling that makes you question yourself, your judgment, and your feelings.

Rainbow felt hot breath on her shoulder. She whipped around and brought her blade, sharp and clean, to the place where she swore somepony had been only a moment ago. She was now aware of her heavy breath and fast heartbeat cutting through the cryptic whispers surrounding her.

In the back of her mind, she was aware of something staring at her. Her head slowly turned to find Twilight in the same cryptic pose. Only a second later, she disappeared. She sensed the feeling again, turning to see Twilight once again in the pose before she melted into the black.

Suddenly she was everywhere, only appearing for moments before disappearing again.

She was everywhere and yet nowhere. The whispering still continued, rising now to a deafening level. Rainbow could only stare ahead. Suddenly she felt two pin-pricks on both sides of her neck. The cold from the blades crept up into her head.

Your sanity.

Rainbow shot up in her bed. Heavy gasps racked her sweat covered body. Her whole body rose and fell with each ragged breath. She lay there, otherwise not moving.

After minutes of the heavy breaths, her throat felt raw and dry. Slowly, she calmed herself and began to shift from her hunched position in her bed. One shaky hoof rolled out of the covers and slowly found the wooden floor. Another followed, then two more until Rainbow stood up with shaky legs.

She made her way to the window, staring out at Luna's moon. Only a moment later she took off, flying into the cool night above Canterlot. Flying always helped her when she was stressed. The wind in her wings, the cool night air billowing through her mane as she flew through the clouds.

But tonight it didn't work. She could still feel the chill from the dream. The doubt was still in her mind. Despite the frigid temperatures, she could feel sweat dripping down her neck. She shook her head side to side, trying to erase the empty, tired feeling.

Staring ahead, she flew across the city skyline, not caring where she went in particular. Flying. No thought, no emotion. Just flying.

Seconds ticked away. Minutes dragged on. Hours flew by. She didn't know how she long had been out. She didn't care. All that mattered was to chase the thoughts away, to have a peaceful mind before she went back to sleep.

But it didn't come. The feeling of dread still lingered. Never ceasing, never resting, never giving her the peace of mind she so desperately craved.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something. Her wings tucked to her side as she dove towards a rooftop. A few seconds later, she quickly fanned her wings out, slowing her almost instantly as she landed lightly on the roof. She sprinted to the edge, looking down and into the dark street.

There, in the shadows, somepony stood. Though she couldn't see who it was, the pony returned her gaze, locking eyes with her. They stared at each other for a few moments, Dash scrutinizing the pony before her.

The mystery pony stuck his head out of the shadows. It was a royal guard.

“Commander Dash? Is that you, ma'am? Is everything alright?” he called, loud enough for her to hear.

She stared blankly at the soldier, her jaw sagging slightly. “Yes,” she returned. “I thought you were somepony else. Never mind.”

Without waiting for his response, she flew into the cool night air once again.


Bright light surged from Twilight's horn. Slowly she walked the crystal tunnels, now luminously lit from her horn. Her magic left a trail in the ground that extended back into the tunnel from where she had come. She continued on through the tunnel, only stopping to watch her progress. Soon she arrived at an intersection where the tunnel split off into multiple smaller ones.


Twilight absently shook her head, the light no longer emitting from her horn. From her saddlebags, she pulled a scroll. The map was given to her by Ersatz. She looked over the tunnels carefully before finally rolling up the map and replacing it.


She turned back to the path she had been carving into the stone. Her horn glowed brightly, but she stopped.

One ear twitched passively. Calmly she turned, examining the cavern with keen eyes. But she saw nothing. Though she saw or heard nothing, she couldn't help but feel... uneasy. As if something wasn't right.


Her head snapped to one side. Something was here. She remained silent as her eyes slowly closed. Her horn glowed for a moment. When she reopened her eyes, they glowed white. Slowly she turned in a circle, examining the entire cave. When she saw nothing, she turned her gaze down the tunnels. One after another, she looked into each one.

She closed her eyes once again. The glowing stopped. She rubbed her eyes with one hoof. It would be dawn soon, and she needed sleep. She carefully made her way out, still not being able to shake the feeling.
